How Should People Interpret 'UFO'?

This ability to maneuver in a manner that are lethal to any conventional pilot is important information .
Nothing lethal to any imagination brought about by the many situations that we know of and even don't know of. ;)
As well the ability for some UFO's that are enormous in size can keep in flight at extremely low speeds .

So the speed and manueverability is an extremely important consideration when interpreting UFO information . Maybe the most important .
The mind and imagination work fast: Many people are fooled into what they think they see.
Extraordinary evidence like some artifact, faeces, body or body part, or some official announcement is what is needed, otherwise they remain as UFO's Instead these so called Aliens, carry on boringly with the usual flittering in and flittering out, thousands and thousands of times! :rolleyes:

This ability to maneuver in a manner that are lethal to any conventional pilot is important information .

Nothing lethal to any imagination brought about by the many situations that we know of and even don't know of.

Just a dumb response pad . You make no sense here .

As well the ability for some UFO's that are enormous in size can keep in flight at extremely low speeds .

So the speed and manueverability is an extremely important consideration when interpreting UFO information . Maybe the most important .

The mind and imagination work fast: Many people are fooled into what they think they see.

Not really ; they what they see ; many and most have never seen or heard of craft that can do what these craft can do ; including experienced military personal on all levels .

Extraordinary evidence like some artifact, faeces, body or body part, or some official announcement is what is needed, otherwise they remain as UFO's Instead these so called Aliens, carry on boringly with the usual flitteringin andflittering out, thousandsand thousands oftimes!

Offical announcemets have been made ; refer to my post #54 ( in billvons thread )

The evidence is in the speed an manueverability of these craft .
Offical announcemets have been made ; refer to my post #54 ( in billvons thread )

The evidence is in the speed an manueverability of these craft .
Like I said, the mind/brain and illusions, delusions it can create, have no speed limit.
And of course the only official announcement is that they are UFO's for a small percentage that have not been explained.....

So the military personal have illusions and delusions as does radar ?

No one is exempt from the many conditions, atmospheric, meteorolical or personal delusions.

Really pad , that's your best defence ? Quack defence .

Very poor defence . And what of radar evidence ? No doubt the same attitude , Quack defence .
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Really pad , that's your best defence ?

Very poor defence . And what of radar evidence ? No doubt the same attitude , poor .
I'm defending nothing river. :) It's you obviously defending your nonsensical claims.
Using the old cliche,"extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
And you and no one else so far has come up with any of that extraordinary evidence.
Officially despite your claim, they [ a small percentage] remain as UFO's, and Unidentified.:rolleyes:
I'm defending nothing river. :)

No one is exempt from the many conditions, atmospheric, meteorolical or personal delusions.

From you pad #47

It's you obviously defending your nonsensical claims.
Using the old cliche,"extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
And you and no one else so far has come up with any of that extraordinary evidence.
Officially despite your claim, they [ a small percentage] remain as UFO's, and Unidentified.:rolleyes:

My nonsensical claims , pad .

It is you that have come up with nonsensical claims pad .

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence ; then show that the military have no idea between the ability to understanding the difference between any conditions of your above statement on this post .
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Military is ; No one is exempt from the many conditions, atmospheric, meteorolical or personal delusions.
No river, no one is exempt....not withstanding your unsupported nonsensical claims and conspiracies.

My nonsensical claims , pad .

It is you that have come up with nonsensical claims pad .

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence ; then show that the military are have no idea between the ability to understanding the difference between any conditions of my first statement .
:D:p No, that's just continued useless banter by yourself.
Facts are, most sightings are explained by many natural means....A small percentage remain as unexplained...they are UFO's, and unidentified...

Military is ; No one is exempt from the many conditions, atmospheric, meteorolical or personal delusions.

No river, no one is exempt....not withstanding your unsupported nonsensical claims and conspiracies.

Then prove that the military and their personal don't understand the difference ; Between the first statement of this post and a UFO .
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Then prove that the military and their personal don't understand the difference .
Sorry river, it just proves that some people are so gullible and probably watched too much X-Files, and the whole conspiracy nonsense that they must accept to add any credence to their nonsense, :rolleyes:

A great rundown by Neil De-Grasse Tyson on the gullible impressionable and idiotic nature of UFOologists and delusional claimants....
Tyson means nothing .

He is not military .
He means far more then you.....;)
Two things you need to accept river, as fact....
[1] We have absolutely no evidence of ETL anywhere in the Universe:
[2] We have no confirmed evidence that the Earth has ever been visited by ETI.
What you chose to speculate and imagine is your problem. :rolleyes:
He means far more then you.....;)
Two things you need to accept river, as fact....
[1] We have absolutely no evidence of ETL anywhere in the Universe:
[2] We have no confirmed evidence that the Earth has ever been visited by ETI.
What you chose to speculate and imagine is your problem. :rolleyes:

Don't side track pad .

Lets go back to post # 50
Don't side track pad .

Lets go back to post # 50
Dont obfuscate river......
The facts as I mentioned remain, despite any and all nonsense that you are noted for.
Again, from post 50: Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence.:rolleyes:
Dont obfuscate river......
The facts as I mentioned remain, despite any and all nonsense that you are noted for.
Again, from post 50: Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence.:rolleyes:

You pad have not done just that .

My nonsensical claims , pad .

It is you that have come up with nonsensical claims pad .

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence ; then show that the military have no idea between the ability to understanding the difference between any conditions of your above statement on this post.

From pad ;

No one is exempt from the many conditions, atmospheric, meteorolical or personal delusions.
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You pad have not done just that .
Again river, your conspiracy nonsense is just that.
I do not need to prove anything, and for you to ask that is ignorance in the first degree........
Again, a couple of facts:
[1] We have absolutely no evidence of ETL anywhere in the Universe:
[2] We have no confirmed evidence that the Earth has ever been visited by ETI.
What you chose to speculate and imagine is your problem. :rolleyes:

The onus of course is on you and the other impressionables that haunt the internet with your fairy tales and stories to properly support them with convincing evidence.