Humans with partial brain mass can still kick ET's butt!

craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
It is not a myth but a fact that humans can lead "normal" lives with just a small percentage of their normal brain mass.

People should really keep abreast of the newest research of a topic I think.

Now if you want the evidence? Go fish,,,, on the web. :D
Couldn't you just reply to my thread rather than start a whole new topic?
I have seen aliens with natural brains the size of a peanut and yet even their infants can process 9th dimensional mathematics! Its amazing!

I have also seen many aliens with brain that weigh in the tons and yet they still can do basic arithmetic or remember 20 digit numbers! Sad really.

I think it all depends on the kind of brain structure, human of this time have a reasonable and adaptive brain structure.
"It is not a myth but a fact that humans can lead "normal" lives with just a small percentage of their normal brain mass."

Exhibit A.
I have seen aliens with natural brains the size of a peanut and yet even their infants can process 9th dimensional mathematics! Its amazing!

I have also seen many aliens with brain that weigh in the tons and yet they still can do basic arithmetic or remember 20 digit numbers! Sad really.

I think it all depends on the kind of brain structure, human of this time have a reasonable and adaptive brain structure.

Exhibit B.
Just what is normal nowadays anyway? Actually let me repost that in Free thoughts.
Actually it certainly is true, that we can manage with much less brain matter. I recall the case, of a woman who had a giant hole in her brain, yet could still manage, in fact more than manage, she had an IQ of 113. Yet, at the same time, she had a lot of difficult in remembering strings of numers - like telephone numbers, not just ordinary memory problems, but serious problems, that she needed the number dictated to her very slowly.

The myth, that we only use 10% of our brain, is bogus however, it is an urban legend. We are using all parts of our brain at all times. Having said that, it is possible that our brain is capable of more that what we think it is capable of. Consult my post in "Power of the mind" in parapsychology for more information.
That is a very good question Stryder.

Wonders why the fish would ever say anything like that, that it was a myth? There are dozzens of casses that show his statement to be false.
Many children with extreme cases of epileptic seizures are treated one of two very extreme ways: Separation of the brain's hemispheres by cutting the corpus collosum (bundle of nerve endings between the two hemispheres) or complete removal of one entire hemisphere altogether. When done at a very early age, the remaining active portion of the brain will learn to perform the functions normally relegated to the other hemisphere. They maintain complete mental facilities.
Well not complete: they have partial paralysis on one side of their body and they are blind and deaf in one ear and eye.
Wait, what did I miss? How do we know what brain damage does to ET's again?
Since CAT scans are becoming common and x-ray’s have been around awhile, there is mounting evidence that a person can lead a normal life (*, an example would be a successful aerospace engineer with family and all that?) with very little “brain mass”. It has a similar name to “water on the brain” in Latin if I remember right. It is well documented today by several cases that people have had perfectly normal lives of 40-70 years and then it is discovered that they had lived with a much less than normal brain mass. Some as low as 7% if I remember the articles that I had read.

In either case, I say we can still kick ET’s butt down a hole and keep it there for a thousand years, and it won’t take a lot of “human” brain power to do it.
aaaaaaaah and you have evidence for that where craterchains (Norval? I mean there is no diffrence between this:
I have seen aliens with natural brains the size of a peanut and yet even their infants can process 9th dimensional mathematics! Its amazing!

I have also seen many aliens with brain that weigh in the tons and yet they still can do basic arithmetic or remember 20 digit numbers! Sad really.

I think it all depends on the kind of brain structure, human of this time have a reasonable and adaptive brain structure.
and this:
Since CAT scans are becoming common and x-ray’s have been around awhile, there is mounting evidence that a person can lead a normal life (*, an example would be a successful aerospace engineer with family and all that?) with very little “brain mass”. It has a similar name to “water on the brain” in Latin if I remember right. It is well documented today by several cases that people have had perfectly normal lives of 40-70 years and then it is discovered that they had lived with a much less than normal brain mass. Some as low as 7% if I remember the articles that I had read.

Both are complete bull shit until you proven otherwise.
Both are complete bull shit until you proven otherwise.

Pardon Me, but why does Norval have to prove or disprove Exploding_Necquim's statement?
He doesn't I was talking about his own statements, like Exploding_Necquim's statement they both have no evidence.
Damn, I was so worried there for a bit on how the hell I was gonna respond to what some other poster stated. LOL ‘

The OCF actually posted the first part of the evidence trail with that link to the removal of 50% of brain mass. So that is a start. I do expect others to do the research for themselves and not get spoon fed sites by me. The answers are out there. Do you really want to know is the question. :confused:

Tha's ok Persol, you are excused from research for obvious reasons. :D
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Wait a second, so we have to spoon feed you answers to things (which you then continue to argue about without looking at the links) but at the same time you refuse to answer the questions of others.

Uh huh...

So basically, should we translate 'the answers are out there' as 'I do not know' or 'I do not care'?