Humans with partial brain mass can still kick ET's butt!

craterchains (Norval said:
Damn, I was so worried there for a bit on how the hell I was gonna respond to what some other poster stated. LOL ‘

Well now you see how we feel! we have to go and look up evidence for your claims is just like having to look up evidence for his!!! Ok ok we will look up all the evidence you want once you find evidence againts this claim:

Exploding_Necquim said:
Dear craterchains (Norval,

This is amazing; you and FieryIce have hit on a very real thing. You are fine examples of revolutionary logic. Crater chains are not natural and are made by explosives. These chains are made during sexual celebrations by the nakkakkakkarrap people, according to their celebrations they must explode bombs in a line on uninhabited natural bodies of mass. Only as the flaming blast is rising can they have sex. The nakkakkakkarrap follow a bizarre algorithm that proclaims how many of these sex bomb chains can be detonated on a said planet in a set time period. They are not scheduled to come back to our system again until they detonate one on mercury in the year 71,896,038AD
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Just to help those of you taht are interested in this, one word;

********** hydrancephaly **********

Now back to some other research and investigations for me while you play catch up.
But according to Goofyfish and others if this is just a “myth”, why would the medical profession name this so called “myth”?
What? No comment from Goofyfish about hydrancephaly and that there are recorded cases of humans with less than 10% normal brain mass still able to lead a “normal” life today?
Though a child can remain somewhat functional and intellectually all right after having half of their brain removed they are usually blind in one eye, deaf in one ear, have partial paralysis to one side of there body. No we don’t use 10% of our brains, maybe 10% when idle, but all of the brain is used for the range of takes that we do. Removal of any sections will impair or removed specific metal abilities. Though a Childs brain can adapted and make the other half of the brain take on most of teh cognative of the task of the missing half did, it cannot replace all of the motor and input functions perfectly.

yea supposedly they removed part of a rats brain, and it still lived.
they then removed the brain, placed it in backwards, and the rat still lived (although he looked dizzy) he could still walk after a few minutes of readjusting

not sure the validity of this story, nor the relevance to humans in similar situations.


why is WCF quoting that shit from another thread? doesnt make any sense...
Hydrancephaly does not mean to remove any brain parts, just check into what it does mean before you naively post about some surgical process.

I was reading some material on it, and well to tell the truth, it's not like something I would want to happen to me. Losing brain matter is a strict turn off, you don't want me to become like Q, Persol, Avatar, Skinwalker and Avatar, do you?

It really is a myth, we only use 1-10% of our brain. Instead, think of it like this: we only use 1-10% of our mind :)
There should be some form of calculation to work out how much energy (Bandwidth use) can occur per preportion of the available mass an individual has, otherwise the outcome is a form of overload that can either cause Psychological side-effects or great pain.

A continued use of a malfunctioning brain in this way is more than likely to cause irreparable damage.

However there are other aspects of a lack of mass, for instance the brain is made up of many regions which are supposedly assigned to different functions. The loss of brain mass to an area means that a person might not be so good at a particular function as the brain has to "adapt" to deal with that loss. However the natural loss of that area means that the brain is lessened in some of the complexities of dealing with collision during information exchanges, and therefore the individual is able to establish a better intelligence than first thought.
Hydrancephaly is a condition that is discovered sometime after birth. The condition is rare and seldom found till medical attention for brain trauma is required. Most cases of hydrancephaly are not discovered till medical attention is required as they have led a “normal” life up to that point. The condition was there from birth and NOT something induced by accident or medical butchery.

Humans born with this condition are still more competent and capable than the average human and also average a higher IQ than “normal”. Plenty competent to kick ET’s butt into a hole for the next thousand years.

It has nothing to do with "loss" of brain mass after birth.
craterchains (Norval,

that total bullshit, also note my references
Hydranencephaly is a rare condition in which the brain's cerebral hemispheres are absent and replaced by sacs filled with cerebrospinal fluid. An infant with hydranencephaly may appear normal at birth. The infant's head size and spontaneous reflexes such as sucking, swallowing, crying, and moving the arms and legs may all seem normal. However, after a few weeks the infant usually becomes irritable and has increased muscle tone. After a few months of life, seizures and hydrocephalus (excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain) may develop. Other symptoms may include visual impairment, lack of growth, deafness, blindness, spastic quadriparesis (paralysis), and intellectual deficits. Hydranencephaly is considered to be an extreme form of porencephaly (a rare disorder characterized by a cyst or cavity in the cerebral hemispheres) and may be caused by vascular infections or traumatic disorders after the 12th week of pregnancy. Diagnosis may be delayed for several months because early behavior appears to be relatively normal. Some infants may have additional abnormalities at birth including seizures, myoclonus (spasm or twitching of a muscle or group of muscles), and respiratory problems.
The outlook for children with hydranencephaly is poor. Death generally occurs before age 1.
The campus doctor at the University of Sheffield in the U.K. was treating a math major, when he noticed that the student’s head was a little larger than normal. He referred the student to neurology professor John Lorber, who gave the student a CAT scan and discovered he has virtually no brain at all, despite having an IQ of 126 and doing well in college.

Instead of two hemispheres filling the cranial cavity, as is normally the case, the student has only a tiny bit of cerebral tissue covering the top of his spinal column.

And he’s not the only one. In 1970 in New York, an autopsy of a man who died at age 35 showed he had practically no brain at all. He wasn’t academic, but had a perfectly normal life as a building janitor, and was a popular figure in his neighborhood. He read the newspaper daily.

Professor Lorber has found several hundred people who have similar conditions. Some he describes as having “no detectable brain,” yet they have scored up to 120 on IQ tests.
Hydrancephaly is also not Hydrocephalus (build up of fluid on the brain).
A few years ago, for example, such a hydrancephalic individual graduated from a university in Great Britain, with a degree in mathematics. British news actually made a video documentary on this subject, and particularly on that individual.
Now obviously hydrancephaly proves rather conclusively that it isn't really the brain matter or the electrical wiggles in the two hemispheres that constitute the mind.
craterchains (Norval,

really comes out the same way in the search engine:


I find your references have no credibility let alone citations to actual research. this is actual reseach:
this below is bullshit:
Actually, a first step in this direction has been beautifully done by Dr. Hunt. She divided the external brain-wave region into several frequency bands. (Actually, harmonic intervals are best, per Whittaker theory.)
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WCF again you did the same error using Hydranencephaly not Hydrancephaly.
I guess it is a simple error for one to make but not repeatedly.
I did really?, read this (what I posted above) maybe that what your problem is: (let me highlight things as you really don't seem to read well)
RESULTS: In hydranencephaly, the brain was found replaced by large fluid-filled cavity in contrast to hydrocephalus where brain was present and ventricular dilatation was encountered. Ventriculo-peritoneal shunting benefited children with hydrocephalus but not those with hydranencephaly. CONCLUSION: Hydranencephaly is one of the causes of abnormal head enlargement in children often confused with hydrocephalus. It is important to recognise hydranencephaly to avoid unnecessary operation which does not help the patient.

hydranencephaly: brain is missing or deformed replaced with fluid, severally mental retarded and usually lethal.

hydrocephalus: brain is present fluid enlarges head. Many remain mentally functional, commonly confused with hydranencephaly in such a way that people like you think that someone can live normally with "hydranencephaly" and thus without at brain.
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I recall shortly ago that it was undeterminable how much we used of our brain, and that the 10% was a guestimation, though by who i can't remember