How will gay marriage change the world?

Meaning to say that laws accepting gays and lesbians cases, will be a gateway to accepting transsexual cases.

Here is my argument: "We shouldn't be promoting these identity disorders, because they pervert humanity and are essentially abnormal mental behavior."
Here is why that's stupid. If you think society has any influence in creating these disorders, then they aren't disorders, they are cultural artifacts. But the truth is that this phenomenon is fairly uniform across all cultures, even when those cultures are highly repressive. You don't solve a "problem" by hiding your head in the sand.

In any case, transexuals have been able to marry the "opposite" sex for some time now, since they have legally changed their sex.
Let's take this way for every action there is a reaction . I lived for many years I did not react . I know Homos existed they exist and thy will exist . The gay movement did not exist , thy lived their own life and that was it , no one got exited. Now they ( homos ) want to create a new society , so the question is what fore , is the present society not good for you ?
The way that I look at it . The open gay movement is it is to say to young generation , go on , thy other form to get sexual pleasure , beside male an female , "there is no thing wrong "The next step , perhaps will be It is ok tho be a pedophile, and then the next perhaps is bestiality. We can keep on going exploring .
There is nothing wrong with man having Platonic love for other man, keep it to your selves

I think you missed the whole, unfairly imposing your sexuality on others caveat. And you are invoking the old slippery slope fallacy.
..."there is no thing wrong "The next step , perhaps will be It is ok tho be a pedophile, and then the next perhaps is bestiality. We can keep on going exploring .
There is nothing wrong with man having Platonic love for other man, keep it to your selves
Do you keep your marriage status to yourself? Or do you wear a ring, and tell the IRS whether you are married or not?

I've got another one for you, why should we allow anyone to marry? It paves the way for bestiality! You see? Doesn't work.
OK, I'll clarify my argument for those of you who'd like to respond.

Here is my thesis: "But gay and lesbians are a gateway and stepping stone towards other groups which I do not accept."

Meaning to say that laws accepting gays and lesbians cases, will be a gateway to accepting transsexual cases.

Here is my argument: "We shouldn't be promoting these identity disorders, because they pervert humanity and are essentially abnormal mental behavior."

Ummmm.... I don't even know how to respond to this. I'm a guy who happens to like guys. I have no concern for transexuals, nor do I have any desire to behave or appear as a female. The way I see it, the two (gays and transexuals) are completely unrelated. There are plenty of straight men who want to be women.

Let's take this way for every action there is a reaction . I lived for many years I did not react . I know Homos existed they exist and thy will exist . The gay movement did not exist , thy lived their own life and that was it , no one got exited. Now they ( homos ) want to create a new society , so the question is what fore , is the present society not good for you ?

I have no desire to create a new society. You're over-generalizing and going to the extreme and implausible end of the spectrum. The only thing I'd like to to be able to marry my partner. Other than that, I do not see how me marrying my partner will have any affect on you or the rest of society.

The way that I look at it . The open gay movement is it is to say to young generation , go on , thy other form to get sexual pleasure , beside male an female , "there is no thing wrong "The next step , perhaps will be It is ok tho be a pedophile, and then the next perhaps is bestiality. We can keep on going exploring .
There is nothing wrong with man having Platonic love for other man, keep it to your selves

You've got to be joking, right? You are naming things that are completely unrelated to each other. Did it ever occur to you that bestiality and pedophilia are transparent among gender and sexual orientation? Homosexuality has nothing to do with either of them. And you apparently do not understand or accept that two members of the same sex can LOVE each other. You don't understand that it's not just sexual or physical. It's emotional, spiritual, and everything else. I love my partner the same way you would love yours, regardless of gender.
Haha I found the MJ comment to be comical, should've thought of that.

No, it's not. This is a very standard misreading of the DSM-V, which is often used to support people's agendas by claiming that people they dislike are "sick."

I took your word for it, so I looked it up and this is what I found.

American Psychiatrist Association > The DSM-III-R, published in 1987, retained the term transsexualism. The DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR: Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescents and Adults replaced the term transsexualism.

So APA substituted transsexualism for the term Gender Identity Disorder.

International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems > The ICD-10 incorporates transsexualism, dual role transvestism and gender identity disorder of childhood into its gender identity disorder category

ICD still includes it.

Yes, and it's done all the time. Babies are born with ambiguous genitalia and the parents effectively "decide" which sex to go with (with the help of a surgeon of course.)

Yes, but hermaphrodites are part of nature and humanity. I guess this is more of a case of intersexed individuals. Having a penis is natural. Having a vagina is natural. Having a penis and then turning it into a vagina, not natural. In this case, they have both genitalia, and so it's not swapping one out and then putting on an entirely different thing.
Sure. Michael Jackson became a white man. I always thought he was a bit creepy, but that's his decision, not yours.

Well, we don't know exactly what and how MJ pulled off such a feat (I haven't looked it up lol). But skin color change is just the tip of the iceberg, just like hormone replacement therapy is for transsexuals. E.g. If he really wanted to become asian (sorry about the generalizations about asian physical traits), then he might undergo surgical operation to make his eyes more oriental, maybe cut off part of his femur to become shorter, transplant out his thicker african american hair for straight hair. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with changing your hair or oriental eyes. There is something wrong with changing your hair or eyes BECAUSE you think you're actually an asian man. That is a mental disorder and a delusion we should not be promoting.
Here is why that's stupid. If you think society has any influence in creating these disorders, then they aren't disorders, they are cultural artifacts. But the truth is that this phenomenon is fairly uniform across all cultures, even when those cultures are highly repressive. You don't solve a "problem" by hiding your head in the sand.

That's a very good argument. But the problem is you shouldn't separate cultural disorder from normal metal disorders.

Mental Disorder: A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological pattern or anomaly, potentially reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is not considered part of normal development in a person's culture.

Culture provides the context. Imagine an OCD that compelled you to drive over clowns with your car. Well if your culture didn't have cars or clowns, this OCD wouldn't exist. but I still think that individual would have a mental problem. I guess I can see where you're getting at though. But I don't think taking cars and clowns out of the equation will make that individual completely sane. Who knows.
In any case, transexuals have been able to marry the "opposite" sex for some time now, since they have legally changed their sex.

Yeah, so if I change into a transwoman I should reserve all women's rights, including going into their washrooms, changerooms, community showers. That is just really odd to me. If I change into a black man, should I reserve the claims to affirmative action. Agree to disagree, but that is just messed up lol
But being gay or transsexual isn't illegal in the USA, it's actually common, so it's part of our culture already, which means it's normal. Anyway, we shouldn't discriminate against people with disorders. I have a disorder called autism, but I should be allowed all the rights of any other citizen.
I have a disorder as well! For some reason, my foot tends to swing, often logding in the anal cavaties of specific individuals. I think I might have an allergy to BS which causes this reaction.
@ Billvon,

Thanks for clarifying that video as I was unaware of the surprise ending. It was funny, and yet I was upset enough over the start of it I switched it off.

If anybody watches it pay attention to the end.

Dang. I finally made a mistake on Sciforums. It was a good 10+ year run though.
@ Billvon,

Thanks for clarifying that video as I was unaware of the surprise ending. It was funny, and yet I was upset enough over the start of it I switched it off.

If anybody watches it pay attention to the end.

Dang. I finally made a mistake on Sciforums. It was a good 10+ year run though.

Nobody's perfect.... well, except me, of course!
I took your word for it, so I looked it up and this is what I found.

American Psychiatrist Association > The DSM-III-R, published in 1987, retained the term transsexualism. The DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR: Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescents and Adults replaced the term transsexualism. So APA substituted transsexualism for the term Gender Identity Disorder.

Right. But again, that does not define transsexualism as a disorder. It describes disorders that involve transsexualism.

Let's take a simple example. You have almost 200 posts on here; I am sure you post on/read other forums. The DSM-V describes this under "Internet addiction disorder." Does this mean you are sick, because you post a lot? After all it's in the DSM-V! (Answer - no, not unless it causes you problems.)

Let's take another example. A friend of mine is a woman, but used to be a man. When she was a man, she had gender identity disorder. Then she had reassignment surgery - and is now cured. Thus she no longer has any kind of a disorder.

Yes, but hermaphrodites are part of nature and humanity.

No, true hermaphrodites are incredibly rare; I can think of only a few examples in the history of medicine. Ambiguous genitalia is far more common, and is generally a genotypically male who expresses only a partial set of male genitalia. Often these are reassigned to female at birth.

I guess this is more of a case of intersexed individuals. Having a penis is natural. Having a vagina is natural. Having a penis and then turning it into a vagina, not natural.

True - but neither is circumcision, or birth control, or cooked food, or antibiotics. Just because it's not natural doesn't mean it should be avoided.

Well, we don't know exactly what and how MJ pulled off such a feat (I haven't looked it up lol). But skin color change is just the tip of the iceberg, just like hormone replacement therapy is for transsexuals. E.g. If he really wanted to become asian (sorry about the generalizations about asian physical traits), then he might undergo surgical operation to make his eyes more oriental, maybe cut off part of his femur to become shorter, transplant out his thicker african american hair for straight hair.

Let's see - he bleached his skin, had a dozen cosmetic surgeries that cut off pieces of his nose and lips, and used subdermal filler to alter the shape of his face.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with changing your hair or oriental eyes. There is something wrong with changing your hair or eyes BECAUSE you think you're actually an asian man. That is a mental disorder and a delusion we should not be promoting.

Well, again, Jackson wanted to be white. And that's up to him.
Let's take this way for every action there is a reaction . I lived for many years I did not react . I know Homos existed they exist and thy will exist . The gay movement did not exist , thy lived their own life and that was it , no one got exited.

No they couldn't live their own life - because when they tried to live it they were harassed, persecuted, arrested, beaten and killed.

Now they ( homos ) want to create a new society , so the question is what fore , is the present society not good for you ?

Yes. In the same way we created a new society by freeing the slaves.

The way that I look at it . The open gay movement is it is to say to young generation , go on , thy other form to get sexual pleasure , beside male an female , "there is no thing wrong

Provided it's between two consenting adults - right, there is nothing wrong with that.

"The next step , perhaps will be It is ok tho be a pedophile . .. .

Nope. That's not between two consenting adults.
Definition of bigotry:

"Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot: someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats other people with hatred, contempt, and intolerance on the basis of a person's race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, language, socioeconomic status, or other status."---
@ Billvon,

Thanks for clarifying that video as I was unaware of the surprise ending. It was funny, and yet I was upset enough over the start of it I switched it off.

If anybody watches it pay attention to the end.

Dang. I finally made a mistake on Sciforums. It was a good 10+ year run though.

Two mistakes.

I am not Billvon. :)
That's a very good argument. But the problem is you shouldn't separate cultural disorder from normal metal disorders.

Mental Disorder: A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological pattern or anomaly, potentially reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is not considered part of normal development in a person's culture.

Culture provides the context. Imagine an OCD that compelled you to drive over clowns with your car. Well if your culture didn't have cars or clowns, this OCD wouldn't exist. but I still think that individual would have a mental problem. I guess I can see where you're getting at though. But I don't think taking cars and clowns out of the equation will make that individual completely sane. Who knows.

Yeah, so if I change into a transwoman I should reserve all women's rights, including going into their washrooms, changerooms, community showers. That is just really odd to me. If I change into a black man, should I reserve the claims to affirmative action. Agree to disagree, but that is just messed up lol

Homosexuality and transexuality is not a mental disorder and is not abnormal.

And yes, if you became a woman, you would be expected to use the women's washrooms, etc. Transexuals who do once they come out as the sex they actually are instead of what they were born with.

It is not a mental problem, nor is it a mental illness or disorder.

If you were somehow to have some sort of treatment or surgery to make you become a black person, then yes, the laws would protect you from discrimination. Why do you think that is strange?

Why do you believe that only certain people should be protected against discrimination (and denying homosexuals the right to marry is discrimination) and the rest should not have said protection?
Marriage, in the civil and governmental sense, is a legally contracted relationship. I'm not sure what interest the government has in checking out the contents of my pants before allowing me to sign an otherwise standard contract with somebody, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't square with general US principles of civil liberty and minding one's own business.

I don't think marriage in the religious sense is involved in any of this. Why would religious people care? They'll still have what they've always had, no loss to them.
OK, I'll clarify my argument for those of you who'd like to respond.

Here is my thesis: "But gay and lesbians are a gateway and stepping stone towards other groups which I do not accept."

Meaning to say that laws accepting gays and lesbians cases, will be a gateway to accepting transsexual cases.

I have no idea what you mean by "accepting transsexual cases."

Yes, I meant "conservatives" as in the Republican party (the term is almost interchangeable, here in Canada the Conservative party IS the homologue to the GOP). The Republican politicians, representing the Republican party, do base many of their stances from a biblical view. My point is that this is alienating the rest of the republicans that aren't christian. So instead of approaching things from a Christian Republican standpoint, they should approach things as from a Republican standpoint instead. In other words, they represent the Republican party not the christian Republican party.

As I said before, those on the right who are promoting Christian values are themselves Christian. If you want conservatives in office who aren't on the religious right, then elect more moderate conservatives.

Read explanation of thesis. And yes, some distorted form of homosexuality is a requirement of transsexualism, because homosexuality deals with sex and gender, what exactly are you if you are a transwoman? You're a man by sex, woman by gender.

Once again, you are incorrect. Transsexuals do not have to be gay.

Not every statement has to contain a point (this is evident from the majority of your posts). But it may lead up to a point. So quoting a few statements and then asking "Whats your point?" is really hilarious and ignorant on your part.

But even taking your post as a whole, there seems to be no point other than to express your disgust at transsexuals, particularly the process by which they become the other sex. You've made claims about perversions of humanity, and straw man arguments about gender reassignment in the womb, but you haven't made any legitimate claims or supported them with credible arguments. So, again: What's your point?

If a person cannot help how they identify racially (asian man feels like black man) or how they identify taxonomically (human feels like monkey), is reassignment surgery a CORRECTION of the original mistake? This is not a correction, because it is an error to identify the original status as a mistake. Because there is nothing wrong with being an asian man. Or being a black man. But there is something inherently wrong with being an asian man trying to become a black man. Refer to the end of my first post to why you should care or be concerned.

Straw man. I specifically said your examples of racial reassignment (and even species reassignment) were arguments ad absurdem, and therefore logical fallacies. So I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with being born Asian, just as there's nothing wrong with being born a woman. The "mistake" is in the transsexual being born, essentially, into the wrong body. The surgery corrects that mistake.

You can call it a strawman, I don't consider it such because its a slippery slope. Lets use the homosexuality movement as an example (although I am not opposed it, its a good example of how one landmark case FOR something leads to another). Proponents wanted gays and lesbians to be treated as normal human beings. (But people argued that they'll receive the same rights as people in such areas as this this and this, no no, that is a stawman). Gays and lesbians wanted equal rights in terms of marriage (But people argued that they'll receive the same rights as parents such as this, this and this, no no, that is a strawman). Now just last week, supreme court ruled that a lesbian non-biological mother has the same rights as the biological mother of the children. So yes, in line with being progressive and moving forward, one will lead to another until conservatives draw a line with liberals.

Would transsexual people want their children as transsexuals, would homosexual people want their children as homosexuals, would heterosexual people want their children as heterosexual? The argument is not so far reaching.

In the case of gay rights, the "slippery slope" could be argued because those were a logical progression of rights. In the case of transsexuals, you offer an absurd and incomprehensible example as the end of the slope. And I've already explained to you that there's no way to identify transsexualism in the womb, so the point is absolutely moot. You're just trying to conjure shocking imagery. That's been your play from the start.

I'm not apologizing for anything. Eg. You're a white male human. To think you're a female, is as perverse as thinking you're asian, is as perverse as thinking you're any other animal other than a human being.

You keep saying it's perverse, but you don't explain how. I'm left to assume you don't have a valid argument.

You don't treat a disorder by entertaining it. You don't tell schizophrenics that their imaginary friends are real. So by the same token that you shouldn't give surgical procedures to people with gender identity disorder, you don't give gifts to the imaginary friends of schizophrenia patients. This is promoting it.

Homosexuality used to be listed as a disorder, but was removed. Transsexualism is in the process of being removed from the list, as well, so your point is moot. But let's put that aside for now, and just say it is a disorder. You've avoided my question of what your alternative treatment is, so I'll pose it again: What is your alternative? Pretend they don't exist, and allow people to suffer because the surgery makes you uncomfortable?

And you still haven't explained why it shouldn't be treated exactly how it is currently treated, except to say it's perverse. You're going to have to do better than that.

Because the female bear isn't taping an artificial penis to herself to act like a male bear.....

A couple of problems here: First, the absence of strap-ons in the animal kingdom is not evidence against the existence of transsexualism in the animal kingdom, and the suggestion that it is only shows the low level of intellect I'm having the severe displeasure of debating with here. Secondly, strap-ons are not indicative of transsexualism even in humans. Seriously, you want people to take you seriously, then you say stupid shit like this.

I can't tell what animals are thinking, but they're definitely not as screwed up as humans.

No, by all means, provide more unsubstantiated claims. There weren't enough of them in your first post.

No, my line of reasoning doesn't follow that surgery of any kind is a perversion of humanity. Repairing limbs, transplanting vital organs, this is an advocation of humanity and life.

So is transsexualism. Despite your efforts to paint it as an abomination, all that's being done is the addition of one sexual organ and the removal of another. Nobody's adding extra legs or anything of the sort (not that you've explained why that would be so bad, of course; you haven't explained anything, just repeated your same condemnations over and over, like an angry old person shouting at the neighborhood kids from their porch) they're just trying to make themselves feel whole. That's kind of a beautiful thing.

Amputating your arms and replacing it with legs instead, that would be a perversion of humanity.

You're not even clever enough to realize what kind of a hole you've dug for yourself with comments such as that. What about the guy who loses a thumb and replaces it with a toe? By your own logic, that's a perversion of humanity.

We can disagree on what would constitutes a perversion of humanity, but take your 4 legged humans with you.

Another straw man/appeal to the absurd. Is there something wrong with you that you can't argue on the level, or is it just a total lack of ethics?

As for your last argument, it really is a strawman. I said that gender identity disorder was an abnormal mental behavior, which it is. But I didn't say that everything abnormal or non-natural was bad. I didn't say people with IQ of 200, or people with synesthesia, or that medicine or television was bad (lol!). But you should not promote abnormal mental behavior like gender identity disorder

What you don't understand is that your only reasoning for the condemnation of this "abnormal" behavior is that it's abnormal, that logically leads to the conclusion that all things abnormal are worthy of condemnation.

And lastly, this actually has everything to do with what is natural and what isn't. When I say perversion of humanity, I'd like to think that there is some natural sanctity to humanity, that is why we must respect each others rights as human beings. All our inherent rights and laws are made with regards to "humans" (All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.). Once you start to defile what is human, then you start to break that respect and sanctity.

Nobody's defiling anything. A transsexual isn't any less human than you are me.

Just because people have an opposing belief, doesn't make them bigots.

Another straw man. Are you incapable of anything else? I never said that having an opposing belief makes you a bigot. What makes you a bigot are your specific beliefs. You know, such as the claim that transsexuals aren't really human?

What constitutes a bigot is someone who has complete disregard for other's beliefs and vehemently opposes anything other than his own opinion; and it is apparent throughout the forum quarrels that you are the epitome of such.

If you want to peg me as being intolerant of people who say stupid and hateful things about others based on their gender identity issues--or, a bigot of bigots--then I'll accept that.
The fact that we are still arguing about this is mind-numbing to me.E that you love or are attracted to so long as it doesn't negatively affect anyone else.

You live your life, I'll live mine. I couldn't care less about who you or anyone else is attracted to, nor would I ever try to prevent you from enjoying it/each other. So why do you and so many other people care so much about MY life? Last time I checked, the relationship I'm in only has two people in it, and neither one of them are you. So why do you feel the need to have a say in MY consensual relationship with my partner?

I agree You could care less hoe I live and I fell the same , You happy with your mate great. Now why do you have to get married ? Marriage does not mean a dam thing to you you and your partner will not have children so what is the purpose to go with the signing a commitment .?
I agree You could care less hoe I live and I fell the same , You happy with your mate great. Now why do you have to get married ? Marriage does not mean a dam thing to you you and your partner will not have children so what is the purpose to go with the signing a commitment .?

Who says they won't have children? Who says marriage doesn't mean anything to them?