How to Spell Premonition

i wish you wouoldn't defend them one_raven

i can honestly say, tat in all my time at forums online i have NEVER made any reference to peoples spelling, and composition unLESS i have been attacked

i have noticed agin nd agien and again even...te types who DO attack people spelling and composition. usually it is cause they are stumped for anything worthwhile to SAY....! their only alternative is to strike below the belt--asit were.......i wouold feel ASHAMED to do that. it is te kind of shame i feel for the resident racists at tese forums who can call other human beings 'subnormal' cause they have 'low IQs' is o the same ilk and i fukin LOATH it, seriously

are we sying that cause someone cant spell, or even read and write that tey thus cant love....cant have deep feelings about things, have insight and intelligence, know what suffering is....etc? what a narrow arsed view. i suspect the nazis were marevelously literate as they drafted the Final Solution...........yeahhhh. get me point?
duendy said:
are we sying that cause someone cant spell, or even read and write that tey thus cant love....cant have deep feelings about things, have insight and intelligence, know what suffering is....etc? what a narrow arsed view.
Not in the least.
My sister is neurologically impaired.
She is a horrible speller, and her grammar is worse.
If you saw "The Other Sister" the similarities were uncanny!
She can have deep feelings about things. She loves, hates and has teh full gambit of emotions. She can have insight and intelligence on some things. She knows VERY well what suffering is.

What, however, does this have to do with having the mental capacity to objectively and rationally judge scientific evidence and come to an intelligent decision regarding Intelligent Aliens, Crater Chains, Invisible UFO's (yes, someone once posted a picture of an invisible UFO... think about that for a second... someone posted a picture of an invisible UFO in all seriousness), Ghosts, Poltergeist etc?
one_raven said:
Not in the least.
My sister is neurologically impaired.

me::which means what exactly?

She is a horrible speller, and her grammar is worse.
If you saw "The Other Sister" the similarities were uncanny!
She can have deep feelings about things. She loves, hates and has teh full gambit of emotions. She can have insight and intelligence on some things. She knows VERY well what suffering is.

What, however, does this have to do with having the mental capacity to objectively and rationally judge scientific evidence and come to an intelligent decision regarding Intelligent Aliens, Crater Chains, Invisible UFO's (yes, someone once posted a picture of an invisible UFO... think about that for a second... someone posted a picture of an invisible UFO in all seriousness), Ghosts, Poltergeist etc?
well you tell me? what does it have to do it it? i a not sure where your comingfrom.....te way i see it is--WHO has the right to judge people stupid? for te nanosecond you do you have set yerself up haven't you. as being superior. and we know ypu he me her aint. so don fukin pretend. we are all adults here and surely we can see this.....?d you have to be a good fukin spealler to see this here whats i is sayin?
duendy said:
i wish you wouldn't defend them one_raven

i can honestly say, tat in all my time at forums online i have NEVER made any reference to peoples spelling, and composition unLESS i have been attacked

i have noticed agin nd agien and again even...te types who DO attack people spelling and composition. usually it is cause they are stumped for anything worthwhile to SAY....! their only alternative is to strike below the belt--asit were.......i wouold feel ASHAMED to do that. it is te kind of shame i feel for the resident racists at tese forums who can call other human beings 'subnormal' cause they have 'low IQs' is o the same ilk and i fukin LOATH it, seriously

are we sying that cause someone cant spell, or even read and write that tey thus cant love....cant have deep feelings about things, have insight and intelligence, know what suffering is....etc? what a narrow arsed view. i suspect the nazis were marevelously literate as they drafted the Final Solution...........yeahhhh. get me point?

Oh, come off it, Duendy. No one said anything at all like that! We're not talking about people who are genuinely mentally impaired and cannot help it.

We're talking about ordinary everyday dolts! People without enough education or concern about how they appear in print that they fall for all this junk being spread around. Naivety is another operative word. They don't know enough (for whatever reason) to be able to discern between reality and pure fantasy. They aren't silly enough to believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny but they are just barely above that level.
I don't care about whether or not someone can spell. I've engaged in many conversations where I've completely overlooked it. Duendy and Rabon are atrocious spellers... I don't mind it.

The purpose of this thread was two-fold: educate those "gifted" individuals on how to spell premonition; and point out the correlation between apparent educational level and "gifts."
Light said:
Oh, come off it, Duendy. No one said anything at all like that! We're not talking about people who are genuinely mentally impaired and cannot help it.

We're talking about ordinary everyday dolts! People without enough education or concern about how they appear in print that they fall for all this junk being spread around. Naivety is another operative word. They don't know enough (for whatever reason) to be able to discern between reality and pure fantasy. They aren't silly enough to believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny but they are just barely above that level.
OK mr eversocleverdude....let me put YOU in te spotLIGHT for minute. forget the easter bunny for NOW. wht do you know if santa clause? i am bein very serious. what doyou know of that character?
Are you talking about the thread preminition?
In case no one noticed, it is written by a youngun'
may i suggest re-reading the statements.
Adults w/ even limited mental capacity should recognize this.
SkinWalker said:
I don't care about whether or not someone can spell. I've engaged in many conversations where I've completely overlooked it. Duendy and Rabon are atrocious spellers... I don't mind it.

The purpose of this thread was two-fold: educate those "gifted" individuals on how to spell premonition; and point out the correlation between apparent educational level and "gifts."

se how you jump to conclusions?...let us mediate on that ()~()~~~~~()~ ~.....ok?
i actually am a very GOOD speller. what i admit to being is a bad typer. and my micro-keyboard and system dont help. please imprint this confession on your consciousness....thankyou
SkinWalker said:
I don't care about whether or not someone can spell. I've engaged in many conversations where I've completely overlooked it. Duendy and Rabon are atrocious spellers... I don't mind it.

The purpose of this thread was two-fold: educate those "gifted" individuals on how to spell premonition; and point out the correlation between apparent educational level and "gifts."

The correlation was purely derogatory and cowardly however in my humble opinion. Better to attack their beliefs directly than making weak inferences such as poor grammar = poor ideas.

Ideas are so much more important than correct spelling.


duendy said:
OK mr eversocleverdude....let me put YOU in te spotLIGHT for minute. forget the easter bunny for NOW. wht do you know if santa clause? i am bein very serious. what doyou know of that character?

Well, I know there have been at least two fellows long ago that donned the persona in order to bring a little joy into the lives of children in orphan homes. Both were in Europe. I can well imagine there have been several others also, over the years.

Is that what you had in mind?
c20H25N3o said:
The correlation was purely derogatory and cowardly however in my humble opinion. Better to attack their beliefs directly than making weak inferences such as poor grammar = poor ideas.

Ideas are so much more important than correct spelling.



Hello, C20,

I think you're overlooking the point some of us are trying to make. Sloppiness in writing can very well be an indication of a sloppy attitude in general. People unwilling to pay attention to common, ordinary things like spelling and grammar are likely to be sloppy in their thinking as well. As a professional, I've seen that very correlation many, many times. Their whole attitude toward everything is lazy. Clear thinking takes effort and many of them won't bother to put forth the effort.
Light said:
Well, I know there have been at least two fellows long ago that donned the persona in order to bring a little joy into the lives of children in orphan homes. Both were in Europe. I can well imagine there have been several others also, over the years.

Is that what you had in mind?
No my 'smart'ypants' it isn't. santa clause is connected with 'satan'(anagram..?)--and shamanism, and the white and red psychedelic mushroom the Amanita Mucaria......!it is NOT just cutesy woootsie thing you find on kitsch cards
Light said:
Hello, C20,

I think you're overlooking the point some of us are trying to make. Sloppiness in writing can very well be an indication of a sloppy attitude in general. People unwilling to pay attention to common, ordinary things like spelling and grammar are likely to be sloppy in their thinking as well. As a professional, I've seen that very correlation many, many times. Their whole attitude toward everything is lazy. Clear thinking takes effort and many of them won't bother to put forth the effort.

Lack of decent education or having a condition like dyslexia is not reflective of a person's ability to think clearly about ideas that interest them. They are in the unfortunate position of not being able to express those ideas in a written form that is wholly acceptable to those who have the benefit of a good education.

My personal opinion is that those with the benefit of a good education, should be magnanimous enough to overlook bad grammar. Rip apart the ideas by all means. The ideas are well formed enough despite the lack grammar to facilitate the deconstruction of them. Using the lack of grammar as part of the deconstruction process is crass and smacks of intellectual snobbery imo.

In a verbal debate, you would not be able to make this correlation at all.


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Also for lots of people, English is not their first language. God help me if I ever have to communicate one of my ideas on a French forum. I wouldn't want to be dismissed as a complete retard because I didn't know my masculine from my feminine!


c20H25N3o said:
Lack of decent education or having a condition like dyslexia is not reflective of a person's ability to think clearly about ideas that interest them. They are in the unfortunate position of not being able to express those ideas in a written form that is wholly acceptable to those who have the benefit of a good education.

My personal opinion is that those with the benefit of a good education, should be magnanimous enough to overlook bad grammar. Rip apart the ideas by all means. The ideas are well formed enough despite the lack grammar to facilitate the deconstruction of them. Using the lack of grammar as part of the deconstruction process is crass and smacks of intellectual snobbery imo.

In a verbal debate, you would not be able to make this correlation at all.



Chill, man! You're going way past the point we're talking about.

I took this whole business to be only about the narrow group that are the same ones that fall for every slick con job that comes along. Therapeutic magnets, snake oil, gremlins, goblins, psychic "seers", fortune-tellers, 1-800-dial-a-psychic, palm readers, and all the rest of that mindless junk.

NOT people who were unable to make it through school, not ones for whom English is a second or third language. Just people who are silly enough to fall for just about anything - and the world is FULL of them. They aren't demented, disabled or deprived. They just do not make the mental effort to separate reality from foolish fantasy. If they sat down and gave it some serious thought, they'd see that there's nothing at all to that stuff.

There's no snobbery involved here - at least not in my case. And "verbal debate" isn't the right platform to determine this. If I still had my papers from when I was teaching I could show you perfect collaboration for what I've asserted. This is the same general group of people that usually amount to little in life. Why? Because they refuse to pay attention to detail. They ignore when it's time to make a payment on their car, and then complain when it's taken from them. The same ones that buy some useless trinket shown in a TV ad for $19.95. They pay another $10 to get it shipped to them and then toss it in a corner because it doesn't do what was claimed. They have a strong tendency to go through their whole lives that way. Always behind, never getting ahead. They are sloppy, inattentive and it shows in everything they do.
duendy said:
No my 'smart'ypants' it isn't. santa clause is connected with 'satan'(anagram..?)--and shamanism, and the white and red psychedelic mushroom the Amanita Mucaria......!it is NOT just cutesy woootsie thing you find on kitsch cards

Go away with that, Duendy, I don't even want to hear that from an admitted junkie.

Morris was only too aware of the dangers of misconstruing normal events as paranormal. Indeed he was able to apply his sophisticated knowledge of the psychology of deception to explain how people can be purposefully deceived by others or unpurposefully deceive themselves. He also encouraged dialogue with skeptics, or “counter-advocates” as he preferred to describe them (since he believed that all parapsychologists should be skeptical) and this helped to defuse the antipathy towards the subject.

I am chilled :)

The bit in bold is where I am coming from. People will be put off discussing these subjects if they think they are being pre-judged on their spelling.


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c20H25N3o said:

Morris was only too aware of the dangers of misconstruing normal events as paranormal. Indeed he was able to apply his sophisticated knowledge of the psychology of deception to explain how people can be purposefully deceived by others or unpurposefully deceive themselves. He also encouraged dialogue with skeptics, or “counter-advocates” as he preferred to describe them (since he believed that all parapsychologists should be skeptical) and this helped to defuse the antipathy towards the subject.

I am chilled :)

The bit in bold is where I am coming from. People will be put off discussing these subjects if they think they are being pre-judged on their spelling.



Very good! Now that I can agree with. :)