How to Spell Premonition

Yes (Q). Whatever you say.

That's much better.

I do support those who want to do more than just ridicule and I just would never take someone's literary ability into account and certainly would never use a lack of it to try and devalue the points they are debating.

Then, you do support the slothful. That would make sense considering you believe in imaginary beings.

Logical as in say all the stuff that preceeded the big bang? Stuff we all understand so very clearly?

I know nothing of what happened before the Big Bang, neither does anyone else. What's your point? Is it that you don't understand the theory? Is it that the hard evidence and observations conflict with your biblical myths?

I think you did a real good job of welcoming a new member to the forum (Q). A real good example.

I don't welcome the slothful as you do. Birds of a feather, I suppose...
Are you aware how you come across on these boards?

Like a hammer on an anvil, yes I know. At least I don't follow fairy tales, myths and pseudoscience. My imagination does not rule my thought process.

You, and others here, cannot make the same claim. That is how you come across on these boards.
(Q) said:
Yes (Q). Whatever you say.

That's much better.

I'm sure you would like everyone to bow to your will. Unlucky. You will have to make do with the fantasy that you are to be held in such regard.

(Q) said:
[I do support those who want to do more than just ridicule and I just would never take someone's literary ability into account and certainly would never use a lack of it to try and devalue the points they are debating.

Then, you do support the slothful. That would make sense considering you believe in imaginary beings.

Literary ability has nothing to do with laziness in so far as you would have us believe. People come on to SciForums to discuss stuff that interests them. They do not expect to have those ideas judged on whether they can type perfect English or not. Like I have said before, if we were debating verbally, you wouldn't be able to make any such correlation. Some people are better at certain academic subjects than others but this says nothing about their laziness. Should I call you lazy because you aren't fluent in 12 computer languages?

(Q) said:
[Logical as in say all the stuff that preceeded the big bang? Stuff we all understand so very clearly?

I know nothing of what happened before the Big Bang, neither does anyone else. What's your point? Is it that you don't understand the theory? Is it that the hard evidence and observations conflict with your biblical myths?

I have no strong feelings about the big bang. It's a very interesting theory and one I understand well enough. In no way does it conflict with the idea of a Creator in my opinion.

(Q) said:
[I think you did a real good job of welcoming a new member to the forum (Q). A real good example.

I don't welcome the slothful as you do. Birds of a feather, I suppose...

You equate slothfulness with poor grammar. Not something I think you can accuse me of. I think it is lazier to ignore the points somebody is making, using the excuse that their lack of literary expertise correlates to their lack of intelligent thought.

(Q) said:
Are you aware how you come across on these boards?

Like a hammer on an anvil, yes I know

CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG! It might even make a difference if there was something substantial that you were forging!

I'm sure you would like everyone to bow to your will. Unlucky. You will have to make do with the fantasy that you are to be held in such regard.

hehe, so gullible are you.

They do not expect to have those ideas judged on whether they can type perfect English or not.

Perfect? Try legible for a start.

Should I call you lazy because you aren't fluent in 12 computer languages?

What does that have to do with synthesis and syntax?

I'm not fluent in gibberish either. Yet, those of who you defend are.

It's a very interesting theory and one I understand well enough.

No, I don't think you do understand it.

In no way does it conflict with the idea of a Creator in my opinion.

Oh yes, a magical being waving his magical hand.

the excuse that their lack of literary expertise correlates to their lack of intelligent thought.

It is a fact, not an excuse.
It might even make a difference if there was something substantial that you were forging!

You mean like propagating the ideals of gods, demons, angels, spirits, and such?

Look out below! I've just sent one of my many evil minions to gnash on your netheregions. Will you be sending out the angel brigade to defend yourself?
(Q) said:
I'm sure you would like everyone to bow to your will. Unlucky. You will have to make do with the fantasy that you are to be held in such regard.

hehe, so gullible are you.

touché :p

They do not expect to have those ideas judged on whether they can type perfect English or not.

Perfect? Try legible for a start.

Poor thing. Only a dolt wouldn't be able to pick their way through the broken English. 'duendy' is probably the worst offender but there isn't a single post of his that i cannot understand.

Should I call you lazy because you aren't fluent in 12 computer languages?

What does that have to do with synthesis and syntax?

You mean to tell me that you cannot understand what duendy is saying?

I'm not fluent in gibberish either. Yet, those of who you defend are.

It's a good job I am fluent in gibberish or 'Yet, those of who you defend are.' would make no sense whatsoever. Terrible use of the English language.
'Yet, those whom you defend are.'
But why be pedantic!?!

It's a very interesting theory and one I understand well enough.

No, I don't think you do understand it.

Oh well.

In no way does it conflict with the idea of a Creator in my opinion.

Oh yes, a magical being waving his magical hand.

And your counter argument is what?

the excuse that their lack of literary expertise correlates to their lack of intelligent thought.

It is a fact, not an excuse.

CLANG CLANG CLANG. Was Einstein unintelligent? If Einstein could type his theories here, perhaps you would write him off as being devoid of intellectual thought too, given that his dyslexia would be hard to miss in written communication?

Only a dolt wouldn't be able to pick their way through the broken English.

Sorry, us dolts usually don't bother wading through broken English. I suppose next you'll be telling me those who write broken English aren't the dolts?

You mean to tell me that you cannot understand what duendy is saying?

Mostly no, but I've since given up reading his posts as he engages to maverick his own brand of colloquialisms and grammatical abominations.

'Yet, those whom you defend are.'
But why be pedantic!?!


And your counter argument is what?

The universe made itself. It came into existence all on its own. No magic required.

If Einstein could type his theories here, perhaps you would write him off as being devoid of intellectual thought too, given that his dyslexia would be hard to miss in written communication?

Can you provide examples of these alleged written communiques? I doubt it. Once again, your penchant for myth is your undoing.

When he was seven his mother wrote, “Yesterday Albert received his grades, he was again number one, his report card was brilliant.”

Abraham Pais, stated in the biography, Subtle is the Lord: The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, “the widespread belief that he was a ppor student is unfounded.”
c20H25N3o said:
Literary ability has nothing to do with laziness in so far as you would have us believe. People come on to SciForums to discuss stuff that interests them. They do not expect to have those ideas judged on whether they can type perfect English or not. Like I have said before, if we were debating verbally, you wouldn't be able to make any such correlation. Some people are better at certain academic subjects than others but this says nothing about their laziness. Should I call you lazy because you aren't fluent in 12 computer languages?
You equate slothfulness with poor grammar. Not something I think you can accuse me of. I think it is lazier to ignore the points somebody is making, using the excuse that their lack of literary expertise correlates to their lack of intelligent thought.


Just a couple of points here, C20, that I believe are valid.

First, being fluent in 12 computer languages is absolutely not necessary for clear communications among ordinary people. And I don't think anyone is looking down on those for whom English is a second or third language. (For example, it's Duendy's native tongue.)

Second, I'm sure you've heard the expression "anything worth doing is worth doing well." That applies equally as much to the written word as it does to anything else.
as i have already already explained ...a million times........i have a micro keyboard where all the usual symbols and keys are on opposite server cuts me off after a short time..........i sometimes have to explain difficult communications trying to findmy way into closed mindes clipped arrogant static of course mistakes happen. for i am not a professional typer neithers.......i am wondering. d you'll complaning have acess to deleting paragraphs etc, and etc? i dont. if i look up ad have made a typo i'd have to back to it a click at a time. whish means time's running out and my flow' running out. case i improvize

i am noticing the pattern, that it is te cynics, the arrgant pseudosceptics who adhgere to a ultra materialistic world view who making themost fuss and get their knickers in a right twist if i say do thiiiiiis, orrrr FuK abouuty wid language. this i find amisin. (Q) actuallymsaid the term 'abominaton' to condemn the 'evil'...well, excuuuuse me. thatlanguage is striaght putta the BIBLE mate.....
you see ytour god is LOGOS. ORDER. and tisis why it has caused you such a righteously indignant freak i say. dont read me if it bothers you

alllso. what exactly do you THINK??...its one thing critcizing others' ideas. bt maaan, tis is a debatin forum case you hadn't npticed. you never EXPLAI for example what te Big Bang means? said for ewxaple, there's no magic in it? what you see, that very stATEment is a philosophical worldview. the irony is you not REALIZING THIS....!

(Q) said:
I suppose next you'll be telling me those who write broken English aren't the dolts?

Duh .. that's what I've been saying from the start! :rolleyes:
Light said:
Just a couple of points here, C20, that I believe are valid.

First, being fluent in 12 computer languages is absolutely not necessary for clear communications among ordinary people. And I don't think anyone is looking down on those for whom English is a second or third language. (For example, it's Duendy's native tongue.)

Do you 'look down' on people who use poor written grammar in their native tongue? Isn't that vanity? How can you be sure you are being objective within a debate if you are totally 'discounting' the voice of someone who does not live up to your grammatical expectations of them?

Second, I'm sure you've heard the expression "anything worth doing is worth doing well." That applies equally as much to the written word as it does to anything else.

Sure. Anything worth doing is doing well. Including socialising with different folk from around the world on the net, all with different contraints and freedoms.
Tolerance is worth doing well.


c20H25N3o said:
Do you 'look down' on people who use poor written grammar in their native tongue? Isn't that vanity? How can you be sure you are being objective within a debate if you are totally 'discounting' the voice of someone who does not live up to your grammatical expectations of them?


No, I don't "look down" on them - you're just being too petty with that.

As to my expectations , it's only the simple things. I'm not "expecting" anyone to follow all the complex rules of grammar. Plain, simple statements are best for clarity. I also like short and to the point and dislike long, rambling, disconnected posts. (I don't abhor them, they're just tiring and detract from the writer's main point.) Preferably, just say what you want to say and move on.
(Q) said:
The universe made itself. It came into existence all on its own. No magic required.

I think the only honest scientific answer is 'we don't know' ;) since radio telescopes can only 'see' so far back. In my opinion, the idea of the universe 'creating itself' is just as magical as the alternatives.

Since we're talking about Einstein, I assume you know he said "The rational mind is a faithful servant; the intuitive mind a sacred gift"?

Yes, and I've heard it claimed that Einstein was dyslexic, ADHD, autistic... I rather doubt that all of those could be correct.
Believe it or not (and I don't care who believes me, I know what I know), I had a premonition when I started this thread.

It was that it would get more responses than the thread titled, "Preminitions."
SkinWalker said:
Believe it or not (and I don't care who believes me, I know what I know), I had a premonition when I started this thread.

It was that it would get more responses than the thread titled, "Preminitions."

I had the same feeling early on. Except I called mine an "educated guess." ;)

By the way, have you noticed that the infamous Dwayne Rabon has sort of disappeared since everyone has become aware of what his problem is? I sort of had a "premonition" about that one, too.
c20H25N3o said:
Using the lack of grammar as part of the deconstruction process is crass and smacks of intellectual snobbery imo.
I am a crass intellectual snob. Are you suggesting I suppress my natural character in order to avoid offending those who offend me with every misspelled word, each poorly punctuated sentence, and each tranche of grammatical garbage?

Language is one of the most distinctive attributes of humanity. When we fail to accord it due respect that is an affront to our common human heritage and to our readers; the transgressor vomits indifference on the past and the present.

If the writer cannot respect language why should I respect his ideas? If the writer will not take the time to carry out a simple spell check why should I take the time to read her thoughts? If the writer refuses to structure those thoughts in any cogent way why should I work towards understanding their message?

Edited for a simple typographical error, out of respect for my readers.
Ophiolite said:
I am a crass intellectual snob. Are you suggesting I suppress my natural character in order to avoid offending those who offend me with every misspelled word, each poorly punctuated sentence, and each tranche of grammatical garbage?

Do as you please. I think internet forums are probably not the best place for you though as unfortunately the whole world is not as precise about grammar and spelling as you. If I was a vegetarian, I would probably avoid McDonalds on principal.

Language is one of the most distinctive attributes of humanity. When we fail to accord it due respect that is an affront to our common human heritage and to our readers; the transgressor vomits indifference on the past and the present.

If you were to transgress in this way it would indeed be vomiting indifference because you know better.

If the writer cannot respect language why should I respect his ideas?

Because to disrespect his ideas would be a wilful ignorance on your part. It is entirely likely that their disrespect of language is not wilful.

If the writer will not take the time to carry out a simple spell check why should I take the time to read her thoughts?

Because you are magnanimous enough to overlook it really.

If the writer refuses to structure to those thoughts in any cogent way why should I work towards understanding their message?

Because you are magnanimous enough to overlook it really.

