How to Spell Premonition

Light said:
Go away with that, Duendy, I don't even want to hear that from an admitted junkie. Light. you used to be a techer...? god ELP te po fukers in YOURclass then. what comple ignoramous you are masquerading as some smart arse. it is a sad speactacle, i mean it. i wouldn't layinto you if from he very first i have not had the arrogant Light-attitude in my face, as have others at tese forums

what did you teach????

what you are is 'efficient' love efficiency dont ya? the central industrial'fascist motivator. being 'efficient' is like being a machine-part in ote words. if you are not efficient you are a useless cog in the Machine. tats you philosophy, no?...jeeesus i can just imagine handin in an esay at school, college etc to someone like you. bet it'd conme back wid all crossings and snidey comments. remember onc i did tis essay at Uni...and this silly dick of a tutur crossed out 'petite bourgeoise' and replaced it wit 'middle class'...silly fuker, i knew what he mant. he was trying to claim was being pretentious. but i had WANTED to use tose terms. sometimes i passionately type and words go askew, or a fuk about wid words. tat is me...people like you are control freaks. pests.

and as for 'junkie'--yet again it speaks volumes for your ignorance. actually it is a very very insulting term, and shows you have absolutely no compassion fro people with hard drug habits, by callin tem 'junkies'. they HATE it!!

no ....that term IS derogatory, but it in no way includes psychedelics, for tey aren't physically addictive. you are of the mindset that just plonks all te varieites of drugs --illegal drugs as 'junkie' yr dont call your 'meds' if yer one em, or yer frinds are on em--JUNK do ya? ohhhhh no. they are REAL drugs aren't they?...or booze. did you kno alcohol is a drug? yip. it is 'junkie' to mention that

LIGHT? you are boring tedious person wit not much to say. all you do is insult and gossip the day ad night time long. while your here can you not LEARN?
Yes, Duendy, I was a college professor for a good many years. But if you've made the slightest effort to find my short one-page bio, you'd already have known that by now. Just another example of your laziness, eh?

Sure, I know "junkie" is an insulting term, and I meant it precisely that way. But from what you clearly said earlier, LSD trips are the only way you ever learn anything. So nobody, including me, expects you to know much.

Oh - and I had some VERY fine students. And I only flunked two over several years' time. Just about all of them were highly intelligent and motivated. Bad grades were rare.

You keep complaining that I don't say much - just what do you want me to talk about?
Light said:
Yes, Duendy, I was a college professor for a good many years. But if you've made the slightest effort to find my short one-page bio, you'd already have known that by now. Just another example of your laziness, eh?

me::asked you twice where it is......checked your name where is it

Sure, I know "junkie" is an insulting term, and I meant it precisely that way. But from what you clearly said earlier, LSD trips are the only way you ever learn anything. So nobody, including me, expects you to know much.

me::you complete ignorance about this amazes me. actually YOU could do with some. sooooner the better!

Oh - and I had some VERY fine students. And I only flunked two over several years' time. Just about all of them were highly intelligent and motivated. Bad grades were rare.

me::its not about grades. its about being human!

You keep complaining that I don't say much - just what do you want me to talk about?
something intelligent for a change?
i just am angry at those who started this thread because i am just trying to figure out a big problem, or gift, or random occurance(twice) i was just trying to figure that out and this forum seemed liked a decent forum to help me out with not saying i have not recieved any help from other users on this forum, they have posted on my thread and for that i thank them for their time, and those who are taking the corner in the debate on spelling i thank them also. when i first read this thread i was angry now im happy to see that some good-hearted people are taking my corner(thats right my corner as well as others, i personally saw this thread as humiliating to me and my intelligence, if you hate just do it elsewhere even though im still a newb here, all im looking for is help and to those who have i again say thank you
Your honour, I plead mitigating circumstances; I am DRUNK your honour... yes. I'm happy to say that I have been imbibing champagne for 6 hours straight and I am as happy as a bumble bee in a bumble, so excuse the French and somewhat rabid remarks but... fuck off.:D
Wrong! Chill out bro' and smell the silliness; we ARE allowed to get silly from time to time you know? Now fuck off.
how u expect me to chill out with the crap im trying to figure out, why dont u go be silly on your own time and not waste that of others
But this thread is not about you, except merely by assosiation with the wrong spelling of premonition; in fact, it's one of those silly type threads that is only half serious that we all enjoy so much, so, don't read it.
tablariddim said:
But this thread is not about you, except merely by assosiation with the wrong spelling of premonition; in fact, it's one of those silly type threads that is only half serious that we all enjoy so much, so, don't read it.
alright tbla...maybe you was pissed etc....but this threa ISfukin serious. it has been an attempt to humilate not only someone who posted a thread, but all people who for whatever reason dont spell etc to the specification of the local gang of control-freaks who take it upon themselves to NOT just politely point out a word may be spelled wrong, in a FRIENDLY and courteous manney....NO, but t actually start a thread intending to humiliate. THAT sucks and is serious and need showing up for what it is!
Then there are those who not only lack syntax but quote an entire post only to add a few words of nonsense, eh duendy?
(Q) said:
Then there are those who not only lack syntax but quote an entire post only to add a few words of nonsense, eh duendy?
hmmmmm well your sceptic bias self would take that attitude, eh (Q)?
I didn't think you'd get it. Now you're quoting entire posts and not adding anything at all.

Seeking negative attention? Haven't quite grown up yet?
ok (Q), how old are you? you are doing exactly what you are accusing duendy of doing, and that is adding nothing at all(to a thread) and seeking negative attention. i am only nineteen but at least i am trying to be logical and adding to a forum rather than breaking others down and being senseless
This thread is aimed directly at you and duendy, amongst others. It's main purpose is to show that those who are lazy and refuse to spend the time exercising their grammatical prowess are lazy in their thought process and comprehension skills as well, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

You say you're 19, which means you're probably in high school or just out. Yet, you don't appear to have even passed remedial English.

If you're here to learn that premonitions are complete nonsense, then you're correct in regards to your claim of logic. If you believe otherwise, you're no better than duendy.
(Q) said:
This thread is aimed directly at you and duendy, amongst others. It's main purpose is to show that those who are lazy and refuse to spend the time exercising their grammatical prowess are lazy in their thought process and comprehension skills as well, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

This is nonsense. Anyone who doesn't agree with (Q) period, is a retard according to (Q).

You say you're 19, which means you're probably in high school or just out. Yet, you don't appear to have even passed remedial English.

Childish condescension. Do you get off on this (Q)? Does it make you feel like a big man?

If you're here to learn that premonitions are complete nonsense, then you're correct in regards to your claim of logic. If you believe otherwise, you're no better than duendy.

Which leaves the poster in a very awkward position don't you think? Agree with you about the issue of premonition or face ridicule!


This is nonsense. Anyone who doesn't agree with (Q) period, is a retard according to (Q).

It appears reading the bible has addled your comprehension skills as well.

So, you support the slothful?

Agree with you about the issue of premonition or face ridicule!

No, just logic.
(Q) said:
This is nonsense. Anyone who doesn't agree with (Q) period, is a retard according to (Q).

It appears reading the bible has addled your comprehension skills as well.

Yes (Q). Whatever you say. :rolleyes:

So, you support the slothful?

I don't support the bigotted. I do support those who want to do more than just ridicule and I just would never take someone's literary ability into account and certainly would never use a lack of it to try and devalue the points they are debating. That is just crass. Are you aware how you come across on these boards?

Agree with you about the issue of premonition or face ridicule!

No, just logic.

Logical as in say all the stuff that preceeded the big bang? Stuff we all understand so very clearly? :rolleyes:

I think you did a real good job of welcoming a new member to the forum (Q). A real good example. :rolleyes:
