How Was The Universe Created?

Here you go you cant plead ignorance

Biologists consider the existence of biological evolution to be a fact. It can be demonstrated today and the historical evidence for its occurrence in the past is overwhelming. However, biologists readily admit that they are less certain of the exact mechanism of evolution; there are several theories of the mechanism of evolution.

in science, "theory" means "a statement of what are held to be the general laws, principles, or causes of something known or observed."

The theory of evolution is a body of interconnected statements about natural selection and the other processes that are thought to cause evolution, just as the atomic theory of chemistry and the Newtonian theory of mechanics are bodies of statements that describe causes of chemical and physical phenomena. In contrast, the statement that organisms have descended with modifications from common ancestors--the historical reality of evolution--is not a theory. It is a fact, as fully as the fact of the earth's revolution about the sun. Like the heliocentric solar system, evolution began as a hypothesis, and achieved "facthood" as the evidence in its favor became so strong that no knowledgeable and unbiased person could deny its reality. No biologist today would think of submitting a paper entitled "New evidence for evolution;" it simply has not been an issue for a century.
- Douglas J. Futuyma, Evolutionary Biology, 2nd ed., 1986, Sinauer Associates, p. 15

i do read those books about evolution etc. etc. frequently.....

Obviously this is false. "Those" books about evolution??? Apparently you do not understand it to the extent where you can question it on a meaningful level.


You seem to be thinking in terms of single step selection. But that is wrong. Life is the product of cumulative selection. It took a significant amount of time for simple chemicals to develop into self replicating molecules.
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Just don't read and study christian bibles, you need to read the original texts, the older texts and texts that were not included. Delve deeper into its history and how it came about. Eve was not the first woman as many, if not all christians, were made to believe. Jewish folklore has Lilith as the first woman and back then the Jews were broken into tribes with each having their own god that made a counsel of the gods known as the Elohim. Read into it....

What reason do you have for assuming the universe was ever created? With an eternal universe there is no need of a creator and the question of something from nothing becomes irrelevant.

If you suggest the big bang indicates a beginning then you should also consider that the big bang might just be a single bubble out of a potentially infinite number of bubbles, or that the big bang expands, collapses, and expands again in an infinite cycle. Neither hypothesis requires the fantasy idea of a supernatural realm.
in genisis it syas ALL kind of wild animals All kinds of catte and ALL kinds of creeping things.

some perhaps did worship several gods. but those were the people who went astray, and some did it mentions it in the bible.
the ancestors of abraham dont count because god said he would make a NEw people out of abraham.
okay i kinda got off track with za new posts, going back last night i left on the 3rd one.

yes, in the first creation he DID make plants before people. But i also noticed a pause between the making of the spring of water and the creation of man. That means god was creating people for a long time but blew the breath into their nostrils AFTER plant's were created.

Also the creation story is highly symbolical. The whole point of it was not to say taht god created the earth in 6 days. Perhaps a day could have been a billion years??even church leaders say so.
Also i forgot to tell u is that the chapter 2 is much older than chapter one.

btw, as i said before their were many jews who took different paths. They branched off as different sects. but they still worshiped the same god. its like baptists, methodists, catholics etc. they broke up having a little bit different beliefs but they still believe in god and jesus
Edgar, what the crap are you crapping about?

Your last couple of posts seem to be off topic

Please form a clarified opinion or an interesting question in order to spur discussion.



First of all do you understand the universe and the laws that it abides to the extent that a reasonable conclusion is in order? I highly doubt you comprehend the universe in all its complexity.

If you say God was always in existance then how is that different from the concept that the universe was always in existance?

Infinite existance is infinite existance. It still raises the same exact questions...whether you want to say the universe was always in existance or if you want to say God has always been in existance. This still leaves many perplexing questions to be answered.The hypothesis of God offers no worthwhile explanation for anything, for it simply postulates what we are trying to explain. It postulates the difficult to explain, and leaves it at that.
Originally posted by edgar
they broke up having a little bit different beliefs but they still believe in god and jesus
Since when did Jews believe in Jesus as the son of god? Jesus is part of Christian mythology not Jewish mythology. No where is there any mention of Jesus in the Tanakh.
Originally posted by True Wisdom
Just don't read and study christian bibles, you need to read the original texts, the older texts and texts that were not included. Delve deeper into its history and how it came about. Eve was not the first woman as many, if not all christians, were made to believe. Jewish folklore has Lilith as the first woman and back then the Jews were broken into tribes with each having their own god that made a counsel of the gods known as the Elohim. Read into it....

wonderful! I'm not the only one here who read this stuff! thank god. You do any research into the House of Yahweh? What is your impression of them? I met a guy, and he seemed quite cool, we had a good discussion. However I hear alot of "it's a cult!!!" type reviews.

ok, so let's assume that the creation story makes sense.
God creates the universe, the earth, dry land, light, plant, animals, people. Then these two people have two kids. one kills the other, and gets banished. He then goes out of the sight of God (wait, I thought God could see all), and gets married and has kids. um, hang on!!! Get married? who did he marry??!! not Eve, she's still in God's sight, so they didn't meet up again. not Adam, cuase he's a guy, and for the same reason as not Eve. Not Able, he's dead.

So who did Cain have kids with? Some, *gasp* other woman!!! Which God seemingly didn't create!!!! :eek: OMG!

You are quick to claim others ignorance about the universe. How about you explain yourself and answer the question of the thread rather than just claim that we are all idiots?
Your post is so vague we can't make out anything from it. Tell us how the universe was made in obth scenarios: if it is infinite or finite.
um wisdom i said CHRSITIANS broke up into diff sects but they believe in jesus, and god. I was comparing that to what u said earlier about the great schism and such.
The universe is the rectum of a giant donkey, sometimes it contracts, sometimes it expandes, and once in a while we have a huge KABOOOM.

with this teori god is a donkey, generaly unaware of our puny exsistance, only the big D man remembers us as he spends most of his time in the bowels stering up trouble and making gas.
but luckely for us we are on the rim of the universe away from the dark but firery center.
Originally posted by Kunax
The universe is the rectum of a giant donkey, sometimes it contracts, sometimes it expandes, and once in a while we have a huge KABOOOM.

with this teori god is a donkey, generaly unaware of our puny exsistance, only the big D man remembers us as he spends most of his time in the bowels stering up trouble and making gas.
but luckely for us we are on the rim of the universe away from the dark but firery center.
I guess we're Klingons near Uranus!

See im perfectly fine with accepting that I dont know the origins of the universe. I dont say things like "It must have been CREATED"

Ive heard some theories that matter can come from nothing, not sure on the specifics. Mostly I believe in the big bang, but i really dont know the secrets of the you?

You are quick to claim others ignorance about the universe

Oh im sorry, I didnt know Edgar had much experience in studying the universe and its properties. Has he been working with Stephen Hawkins lately??

Your post is so vague we can't make out anything from it. Tell us how the universe was made in obth scenarios: if it is infinite or finite.

Simple answer- I dont know. That wasnt hard was it? To claim it was created was pure ignorance. That was the point I was trying to make.

rather than just claim that we are all idiots?

Never claimed that anyone was an idiot. I said now you cannot plead ignorance on the subject. Sorry if you misinterpreted my statements, try to read them more carefully next time, thanks
Originally posted by Kunax
The universe is the rectum of a giant donkey, sometimes it contracts, sometimes it expandes, and once in a while we have a huge KABOOOM.

with this teori god is a donkey, generaly unaware of our puny exsistance, only the big D man remembers us as he spends most of his time in the bowels stering up trouble and making gas.
but luckely for us we are on the rim of the universe away from the dark but firery center.
Imagine if this was discovered as fact?
All the scientists come on to the news;
"aaah... how should we put this? ... hmmm we ...regret to inform you.."
man that would be funny
Could you please stop putting every single line in it's own post?

in genisis it syas ALL kind of wild animals All kinds of catte and ALL kinds of creeping things.
Exactly. Gen 2 says all these were created after man. Gen 1 says that animals were created before man, why Gen 2 says that all the animals were created afterwards so man was no longer alone.

some perhaps did worship several gods. but those were the people who went astray, and some did it mentions it in the bible.
the ancestors of abraham dont count because god said he would make a NEw people out of abraham.

A large majority of them 'went astray' as you say.

yes, in the first creation he DID make plants before people. But i also noticed a pause between the making of the spring of water and the creation of man.

The only 'pause' between the 'spring of water' and creation of man was that he created all the animals between the two. This does not constitute a pause.

That means god was creating people for a long time but blew the breath into their nostrils AFTER plant's were created.

No. God didn't 'make' man until line 26. There is no 'pause' here either, as He immediately starts 'talking' to them.

Also the creation story is highly symbolical.

Exactly. It doesn't tell us any more about the creation of the universe then an poem by Poe. You can read whatever you want into it, but it tells us nothing about the actual creation. What is worse is that it puts forward two sets of 'facts' which immediately contradict.

The whole point of it was not to say taht god created the earth in 6 days. Perhaps a day could have been a billion years??even church leaders say so.

Actually they usually aim at 7000 years = 1 day, but I think they do it just to be difficult. :) Regardless, it is further reason not to use the Bible as your source for creation 'knowledge'... as it can't be trusted and is completely open to wild interpretation. There are no facts there for us to deal with. It is symbolic and should be treated as such. None of this 'oh the bible says light came first' shit. The bible can't gives two different orders within pages of each other.

Also i forgot to tell u is that the chapter 2 is much older than chapter one.

Most religious leaders try to say that the whole thing was written by moses at the same time. However, his sources for the first section are said to have been originally recorded by Adam, with Gen 1 being told to Adam directly from God (who was the only one there the first 6 days). However, it seems just as likely that the whole thing was just made up.

um adam and eve had kids again........

Now you have the problem of incest. Your other option is that God created more people, but the bible 'forgets' to mention that.

okay...they lived together says no whwere that they seperated

In Gen 4:14 Cain said "I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth". Look up the word vagabond. It means nomadic, so who'd he live with?
Then in Gen 4:16 'Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.' So the rest of Cain's family decided to follow him... even though they killed their son and was a 'fugitive'?