How to be saved as a Christian - Faith vs. Works

I've been nice, asked questions, and spoken with polite tongue throughout my brief time on this forum. Right now all i feel like saying is: "what a load of complete and utter bollocks."

The Visitor: I have never in my life met someone as naive and hypocritical as you. Frankly i feel sorry for Persol who is wasting time arguing with an idiot. Frankly i feel sorry for me, as i'm now also wasting time conversing with an idiot.. I doubt you'll ever see it for yourself or accept the honest opinion of others which is such a shame.

I have nothing wrong with a mans belief. We all believe what we want to, regardless of what other people think, but it's the manner in which you present yourself which causes the issues at hand. You have NO argument of substance, instead you feel the need to speak total tripe, you avoid any direct question with totally irrelevant speech, and then refer to yourself as being like jesus when frankly i hope not or people worship a retard.

The King James is very accurate, I said so...You deny it.

You must be aware the bible is a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation etc etc. It's about as accurate as my darts playing.

If you must, ask me to show you what i mean by this. or just talk more bollocks, don't make a difference to me.

"frankly i hope not or people worship a retard"

"You must be aware the bible is a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation etc etc. It's about as accurate as my darts playing.

If you must, ask me to show you what i mean by this. or just talk more bollocks, don't make a difference to me."

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Frankly your "name" says it all.............

You don't have a clue.
What about people who are blind. They will never be able to read the bible. They have to except what they hear. What if its wrong?

Time to burn blind boy!!!

What about people in ANTI-CHRISTIAN cultures(tribal societies, Sudan-98% muslims because it's the law!?) Do you expect them to convert when so evangelist waltzs in?Do you blame them for not coverting to a foregen religion with foregin concepts?:confused:
Originally posted by TheVisitor

But, as a sidenote....I use the King James Version from 1611
It's the first translation into English and the most accuate.

Where did you get one that old? I went back to the King James. I have a 1929 version given to me by my Grandmother. I had switched to the NIV and then found a passage that stated Lucifer was The Morning Star after that I switched back.......
Does it not stand to reason that if the bible is not %100 accurate one could inadvertanly send millions to hell?

A single letter, Saton instead of Satan, could mean two different beings. But the missunderstanding could lead many to believe that that one did things the other did.

Visitor, even you said the most accurate... which means you believe the WORD OF GOD was mispoken somewhere.
There more than one way to heaven

There is more than one way to get to chicago....

Some take there time (walk)

Some take the fastest way, plane.

Some are scared of flying so they drive.

Some take paved roads. Others take dirt roads.

The directions are different depending on where your coming from.

But all still get there if they try.
What about people in ANTI-CHRISTIAN cultures(tribal societies, Sudan-98% muslims because it's the law!?) Do you expect them to convert when so evangelist waltzs in?Do you blame them for not coverting to a foregen religion with foregin concepts?

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Thats who we'll be ministering to in the millineum, the heathers that never had a chance to hear.....

It said we'd be Kings and Priests
There more than one way to heaven
There is more than one way to get to chicago....

Some take there time (walk)

Some take the fastest way, plane.

Some are scared of flying so they drive.

Some take paved roads. Others take dirt roads.

The directions are different depending on where your coming from.

But all still get there if they try

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Not in this case Hero,

Jesus said I am the WAY, the truth and the life....

I am the door, to the sheepfold....

No man can come to , less the father draw him first...

There are hundreds more.......

The one that did come in some other way, was bound hand and foot, and cast into outer darkness......
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Thats who we'll be ministering to in the millineum, the heathers that never had a chance to hear.....
If you continue to 'minister' in this manner you will not convert people.

It said we'd be Kings and Priests

I'll believe it when I see it.

Jesus said I am the WAY, the truth and the life....

Every religion and cult leader says this. Of course the Bible is going to support its religion as the only way.

I use the King James Version from 1611

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I didn't mean I had one personally that old.....I Wish !
I meant it was translated in 1611.......
Many experts believe it's the most accurate.
I like to use the old Schofield Version of the King James.

It's hard to find now, they've even revised it lately.
But that's just a revision of the foot notes Schofield wrote and the way it's arranged, not the scripture content.

Dr. Schofield had quite a bit figured out in His notes for 1905 or so....He had the Church ages properly lined out, notes on the Rest to believers, type of the milineum...

Jesus said I am the WAY, the truth and the life....

That's what the interpreters and the greeks and the romans think he said. They got it from this person who heard it from this person who heard it from one of the deciples, who think he heard it from Jesus. What the hell do they know what he really said. The new testament with all these garbage about Jesus being god was written centuries after the death of Jesus.

Jesus would have never said such a thing. Jesus was not the kind of person who would have glorified himself and made himself god or gave himself the status of king....You are so wrong TheVisitor, and maybe your way is not quite the right way you think it is.

They got it from this person who heard it from this person who heard it from one of the deciples, who think he heard it from Jesus. What the hell do they know what he really said.

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You really havn't read a thing I've posted have you?

Your Mohammad is dead, been dead for 1400 years.

Jesus is alive........ He's not dead words in a book
He has shown Himself alive, in this day me, to other christians.......even to your own people.

I posted miracles done overseas, in which He told your people the thoughts and intents of their heart.......
They were healed of blindness, lame from birth with deformities had legs regrown right in the plain sight of the crowds.

And ten thousand Muslims denounced Mohaamad, and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.......

Mohaamad, and the Quran have truth.....sure they do.
But just like our own "christian churches" today that I've said are the "Great Harlot"and the "Harlot Daughters", it is a partial truth.

Satan said he would exalt Himself above ALL the peoples of the earth.

The Muslim people are no exception........

Jesus said I am the TRUE bread..that came from heaven.
And He's proved this day.
True is not meant as opposed to False.
True means completed, whole as opposed to Partial, incomplete.
There is a people that can't be deceived, those who's name were on the Lamb's book from the foundation of the world.
Who are they.....
Those who are called to feast at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
It is a feast on the TRUE sayings of God.

Satan started His lies in the Garden.
He mixed one small lie with a large amount of truth, to make it more beleiveible.....
He still does the same thing.
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You are a lost case:

Originally posted by TheVisitor

You really havn't read a thing I've posted have you?

Your Mohammad is dead, been dead for 1400 years.

Jesus is alive........ He's not dead words in a book
He has shown Himself alive, in this day me, to other christians.......even to your own people.

Are you insane. You are saying that Jesus was alive and seen by you?

How about this offer for you. May you ask Jesus when you see him tonight to come open on national TV.

Also, how does he look? Does he wear a suit? Does he hold a regular job, or still herding sheep? Does he have wings?
You said you saw him, please explain what you saw. I'm awfully curious.
I keep trying to point this out

Originally posted by Persol
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Thats who we'll be ministering to in the millineum, the heathers that never had a chance to hear.....

Jesus said I am the WAY, the truth and the life....

Every religion and cult leader says this. Of course the Bible is going to support its religion as the only way. [/B]

If you never had a chance to hear, wouldn't it be unfair to send them to hell!!?

Don't say they are only judged by what they know because Jesus is the only way remember? So if you don't believe in Jesus for whatever reason (insane, biased culture, deaf, mislead) then the Bible says you burn, burn, burn.

Please explain.
[29] And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
[30] And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

I hope you know your first commandment as uttered by Jesus. Stating that the lord, our god (meaning Jesus god too) is ONE god. How can such a simple concept of believing in one god (Jesus, Mohmamed, and Moses god) get so twisted by the modern churches.

Now, back to the subject, you said you saw Jesus, please explain looks, attire, job, what he said, ect. Also, I hope you were not subjected to an optical illusion. I have an electronic picture of a white blue eyes Jesus that if you stare at it for 30 seconds, then you close your eyes you see a Jesus. Another optical illusion floating around is a reverse black and white Jesus picture, you can't recognize as Jesus, looks weird, but if you stare at it, then close your eyes, the image is self corrected by the retina to show Jesus......if you fell for an optical illusion, sorry, you're a loser, and if you saw Jesus in flesh and blood and shook his hands, then you're either crazy or extremely evil with some serious agenda.
Now, back to the subject, you said you saw Jesus, please explain looks, attire, job, what he said, ect.....

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Twisting soon?....Trying to twist my words

A serpent twists and slithers when it moves.

Are you that desperate to prove me wrong.

You're not fighting me.

You're fighting against God. (He... is the Word your trying to discredit)

I said: "He has shown Himself alive, in this day me, to other christians.......even to your own people."

Shown that He's still alive doing things only He could do

Saying things only He could know.

Has Mohaamad spoke lately...........
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You don't answer a word. I'm not twisting nothing. You're blind as a bat in mid day. Please recite to me the first commandment as mentioned by Jesus from your own bible. I stated the whole verse. The first commandment....FIRST.....does not say anything about worshiping Jesus. It was spoken by Jesus.

I asked you to relate to me your experience of seeing Jesus. What does he look like. Did you record it on Video? Did you take pictures? How does he look like. Come on now, that's simple question.
Re: I keep trying to point this out

Originally posted by Mrhero54
If you never had a chance to hear, wouldn't it be unfair to send them to hell!!? Don't say they are only judged by what they know because Jesus is the only way remember? So if you don't believe in Jesus for whatever reason (insane, biased culture, deaf, mislead) then the Bible says you burn, burn, burn.
Yes, and this is a problem. Either the Bible is not as strict about it as people try to point out, or God is unfair.
You don't answer a word. I'm not twisting nothing


I've given you more than you need already.....

You need to get a handle on that first, ... before you could take anymore..............

You don't digest anything....... just spit back out your unbelief.

Again I see a type here.

I hope I'm wrong...

For your sake.
How can you say unbelief, while I believe in god and all his prophets. I pray to god, my creator, the one, five times a day. I kneel down with my head to the ground and say glory be to my creator Allah most high. I fear god in every move, in my relationship to my husband, my kids, my parents. What unbelief are you talking about. Unbelief in your pagan belief? Hell yes.

Now don't tell me for your sake, cause you don't know my sake and will do me absolutely no good when I stand infront of my god for judgement. So get off your high horse thinking that you're the holliest shit that ever lived just because the corrupt church system now a day fed your brain with so much crap.

Still didn't tell me what is the first commandment and how Jesus looked like when you saw him. Or did you really see Satan and could not tell the difference. I guess, you won't be able to tell the difference because the bible doesn't have an orignal picture of Jesus to compare what you saw with. And if you claim you saw miracles, then how do you know that they are by Jesus, did he leave a clue or a signature? You know, Satan is pretty skilled, he can do miracles too.

Bye Bye Satan follower.