How will gay marriage change the world?

Not true. They were routinely attacked, murdered, fired, and kept in hiding like it was something evil.

If they live a dissent life not grabbing arsh or dick of anybody they are not going to be attacked. Aguy does to a bar to pick a woman to lay and the woman is a transvestite , how do you think he will feel , I would not be surprised he will kick the shit of the transvestite , Would that be an legitimate attack ?
Ummmm.... I don't even

I have no desire to create a new society. You're over-generalizing and going to the extreme and implausible end of the spectrum. The only thing I'd like to to be able to marry my partner. Other than that, I do not see how me marrying my partner will have any affect on you or the rest of society.

You as an individual , but the majority among Homo are advocating some rights

You've got to be joking, right? You are naming things that are completely unrelated to each other. Did it ever occur to you that bestiality and pedophilia are transparent among gender and sexual orientation? Homosexuality has nothing to do with either of them. And you apparently do not understand or accept that two members of the same sex can LOVE each other. You don't understand that it's not just sexual or physical. It's emotional, spiritual, and everything else. I love my partner the same way you would love yours, regardless of gender.

So you love your partner As I said before there is nothing wrong love a person Platonically great good for you. I said before I come from a society that man kisses an other man as a greeting I am used to that
If they live a dissent life not grabbing arsh or dick of anybody they are not going to be attacked. Aguy does to a bar to pick a woman to lay and the woman is a transvestite , how do you think he will feel , I would not be surprised he will kick the shit of the transvestite , Would that be an legitimate attack ?

Unreal. Ignorance on top of ignorance.
I agree You could care less hoe I live and I fell the same , You happy with your mate great. Now why do you have to get married ? Marriage does not mean a dam thing to you you and your partner will not have children so what is the purpose to go with the signing a commitment .?

Why do you think you have more right to marry than he does? Is it children? He and his partner/spouse can have children if they so choose.

So why do you believe that you have more rights to marriage and he should be denied those rights? Why do you think marriage means more to you than it does to him?

Why did you sign a commitment to your spouse? You don't think he should be allowed to sign the same commitment to his spouse?

Because this is what it comes down to. You believe you should have more rights than others based solely on your sexuality. They are not asking for any thing more than others. They are asking to be treated the same and be given the same rights and protections you seem to feel you deserve and need.
Unreal. Ignorance on top of ignorance.

There is one member who had also an experience and he said " one grabbed his baddox and he slept him in his face " I had my experience . and you will tell me ignorance , well you are the ignorant in my view.
Why do you think you have more right to marry than he does? Is it children? He and his partner/spouse can have children if they so choose.

Are they both male or are they both female ? if so normally by biological means they cannot have children .

So why do you believe that you have more rights to marriage and he should be denied those rights? Why do you think marriage means more to you than it does to him?

According to the traditional law Marriage is between man and woman . Now they want to change the traditional law to accommodate them Why

Why did you sign a commitment to your spouse? You don't think he should be allowed to sign the same commitment to his spouse?

The system does not have such provision , Let them sign a business contract as a corporation.
Because this is what it comes down to. You believe you should have more rights than others based solely on your sexuality.

The right were established when marriage was understood the union was between man and woman .

They are not asking for any thing more than others.
They are asking to be treated the same and be given the same rights and protections you seem to feel you deserve and need.

They should marry an other woman because they are a male , same for lesbian .

They are treated the same way as other in the society . What kind of protection do they need ? they are male and female or are they something else, which they are not.
If they live a dissent life not grabbing arsh or dick of anybody they are not going to be attacked.

Matthew Shepard lived a decent life. He was beaten and murdered because he was gay. Thus you are wrong.

Aguy does to a bar to pick a woman to lay and the woman is a transvestite , how do you think he will feel

Pretty stupid!

I would not be surprised he will kick the shit of the transvestite , Would that be an legitimate attack ?

Nope. He'd probably spend the next few years in jail. Which is the way it should be.
Who's Sergei?

What I don't get about Pravda articles on American culture is the idea that they have any relevance to reality. I mean, if Sergei Vasilenko actually had any idea what he was going on about, the article might be a useful glimpse inside a Russian mind. We should not take that glimpse as anything representative of Russian society in whole, largely because Vasilenko's ignorance and dishonesty.

In late December 2010, Barack Obama signed a controversial document, that abolished the previous law signed by Bill Clinton. The essence of the document is as follows. A serviceman, being a representative of sexual minorities, has an unconditional right to serve in the U.S. Army, but he should not disclose his orientation to other servicemen. In turn, officers have no right to take an interest in this issue among their subordinates.

To wit, I would challenge Vasilenko to find any one person who was discharged from, or merely investigated by, the U.S. armed forces for disclosing his heterosexuality. That was the underlying problem of DADT, as it maintained a supremacist ideology.

But something also might be getting lost in translation. To wit, the next paragraph in the article makes no sense syntactically, unless it's describing some hypothetical fantasy:

In this case, Obama was, as they say, in the wake of sexual minorities that considered the laws hypocritical as it obliged them to conceal the true nature of their feelings. This time, the U.S. president goes even further to equalize the rights of the supporters of both conventional and gay marriage. As soon as the new law is enacted, gay people in all American states, not just nine of them (New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Maine, Hampshire, Connecticut, Maryland, Iowa, Vermont that legalized gay marriage a while back) will have the right to conclude marriage.

But it seems clear that Vasilenko is more comfortable in centuries past—

It can also be directly connected to new influences that decay the morals of modern society. Trendy views, freedom of expression, have been replacing human values lately. All this and many other things show a devastating impact on traditional human, family and personal values of the modern civilization. The U.S. is no exception.

—which would explain why he is so disconnected from the realities of the twenty-first century:

The adoption of such a revolutionary law in one of the world's leading powers may trigger similar processes in many other countries of the world that look up to the United States. Swinging the pendulum of moral decay, American policy-makers will not be able to control it afterwards. Such an embarrassment has already occurred to America before and continues to haunt the world. It goes about the chain of democratic revolutions in the East, which the U.S. State Department initiated. The process went out of control and embraced even the states loyal to the U.S. regime.

I mean, perhaps Vasilenko missed it, but the U.S. is trailing its neighbors in the gay marriage discussion.

But what it really comes down to is that Vasilenko is just another hatemonger:

Giving a "green corridor" to gay marriage once, the world may have serious and perhaps insurmountable, problems in the future. The legalization, and thus recognition of such families on the state level will expose many people, who have been hiding their orientation from others. This will make the homosexual society grow. Some activists may then wish to legalize more serious crimes against public morality.

Frankly, I would point out that we already legalize serious crimes against public morality, else Vasilenko would not be accessible in the U.S.:

Family, in the common sense of the word, is a cell of a healthy society that leads to the appearance of new generations, thus providing the domination of births over deaths. What can same-sex marriage offer? Extinction and degradation?

I don't know, Sergei, maybe among all that extinction and degradation, some gay couples might adopt the children whose heterosexual parents don't want them. You know, the over one hundred thousand American children known to need permanent homes and family structures? So, you know, why don't the heterosexual traditionalists stop having so many damn babies?

The behavioural example that parents show to their children is an important factor in the educational process of personality. Mankind may face the problem of cultivating homosexuality among the children, whose parents share a "non-traditional" orientation. Every fifth gay couple or family in the U.S. has either children born from previous heterosexual marriage, or adopted children. In total, we are talking about more than two million human lives. What kind of people will they be? Today, the United States of America is a state of democratic freedom and economic stability, where dreams come true. The American way of life excites modern world consciousness, causing cultural revolutions, regime changes and social upheavals. The U.S. largely serves as an example for other countries and their citizens. It is highly important that this example should be positive ...

One wonders at the sort of depraved mind that looks to morons like Mr. Vasilenko for sympathetic expression. To the other, though, Vasilenko does, in fact, successfully demonstrate a problem with American values: Freedom of speech is not weighed down by any obligation to actually have a clue what one is talking about, a point very neatly exploited by the Russian author.

It's bad enough that Americans taking part in the public discussion of gay rights actually need to be reminded of the historical record. It's even worse when some foreign author looking to pick a bone with Americans tries to capitalize on that ignorance in order to float useless biscuits like that.

And the sad sort of bigot who seconds such excrement? Well, birds of a feather soil the park together, I guess.


Vasilenko, Sergei. "How will gay marriage change the world?" Pravda. February 27, 2013. February 28, 2013.
I must have missed that arauca was simply copy-pasting from another source, rather than providing his own thoughts. Though now I see he says in a later post he was simply "seconding" the text. I suppose it's a reliance on such bigoted propaganda that results in the belief that gays are only attacked if they go out harassing straight folks. It's not excuse, but at least now we know where arauca gets his ignorant, disgusting ideas from.

Why he's allowed to peddle them here, I'll never know.
Why did top officials of the United States become engaged in such a thorny issue? What happened to the moral standing of the world community in general and the U.S. in particular in a such short period of modern history? The history of stand-off regarding the issue of same-sex marriage received its first legal registration in 1972, during the sensational trial of "Baker vs. Nelson." Back in those days, the Supreme Court of Minnesota ruled that the only true definition of marriage was the one defined in then-existent laws.

The story became the starting point for the ongoing struggle between the champions of opposite views on the issue. Since then, the debate would involve almost all top political figures of the U.S.. They could no longer remain on the sidelines, due to immense public interest in the subject. According to a recent opinion poll, 50 percent of Americans are actively involved in the discussion of this topic, and, for the most part, support the democratic policies of Barack Obama.

The aggressive lobbying of the interests of sexual minorities, as many analysts say, may be caused with the presence of homosexual individuals in the inner circle of the U.S. President. There is also a possible financial benefit to the shattering U.S. economy that is standing on the brink of default. The profit may come in the form of tax revenues from new marriages, new jobs and gay tourism. It can also be directly connected to new influences that decay the morals of modern society. Trendy views, freedom of expression, have been replacing human values lately. All this and many other things show a devastating impact on traditional human, family and personal values of the modern civilization. The U.S. is no exception.

Jesus effing Christ arauca, if you want to have sex with males just do it and stop making other people *justify* your preferences for you.
I agree You could care less hoe I live and I fell the same , You happy with your mate great. Now why do you have to get married ? Marriage does not mean a dam thing to you you and your partner will not have children so what is the purpose to go with the signing a commitment .?

I forward you to Bells' questions below.

So you love your partner As I said before there is nothing wrong love a person Platonically great good for you. I said before I come from a society that man kisses an other man as a greeting I am used to that

Why do you keep adding the word "platonic" in there? It's not platonic; Platonic means without sex. We do have sex. But the relationship is not based purely on sex. Our relationship is based on feelings of mutual love, trust, giving, compassion, affection, dedication, assistance, humor, guidance, and yes, even physical and sexual attraction as well.

Your posts make me wonder if you have even in fact ever been in love with anyone. If not, then trying to get you to fully understand love is next to impossible, regardless of the genders involved.

Why do you think you have more right to marry than he does? Is it children? He and his partner/spouse can have children if they so choose.

So why do you believe that you have more rights to marriage and he should be denied those rights? Why do you think marriage means more to you than it does to him?

Why did you sign a commitment to your spouse? You don't think he should be allowed to sign the same commitment to his spouse?

Because this is what it comes down to. You believe you should have more rights than others based solely on your sexuality. They are not asking for any thing more than others. They are asking to be treated the same and be given the same rights and protections you seem to feel you deserve and need.

I bow down to you, kind sir! Good points!
If they live a dissent life not grabbing arsh or dick of anybody they are not going to be attacked. Aguy does to a bar to pick a woman to lay and the woman is a transvestite , how do you think he will feel , I would not be surprised he will kick the shit of the transvestite , Would that be an legitimate attack ?

I really have a hard time not telling you to go fuck yourself.
Why do you think you have more right to marry than he does?

Marriage according to traditional worlds law is between male and female .

Is it children? He and his partner/spouse can have children if they so choose.

If both are male or both are female thy can not have children . Unless prior they become Gay they had children , so this is a different situation


So why do you believe that you have more rights to marriage and he should be denied those rights? Why do you think marriage means more to you than it does to him?

1 ) Again marriage is between male and female , otherwise it is out of the law and new law have to be created to accommodate them.
2 )We create new law just for him, why ?


Why did you sign a commitment to your spouse? You don't think he should be allowed to sign the same commitment to his spouse?

Marriage , between man and woman is a commitment , so they rise children and become responsible for the upbringing .

Because this is what it comes down to. You believe you should have more rights than others based solely on your sexuality.

Your thinking is misguided , It is the guy sexuality that is promoting change in the law. there is nothing special about them , that society should bend to their sexual preference


They are not asking for any thing more than others.

They are asking to be treated the same and be given the same rights and protections you seem to feel you deserve and need.

They are same as I and I am not asking to change the law to accommodate me . We all, male and female have the same protection under the law and they been male and female they fall under the same protection and there should not be a special group, with additional protection.
They are same as I and I am not asking to change the law to accommodate me . We all, male and female have the same protection under the law and they been male and female they fall under the same protection and there should not be a special group, with additional protection.

What special group? What addiditonal protection? You're still not getting it, are you? You are telling me that because I am a guy that is in love with a guy, that me wanting the SAME right to marriage that you have is somehow ADDITIONAL rights?

It is additional to what I am already permitted. But it is NOT additional to what you are garaunteed. YOU, as a heterosexual, are garaunteed the right to marry the person you love. I, as a homosexual, am not garaunteed the right to marry the person I love. Therefore, our rights are NOT equal.

Now replace the word heterosexual with "white" and the world homosexual with "black". How is that type of discrimination ANY different from what you are voicing here?

I'm fairly certain this will be the LAST post I will make in this thread. Good day to you, sir.
I must have missed that arauca was simply copy-pasting from another source, rather than providing his own thoughts. Though now I see he says in a later post he was simply "seconding" the text. I suppose it's a reliance on such bigoted propaganda that results in the belief that gays are only attacked if they go out harassing straight folks. It's not excuse, but at least now we know where arauca gets his ignorant, disgusting ideas from.

Why he's allowed to peddle them here, I'll never know.

Very simple you should hear the other side. As you know for every action there is a reaction.
They are same as I and I am not asking to change the law to accommodate me.


We all, male and female have the same protection under the law and they been male and female they fall under the same protection and there should not be a special group, with additional protection.

Agreed. They should be allowed to marry like anyone else. No special status.
I believe in traditional biblical marriage:
one man and his dead brother's wife
one man and one woman and her servants
one man and his rape victim
one man and many women
one man and 700 women and 300 concubines
one man and one woman and her slaves
one soldier and his virgin prisoners

...just not one man and one man
or one woman and one woman
THAT would be immoral.
I believe in traditional biblical marriage:
one man and his dead brother's wife
one man and one woman and her servants
one man and his rape victim
one man and many women
one man and 700 women and 300 concubines
one man and one woman and her slaves
one soldier and his virgin prisoners

...just not one man and one man
or one woman and one woman
THAT would be immoral.

We are in the 20 century that was probably 1300 bce , Remember your Jewish law have been modified sense the return from Babylon, an your elders did not wanted to accept Yashua for additional modification.