How near is the Second Coming of Christ?...Poll Vote

How near is the Second Coming of Christ?...

  • Never heard of this

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  • I don't believe this

    Votes: 23 56.1%
  • Not Yet

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • This would be 20+ years later matter

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Very Soon

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Who Cares?

    Votes: 7 17.1%

  • Total voters
I already proved the both of you wrong. Feel free to post again after you've actually done some reading regarding the information I gave you as you will have to eat your words.

I saw no proof that discounts the factual information I provided. Perhaps some of what you've said in other posts was accurate, I only took the time to address the gross inaccuracies I noticed with regard to your speculative claims about the sphinx and other monumental architecture in Egypt. With regard to that, you are dead wrong and have supplied no valid "proof."
Insane? What "proof" do you have that demonstrates monumental construction in pre-dynastic Egypt? What was the post # this alleged "proof" was in. I certainly didn't see it. Medicine Woman's agreement with you doesn't even rise to the level of a good fallacious appeal to authority.

I'd thank you to retract your ad hominem accusation of insanity and actually show some evidence that goes beyond crackpot speculation. If you cannot, then why should anyone bother taking you serious from here on out?

You said:
Thats why it makes sense that the geologists are convinced that the sphinx dates to over 10000 years old.
This is simply not true. One crackpot geologist that I'm aware of has suggested this. One. And Schoch's wild speculation has been debunked. Other crackpots have offered additional wild speculations about "alignments of Giza to Orion" etc. These, too, have been debunked.
I proved both of you wrong and Medicine Woman agreed with what I wrote. You two are insane.

M*W: I did not agree with your proving Skinwalker insane, nor did I agree wtih your insane philosophy. I only agreed with your thoughts on astro-theology. Think what you wish about me, but I stand behind Skinwalker before I stand behind you!