How's your picture about islam?

Who is this Alan bloke Muslims keep praising?
And what's so good about Kerrang that they keep re-reading it?

The Flemster.
Greco said:
Ismu, perhaps you can straighten out the following , maybe I'm totally mistaken. I posted this as "Is it true" on a previous post.

I take it Ismu never answered?

Islam's claim about the 360 joints in the human body was proven to be true!
are they sure? I hope they are not doctors, I'd be afraid they may not find what you're looking for. There are 176 joints in the human body, read more physiology books
and the number is: 176
check top of page 3, its on Adobe, so I can't copy on my lame comp

Beside from the beautiful teachings about Worshiping the One True Living GOD Almighty
I don't consider the arab moon god, as the one true god, its YHWH, (I AM):

and removing obstacles from the paths of people,

a false religion, that goes as truth, blinds 1 billion people, that is the biggest obstacle

Prophet Muhammad made a very important scientific claim, and that is: Our human bodies have 360 joints in them

maybe they should show us an anatomy chart, where do they get this info from?

Hopefully this will be enough

I want proof

here are some other sites:
research on islam:
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Bambi said:
That's a mixed bag. It is true that when the Roman Empire collapsed and Europe entered into the Dark Ages, most of the European cultural and scientific endowment was lost and worse, deliberately destroyed.
not European per se, but one branch (Greco-Roman), the inclusion of the Germanic, Celtic & Slavic changed the dynamics of the times, albeit via conquest & destruction, but it too was & is European.

The Renaissance would have been far more improbable were it not for a few nearby Arab nations of the time whose scholars provided refuge for a portion of that ancient knowledge.
that would be muslim Al-Andalus (Spain), but there is also the theory that the final end of Constantinople at the hands of the Ottoman Turks, unleashed the Renaissance via all the Greek artists & intelligentsia that fled the infidels (1453)

It is also true that modern science owes much to the ancient Arabs -- including the well-known example of Algebra (however, the origin of this particular discipline lies in pre-Islamic times and outside of Arabia's borders.)
use & syntheses of others ideas is ok, like Hindu (numbers & concept of zero), & Greek (philosophy & science)

It is typical for Islamic advocates to consider the past greatness of the Arab nations as a demonstration of Islam's general benevolence and fruitfulness.
all new empires have this stage; after they steal, plunder & loot the wealth of the vanquished, then accumulate more wealth & power, then have time & money to lavish on arts & culture

However, that sort of analysis overlooks the lessons of the past. The Roman Empire was also great and fruitful, but it disintegrated into dust. Prior to that, the Greeks ruled the Mediterranean -- but no longer.
true, so true

Of course, since the heyday of the Arabic power the region fell behind in its development and declined dramatically. I would argue that the reactionary biasing through an overwhelming religion like Islam is vastly implicated in that deterioration. That which cannot adapt, perishes.
that leads to 2 very good questions;
1) what lead to the "Golden Age" &
2) can it be replicated again?
the answer will be if islam can adapt to modern times, which I think is the answer to the first question
(Saudi, Iranian & Iraqi money & power haven't done anything positive yet)
otheadp said:
Next they'll be telling us the Sun revolves around the Earth
you mean it doesnt? :eek:

allah akbar

What's all this allah akbar business?
Wasnt he a General about to coordinate an attack on the New Death Star?

The Flemster.
The Flemster said:
What's all this allah akbar business?
Wasnt he a General about to coordinate an attack on the New Death Star?

The Flemster.

Nah - The General about to coordinate an attack on the New Death Star is called Alan.

allah akbar is the new editor of the Kerrang. :D :D
ismu said:
Adopted from

scientific discoveries which were stated as facts in Qur'an

The muslim Holy book(The Quran), stated over 1400 years ago that you will know its meaning after some time.Today science may have just explained the meaning of some of these Quranic verses. Allah(The Creator) states in the Quran that only those with knowledge will (understand his signs thus) fear his displeasure.

There are reported to be more than 900 (Nine Hundred) verses in the Holy Quran as related to relatively new scientific discoveries which were miraculously stated as facts over 1400 years ago. As to mention some of these:

-The Rose Nepular as viewed by the Hubble Telescope
-The Reduction of matter from the Earth's outer layers
-The Rounded shape of the Earth
-The development of baby's growth in a mother's womb
-The Big Bang theory
-The ending of sensation at the erosion of skin at which the nerves end
-The fact that the sun and the moon are moving each in its own orbital path
-The fact that the light from the moon is a mere reflection of the light from the sun
-There are three types of rain clouds and the Quran describes each in detail such as raining process and cloud shapes and after effects such as the growth of evoluting shaped plants
-The womb enveloping a baby consists of three layers
-Allah swears by the positioning of the stars which draws attention to the fact that their positioning is critical
-The Quran implys that mountains are their as an anchor for the earth
-The Quran States that the Universe is Expanding
-The Quran predicts Space Exploration
-The Quran states where the lowest point on Earth is
-Every Word in The Holy Quran is counted for

My note: The ironic fact is most of discoveries was not invented by muslims, which hold the mighty Qur'an :(.

Sorry ismu but the science in the quran is actually very poor.

The Rose Nepular as viewed by the Hubble Telescope

"When the sky is torn apart, so it was (like) a red rose like ointment. Then which of the favours of your lord will you deny?"From holy Quran Surat Ar-Rahman verses 37 & 38
This is about the end of the world. The world hasn’t ended. If you look hard enough you will find any picture you want in space.

The Reduction of matter from the Earth's outer layers

But we are not loosing the atmosphere. If we were then by now this planet would be lifeless.

The Rounded shape of the Earth

[Ta Ha 20:53] "He Who has, made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels); and has sent down water from the sky." With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the others.
[an-Nazi`at 79:30] And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse);
Carpets are flat.

The development of baby's growth in a mother's womb

O mankind! If ye are in doubt concerning the resurection, the lo! We have created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then from a clot, then from a bite of flesh shapely and shapeless, that We make it clear for you.
REFERENCE: (Chapter 22) part of verse"5"

Everybody had made the connection between sex, sperm and babies. Everybody knew that if you plant a seed it will grow into a tree.

The Big Bang theory

Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then we parted them, and we made every living thing of water.
Indeed God speaks the truth.
REFERENEC:Chapter (The Prophits) verse "30".

This is not the Big Bang theory as here everything already exists and is just being separated. The Big Bang theory states there was nothing and then it exploded. J

The ending of sensation at the erosion of skin at which the nerves end

People already knew this from touching things.

The fact that the sun and the moon are moving each in its own orbital path

Everybody can see the sun and moon orbit the earth in their fixed orbits. But the earth goes round the sun.

The fact that the light from the moon is a mere reflection of the light from the sun

Easily observed from earth when the sun is just up and the moon is low in the sky.

There are three types of rain clouds and the Quran describes each in detail such as raining process and cloud shapes and after effects such as the growth of evoluting shaped plants

An everyday observation.

The womb enveloping a baby consists of three layers

Every doctor would know this. They had all read Galen and Hypocrate.

Allah swears by the positioning of the stars which draws attention to the fact that their positioning is critical

Their positioning is random and of no importance to science.

The Quran implys that mountains are their as an anchor for the earth

Many mountains are caused by and cause earthquakes. In an earthquake zone where it is obvious the world is not stable, it is not surprising that people would think the mountains were there to help stabilize the ground.

The Quran States that the Universe is Expanding

YUSUFALI: With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace.
PICKTHAL: We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).
SHAKIR: And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.

Not according to these translations.

The Quran predicts Space Exploration

O company of jinn and men, if ye have power to penetrate(all) regions of The Heavens and the Earth, then penetrate them save with our sanction.
Indeed God speaks the truth.
REFERENEC:Chapter 'LV' ( Al Rahman) verse "33".

This doesn’t say men will reach the heavens, only that they may.

The Quran states where the lowest point on Earth is

The Geological lowest point on Earth is as now Scientist discovered is in Jurusalem, This is imphatically stated in the Holy Quran 1400 yeasr ago in the Romans Chapter.Infact it corectly predicted the future happening of the Romans victory.
In The Translation I have It explains ADNA as Nearer but Infact it is nearer to say lowest.
The Romans have been defeated(2), In the Nearer(Lowest) land , and they after their defeat will be victorious(3).
Indeed God speaks the truth.
REFERENEC:Chapter ( Al Room) verses "2-3".

The Dead sea is the lowest point on earth, not Jerusalem. No battle was fought there.

Every Word in The Holy Quran is counted for

Man 24…Woman 24
Month 12….Day 365

Man 128…..Woman 18
Month 23….Day 509

It's all down to how you count. What you include and what you don't.
Igor Trip said:

The Quran states where the lowest point on Earth is

The Geological lowest point on Earth is as now Scientist discovered is in Jurusalem, This is imphatically stated in the Holy Quran 1400 yeasr ago in the Romans Chapter.Infact it corectly predicted the future happening of the Romans victory.
In The Translation I have It explains ADNA as Nearer but Infact it is nearer to say lowest.
The Romans have been defeated(2), In the Nearer(Lowest) land , and they after their defeat will be victorious(3).
Indeed God speaks the truth.
REFERENEC:Chapter ( Al Room) verses "2-3".

The Dead sea is the lowest point on earth, not Jerusalem. No battle was fought there.

Every Word in The Holy Quran is counted for

Man 24…Woman 24
Month 12….Day 365

Man 128…..Woman 18
Month 23….Day 509

It's all down to how you count. What you include and what you don't.
thanks for the quran word counter, the quran will never be the same, its now just a religio-docudrama, put on by TV, for the masses
Randolfo said:
thanks for the quran word counter, the quran will never be the same, its now just a religio-docudrama, put on by TV, for the masses

I bet you dont know anything about the Noble Quran, let alone read it!! :rolleyes:
No idea, do not speak, do not judge. Defend islam against those who know nothing about it though I don't either. I go to one of those "politically correct" schools where we're accepting of all race and religion by having the choice of Christian or Catholic religion class, an Easter Hat Parade and a "god, jews suck" mufti day.
Randolfo said:
thanks for the quran word counter, the quran will never be the same, its now just a religio-docudrama, put on by TV, for the masses
Thanks here's some more info.

A better example of numerology in the Quran concerns Dr Rashad Khalifa. He tried to prove that the Quran was the word of Allan and perfectly preserved by using the number 19, which apparently has some significance in Islam. He found it everywhere, for example:
6x19=114 suras (chapters)
Number of verses 19x334=6346 and the digits add up to 19
Number of letters 19x17324=329156
Allah 19x142=2698

At first people where amazed, but then they began to check the small details.

Most controversially he rejected the last two verses of sura 9! Because they violated his code! (He was killed because of this).
It was also found that the word Allah appears 2811 times not 2698 times (so 113 Allahs had been rejected).

It all comes down to how you count words. Apparently many Arabic words have multiple forms. So do you include plurals and other forms such as, day, days, today, yesterday, daylight, daytime etc. Is nevertheless one word or three.

It is inevitable that patterns can be found for any number as that is the nature of maths.
Source; “Did Adam and Eve have navels?” by Martin Gardner.

Here’s another source.
Not another ancient thread that's been given new, unholy life. :rolleyes:

-- Long live the Female Messiah!
Here's a picture of a former terrorist muslim about Islam :

Question: What did you believe about Islam? What does Islam teach? We've been told by our President that Islam is a peaceful religion, and there are people around who think that the Jihadists, the followers of Osama bin Laden, that these are the bad guys, but the real good Muslims don't believe any of that. Is that true?

WALID SHOEBAT: Well, to some point it is true. There are peaceful Muslims. The Afghan community in America basically are peaceful Muslims. They run away from the Islamists. But generally speaking, I think Islam is not a peaceful religion, it's my point of view, because there are peaceful verses in the Koran, and there are peaceful hadiths [oral Moslem traditional legends], but the verse of the sword has made null and void all the peaceful verses, according to most of the Islamic jurisprudence.
Vienna said:
Aren't they are funny bunch these muslims - 360 bones in the human body - my arse.

Next they'll be telling us the Sun revolves around the Earth. :D

What happen to you Vienna did you lose your eyes??? the above statement say 360 Joints Not bones, maybe too much reading in the sciforums has effected your eyes.

why don't you give up for once? how can you still be so hard headed after what you've read, that is if you have read anything :confused: :confused:
wissam37 said:
What happen to you Vienna did you lose your eyes??? the above statement say 360 Joints Not bones, maybe too much reading in the sciforums has effected your eyes.

why don't you give up for once? how can you still be so hard headed after what you've read, that is if you have read anything
:confused: :confused:
actully, it is funny, there are 176 joints in the human body, but don't take my word for it, read a kinestetics textbook
are they sure? I hope they are not doctors, I'd be afraid they may not find what you're looking for. There are 176 joints in the human body, read more physiology books
and the number is: 176
check top of page 3, its on Adobe, so I can't copy on my lame comp
wissam37 said:
What happen to you Vienna did you lose your eyes??? the above statement say 360 Joints Not bones, maybe too much reading in the sciforums has effected your eyes.

why don't you give up for once? how can you still be so hard headed after what you've read, that is if you have read anything

Aha - another towelhead for breakfast, bring me more Alan, I am getting hungry. I will eat you alive little sandmonkey.

Muhahahahahaha. :D

There are only176 JOINTS in the human body - your filthy quran is Wrong, and never trust a muslim doctor

Bring it on :D :D
Ismu, I have to wonder if this is simply and advertisment for Islam? Your posts don't really seem to address anyone's views and appear to just be copy and paste from pro-islam sites. Addressing Cris' points one at a time would have been nice.

Yet another islam vs islam-sucks thread... threads need a reset button.
Vienna said:
Aha - another towelhead for breakfast, bring me more Alan, I am getting hungry. I will eat you alive little sandmonkey.

You call Quran Filthy? what do :eek: you call ppl who eat sandmonkeys Alive??