How Should People Interpret 'UFO'?

Again river, your conspiracy nonsense is just that.
I do not need to prove anything, and for you to ask that is ignorance in the first degree........
Again, a couple of facts:
[1] We have absolutely no evidence of ETL anywhere in the Universe:
[2] We have no confirmed evidence that the Earth has ever been visited by ETI.
What you chose to speculate and imagine is your problem. :rolleyes:

The onus of course is on you and the other impressionables that haunt the internet with your fairy tales and stories to properly support them with convincing evidence.

You accused the military of not being able to differentiate between ; No one is exempt from the many conditions, atmospheric, meteorolical or personal delusions. Post #47 .

Prove it
"The discovery of other intelligent life in the universe would be the most important event in human history. Period."
And as such requires the same standard of evidence.

You accused the military of not being able to ; No one is exempt from the many conditions, atmospheric, meteorolical or personal delusions. Post #47 .

Prove it
You are posting ignorant nonsense again river......calm down at think logically.
Ask yourself, where do military personel come from?
They maybe highly trained to recognise events etc, but the facts remain, they are human, and as humans are subject to the same type of illusions, delusions, trickery, atmospheric anomalies, etc etc etc, as you and me....

My facts remain as is river, and are the same world wide and general view held in academic circles.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
"The discovery of other intelligent life in the universe would be the most important event in human history. Period."
And as such requires the same standard of evidence.

You are posting ignorant nonsense again river......calm down at think logically.
Ask yourself, where do military personel come from?
They maybe highly trained to recognise events etc, but the facts remain, they are human, and as humans are subject to the same type of illusions, delusions, trickery, atmospheric anomalies, etc etc etc, as you and me....

My facts remain as is river, and are the same world wide and general view held in academic circles.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

You can't prove any of your assertions against the military , that is a fact that remains pad .

And further in my post # 54 in billvons thread , many in the military give the evidence .
A quote from Dr Karl Kruszelnicki in an interview.................

If you think about these aliens, now suppose the aliens want to remain hidden from us. Well they're doing a very bad job. Suppose that they want to make themselves known to us; they're doing a really bad job.

Are they behaving like some sort of crazy teenage kids with mum and dad's car and a little bit too much beer on the weekend and they've been doing this for the last 60 years?

The human brain is immensely complicated. Anything could have happened, anything. But as to proof of UFOs that's different.

But why would they keep it secret? I mean do they think that if we know that there's a life form from another planet that we'll all suddenly bite ourselves on our belly buttons? Well, what will do? We'll say yeah, bring them on 'hello, how you going mate'.

Or is it that there doing some sort of secret stuff with the government and trying to steal our brains? Show me the proof. All I want to do is see the proof; and the proof is really easy. You just get one of your alien mates to land their UFO in the middle of the football field on some sort of football grand final: round ball, AFL whatever. And that'll convince everybody in the world really quickly.
You can't prove any of your assertions against the military , that is a fact that remains pad .[/QUOTE[
So miltary personel are Aliens river? :D:p

And further in my post # 54 in billvons thread , many in the military give the evidence .
Rubbish river.
The is no evidence for any ETL off this earth.
We do not have any conclusive evidence that any ETI have ever visited Earth.
The is no evidence for any ETL off this earth.
We do not have any conclusive evidence that any ETI have ever visited Earth.
A quote from Dr Karl Kruszelnicki in an interview.................

If you think about these aliens, now suppose the aliens want to remain hidden from us. Well they're doing a very bad job. Suppose that they want to make themselves known to us; they're doing a really bad job.

Are they behaving like some sort of crazy teenage kids with mum and dad's car and a little bit too much beer on the weekend and they've been doing this for the last 60 years?

The human brain is immensely complicated. Anything could have happened, anything. But as to proof of UFOs that's different.

But why would they keep it secret? I mean do they think that if we know that there's a life form from another planet that we'll all suddenly bite ourselves on our belly buttons? Well, what will do? We'll say yeah, bring them on 'hello, how you going mate'.

Or is it that there doing some sort of secret stuff with the government and trying to steal our brains? Show me the proof. All I want to do is see the proof; and the proof is really easy. You just get one of your alien mates to land their UFO in the middle of the football field on some sort of football grand final: round ball, AFL whatever. And that'll convince everybody in the world really quickly.

Would it pad ?

I doubt it .

What would ; should ; convince people is the evidence given by military people ; on all levels .

Hence going back to my post #54 in billvons thread .

Why astronomers don't report UFOs

I have, from time to time, made a point that astronomers rarely if ever report UFOs. If UFOs really were buzzing us as much as the media and UFO proponents would have us believe, then astronomers would overwhelmingly report the majority of them: we spend far more time outside looking up than pretty much any other group of people.

So why don’t we see all these alien spacecraft? I think this is because we almost always understand what we’re seeing in the sky, so we know not to mistake Venus, the Moon, a satellite, or other mundane things for flying saucers.

While UFO believers love to make hay of this — showing me the extremely rare time when an astronomer has reported a UFO, thus proving my point, or falsely saying astronomers spend too much time at the eyepiece to note the broader sky (which is ridiculous) — the fact is, astronomers are familiar with the sky, so we know what’s going on.

Well, almost always know. John Woolley of the Greater Edmonton Skeptics Society has an amusing story of the time he and some other astronomers saw something they couldn’t immediately explain… and make sure you read Part 2.

And y’know, his story sounds pretty familiar

So remember, despite the claims of the UFO crowd and the media that love to play this stuff up, seeing isn’t believing. Understanding is!

Why astronomers don't report UFOs

I have, from time to time, made a point that astronomers rarely if ever report UFOs. If UFOs really were buzzing us as much as the media and UFO proponents would have us believe, then astronomers would overwhelmingly report the majority of them: we spend far more time outside looking up than pretty much any other group of people.

So why don’t we see all these alien spacecraft? I think this is because we almost always understand what we’re seeing in the sky, so we know not to mistake Venus, the Moon, a satellite, or other mundane things for flying saucers.

While UFO believers love to make hay of this — showing me the extremely rare time when an astronomer has reported a UFO, thus proving my point, or falsely saying astronomers spend too much time at the eyepiece to note the broader sky (which is ridiculous) — the fact is, astronomers are familiar with the sky, so we know what’s going on.

Well, almost always know. John Woolley of the Greater Edmonton Skeptics Society has an amusing story of the time he and some other astronomers saw something they couldn’t immediately explain… and make sure you read Part 2.

And y’know, his story sounds pretty familiar

So remember, despite the claims of the UFO crowd and the media that love to play this stuff up, seeing isn’t believing. Understanding is!

Understand this pad ; no matter how you dance around my post #54 in billvons thread ; the evidence is given . By military personal .

The Truth is out there .
Would it pad ?
Yes 100%
I doubt it .
That's because you believe anything and everything you need some form of excitement and mystery in your life to make it interesting.
The best example of that is what MR has already disowned you on...Aliens conducting nuclear war on Mars :rolleyes::rolleyes::p
What would ; should ; convince people is the evidence given by military people ; on all levels .
Hence going back to my post #54 in billvons thread .
Sorry river, just more unsupported unconvincing nonsense dabbling in conspiracy again.:rolleyes::smile:
I mean I'm surprised you are game to get out of bed each morning. :smile:

UFO Myths, Freaklore, and Folklore Nonsense (x.UFO.x)
Kooks, Cranks, Believers, and Wing-nuts. Flying Saucers, Visitors, Aliens, Discs, Ancient Aliens, Men in Black, Green, Blue, Grey and Nordic, Pseudo-science, conspiracy, leaks, freaks, Discovery Channel crackpots, History Channel hoaxers, MUFON, National Geographic, Misinformation, Bad Education and more misinterpretation than you can shake an alien probe at! Believers complain that we want proof. I say we also want TRUTH and VALUE, not more childish nonsense in this modern world.
Yes 100%

That's because you believe anything and everything you need some form of excitement and mystery in your life to make it interesting.
The best example of that is what MR has already disowned you on...Aliens conducting nuclear war on Mars :rolleyes::rolleyes::p

Sorry river, just more unsupported unconvincing nonsense dabbling in conspiracy again.:rolleyes::smile:
I mean I'm surprised you are game to get out of bed each morning. :smile:

Really ; so you refuse to watch the post #54 from billvons thread ; no surprise .
The Truth is out there .
If you think about these aliens, now suppose the aliens want to remain hidden from us. Well they're doing a very bad job. Suppose that they want to make themselves known to us; they're doing a really bad job.

Are they behaving like some sort of crazy teenage kids with mum and dad's car and a little bit too much beer on the weekend and they've been doing this for the last 60 years?

The human brain is immensely complicated. Anything could have happened, anything. But as to proof of UFOs that's different.

But why would they keep it secret? I mean do they think that if we know that there's a life form from another planet that we'll all suddenly bite ourselves on our belly buttons? Well, what will do? We'll say yeah, bring them on 'hello, how you going mate'.

Or is it that there doing some sort of secret stuff with the government and trying to steal our brains? Show me the proof. All I want to do is see the proof; and the proof is really easy. You just get one of your alien mates to land their UFO in the middle of the football field on some sort of football grand final: round ball, AFL whatever. And that'll convince everybody in the world really quickly.
If you think about these aliens, now suppose the aliens want to remain hidden from us. Well they're doing a very bad job. Suppose that they want to make themselves known to us; they're doing a really bad job.

Are they behaving like some sort of crazy teenage kids with mum and dad's car and a little bit too much beer on the weekend and they've been doing this for the last 60 years?

The human brain is immensely complicated. Anything could have happened, anything. But as to proof of UFOs that's different.

But why would they keep it secret? I mean do they think that if we know that there's a life form from another planet that we'll all suddenly bite ourselves on our belly buttons? Well, what will do? We'll say yeah, bring them on 'hello, how you going mate'.

Or is it that there doing some sort of secret stuff with the government and trying to steal our brains? Show me the proof. All I want to do is see the proof; and the proof is really easy. You just get one of your alien mates to land their UFO in the middle of the football field on some sort of football grand final: round ball, AFL whatever. And that'll convince everybody in the world really quickly.

You still refuse to watch from post #54 ; from billvon's thread pad ; not surprised .
You still refuse to watch from post #54 ; from billvon's thread pad ; not surprised .
I watched it river...three days ago........:rolleyes:
Like I said, you are gullible and impressionable and need this type of excitement and mystery in your life....That's nice.
I'm interested in science river, and at the risk of repeating myself again......
We have no evidence that any ETL exists off planet Earth, and certainly no required convincing evidence to show that any of it has visited Earth:rolleyes:
I watched it river...three days ago........:rolleyes:
Like I said, you are gullible and impressionable and need this type of excitement and mystery in your life....That's nice.
I'm interested in science river, and at the risk of repeating myself again......
We have no evidence that any ETL exists off planet Earth, and certainly no required convincing evidence to show that any of it has visited Earth:rolleyes:

You haven't watch the hearings at all pad .
You haven't watch the hearings at all pad .
Yes I have river, and although they make far more sense then your trolling posts, the fact remains as everyone has agreed...UFO's are real, but we do not have the necessary extraordinary evidence to conclude they are controlled by Aliens.
Sorry if that upsets your apple cart. ;)
Yes I have river, and although they make far more sense then your trolling posts, the fact remains as everyone has agreed...UFO's are real, but we do not have the necessary extraordinary evidence to conclude they are controlled by Aliens.
Sorry if that upsets your apple cart. ;)

Yet they say that Aliens are in fact visiting this planet .
Yet they say that Aliens are in fact visiting this planet .
As I've been trying to knock into your head, they are human [the military personel in case you are confused again:rolleyes:] and are subject to all the qualities and such as the rest of us.
And of course their say so does not constitute the final word, nowhere near it.
We have no evidence that any ETL exists off planet Earth, and certainly no required convincing evidence to show that any of it has visited Earth.
" We are not alone in the Universe ; They have been coming here for a long Time ..."

Former Astronaunt Capt. EDGAR MITCHELL .