how peaceful is islam ?

islam is as peaciful as christianity...different ways...same results...different blood...same number of deaths
draqon said:
islam is as peaciful as christianity...different ways...same results...different blood...same number of deaths

Not so. Ask the Hindus about the death count during the Sufi invasion. The Sufis, of all sects!

Islam is a peaceful religion, as is most other Abrahamic religions. There are, of course, the wayward fanatics.
leopold99 said:
i have no idea if it is or not
thats why i started the thread
You made no indication as such. Without any words of qualification of your own, your post looks like you are making a statement.

GeoffP said:
Not so. Ask the Hindus about the death count during the Sufi invasion. The Sufis, of all sects!
:rolleyes: So.

Ask the Albanians in Kosovo about the death count, the American Indians about the death count, the Australian aboriginals about the death count, the Aztecs about the death count, slaves taken from Africa about the death count, residents in the Middle East during the Crusades about the death count etc etc etc during the innumerable Christian invasions that have occurred throughout the centuries. The Christians, of all the religions!
Facial said:
Islam is a peaceful religion, as is most other Abrahamic religions. There are, of course, the wayward fanatics.
Precisely, just as there are bloodthirsty Christian fanatics.<P>
GeoffP said:
Not so. Ask the Hindus about the death count during the Sufi invasion. The Sufis, of all sects!


followers of sufism/number of for sufis death counts = followers of islam/number of for islam death counts = followers of christianity/number of for christianity death counts

Humans are like bacteria...different bacteria types...some with an ability to grow much more then other bacteria but in the end the bacteria eat up all the agar in the petri dish and die off...and the bacteria die just as fast as the other bacteria that grew to only smaller colonies...
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LOL, same old bigoted bullshit from the same old Islamophobes on sciforums.

leopald99(where 99 describes the number of brain cells in your head):
Muslims live in social, economic, intellectual, and religious poverty.
Like the Muslims who made up the Ottoman, Arab, and Persian empires.

DiamondHearts said:
I can remember something racist you wrote about Pakistanis when you said 't is easier to draw water from a rock than you get money from a paki.' Paki is an offensive racist slur against Pakistanis used by the British.

Paki, is shortform language as is brit, or yank or yankees or pom, or jews, if you find it racist then you must find the other shortforms racist too, or do you randomly select so called racist words.

Do you think the jewish like being called the jews, what is it with you moral crusade guys, you get the hump when we call a blackman a blacky, yet i am more than happy to be called a whitey by a blackman i am not insulted at all by that, he is describing my colour why the hell should i be insulted by that.

The colour of a mans skin means nothing, yet in the UK we have the

Metropolitan Black Police Association

Also the

National Black Police Association

Now if we had a white police association in the uk that would be considered racist by blacks.

Do you see what hypocrites we all are,
i dont care about race, or religon, what i do care about is that a religon or colour or whitey person, leaves others to enjoy there life, and that they dont take lives, i resent 1 human life being taken by another.
spuriousmonkey said:
I don't think that religion and peaceful should be mentioned in the same sentence. Religion is all about power.
religion is all about bowing down and kissing the all powerful ass
getting on your knees and begging like a dog
vincent28uk said:
A cult is something that controls your entire life, right down to the clothes you wear, you will find most muslims conform to religous wear, as we have seen all over europe they will demonstrate for the right to wear there cult symbols, to the point of being fined.

there is no formal clothes in islam, u can wear what ever u want.. ya, but don't go around showing your testicles and breasts to everyone, if muslims in europe want to wear their traditional clothing its their problem, but y should they wear ur europian clothing? is that how they can proove they're human... maybe to u!

vincent28uk said:
No they are not there minds can not be manipulated to blow themselves up, the simple reason being there religon does not have that strong of a hold over them, they have free thoughts.

so what do u call the kamikazis then? and if u forgot communists use to do that too, and people aren't obsessed with being blown up, but with limited amunition sometime its a soldiers choice to inflict the highest casualty in the enemy even if it means his death... sorry, but we r willing to die for what we beleive in, we don't just claim things we don't apply like some i know!

Free thoughts in catholism or judaism... ya right... keep telling ur self that!

vincent28uk said:
In islam there is no free thought, if you dare to speak against islam, as in salman rusdies case, a million dollar bounty is put on your head.....

Salman rushdie wasn't speaking history, nor was he critisizing islam, alot of orientalists did, no body killed them, Rushdie was insulting a holy figure on purpose to offence others, that is what gave him the death penalty...

and no free thought, weird... this is the only reason i follow shiism, there is no other religion that opens ur mind... but that is my opinion
leopold99 said:
religion is all about bowing down and kissing the all powerful ass
getting on your knees and begging like a dog

sorry..meant 'power/control over the people'. Religion as a tool of mind control and social control...blabla...that old shit.
GeoffP said:
What, they all used to do this? How would there be any daughters left to be step mothers? LOL. I think you're confusing the actions of a few pre-islamic arab extremists with an entire religion. Don't paint all pre-islamic pagan arabs with the same brush. Paganism is about peace - peace with each other and peace with the gods. One must ask why such sacrifices were made and understand the context in which they were offered. The people thought that the gods were angry, you see. It was a different time.

Sorry if this wasn't made clear... they didn't all do it, but it was acceptable by them, they feared that daughters would mean slavery and disgrace if they were to lose so, it was aceptable to kill them... this is historical fact of arab paganists... sorry, if i offended anyone it wasn't my inttention..

GeoffP said:
...does the contextual plea above look familiar?

I completely aid you, no text, religious or other should be dealt with without completly understanding the historical and cultural background of it... that is why we have an islamic coarse aiming to know that of the quran's verses and hadiths.

GeoffP said:
The only religion to enforce law? I beg your pardon?

sorry, again... i didn't ellaborate this more, it isn't the only religion to enforce law, it is the only with judaism that include religious contexts that mention how to deal with different crimes, others simply give it to the seculare authority to decide...

GeoffP said:
This is the exact nature of suicide bombing. How can you condemn something with one breath and support it in the next?

if u blow urselfup to protect ur village or during war against an army it would be understood, and sometimes even praised... but against civilians and non combatants its condemned in islam:
1- surat Al-Maeidah (the feast)verse 2 and verse 8 and verse 51
2- surat Al-Nisa' (the women) verse 60
3- surat Al-Baqara (the cow) verse 62

And in this last especially, u'll see that islam even respects others differences although it doesn't agree with their claims... now, if some stupid fanatics try to picture it otherwise its their problem not the whole community, like u can't blaim catholics for the crusade and spanish inquisitions, nor jews for zionist acts, nor communists for stalins regime ... etc

GeoffP said:
But in none of those other religions can you be legally killed for leaving them. You might well quote Deuteronomy back at me, but I don't expect you could find anyone being executed in Western society for converting or becoming secular. The same is of course not true for islamic nations. Can islam undergo a Reformation or not?

this was a habit not religion, this one of the major issues i discuss with our religious figures, to get astonished the prophet never killed anyone for leaving the religion!

GeoffP said:
Islamic society, however, places many more limitations on the rights of non-muslims. This in particular is what concerns me.

it is the same in catholism treating of jews and muslims in the middle ages, like spain, russia and some austria, still we treated them better... jews were known to aid muslims in invading other countries because they saw them as being better in treatment... during the abbasid era all sorts of religions were engaged in theological discussions and political debates..... so, we have alot in common, only we r going through a decline... its only just to give us time to get intouch with our civilized past!

GeoffP said:
This is not correct. The jizya associated with dhimmitude (the oppression or suppression of non-muslims in islamic regimes) ranged up to double those taxes paid by muslims (zakaat). In fact, in many cases in the Caliphate, zakaat was optional rather than obligatory. The collection of jizya was also intended to be "humiliating" and in some places in North Africa (and Turkey, I think) those paying jizya were smacked on the head after payment with a stick to reinforce the perception of subjugation. This is in line with the Quranic command to make the infidels (Jews, Christians, etc) "feel themselves subdued" (Sura 9:29) and "pay the jizya with both hands" etc.

you forgot "al-khums", but nevermind... alot of misundersatanding sorrounds jizya, some think it was for mere insult of non muslims... its alot like the israeli law which says jews and druze r entightled for military service while others r not... the islamic law says that a non muslim, since is a citizen shall enlist in the army or he can pay jizya instead whereas able muslim it is mandatory on them to inlist... hope things r clarified, if some rulers used jizya for their own purposes its there problem, umayyads reign use to put jizya on muslim non arabs (persians, indians,..etc) while exempting non muslim arabs...

GeoffP said:
So the murder of poetesses and the beheading of male captives is "defense"?
Mohammed needed somehow to attack other villages?

that poetess was also a military general and a leader of a tribe that was known for aiding murders on the tribal routes..."beheading"! the first beheading in islam occured during abu bakr's reign not the holy prophet... ur listening to some orientalist bullshit... look to ur sources before spilling accusations... please!

GeoffP said:
And are the rights of religious minorities equal to those of muslims in islam? May their churches be built as tall as or taller than mosques? May they repair churches (let alone synagogues) without the permission of the islamic authority? May muslims convert to other religions? Not fifty years ago, there was a sizeable proportion of Christians in many ME states - tell me, where did they go?

again ur insisting to mix tradition with religion, ottoman rule made that silly rule, they r the ones to be condemned not islam taking it from one of omar's ideas during his reign, not the prophet... and those christian communities u speak about simply decided they want to emigrate to south america and europe some muslims did too. specially in lebanon it is atradition to emigrate, we have a 4 million population with a 15 milion exodus, this is something about the poverty we had in thew fourth stage of the ottoman empire and the famine that spead due to economic reasons....

GeoffP said:
Neither are the Christians, really. The difference is that they don't burn down the embassies of islamic nations for the kind of bigoted vitriol that mosques churn out all over the ME, nor does their religion support such. "Turn the other cheek" is their rule, as I recall.

remember the number of mosques turned into churches in spain and portugal, and the demolished mosques in bosnia and kosovo... let alone the babari mosque in India... (sorry, this wasn't offensing anyone and i know alot of worship places of others were also demolished by muslims, but we weren't the only "vandals")

GeoffP said:
Unfortunately, that wasn't Mohammed's take on things.

If you only knew better...... try reading about mohammad in muslim sites
OK, for those who aren't psychedelially experienced this may not hit te spot, but i will tell it anyhow, cause its very relevant for this subject

2 yers ago on holiday i took some psychedlic mushrooms wit friends. we had a good time by the beach and when it went cold went to the shack. on a TV was tis ducu about the Israeli Palestinian conflict in Israel. it was like a fly on the wall kindof docu. so the caamera qas your eyes so to speak. no talkin head gettin in way. you would just here a voice frm behind camera sometimes askin question, mainly of te Isralies

we say the sraelies prayting and paying. a little girl walks around and by war lik fencing etc, and sits down in thes bombed lookin place. gets out her little holy book and prays really hard

we see Ortohodox ews paying by a large fridge door is similar mannner they would by the Wailing, thers prayn goin on everywhere

i am watching all tis. and we see the 'othe side to'--the Palestinians. i am tripping watching and almost feel i actually am IN Israel. very intimate

now. i can see and feel as clear as eggs this: what is keeping these two peoples apart is their traidtions. just that. all around is Nature we all need. the tyrees ater air the beauty, all that. but these people cling to tese traditions

now a lot through the warching i was also laughing so hard i thought i'd die. it was a combinations of the Picassoesque faces, the moods attitude i could see through, the hoples FOLLY OF HUMAN KIND...the abusrdity of the games we play etc. it was deadly seriousness togther wit utter mirth

dont know if i've conveyed anything to you. it's hard to. really

but to say. look, this IS serious shit. conflict, war, blood all the jmisery is not someting we can play with. the resolving of it needs really urgent action. you cannot do it if yus takes sides. you have to see and feel the bigger picture. its not a comfortable place. but you HAVE to. otherwise YO become part of the problem. you there cursing with evil eyes at the 'other side'

dya get me or what?
Hercules Rockefeller said:
Ask the Albanians in Kosovo about the death count, the American Indians about the death count, the Australian aboriginals about the death count, the Aztecs about the death count, slaves taken from Africa about the death count, residents in the Middle East during the Crusades about the death count etc etc etc during the innumerable Christian invasions that have occurred throughout the centuries. The Christians, of all the religions!

Do those counts hit 50 mil?

GeoffP said:
Do those counts hit 50 mil?

where's 50million come from. confused?

but i will guess. is u saying the people indotrinated in Christian faith have not got up to that number of murders in their persecutions and wars etc?
My understanding is that that's the estimated death count resulting from the Sufi invasion of India.
