Hudson family killers should live, because...

Who cares about Jennifer?
I care more about Julia Balfour, mother of the boy. Her husband killed her Mom, Brother, and Son. The man she brought into their lives took those lives.
I feel incredibly bad for her, not the famous person.
Excuse me, my bad:

You are Julia Balfour your mother, brother and 7 year old son (possible eyewitness) have just been murdered, make the case why the murderer(s) should live!!

P.S.: Only reason it is in the news because of Jennifer, otherwise I bet this kind of thing happens in Chicago monthly, if not weekly*...Still, the same question applies...
P.S.S.: You didn't answer the question...

* Chicago's 2008 murder rate is up 18 percent compared to the first seven months of 2007, including a particularly bloody July that saw 62 people killed. From January to July this year, 291 people were murdered while the same time period in 2007 saw 246 murders. While the July tally seems high, it's still below the 66 murders from July 2006, though 2008's year-to-date tally is still higher than 2006's 266 murders.
Overall, Chicago is on pace to top 500 murders for the year, the highest since a particularly violent 600+ murders in 2003. The number of "aggravated batteries with a firearm" also increased over the same time period from 2007 with 1,153 being reported so far this year, 245 more than last year.

It is actually more dangerous than Iraq:

"Chicago residents have faced an exceptionally deadly Summer this year — 123 people were shot and killed, twice the amount of US soldier casualties in Iraq over the same period."
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You are Julia Balfour your mother, brother and 7 year old son (possible eyewitness) have just been murdered, make the case why the murderer(s) should live!!

Because I don't wish to have them killed.
I can see where he wouldn't get the death penalty for the Mom and Brother (2nd degree murder) but for the child, he might be facing it. He took him out of the house and killed him. He planned on killing him when he took him. That's 1st degree which is a death penalty offense.
His wife left him and was living at the house with her Son, Mom and Brother.

The Associated Press reports that he was on parole and spent nearly seven years in prison for attempted murder, vehicular hijacking and possessing a stolen vehicle. nice
He killed his son, mother-in-law and brother-in-law, because his wife left him?

Sounds quite odd. Why did he not kill her?
He killed his son, mother-in-law and brother-in-law, because his wife left him?

Sounds quite odd. Why did he not kill her?

Maybe he went there looking for her but got in an argument with the brother and mother instead. Then drove away with the boy.
Some men and women in custody battles (not the case here) kill the kids rather than let the spouse have them.
Kinda like 'you hurt me, so I'm gonna hurt you'
If you're going to whine, at least do it with some integrity

Syzygys said:

You are Jennifer Hudson, your mother, brother and 7 year old nephew (possible eyewitness) have just been murdered, make the case why the murderer(s) should live!

Actually, why don't you try an intellectually honest proposition and explain what society gains by killing the killer. Aside from vengeance, you know.


We haven't had a good, old fashioned capital punishment whinefest for weeks

—if you're going to whine, at least do so with some integrity.
Who cares about Jennifer?
I care more about Julia Balfour, mother of the boy. Her husband killed her Mom, Brother, and Son. The man she brought into their lives took those lives.
I feel incredibly bad for her, not the famous person.

You're so lame.
Who cares about Jennifer?
I care more about Julia Balfour, mother of the boy. Her husband killed her Mom, Brother, and Son. The man she brought into their lives took those lives.
I feel incredibly bad for her, not the famous person.

Because Jennifer Hudson is famous, you don't feel bad for her? That's really sad.
People, focus! I still haven't heard why the murderer(s) should stay alive....Except Swarm said becuase of is/her will, without explanation...

"Balfour was paroled after serving seven years for a 1999 attempted murder and vehicular hijacking conviction."

Hm, I think dead man kills no more...
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Not so important anymore

Syzygys said:

People, focus! I still haven't heard why the murderer(s) should stay alive

Syz, focus! I still haven't heard why they should die.

Keep this in mind, sir: There's only one person you have the right to kill.

So if it's so goddamn important to kill someone, dwell on that for a bit, and get back to us.

(Not so important anymore, is it?)
Keep this in mind, sir: There's only one person you have the right to kill.

I don't know about that, Tiassa, obviously Texas, as well as several states in the USA, seem to differ with you about that. Texas just executed a man just the other day, so it seems that Texas disagrees with you.

I would also remind you that there are many countries in the world that disagree with you, also.

Now, ...what do you have to say about that?

Remember, ....just because YOU believe something doesn't make it true, nor does it mean that everyone else agrees with you.

Baron Max
A woman that lives down the hall from me, lost both of her children, her parent's, and pet dog to some psycho stalker that was after her. She filed a restraining order and that was how he retaliated. She said that when it first happened she did want him put to death, but as time has gone on and the trial drug on she changed her mind. Now she wants him to spend life in prison without parole. She said death is kind a fate for him and too cruel a fate for his family. She said that who was she make his family feel the pain she felt that's not fair as they haven't done anything. Her logic sounds good to me, so that's why I think the killer should live.
I am too bored with anti-CP people to debate them, (after all one expects minimal logic) but I never understood why criminals have more rights than victims?

I didn't really understand what CM is saying but if her point is that life in prison is more punishment, that is the sadist argument. I don't have a problem with it, as long as we can categorize it as such. :)
A woman that lives down the hall from me,... ... Her logic sounds good to me, so that's why I think the killer should live.

Logic? Where's the logic in making all the innocent taxpayers pay all that money, some $50,000 per year, for a killer to live in prison? A bullet to the brain would only cost about 25 cents! And I'll furnish the gun, too, for free!

Life without parole is essentially punishing the entire society for one person's crime! How, oh, how is that logical?

Baron Max