Human Life and Sin

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This is what I quoted:

You seem to be saying that God takes a back seat to this karma entity, who decides to mete out reward and punishment., usually God's job.

Is God on vacation? Or does he only work the day shift?

karma plays out because God is passive.
karma plays out because God is passive.
In order for karma to play out it must make judgements of right/wrong/good/bad, and then act on them - and therefore must have godlike intelligence, omnipotence and omniscience.

So what is the relationship between God and this karma entity? Are they friends? Foes? Employer/employee? Rivals? Enemies?
Sarkus summary is correct but I will add that AFAICR Ancient Hebrew did not include vowels or numbers. The letters represented numbers also. This changed over time like all languages.
No, I meant why you? I know observers like to obscure the word (although I thought it was of some superstition not to voice the names of God, lest the stars start winking out one by one.) But nevermind.
No, I meant why you? I know observers like to obscure the word (although I thought it was of some superstition not to voice the names of God, lest the stars start winking out one by one.) But nevermind.
Just the way I saw it written in the first scholarly article I read and it stuck.
In my younger daze, when I imagined that angels could be aliens, I wondered if YHWH might have been the writing on the side of their ships. Sort of like how the United States Air Force planes have USAF on them. :biggrin:
In order for karma to play out it must make judgements of right/wrong/good/bad, and then act on them - and therefore must have godlike intelligence, omnipotence and omniscience.

So what is the relationship between God and this karma entity? Are they friends? Foes? Employer/employee? Rivals? Enemies?

Pacifism causes the the truth to play out. It is based out your thoughts and actions. Jesus hates harm, and those people can have fair suffering forever as the temperance of this monster. But, he does so as a non-violent pacifist. He doesn’t hurt them, as a destructive entity.
Pacifism causes the the truth to play out. It is based out your thoughts and actions. Jesus hates harm, and those people can have fair suffering forever as the temperance of this monster. But, he does so as a non-violent pacifist. He doesn’t hurt them, as a destructive entity.
I think you are not engaging; you are just spouting your own thoughts. But even at that, your own thoughts are flawed.

You keep talking about things that "play out", without God's involvement. Well, they can't play out unless an entity is making them play out. So I'm asking - for a third time - who is this entity that delivers good things to good people and bad things to bad people when God is on vacation?
karma plays out because God is passive.

There's symmetry in Nature, or even a behavior slash consequences relationship tends to balance itself out over time? In deism fashion, God sits back and allows the process to play out? Continually reincarnated "Spirit _X_" (or whatever) was nefarious in the past, but will probabilistically begin swinging or cycling toward "good" eventually? And vice versa?
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I think you are not engaging; you are just spouting your own thoughts. But even at that, your own thoughts are flawed.

You keep talking about things that "play out", without God's involvement. Well, they can't play out unless an entity is making them play out. So I'm asking - for a third time - who is this entity that delivers good things to good people and bad things to bad people when God is on vacation?

Gods creation happens naturally, in a passive way because of Gods nature, which is love. Since we believe in love respect and ahimsa (pacifism), we believe in life and that is why things are there, and why we can have life & Heaven. That is what I call the flower of life.
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Gods creation happens naturally, in a passive way because of Gods nature, which is love. Since we believe in love respect and ahimsa (pacifism), we believe in life and that is why things are there, and why we can have life & Heaven. That is what I call the flower of life.
I really think you need the OT again. Your god ordered the destruction of entire towns, the kidnapping of children and gave rules for slavery. While Jesus watched according to John in the NT.
I really think you need the OT again. Your god ordered the destruction of entire towns, the kidnapping of children and gave rules for slavery. While Jesus watched according to John in the NT.

And the prophet Muhammad allows for the faithful to lie in self defense, and that includes torment, and every fowl in the Bible.
Maybe punishment isn’t the best word to describe what happens. It’s more like God is passive, and doesn’t hurt anyone, but karma still plays out naturally.
Can you tell me what role you think God currently plays in the world, then?

You say your God is passive. So, he doesn't do any guiding of what happens? No miracles?

How long has your God been passive?

Did he stop doing anything actively after he created the world? Or was he active for a while and then stopped at some point? When?

And these days, God just sort of sits on his couch watching, munching his Godly popcorn, so to speak?

Does God do anything when a person dies? Or does he just leave it all to karma, these days?
I believe in all religions.
That doesn't make any sense, since a lot of the content of different religions is incompatible or mutually-contradictory.

Which religious texts have you read through? If you're assuming that all religions are basically the same at their core, I'd say there's a lot you have yet to discover about them.
Belief is not false, it merely determines the truth
Clearly, beliefs don't determine the truth. Either JFK was killed by a lone gunman, or he wasn't. Some people believe he was. Other people believe he wasn't. It is impossible for both things to be true, in reality. It's one or the other. In other words, some people must be wrong. Some people don't have the truth.

Moreover, no amount of believing that JFK was shot by multiple gunmen will make it true if it didn't actually happen that way. So, belief doesn't determine truth.

You should take a little time to think about those kinds of throwaway lines before you post them. If you do that, you might be able to catch yourself before you post something that's pretty obviously flawed.
Your not being punished. Your being passive, and as long as you hold onto violence, God will prevent your bliss.
In what ways would you say I am holding onto violence? You're not making unfounded assumptions about me, are you?

Anyway, I don't understand how you can equate being violent with being passive.
God will understand, but you will still suffer.
But only in my next life?
God created nature, and nature must be as such. Even God can not tempt nature.
You God is not omnipotent, then?
Adam can’t be uncreated, His destiny is holy.
Not even by God? Not omnipotent, then?

Mind you, a passive God won't uncreate anything, will he? He won't do anything.
And at the same time God can’t hold your hand through life.
May I ask: what do you get from believing in this passive God?

If your God doesn't actually do anything, why does it matter whether you believe in him or not?
It’s not a punishment, its just how nature is.
I don't see where the God needs to come into the picture at all, then. If all the stuff that happens to us is just down to nature and not anything the passive God does, is there any reason to worship the God? Or even to acknowledge its existence?
Tell me why you believe in your passive God, then.
God. In order to eat meat their must be evil animals.
Do you think that a lion is doing evil when it eats a gazelle? Do you blame the lion? Will karma come back to bite the lion?

Why did God need somebody to eat meat? Couldn't God have created the world so that there was no meat eating in it?

Why create an evil devil at all? Doesn't that just cause all sorts of problem that a good God wouldn't like?

Is your God good?

How is you God's being passive Good?
Jesus hates harm, and those people can have fair suffering forever as the temperance of this monster.
Is Jesus still around?

Is Jesus the same as God, or different? Separate, or the same? Do you believe in the Trinity, or is that not part of your version of religion?

Is Jesus active, or passive like your God?

If Jesus is passive, does it matter what he hates or loves? Does it matter what God hates or loves?

Didn't Jesus say "turn the other cheek"? Is that not part of your religion? Your karma is more along the lines of an eye for a eye, is it not?
But, he does so as a non-violent pacifist. He doesn’t hurt them, as a destructive entity.
Jesus causes harm-givers to suffer, but he does so as a "non-violent pacifist"?

Isn't causing people to suffer a bit violent? Or does it not count as such for Jesus?
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And the prophet Muhammad allows for the faithful to lie in self defense, and that includes torment, and every fowl in the Bible.
What does that have to do with anything you have said about Adam and Eve god or Jesus?

The Yorkshire Ripper was an evil dangerous serial killer, Jeffery Dalmer was also.

Jeffery Dalmer and his actions, has zero bearing on whether the Yorkshire Ripper was an evil monster.

Can you tell me what role you think God currently plays in the world, then?
God is Love itself.

You say your God is passive. So, he doesn't do any guiding of what happens? No miracles?

No. Jesus can also be a purely destructive force as a best possible solution to temper demons.

How long has your God been passive?


Did he stop doing anything actively after he created the world? Or was he active for a while and then stopped at some point? When?

God is the eternal being that created this universe in the Big Bang and time. You need both eternity, and time in reality.
Does God do anything when a person dies? Or does he just leave it all to karma, these days?

It’s on you to repent unless you are here and you
only suffer

In what ways would you say I am holding onto violence? You're not making unfounded assumptions about me, are you?

then be happy

You God is not omnipotent, then?

No, He wills it as such.

Not even by God? Not omnipotent, then?

Mind you, a passive God won't uncreate anything, will he? He won't do anything.

Then their is the angel of belief, which is why life is there and why spiritually is evolving. When your passive to belief it feels very good.

May I ask: what do you get from believing in this passive God?

My nature, and wisdom.

If your God doesn't actually do anything, why does it matter whether you believe in him or not?

the whole thing is how I have belief in passive Jesus through the spoken word of God!

I don't see where the God needs to come into the picture at all, then. If all the stuff that happens to us is just down to nature and not anything the passive God does, is there any reason to worship the God? Or even to acknowledge its existence?

no you should thanks Mother Nature itself as a deity/angel.

Tell me why you believe in your passive God, then.

I’ve always done it, since I was little. It gave me my word.

Do you think that a lion is doing evil when it eats a gazelle? Do you blame the lion? Will karma come back to bite the lion?


Why did God need somebody to eat meat? Couldn't God have created the world so that there was no meat eating in it?

that would be spirit genocide.

Why create an evil devil at all? Doesn't that just cause all sorts of problem that a good God wouldn't like?

The devil is in the grave. People are mostly good. Even though human are tempted into good and evil,
then there are Angel mortals who go to war for humanity and they only suffer, and a man and angel will over whelm the dark forces as supreme mortals.

How is you God's being passive Good?

It’s good for your mental health, and ahimsa is relevant to pleasure
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It occurs to me that you might be confusing the words "passive" and "non-violent". Passive means not active. Somebody who is passive just sits back and observes; they do not take action.

When you say your God is passive, do you actually mean your God does nothing, or that your God is non-violent?

I have been assuming you really mean "passive" when you write that, which implies that your God does nothing.
God is Love itself.
How do you know?

If your God doesn't do anything, how does his love manifest itself? How do you know about it?
No. Jesus can also be a purely destructive force as a best possible solution to temper demons.
Is Jesus passive, or active?

The Jesus of the bible was a pacifist. He preached "turn the other cheek". Your Jesus doesn't sound like that. How did you learn about your version of Jesus?

And demons: I'm wondering why you believe there are demons. Have you seen a demon? Has a demon ever done anything in the world? How do you know a demon did it?
God is the eternal being that created this universe in the Big Bang and time.
Why did God stop being passive, in order to create the world, only to go back to being passive immediately afterwards?
You need both eternity, and time in reality.
I don't understand what you're talking about. Why do I need eternity and time? And isn't eternity just a very long time?
It’s on you to repent unless you are here and you only suffer
I'm here. I'm not so sure about the "only suffer" part.

But I don't need to repent. According to you, karma will sort me out, regardless of anything I do. Sin is not the problem when it comes to karma. And Jesus won't save me if I repent; I can't escape karma. Jesus is irrelevant in your theology, as far as I can see.
then be happy
Thanks for your kind wishes. I hope you're happy, too.
No, He wills it as such.
God wills himself not to be omnipotent? Is that like pretending, or did God actually give up his omnipotence? Or was he never omnipotent in the first place?

Could he go back to being omnipotent if he willed it as such?

When did God stop being omnipotent? And - more importantly - why?
Then their is the angel of belief, which is why life is there and why spiritually is evolving.
Is the angel of belief separate from God? Did God create it?

What does the angel of belief do? Is it passive or active?
When your passive to belief it feels very good.
Do you mean it feels good to just believe stuff and not ask questions? Just sort of let the beliefs wash through you, and not worry too much about whether they are true or not?

I can understand why you might find that attractive, but it's not really something that's in my DNA.
My nature, and wisdom.
Are you wise?
the whole thing is how I have belief in passive Jesus through the spoken word of God!
Jesus is passive, as well?

How and where did you hear the spoken word of God?

Is that what caused you to believe?
no you should thanks Mother Nature itself as a deity/angel.
You seem to have a lot of deities and angels in your religion. It sounds like you're closer to Hinduism than Christianity. You have a whole pantheon of supernatural beings.

Is Jesus essentially just one more angel to you? Nothing special?

Do you think Mother Nature is like a person? An angel? Where does Mother Nature sit in relation to God and Jesus and the devil and all the many other angels and demons you believe in?
I’ve always done it, since I was little. It gave me my word.
Your God gave you your word? What does that mean?

Can you tell me the story of how and when that happened? How did you know it was God?
James R said:
Couldn't God have created the world so that there was no meat eating in it?
kx000 said:
that would be spirit genocide
This is a new concept, to me. Can you please explain what spirit genocide means?

If God failed to create something, is that spirit genocide? If so, there must be a lot of it around.
The devil is in the grave.
Does that mean the devil is passive, too? Or dead? Or what?
People are mostly good.
If they aren't, then karma will get them.
Even though human are tempted into good and evil, then there are Angel mortals who go to war for humanity and they only suffer, and a man and angel will over whelm the dark forces as supreme mortals.
There are "angel mortals"?

Okay. Can you explain how the whole system works, for me? Here's what I have gathered so far:

At the top (?) of the ladder you have God, who does nothing, while also somehow being "Love itself".
Then there's Jesus, who also does nothing, except sometimes (?) being a purely destructive force against temper demons.
Below Jesus we have the temper demons. I'm not sure what they do.
At the same level (?) or below, we have numerous angels and other (?) demons. I'm not sure what they do.
One of the angels is Mother Nature (?). Or is that putting Nature too far down in the heirarchy? Because you also said Mother Nature is a deity. So maybe Mother Nature is at the same level as God. Or maybe above God, since Mother Nature isn't passive (?)
Below Mother Nature there are various spirits (?)
In line, somewhere, there are angel mortals. I'm not sure what they are.
I'm assuming that below the angel mortals (and other spirits?) there are human beings.
There's a devil (separate from the demons and angels, or is it a fallen angel?), but the devil is in the grave, so maybe harmless?

Now, God and Jesus are passive, and the devil is in his grave, so none of them actually do anything. The angel mortals go to war for humanity against ... who? the demons? Meanwhile the angels themselves do ... something? Watch, or wait for the angel mortals to do their thing, maybe? And eventually, the angel mortals will overwhelm the demons and humans will become supreme mortals. (What's a supreme mortal, and how is it different from a regular human or an angel?) And then what?

Meanwhile, karma cares about none of this business with God and Jesus and the angels and demons. Karma works with Mother Nature (?) and makes sure that everybody gets what's coming to them. Karma is oblivious to side battles between angel mortals and demons or devils, and so on, which makes all those battles essentially meaningless to human beings, who will be endlessly reincarnated in any case.

Am I understanding all this correctly?
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God is Love itself.

Not according to the OT. Again I suggest you read it.

Here is a couple while you think about it, since you refuse to look them up.

Numbers 31

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Samuel 1;15

"...attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
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