How to Spell Premonition

I used to get all irked and bothered when I saw misspellings, especially in ads and contracts that are SUPPOSED to be proofed before going to print. I always said I had an inner English teacher.

Well, Andrew Jackson seems to have reached across time to slap my inner English teacher firmly on her behind with this quote:

"It's a small mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."

Old Hickory pretty much put her in her place with that one! :eek: :eek: ;)
SkinWalker said:
Why is it that the undereducated seem always to be the ones with special powers, contacts with aliens, or connections with the afterlife?

Well, I reckon it's either because stupidity and gullibility go hand in hand, or, that they are clever enough to know they are stupid and need to self aggrandise.
It may be they believe they possess special powers, etc. and therefore don't feel the need to get educated. They probably watch too much TV.
Should we start a spell-checker thread and make it sticky? Everytime somebody mis-spells a word, one of us cleverdicks puts it up on the thread with the addition of the correct version.
If it were simply a misspelled word, who would care? But it's the larger correlation that is interesting. The correlation of ignorance to belief. THAT's what's interesting. We all misspell words, but THIS one is consistently misspelled in the thread titles of no less than four separate threads.
tablariddim said:
Should we start a spell-checker thread and make it sticky? Everytime somebody mis-spells a word, one of us cleverdicks puts it up on the thread with the addition of the correct version.

I would say no. ;) Because another corrected copy of the posts made by the idiots Rabon and Buddah1, along with the natural lazy, sloppiness of Duendy would soon clog the system. :D
THIS one is consistently misspelled in the thread titles of no less than four separate threads

Maybe its the same person with sock puppets.
SkinWalker said:

Why is it that the undereducated seem always to be the ones with special powers, contacts with aliens, or connections with the afterlife?

There are at least four threads on the opening page of this subforum with premonition spelled preminition.

I'm guilty of mispelling the word, but in my defense it's not something thats used in the real world frequently (especially not in any technical fields).

Unfortunate to the assertion, I am not undereducated, nor have special powers, nor have been contacted by aliens, nor have connections with the afterlife.
A slacked jaw might make for a discrepancy when speaking the word, hence it is spelled as it sounds. ;)
(Q) said:
A slacked jaw might make for a discrepancy when speaking the word, hence it is spelled as it sounds. ;)

Could be. ;) Plus the drooling at the mouth while awaiting the next contact will also garble the pronunciation of the word.

The thing is, all of us misspell words now and then but that is far from their situation. You may also discover that a good many of them aren't old enough to even know how to spell words more complex than "dog", "cat" and "ball."

Have you also noticed that the way a lot of them spell "dimensions" actually comes pretty close to the word "demented?" :D
Mebee sumbuddy shood starrt uh thred wair wee oll spel wurdz lyk thay sownd just too see if ennybuddy can akshoouhlee reed it.
What a nice thread. I saw 'preminition' or some such variant hover around in parapsychology, I almost risked psychic powers, aliens and big foot to correct the poor bastards. But I didn't until now.

Bastards, it's spelled premonition.
ok whats the big deal with how its spelt, i posted here because it looked like a legit forum where there are actual intelligent people who will take my story and give me feedback about what they think.........i did not even think they would give me feedback on the title of my thread, if thats all you are taking from my thread than grow up or fuck off im sorry for swearing but come on take the stick out from your ass
so let me get this straight then.....amongst the 'charming' 'educated' company here, who believe them selves to be ev er-so-superior-dont ya know.....That say a person came into your presence who was illiterate, or preliterate, then they would be LEPERS in you estimation?
duendy said:
so let me get this straight then.....amongst the 'charming' 'educated' company here, who believe them selves to be ev er-so-superior-dont ya know.....That say a person came into your presence who was illiterate, or preliterate, then they would be LEPERS in you estimation?

Nope, not at all. Just plain old common ordinary dummies. :D
No one is saying you are a leper, duendy. ;)
All that is being pointed out is the observation that many of the "believers" in the pseudoscience forum are also atrocious spellers (or perhaps simply too lazy to look things up) and similarly they tend to have horrible grammatical and syntax errors.
You can't blame people for wondering about the correlation.

A lot of the threads I read (on the internet in general, but from pseudoscience "believers" in particular) read as if they were written by someone who simply does not have a firm grasp on the English language.
If English is the person-in-question's first language, and he or she seems to have such a difficult time with it, it seems fairly safe to assume he or she is either ignorant (un/under-educated) or not terribly bright.
This assumption could be incorrect (perhaps, like my brother, the person is just a horrible typist, and this betrays his real intelligence), but if all you have to base judgement of a person on is that person's words, is that assumption such a an off-base one to make?
I don't care what anyone thinks of me, as long as they base their judgements on accurate information.
I happen to love language (though I CERTAINLY make my share of errors) and try to reflect that in my communication. Even if I did not, however, knowing that the only thing that a person has to base judgement of me is my words, I will put forth the effort to do my part in portraying myself accurately.