How near is the Second Coming of Christ?...Poll Vote

How near is the Second Coming of Christ?...

  • Never heard of this

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't believe this

    Votes: 23 56.1%
  • Not Yet

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • This would be 20+ years later matter

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Very Soon

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Who Cares?

    Votes: 7 17.1%

  • Total voters
before God will return,there will be tribulations,and it's already happening..there will be persecution of the Christians,and force them to worship the image of the beast,and if they don't,they will be killer..the NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW
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and when hasn't there been tribulations?
And does tribulation mean anything different than trouble?
And who's persecuting Christians anyway?
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and when hasn't there been tribulations?
And does tribulation mean anything different than trouble?
And who's persecuting Christians anyway?

who da fk cares? get a life brother there are more important things in life like sex, drugs, and sex.
I'm at work, I'm making $22 an hour right now, and the sad thing is, Michelle is the only one interesting around here.
I don't want her, and it's only interesting like a car crash, not like, you know, someone with a brain.
So what is the typical time period between comings? When much younger it could be mattter of minutes, but know it is a matter of hours.

But for someone all-powerful I imagine perhaps continuous bliss.
After two millenniums have passed..

Since you ask..

After two millenniums have passed..

According to this prophecy..

"And behold, the Christ come quickly, for a millennium will pass and near another and there will be made a sign in the heavens. And you will know this star that called the wise and all-knowing to Bethlehem. Seek there the star at the appointed time, and all spirit will rejoice in the reward, even unto those who come out of the body, that every man according as his work shall be".

And there was great light and there stood before me Jesus the Christ. And He spake thus, that I may know the authority of the angel. And bade "Watch for the star that was foretold by the prophet Jacob, that you will know the time of the second coming, when I will enter all hearts".

"He which testifieth these things saith, "Surely I come quickly. Even as night follows day, so shall century follow century, until the second millennium is nigh".

Amen. Even so, come, Christ light."

Extracts from the . . "Third Book of the Apocalypse".

A Small Matter of Semantics.

How about $100 on that he dosen't even exist?

Presuming you are responding to the prophecy..

Depends on what you mean by exist.

Do you mean.. exist.. in a material sense..?

Or do you mean.. exist.. as a spirit..?

Just like to clear that up.. before I collect my winnings..
before God will return,

good Morning Michelle

i hope you are well and thank you for your post

How do you mean "before God will return", this sort of implies that he has been here before, i thought god cruises in heavan

take care
I don't believe in the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine.

Oh! You can just pick and choose what parts to believe or not?? No wonder no two christians can ever agree on anything.
Oh! You can just pick and choose what parts to believe or not?? No wonder no two christians can ever agree on anything.

No. It’s not about picking it or not. The Bibles does not support the concept of a pre-tribulation rapture. It supports a second coming rapture (post -trib). The left behind people "pre-tribulation believers” have created a doctrine that was not there in the first place. Its a very enticing doctrine because they are being told that they will not face persecution for their faith in Jesus, But the bible clearly states that we will face death for our belief in Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well superluminal everyone dies it does not matter if one dies at the hands of an executioner or if one dies of old age in their bed. So it’s no big deal. Our deaths are just a transition into an eternal state of being and for followers of Jesus that eternal state is one of Love and Joy, But for those who will not be joining us their deaths are a stepping stone into an eternity of torment in the eternal lake of fire. So don't feel sorrow for us. We have an eternal perspective and it looks great. :) Feel sorrow for those who persecute and execute us they face an eternal state so horrible it's too terrible to contemplate.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days