How to be saved as a Christian - Faith vs. Works


The day for beating christians is over my friend, that was another day.....

With another anointing..........The Ox (sacrifical beast )

This is the day of the Eagle..........

You better pray She don't rip you to pieces and feed you to her little babies, ...........Big Man
So 'turn the other cheek' was only a moral ideal until it is no longer suitable?
So 'turn the other cheek' was only a moral ideal until it is no longer suitable?


Never said that.

I order to understand what he meant to begin with you have to be familiar with the middle eastern customs of 2000 years ago.

That puts a different light on it.

A slap on the cheek was, in the customs of the day, only refering to a master dealing with a subordinate

If I remember right - to turn the other cheek would be an act of passive aggression, daring the master to shame himself with a second strike, which would be blatent abuse.....

Roman law required a peasant to carry a roman soldiers equipment for one mile.....
Going the second mile would put the soldier at risk of being in trouble with his superiors for not following orders.....

But what I was refering to was the anointing given by God to the Christians of each age, to meet the challenges they were facing at the time.
There were "four beasts" with likeness of a lion, ox, face of a man, and a eagle.....sent from the presense of God, to meet the enemy in each age in the form of the anti-christ.

The first age was facing apostacy of the apostles doctrine in the form of nicolatinism....

"And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of a thunder, and one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that set on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

The white horse rider was the anti-christ impersonating Christ, who was the true word left to the apostles.
The Spirit's anointing in this age was the lion (of the tribe of judea)
The word....
This is the first seal.

In the second age, the church united with the state (rome) and was given the power to kill all who disagreed with it in the great inqisition, at the start of the dark ages.

"And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that set thereon to take peace from the earth, that they should kill one another-and there was given unto him a great sword."

The red horse rider was the anti-christ given the power to kill the christian in the roman colliseums, being fed to the lions and sawed in two....

The Spirit's anointing in this age was "the ox", a sacrificial beast.
The christians were anointed to be able to hold their testimony in the face of certain death and lay down their lives.....
This is the second seal.

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come... see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that set on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; but see thou hurt not the oil and... wine.

The black horse rider was the anti-christ as the catholic church, in the dark ages gathering all the world's gold by selling pennaces, the buying of loved ones out of pergatory, sacriments, ect....

The spirit's anointing in this age was "the face of a man"
The reformers, the messingers (angels) of the church ages, sent to man with a message to futher man's understanding of God's word.....These started with Martin Luther posting his "objections" on the mission wall. John Wesley, finney, knox ect....This started the "protestant denominations"
This is the third seal.

"And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that set on him--that set... was--was Death, and Hell followed... him. And power was given unto them over the four parts of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with... beasts of the earth."

The pale horse rider was the anti-christ combining all the powers in the other ages, a mottled, mixed color - pale. In the last days the antichrist was on a pale horse, mixed color. A horse is a beast that represents a power. His power is all mixed up. Why? It's politics; it's national powers; it's religious powers; it's demon powers; it's all kinds of powers mixed together, a mixed pale horse was. He's got all kinds of powers.

Satan, after being kicked out of heaven, incarnates himself in the beast, Antichrist, false prophet, and now beast and given the name of death, and hell follows him: fully Satan on his throne... .
Now, this happens later on. He's false prophet now. He will become beast after while when he breaks his covenant there with the Jews.
The Spirit's anointing in this age is "The Eagle" -the eagle age; God likens His prophets to eagles. He calls Himself an eagle. The eagle goes so high there ain't nothing else can touch him. Not only is he up there, but he's built for that position. When he gets up there, he see where he's at. Mal 4:5-6
The second Elijah when he comes to this church in this day: restores back the original faith.
"And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls of the air in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together to the supper of the great God;
"Now, if you want to see their bodies, turn over to Revelations 19 after the Word slays them.
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satan is a child story Character from the childrens book "the Bible" satan exists no more than God. and god in my opinon {the christion God} does not exist.
satan is a child story Character from the childrens book "the Bible" satan exists no more than God. and god in my opinon {the christion God} does not exist.


Just a word of caution.....

Maybe you're the one who doesn't really exist..

In this "temporary life" that is only a shadow of the real world to come, maybe you're just a part of a training exercise for the character development of the Sons of
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Originally posted by TheVisitor

Just a word of caution.....

Maybe you're the one who doesn't really exist..

In this "temporary life" that is only a shadow of the real world to come, maybe you're just a part of a training exercise for the character development of the Sons of

If I dont exist then you dont exist and god doesnot exist.

mabe you should commit suicide and see what happens.
Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
satan is a child story Character from the childrens book "the Bible" satan exists no more than God. and god in my opinon {the christion God} does not exist.

as you said that is your opinion, and you are entitled to it, however, childrens book? how do you consider the bible a childrens book? its got some of the scariest stuff I've ever read in it and I sure wouldnt be reading most of it to my kids! and even tho i'm sure you didnt mean it literally, its one big book! no child could finish that!
How could you claim that with any certainty

Originally posted by TheVisitor

There are NO contridictions in the bible, only truths hiden in a mystery:


TheVisitor, how could you claim such a thing as no contradictions or Errors in the bible and you know full well that it has undergone many translations to reach it's English version that you are reading. It's not possible to have a human written book that was translated by humans with virtually no's unheard of.

Please understand that the bible is full of contradictions and errors due to man and not god. Humans wrote and rewrote and bible over and over. It was written and edited by empires and kings to fit the political eras, ect.
Please understand that the bible is full of contradictions and errors due to man and not god. Humans wrote and rewrote and bible over and over. It was written and edited by empires and kings to fit the political eras, ect.


Sure, I know there's all kinds of errors in translation out there.
There's a bible for Mormon, one wrote to back up the "Adventists", or Millerites as they used to be called...
Jehovah's witnessneses have their new world edition....

But if you believed the bible was Gods holy word, don't you think He would be capable of protecting that word ...even in human hands.
With God all things are posible.......
Have you no faith God can do anything......
I believe in a supernatural God....
And he can lead me to somewhere He's placed His word.
Thats in Jesus Christ...
But, as a sidenote....I use the King James Version from 1611
It's the first translation into English and the most accuate.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
But if you believed the bible was Gods holy word, don't you think He would be capable of protecting that word ...even in human hands.
God has obviously not done this. There are many different translations\interpretations of the Bible which say completely opposite things.

With God all things are posible.......
Have you no faith God can do anything......
I believe in a supernatural God....
And he can lead me to somewhere He's placed His word.
Thats in Jesus Christ...

And I don't see how any of this is relevant to the discussion.

But, as a sidenote....I use the King James Version from 1611
It's the first translation into English and the most accuate.

Actually that's not neccessarily true. That version has errors(both translational and content) which were later revised.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
But, as a sidenote....I use the King James Version from 1611
It's the first translation into English and the most accuate.
Oh goodness!

1380 CE: John Wycliffe was the first to plan a complete English translation of the Bible from Latin. His translation was based on the Latin Vulgate. He completed it before he died
1525 CE: William Tyndale's New Testament - the first New Testament to be printed in the English language
1535 CE: Myles Coverdale's Bible - the first complete bible to be printed in the English language (80 Books)
1537 CE: Matthews Bible - the second complete bible to be printed in English. Done by John "Thomas Matthew" Rogers (80 Books)
1539 CE: Great Bible - the first English Language bible to be authorized for public use (80 Books)
1560 CE: Geneva Bible - the first English language bible to add numbered verses to each chapter (80 Books)
1568 CE: Bishops Bible - the Bible of which the King James was a Revision (80 Books)
1609 CE: Douay Old Testament is added to the 1582 Rheimes New Testament - 1st complete English Catholic Bible - translated from the Latin Vulgate (80 Books)
1611 CE: King James Bible (KJV) - (80 Books)

I read and write both Greek and Hebrew and unfortunately not Aramaic yet, but in my opinion, the KJV is one of the most inaccurate.
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Edited by Darwin Disciple on 03-20-03 at 12:48 AM

but in my opinion, the KJV is one of the most inaccurate.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

That may be Good for you, but as I've stated, knowledge of Greek or Hebrew means approximatly....Sqwat, Zero, Zilch, Nada..Nina, Nunu....

The meaning is SEALED untill the last days..........

Go argue with Daniel, or the God that gave it to him.

The "LOGOS" (there's some greek for you), is the Life, the Spirit.......God in the Word.

And if He said the understanding's sealed, it's sealed and you and all the greek scholars in the world couldn't figure out the even the simplist understanding of what was in His mind when He wrote it.

Unless you have heard the voice of the "thunders"

The voice of God "Thunders"

And the king James fits the scriptures together perfectly
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
That may be Good for you, but as I've stated, knowedge of Greek or Hebrew means approximatly....Sqwat, Zero, Zilch, Nada..Nina, Nunu....
Well it would mean you'd be able to read a 'more acurate' version because it had gone through less translations. Obviously this must mean something because you brought it up.

The meaning is SEALED untill the last days...

Then don't quote/read/live by the Bible because you don't know it's meaning. Your comment makes no sense.

The "LOGOS" (there's some greek for you), is the Life, the Spirit.......God in the Word.

Wow... that has nothing to do with anything...

And if He said the understanding's sealed, it's sealed and you and all the greek scholars in the world couldn't figure out the even the simplist understanding of what was in His mind when He wrote it.

Then you can not say 'because the Bible says so', because you don't really know what it says.

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth...?

You should really think things through before you type.
I don't claim to "know all things " ............yet
But after twenty years reading the scriptures in the light of the revealed Word for today....

I'm not trying to be condesending, or arrogant my friends
but the bible is no longer a mystery to me or any of the other sons of god alive today.

But you people have been so confused by these churches and their false creeds that you can't stand the thought of someone who's not as confused and miserable as the rest of you....
Sorry I'm so happy..........It's glorious when you see it!

People are so used to accepting what they been told by these "so-called" bible scholars, seminary taught preachers of the Great Harlot (catholics) and her Harlot Daughters(protestants)
They've been taught God is such a mystery no man can understand Him, or the doctrine He left, that no man can understand the "mystery of the holy trinity".

Sure they couldn't after listening to these bunch of pit vipers.

All creation has waited for the manifestation of the sons of god.
The understanding of the Word has been given unto us in these last days...........God has shared His glory with us.

The revelation of His Word has been fore-ordained unto our glory from before the foundation of the world....

With the utmost humility I'm speaking the truth....or I'm one crazy fool, like they used to say in Jesus's day......this man has a devil.

When someone's as sure as I am, saying the things I've said, it's got to be one or the other........You decide

Be careful though.....
Originally posted by TheVisitor
But after twenty years reading the scriptures in the light of the revealed Word for today....
I fail to see how you use '20 years reading the scriptures' to support your opinions, when the accuracy of them doesn't seem to matter to you.

I'm not trying to be condesending, or arrogant my friends
but the bible is no longer a mystery to me or any of the other sons of god alive today.

I could have swore you just said "The meaning is SEALED untill the last days"

But you people have been so confused by these churches and their false creeds that you can't stand the thought of someone who's not as confused and miserable as the rest of you....
Sorry I'm so happy..........It's glorious when you see it!

Yet again you are just resorting to the same type of rhetoric that you accuse churches of using.

People are so used to accepting what they been told by these "so-called" bible scholars, seminary taught preachers of the Great Harlot (catholics) and her Harlot Daughters(protestants)

No. People are used to listening to people who know more about a subject then them. You have demonstrated that you can not even post along a consistant and logical idea, so people have trouble listening to you.

They've been taught God is such a mystery no man can understand Him, or the doctrine He left, that no man can understand the "mystery of the holy trinity".

And you just agreed with this in a previous post.

Sure they couldn't after listening to these bunch of pit vipers.

More rhetoric

All creation has waited for the manifestation of the sons of god.
The understanding of the Word has been given unto us in these last days...........God has shared His glory with us.

Wow... cause people haven't been saying that for the last 2000 years.

The revelation of His Word has been fore-ordained unto our glory from before the foundation of the world....

What's the point of a foundation if the world is going to end?

When someone's as sure as I am, saying the things I've said, it's got to be one or the other........You decide

I think most of us have.

please response to "is God responisble...." I really want your input on my most recent post. I have class in five mins. so i can't reply immediately..would apprecaite it. thnx.
Re: Visitor,

Originally posted by Mrhero54
please response to "is God responisble...." I really want your input on my most recent post. I have class in five mins. so i can't reply immediately..would apprecaite it. thnx.

May I...
Humans possess free will. This free will was given by the creator as a precious tool enabling humans to make decisions and choices. Since free will implies freedom, then the use of that will is the responsbility of humans and not the created. So actions by humans are the responsbility of humans.

I know you'll say, so isn't god then responsible for those vulnerable people and those who are caught in bad situation where their free will didn't have anything to do with it. I say, absolutely yes. You have to remember though that life is very short in the scheme of things, and that short misfortune might be rewarded later by the creator.

But after twenty years reading the scriptures in the light of the revealed Word for today....
I fail to see how you use '20 years reading the scriptures' to support your opinions, when the accuracy of them doesn't seem to matter to you.
The King James is very accurate, I said so...You deny it.

I'm not trying to be condesending, or arrogant my friends
but the bible is no longer a mystery to me or any of the other sons of god alive today.
I could have swore you just said "The meaning is SEALED untill the last days"
This is "the last days" and Christ OPENS the seals during the seven angel's message Rev 10: 1-7 (took place in 1963)

But you people have been so confused by these churches and their false creeds that you can't stand the thought of someone who's not as confused and miserable as the rest of you....
Sorry I'm so happy..........It's glorious when you see it!
Yet again you are just resorting to the same type of rhetoric that you accuse churches of using.
Resorting...rhetoric.....No this is the "fresh kill, the meat of the word - eagles food" The dead stagnat, sesspools and broken cisterns your drinking from are the "rhetoric"

People are so used to accepting what they been told by these "so-called" bible scholars, seminary taught preachers of the Great Harlot (catholics) and her Harlot Daughters(protestants)
No. People are used to listening to people who know more about a subject then them.
That's nicolatianism - clergy lording over the layity, thats how you lost the truth, my friend.
You have demonstrated that you can not even post along a consistant and logical idea, so people have trouble listening to you.
I've been very clear, so much so, I hear you nashing your teeth.......they did that to Jesus when he taught also...

They've been taught God is such a mystery no man can understand Him, or the doctrine He left, that no man can understand the "mystery of the holy trinity".
And you just agreed with this in a previous post.
There's no trinity of "gods" - The Lord Jesus Christ is the name of the "Father, Son and the Holy Ghost"

Sure they couldn't after listening to these bunch of pit vipers.
More rhetoric
When they withstood Jesus's teachings, He said of them;
Matthew 23:33 - "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

All of creation has waited for the manifestation of the sons of god.
The understanding of the Word has been given unto us in these last days...........God has shared His glory with us.
Wow... cause people haven't been saying that for the last 2000 years.
Matthew 25:31 - When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne (Throne - in your heart, see..the kingdom of heaven is in you) of his glory

The revelation of His Word has been fore-ordained unto our glory from before the foundation of the world....
What's the point of a foundation if the world is going to end?Surely you know the bible says this present world (cosmos)is going to end.

When someone's as sure as I am, saying the things I've said, it's got to be one or the other........You decide
I think most of us have.
Atheist's, Muslim's "Nominal church members, false teachers.....
They were against His teachings surprise there.

Times up.......... Revelation 18:2 - And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
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Re: Persol

Originally posted by TheVisitor
The King James is very accurate, I said so...You deny it.
People who have read early versions agree that it is inaccurate. According to you early is more accurate.

This is "the last days" and Christ OPENS the seals during the seven angel's message Rev 10: 1-7 (took place in 1963)

ok then............

Yet again you are just resorting to the same type of rhetoric that you accuse churches of using.
Resorting...rhetoric.....No this is the "fresh kill, the meat of the word - eagles food" The dead stagnat, sesspools and broken cisterns your drinking from are the "rhetoric"

I don't think you understood what is meant by rhetoric. It's was a paragraph which did not address any othe issues in this post, and only put forth unsubstantiated claims.

No. People are used to listening to people who know more about a subject then them.
That's nicolatianism - clergy lording over the layity, thats how you lost the truth, my friend.

Not just the clergy knows about the Bible. In fact, many of them know less the academics.

You have demonstrated that you can not even post along a consistant and logical idea, so people have trouble listening to you.
I've been very clear, so much so, I hear you nashing your teeth.......they did that to Jesus when he taught also...

Your most obvious inconsistancy has been the accuracy of the Bible. Evidently early is more accurate, and then you are proven wrong and back peddle.

There's no trinity of "gods" - The Lord Jesus Christ is the name of the "Father, Son and the Holy Ghost"

And this disproves the trinity how?

Sure they couldn't after listening to these bunch of pit vipers.
More rhetoric
When they withstood Jesus's teachings, He said of them;
Matthew 23:33 - "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

I'll repeat myself for you: More rhetoric

All of creation has waited for the manifestation of the sons of god.

Wow... cause people haven't been saying that for the last 2000 years.
Matthew 25:31 - When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne (Throne - in your heart, see..the kingdom of heaven is in you) of his glory

I'll repeat myself for you: More rhetoric

Times up..........

Did your kooku-clock just go off?