Hudson family killers should live, because...

If you kill my child I get to kill yours. It's not rational of course, but from an emotional stand point that's what I would want to do.

Shooting, or killing, someone else is not nearly as easy as you make it out to be, Marie. I could do it, but I have a sneaky feelin' that you couldn't pull the trigger. And shooting an innocent little kid is probably far more difficult than shooting the actual murderer.

Baron Max
The ability to rehabilitate offenders would do us a lot more good than any kind of revenge that anyone could take against them. Here is one way to look at it: Vengeful feelings make us treat "potential" offenders badly, and this gives the people who are under treatment a good cause to hate society and to respond in kind. A child who is treated for potential violent tendencies by vindictive means was aggressed against first. This aggression was by policy. The people who did it to him used the trappings of science to justify it but not the substance of science. Almost everyone who suffers this treatment knows this much about it. His view of society will be absolutely correct: Society seeks people to hurt and makes them suffer all of their lives.

Vengeance hurts the innocent and that's worse than failing to get revenge against murderers. Wounded innocence is one of the strongest motivators for violence and revenge. A society that practices revenge can only expect its children to practice revenge and a society that wounds its children can only expect its children to hate society and want to take revenge against it.
all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

sound familiar

besides that who wants to risk the wrath of the pro-lifers by supporting the death penalty?

From a personal perspective, the death penatly is contradicts my conservative leanings - I fundamentally don't trust governments - if they can't be trusted with my taxes, I sure as hell can't trust them with my life or anyone elses.
Shooting, or killing, someone else is not nearly as easy as you make it out to be, Marie. I could do it, but I have a sneaky feelin' that you couldn't pull the trigger. And shooting an innocent little kid is probably far more difficult than shooting the actual murderer.

Baron Max

It may be difficult to harm an innocent little kid but something happens to people's brains. I can see chains of logic that lead to what seems like an entirely justifiable desire to kill an innocent child. I can see how people got broken enough to want to be like that. They were broken, they know who did it, what reason do they have not to do it? Give them a reason to live better, the earlier the better, and they won't do that.
The ability to rehabilitate offenders would do us a lot more good than any kind of revenge that anyone could take against them.

Well, that would be nice ....but it don't work, has never worked, and probably will never work. "Rehad" is a nice sentiment, but that's apparently all it is ....a pipe dream thought up by the mamby-pamby liberals.

You went on in your post stating a lot of mamby-pamby slogans and unsubstantiated beliefs, but that's all they are. And stating them over again is not going to make them true.

There are some people in the world who are just plain evil ...accept, and it'll set you free! And then you won't have to come up with any more of those mamby-pamby liberal excuses for criminal behavior. :D

Baron Max
We wouldn't even be discussing the husband murders if it worked. The suspect was supposed to have been in rehab for attempted murder. Fuck him, he should have been in prison for life.
Capitalism-YAY! Socialism-Boo!

Bullets are cheap. Rehabilitation is expensive, and only theoretical. If it takes more than 6 months to rehab someone, kill 'em and move on. 20 years of "Time Out" makes society pay for the criminal's misdeeds. Unless you go back to using them as slightly better than slave labor, or worse, in the gulags.
Shooting, or killing, someone else is not nearly as easy as you make it out to be, Marie. I could do it, but I have a sneaky feelin' that you couldn't pull the trigger. And shooting an innocent little kid is probably far more difficult than shooting the actual murderer.

Baron Max

You regularly go around shooting innocent children? The thing that bothers me most is that I totally would do it. I would like to say that I wouldn't be able to, but deep down I know that's not true. I am sadistic, I'm such a sicko :bawl:
You regularly go around shooting innocent children?

Only on odd days, and never more than two per day. :D

The thing that bothers me most is that I totally would do it.

It's easy to say things like that, Marie, but doing them is a whole new ball game. I've seen some of the toughest-talkin' soldiers fall weeping to their knees ...and that's in the heat of battle, with the other guy tryin' to kill him!

I am sadistic, I'm such a sicko.

Oh, I agree that you're a sick-o. But shootin' a little kid is probably a little more sick-o than you are!

Welcome to the human race, Marie.

Baron Max
If you are chickenshit to take a stand, don't participate in the discussion...

So you you need it spoon fed to you.

The Hudson murders weren't your call either, nevertheless you expressed your opinion.

We were asked "You are Jennifer Hudson, your mother, brother and 7 year old nephew (possible eyewitness) have just been murdered, make the case why the murderer(s) should live!"

And I did. As "Jennifer Hudson" I have a direct stake in why that murderer should live or die and I made my case.

However I do not have a direct stake in the India bombings. What happens to them is not my call and unlike you I'm not a psycho with delusions of grandeur.
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I was just curious at what victim number your merit of death as a punishment kicks in. :)

Oh yes, you are on Ignore from now....

Whatever loser.

There is no "victim number." I don't kill people as a punishment. If I'm that mad they will only die if they have a weak constitution or get ahold of something sharp.
I was just curious at what victim number your merit of death as a punishment kicks in. :)

Oh yes, you are on Ignore from now....

Whatever loser.

There is no "victim number." I don't kill people as a punishment. If I'm that mad they will only die if they have a weak constitution or get ahold of something sharp.

I would only kill some one because they needed to be put down.
Syz, focus! I still haven't heard why they should die.

Keep this in mind, sir: There's only one person you have the right to kill.

So if it's so goddamn important to kill someone, dwell on that for a bit, and get back to us.

(Not so important anymore, is it?)

Actually there are many people you have a right or even duty to kill. It is always right to kill in self defense, commiting suicide is indeed your right, it is right to kill in the defense of others, and finally since society deems rights, it is right to kill anyone society decides should be killed.

Now since we live in a democracy, the majority of society decides whether or not there should be a death penalty and who it should effect.
Now since we live in a democracy, the majority of society decides whether or not there should be a death penalty and who it should effect.

Unfortunately, that's not true! It seems that a select few activist judges have determined the rules on the death penalty. As far as I know, it's never, ever, been put to a public vote.

Baron Max
Actually there are many people you have a right or even duty to kill. It is always right to kill in self defense...


If somebody slaps your face, you can't shoot them. Some proportionality is required by law.
If somebody slaps your face, you can't shoot them. Some proportionality is required by law.

Well, those laws are changing, James! In Texas, if you feel threatened by someone, you have a right to protect yourself. Is someone larger, stronger than you slaps or hits you, shooting him dead would most likely not result in criminal prosecution.

And that same "Castle Doctriine" is being reviewed by many states in the USA, and rightly so.

Baron Max
Current laws in Texas: ....

Something I always felt made sense was in Texas it is only a crime if you fail in your attempt to commit suicide.

Well, think about it - if the person kills himself, how would you go about charging him with any crime at all ...including the murder charge?

See? Only if he lives is there anyone to charge with a crime! Unless you think the state should charge and try a dead body?

Baron Max