How Should People Interpret 'UFO'?

[Pilots] don't have superpowers.
Sure, pilots are experienced and skilled - but that's not enough.

They don't have superpowers to determine the distance/size of unknown objects. They use size to judge distance, and distance to judge size, and brightness to judge size, and size to judge brightness, just like the rest of us.

A large unknown object - or bright light source - at 20 miles distance, moving at 2000mph ... is indistinguishable from a small unknown object or faint light source - at 2 miles distance, moving at 200mph.

When size, distance and brightness are all unknown quantities (since the object is unknown), then they're guessing, like the rest of us.
Hmmm....if I may be allowed to be so bold here Yazata to add another rule , the 7th rule ;

The behaviour of UFO's which seems to be missing in everybodies so called " rules " . James R. , billvon and Yazata .

I wasn't trying to enact rules River. I wanted to try to explore the range of possibilities, not tell other people what and how to think. I was just trying to outline a variety of interpretations that the term 'UFO' often receives, ranging from Paddoboy's interpretation that the whole subject is simply bullshit to the conviction that they are alien spacecraft and that's that. Interestingly, both of these very strong interpretations seemingly dismiss the 'unidentified' in 'unidentified flying object'. (Which was probably as close as I came to voicing a conclusion.) I'm in favor of keeping an open mind.

The behaviour of UFO's ; which is speed and maneuverability .

That might be evidence that they are something that we are unfamiliar with, something truly extraordinary, at least if we accept the estimates of their speed and maneuverability at face value. I'm not convinced that we should and am inclined to agree with much of what Dave has said about that.

If an unknown sighting is seemingly observed at point A, then suddenly disappears and an unknown sighting is seemingly observed at point B, that can be interpreted multiple ways, including an object moving instantaneously from A to B (which may be miles apart) or as an optical illusion, false radar echoes or whatever. The interpretation the sighting is given will probably depend on lots of rather unscientific variables, such as preexisting expectations, informal and and perhaps intuitive estimates of the probabilities of various hypothetical possibilities, and so on.
Understand this pad ; no matter how you dance around my post #54 in billvons thread ; the evidence is given . By military personal.
Military "personal" have far more evidence that Santa Claus is real than UFO's are extraterrestrial aliens.
The Truth is out there .
You realize that that line is from an entirely fictional show, right?
No I won't ; his remarks are completely irrelevant to this discussion .
No, he is a scientist and asks great pertinent questions, that you once again are afraid to answer, as it puts a great big hole in your mythical beliefs.

The irony of what ? Exactly ?
The irony of your usual nonsense...the irony of you claiming any relevant comment from a scientist is irrelevant, the irony of you daring to claim anyone is ignoring any evidence, the irony of you accusing anyone of answering any question with nothing.
UFO is the abbreviation for an unidentified flying object. Through word games, this abbreviation has been redefined, for some, to mean alien, or from other planets. If the government is testing a new jet, that has never been seen before, and it is flying, it is an unidentified flying object. Break down the term! It is an object, we can't identify, that is flying, it is a UFO. It could be a weather balloon or an meteorite.

What happens is a mind game can be engaged, due to the word game. Nobody can deny that there are objects in the sky, we cannot identify. The number of such objects compounds if you are a layman, who does not know all the manmade objects, secrets and not secret, that can fly. These observation are all validated, can be photographed, and are lumped under the term UFO. Those who have been conditioned to play the word game, will assume this is proof of aliens. These UFO's will not denied by the government, since they think in terms of secret flying prototypes, that may been witnessed and photographed. Denial will bring too much attention as a cover up. While the alien crowd think in terms of UFO=alien. One set of words, then comes to mean, two different things, to two groups of people, who both saw a UFO.

Global warming and climate change use the same word game template. There is some warming, and climate appears to be changing. This collective observation, putting aside source, is like seeing a new stealth plane, that cannot be identified. It is a UFO that we all see and can;t be denied. But since climate change and warming have been tagged, by the word game, as indisputably as manmade/alien, if we see this, many assume it is proof of manmade/alien. You would be hard pressed to make either, the alien or manmade group, think rationally, because they see what they see, and both side agree on what they see, but not what they think they see.
Global warming and climate change use the same word game template. There is some warming, and climate appears to be changing.
That is correct. Further, we know why it is changing, as the result of decades of hard work, testing and verification.
But since climate change and warming have been tagged, by the word game, as indisputably as manmade
No, it has been tagged as primarily anthropogenic as the result of decades of hard work, scientific research and experiments. No "word games" no matter how hard you try to deny climate change.
I was just trying to outline a variety of interpretations that the term 'UFO' often receives, ranging from Paddoboy's interpretation that the whole subject is simply bullshit
Can you support that bullshit you posted?
It is of course wrong. I have said constantly, that some sightings remain as unexplained, and are UFO's as in unidentified....they could essentially be anything. To claim outright they are Intelligently controlled by Aliens/time travellers etc, is an extraordinary such it requires extraordinary evidence.
What I claim as bullshit, is the silly outright inferences of river [like his nuclear war on Mars] and the unmistakable inferences of MR.
Again for your benefit, they remain as UFO's.
Look at a program about the hunt for missing aircraft MH370 and UFO has another tag of Unidentified Floating Object
That is correct. Further, we know why it is changing, as the result of decades of hard work, testing and verification.

No, it has been tagged as primarily anthropogenic as the result of decades of hard work, scientific research and experiments. No "word games" no matter how hard you try to deny climate change.

Interesting explanation,
Experts explained it was a so-called lenticular cloud, which forms over mountain peaks when the air is forced to rise as it hits the hillside. As it cools it condenses into a cloud.

Interesting explanation,
Experts explained it was a so-called lenticular cloud, which forms over mountain peaks when the air is forced to rise as it hits the hillside. As it cools it condenses into a cloud.

More images for CLOUDS MISTAKEN FOR UFOSLenticular clouds look like UFOs | Earth | EarthSky[/paste:font]
but more pictures of the ... beenmistakenly identified as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in the ...
Lenticular cloud - Wikipedia


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Wow look at all those pretty clouds. So do you have a single case of someone mistaking a cloud for a ufo?
Wow look at all those pretty clouds. So do you have a single case of someone mistaking a cloud for a ufo?
Not really, I'm not that taken in by the generally accepted UFO myth.
But I'm sure there are and have been many cases. You know how gullible some people are. :)
I wanted to try to explore the range of possibilities, not tell other people what and how to think. I was just trying to outline a variety of interpretations that the term 'UFO' often receives, ranging from Paddoboy's interpretation that the whole subject is simply bullshit
Well, your trying to tell me there that paddo's ''interpretation'' is that the whole subject of UFOs is bs.
To me paddo's always seem to be saying things along the lines of...
What I claim as bullshit, is the silly outright inferences of river [like his nuclear war on Mars] and the unmistakable inferences of MR. Again for your benefit, they remain as UFO's.
A UFO is simply an unidentified or UNKNOWN object....period.
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