how would you live if God doesn't exist?

That's Strange said:
I'm certain gods don't exist because I'm alive.
If you are alive, how can you possibly be certain that "gods" don't exist? Surely you can only be aware of your own existence?

This is what I believe (actually I know) "God" is. Call it what you like, but don't associate that word with external vaguely defined "deities", because the fact of your existence, neither allows nor denies the possibility of any such thing.
If you are alive, how can you possibly be certain that "gods" don't exist? Surely you can only be aware of your own existence?

This is what I believe (actually I know) "God" is. Call it what you like, but don't associate that word with external vaguely defined "deities", because the fact of your existence, neither allows nor denies the possibility of any such thing.

I'm as certain they don't exist as you are that they do.
You said "I'm quite sure God exists, because I'm alive." but now you contradict that.
"This is what I believe (actually I know) "God" is." WHAT is what you "know" god is???
I'm as certain they don't exist as you are that they do.
OK then, you must be as certain about the existence of external "gods" as I am. I'm certain that such things may or may not exist - I will never know if one or the other is the case.
You said "I'm quite sure God exists, because I'm alive." but now you contradict that.
"This is what I believe (actually I know) "God" is." WHAT is what you "know" god is???
This gets kind of surreal, because as I've said it's something I can't say (or write down). I know I can hear it though (and see it and taste it). I suppose I feel it too (actually this is true because I can breathe). Therefore it isn't external, therefore it's either a part of "me", or I'm a part of "it", take your pick. And it doesn't matter what I think it is, because it exists whether I think about it or otherwise - say when I'm unconscious.

And your conclusion earlier, that I believe "gods" exist out there somewhere, is also surreal. I haven't said that at any time.

What I did say was: how can you possibly be certain that "gods" don't exist? How did you manage to conclude I must mean they do?

Let me clarify: .. it doesn't matter what I think it is, because it--that is: "me"--exists whether I think about it or otherwise...

Any less surreal?
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thinking said:
what difference does it make if " gods " do exist though ?
I have no idea, as I said. I also am quite sure it's something I will never know, nor whether they do exist or not.
so your not aware of other Human beings existance ?

thats very strange
Not if your definition of 'aware' is different to mine. What's your version?
question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

1- would you steal,lie,cheat,kill etc
2-would you be honest,good,nice to everyone

What would determine a "reasonable doubt"?
It is actually impossible to find out that God does NOT exist.
Are you asking us to fantasise the non-existence of God, like, don't take any
scriptures seriously, and generally don't believe because we don't want to.

What would determine a "reasonable doubt"?
It is actually impossible to find out that God does NOT exist.
Are you asking us to fantasise the non-existence of God, like, don't take any
scriptures seriously, and generally don't believe because we don't want to.

Are you actually trying to convince us that you take ALL scriptures of your religion seriously? And, you obey everyone of them? Pulleeeze... :rolleyes:
Are you actually trying to convince us that you take ALL scriptures of your religion seriously? And, you obey everyone of them? Pulleeeze... :rolleyes:

Actually I was asking scorpius how he would determine the "knew beyond reasonable doubt" part of his question, as there is no knowledge, common-sense, feeling, or understanding of God' non-existence. It can only be a matter of choice.

Actually I was asking scorpius how he would determine the "knew beyond reasonable doubt" part of his question, as there is no knowledge, common-sense, feeling, or understanding of God' non-existence. It can only be a matter of choice.


The alleged existence of gods is without knowledge, common sense and understanding. It's entirely a matter of choosing blind faith. And, we can choose blind faith towards anything conjured from the imagination.
Strange said:
There is no knowledge, common-sense, feeling, or understanding of God's existence.
Is there knowledge, common-sense, feeling, or understanding of your own existence?
It can only be a matter of gullibility.
If you think "God" is just an idea, maybe that's true. What if you have zero idea? Are you still you?
question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

2-would you be honest,good,nice to everyone
This one.
I was like so when I was an atheist, am so as a polytheist. Why would I not be if I were an atheist once more?
There is no knowledge, common-sense, feeling, or understanding of God's existence.

Hence the reason why God is known throughout all time, and place (on earth)

It can only be a matter of gullibility.

This analasys can only come from an atheist, who has to hold the
concept in his/her mind ( with constant renewable effort) that God does not exist.

I cannot see God, therefore God does not exist.
The only logical reason to believe.
