How near is the Second Coming of Christ?...Poll Vote

How near is the Second Coming of Christ?...

  • Never heard of this

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  • I don't believe this

    Votes: 23 56.1%
  • Not Yet

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • This would be 20+ years later matter

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Very Soon

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Who Cares?

    Votes: 7 17.1%

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Feel sorrow for those who persecute and execute us they face an eternal state so horrible it's too terrible to contemplate.

Would that be the innevitable 'fate-worse-than-the-fate-worse-than-the-fate-worse-than-the-fate-worse-than-death?'
1516 CE - This was the year the fifth Lateran Council got together and said, "Enough, already!!!" and banned all apocalyptic prophecy throughout all Christendom... This lasted, oh, maybe, five minutes.

1524 CE - A banner year for apocalyptic prophecies! Why this particular year ended up having such an extended busy season is a mystery. But it certainly kept the populace hopping. Moreover, the prophecies for this year actually ran along a "theme",... a bit like Rose Parade floats. "Great Floods Of The Coming Apocalypse" seemed to be the mania-du-jour and astrologers from one end of Europe to another competed to see who could come up with the most outstanding death-by-deluge scenario.

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1901 CE - The new century got off to a flying start by giving a great, big thumbs down to Reverend Baxter's millennium.

1908 CE - Lacking that future fixture of the check-out line, the tabloid rag display, Pennsylvania grocer Lee T. Spangler began filling his idle hours at the cash register by telling his customers about his spiffy end of the world vision. Pretty soon, the local papers were printing his fire and brimstone babblings and in no time, the prophetic produce peddler found himself with quite a following. Certain that the world would come to a spectacular fiery finish in October, Spangler and his fans were quite put-out when the month came and went without so much as a heat wave.

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I dont believe I will ever personally witness a second coming, one of my rather experienced X-girlfriends said she experienced one first hand though.;)
The biggest biblical event if true which is set to happen to a certain generation. Know 1 knows the time or day, not even the angels in Heaven, but Jesus gave us predictions which seem to be coming to pass such as increase earthquakes, floods, famines etc

But the day will come like a thief in the night!.... a load of religious mumbo jumbo or any truth to the second coming foretold in the bible?

U decide
The second coming as in a literal person isn't going to happen as the first never did. Since Jesus was the sun god Horus, I suppose you can pick the sun rise of any day to be coming number 1 in the number line and the next mourning would be number 2. Of course the day before would be his zeroth coming...
Seriously the new testament and portions of the old is astrology mixed with moral teachings, so to understand the new testament one HAS to understand astrology.
There are 12 and a bit lunar cycles in a year. Amazingly somehow ancient and I mean at least ten thousand years ancient people understood axis precession. The earth’s orbital axis processes at one revolution every 25800 years. If one divided that into 24 *days* for lack of a better term then a day is as 1075 years. I guess that’s not so poetic, so the bible rounds it and has it that a day is as 1000 years. Each mourning as the sun rises among constellations of stars it advances a bit due to the procession and orbit and so the ancients divided the constellations of stars that it rises among into 12 and a bit constellations in an analogy to the 12 and a bit lunar cycles in a year. In other words there are 12 zodiac constellations defining 12 AGES and a 13th constellation that arguably should be a part of the zodiac, but is normally left off. So 13 was an unlucky number even before the templar slaughter. Since the sun, Jesus, is surrounded by 12 amongst other reasons, Jesus had twelve disciples. If the ages are taken to be evenly divided amongst the precession period then an age is two *days* or is 2150 years. However, the stars aren't that evenly angularly separated and so one could take an age as commencing when the sun rise first occurs amongst the stars of the next constellation of the zodiac at spring equinox. If the latter be the case, then the age of Aquarius doesn't start for another ~600 years. If one assumed that 1 CE was what was meant biblically by the commencement of that age which was peices, and so consistently takes the ages as 2150 years then the age of Aquarius is in 2151 CE.
Now we turn to the bible for what this has to do with the end of the world and the return of Horus as a person(son of man).
Really the bible doesn't refer to the world ending. That’s a matter of translation.
KJV Matthew 28:20
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, (A)I am with you always, even to (B)the end of the age.
And the list goes on.
So what we are really talking about isn't the end of the world, but the end of the age.
Now given the difficulty discerning where one should define the transition between ages it should make sense what was said regarding the return of the son of man:
NKJV Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
Whoever wrote down Matthew and the Revelation of John did think that there was a person Horus which was called Jesus son of man who was the god of the sun. I think they were asserting that he would return as a person in form somewhere at the transition into the new age, two *days* after the time they claimed that he had come the first time. This wouldn’t be until sometime after about 2150 CE though its possible that they could have meant after entrance into the next constellation which won’t be for about another 600 years. Either way, you have yet to totally convince me that Jesus ever actually existed as a person “the first time”.
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Lol!! Christians are loony. They should be arrested for being delusional and dangerous to sane people.
The second coming as in a literal person isn't going to happen as the first never did. Since Jesus was the sun god Horus, I suppose you can pick the sun rise of any day to be coming number 1 in the number line and the next mourning would be number 2. Of course the day before would be his zeroth coming...
Seriously the new testament and portions of the old is astrology mixed with moral teachings, so to understand the new testament one HAS to understand astrology.
There are 12 and a bit lunar cycles in a year. Amazingly somehow ancient and I mean at least ten thousand years ancient people understood axis precession. The earth’s orbital axis processes at one revolution every 25800 years. If one divided that into 24 *days* for lack of a better term then a day is as 1075 years. I guess that’s not so poetic, so the bible rounds it and has it that a day is as 1000 years. Each mourning as the sun rises among constellations of stars it advances a bit due to the procession and so the ancients divided the constellations of stars that it rises among into 12 and a bit constellations in an analogy to the 12 and a bit lunar cycles in a year. In other words there are 12 zodiac constellations defining 12 AGES and a 13th constellation that arguably should be a part of the zodiac, but is normally left off. So 13 was an unlucky number even before the templar slaughter. Since the sun, Jesus, is surrounded by 12 amongst other reasons, Jesus had twelve disciples. If the ages are taken to be evenly divided amongst the precession period then an age is two *days* or is 2150 years. However, the stars aren't that evenly angularly separated and so one could take an age as commencing when the sun rise first occurs amongst the stars of the next constellation of the zodiac. If the latter be the case, then the age of Aquarius doesn't start for another ~600 years. If one assumed that 1 CE was what was meant biblically by the commencement of that age which was peices, and so consistently takes the ages as 2150 years then the age of Aquarius is in 2151 CE.
Now we turn to the bible for what this has to do with the end of the world and the return of Horus as a person(son of man).
Really the bible doesn't refer to the world ending. That’s a matter of translation.
KJV Matthew 28:20
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, (A)I am with you always, even to (B)the end of the age.
And the list goes on.
So what we are really talking about isn't the end of the world, but the end of the age.
Now given the difficulty discerning where one should define the transition between ages it should make sense what was said regarding the return of the son of man:
NKJV Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
Whoever wrote down Matthew and the Revelation of John did think that there was a person Horus which was called Jesus son of man who was the god of the sun. I think they were asserting that he would return as a person in form somewhere at the transition into the new age, two *days* after the time they claimed that he had come the first time. This wouldn’t be until sometime after about 2150 CE though its possible that they could have meant after entrance into the next constellation which won’t be for about another 600 years. Either way, you have yet to totally convince me that Jesus ever actually existed as a person “the first time”.
M*W: Well said. I couldn't agree with you more!

The "true" God of the sun in Egyptian mythology was Ra. Horus was first and foremost, a God of the sky, and later had attributes of both the Sun and Moon (as his two eyes) absorbed into him, but Ra remained perpetually the sun figure. It is thus only half-true, at BEST, to call Horus a sun God, specifically when the sun could not even be said to be his prime attribute even when it was accorded to him.

Other objections to your theories:

"Amazingly somehow ancient and I mean at least ten thousand years ancient people understood axis precession."

What proof do you have for "10,000 year old ancient people"? We have records only going back to c. 3000 BC, when writing was invented by the Sumerians.

"I guess that’s not so poetic, so the bible rounds it and has it that a day is as 1000 years"

Where does the Bible round this off?

"In other words there are 12 zodiac constellations defining 12 AGES and a 13th constellation that arguably should be a part of the zodiac, but is normally left off. "

Where do you get this idea of an astrological "age"? As far as I know, this is a New Age concept that only emerged within the last century.

"So 13 was an unlucky number even before the templar slaughter."

How do you judge that?

" If the ages are taken to be evenly divided amongst the precession period then an age is two *days* or is 2150 years. However, the stars aren't that evenly angularly separated and so one could take an age as commencing when the sun rise first occurs amongst the stars of the next constellation of the zodiac. If the latter be the case, then the age of Aquarius doesn't start for another ~600 years. If one assumed that 1 CE was what was meant biblically by the commencement of that age which was peices, and so consistently takes the ages as 2150 years then the age of Aquarius is in 2151 CE."

What foundation in Judeo-Christianity do you have for affirming any of this?

"So what we are really talking about isn't the end of the world, but the end of the age. "

Might you be able to present to us the original Greek so we can decide if this "age" corresponds to the astrological term you are discussing?

The "true" God of the sun in Egyptian mythology was Ra. Horus was first and foremost, a God of the sky, and later had attributes of both the Sun and Moon (as his two eyes) absorbed into him, but Ra remained perpetually the sun figure. It is thus only half-true, at BEST, to call Horus a sun God, specifically when the sun could not even be said to be his prime attribute even when it was accorded to him.

Now your back peddling. Horus inherited the sun from Ra father of Osiris father of Horus. And as I already showed, You were wrong.

Other objections to your theories:
What theories? I gave you the historical facts.
"Amazingly somehow ancient and I mean at least ten thousand years ancient people understood axis precession."

What proof do you have for "10,000 year old ancient people"?...
OMG open an anthropoligy text.
"I guess that’s not so poetic, so the bible rounds it and has it that a day is as 1000 years"

Where does the Bible round this off?
NKJV 2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
"In other words there are 12 zodiac constellations defining 12 AGES and a 13th constellation that arguably should be a part of the zodiac, but is normally left off. "

Where do you get this idea of an astrological "age"? As far as I know, this is a New Age concept that only emerged within the last century.
Since when is new age new? New age crap is the anchient sumer-egypto-babylon mystery religions reimerging. It is what The author of Revalation refered to as the religion Mystery Babylon. The sphinx has the head of a woman, virgo and the body of a lion Leo representing that the transition from the age of virgo to leo took place. It was the age of Leo 10500 years ago. Thats why it makes sense that the geologists are convinced that the sphinx dates to over 10000 years old. Now the egyptians and other cultures across the planet several thousand years ago built monument sites in patterns that matched certain constelations, but the orientations only match at about 10500 years ago, so not only did they understand procession, but they knew how constilations were aligned in regard to the earth several thousand years before. That age was significant to them for some reason and we don't know why so there is a lot of very far out speculation regarding that matter.
"So 13 was an unlucky number even before the templar slaughter."

How do you judge that?
Because to be 13th is to get left out.
" If the ages are taken to be evenly divided amongst the precession period then an age is two *days* or is 2150 years. However, the stars aren't that evenly angularly separated and so one could take an age as commencing when the sun rise first occurs amongst the stars of the next constellation of the zodiac. If the latter be the case, then the age of Aquarius doesn't start for another ~600 years. If one assumed that 1 CE was what was meant biblically by the commencement of that age which was peices, and so consistently takes the ages as 2150 years then the age of Aquarius is in 2151 CE."

What foundation in Judeo-Christianity do you have for affirming any of this?
The transition into the age of peices was to transition out of the age of the ram/lamb. So the transition taking place at that time was astrologicaly the sacrifice of the lamb and the birth of the Christian fish god. Christianity IS this astrology. That is the basis. There is no historical evidence for the existance of an actual historical man Jesus, but all the life story is a reflection of the astrology of the time. The pagans took the sun god and the astrological events along with some moral teachings and created cristianity as the story of a person as if actually living at the time of Herod Antipas.

"So what we are really talking about isn't the end of the world, but the end of the age. "

Might you be able to present to us the original Greek so we can decide if this "age" corresponds to the astrological term you are discussing?
Original greek yes that proves my point. There was NO HEBREW. The original was greek, a gentile pagan story incorporating Jews.
Matthew 28:20
<Font Face=Symbol>didaskonteV autouV threin panta osa eneteilamhn umin
kai idou egw meq umwn eimi pasaV taV hmeraV ewV thV sunteleiaV tou aiwnoV</Font>
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"Now your back peddling. Horus inherited the sun from Ra father of Osiris father of Horus. And as I already showed, You were wrong. "

He inheritted the sun...and that is why the sun was neither his main attribute, nor did the cult of Ra (which was later even given a brief stint as a solar MONOTHEISTIC deity) die out? Moreover, a solar deity does not have the sun merely as an attribute, but as a -chief- attribute. Even if we admit Horus is related to the sun via some later myths (which never took away the solar prominence of Ra) we must admit that it was not his main attribute, but just a manifestation of one of his eyes, the one not gouged by Set.

"OMG open an anthropoligy text."

Last I checked, the only 10,000 year old people were neolithic survivors of the Ice Age...No advanced civilizations, specifically with the capacities to make large scale, precise astronomical calculations.

"NKJV 2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

The connection with the astrological number is tenuous at best. A thousand years is a normal metaphor for "a very long time".

"Since when is new age new?"

Since it emerged in the 1960's as a part of hippie culture? And with maybe some precedent in late 19th century spiritualism and other quackery?

"New age crap is the anchient sumer-egypto-babylon mystery religions reimerging." It has no historic or doctrinal connection to those systems. Which, by the way, are for the most part lost.

"The sphinx has the head of a woman"

...According to?

"Thats why it makes sense that the geologists are convinced that the sphinx dates to over 10000 years old."

Which geologist, pray tell? What historian?

"Because to be 13th is to get left out."

Odd that no Zodiac system seems to have "left things out", yet you say there ought to be 13 Zodiac?

"The transition into the age of peices was to transition out of the age of the ram/lamb. So the transition taking place at that time was astrologicaly the sacrifice of the lamb and the birth of the Christian fish god. "

Aren't you grasping straws here? Considering the cultural malleability of the zodiac and the highly unlikely nature of Earthly events according to pseudo-scientific astrological beliefs?

"There is no historical evidence for the existance of an actual historical man Jesus, but all the life story is a reflection of the astrology of the time. "

Highly debatable. But yes, it is not rock solid that he existed.

"The pagans took the sun god and the astrological events along with some moral teachings and created cristianity as the story of a person as if actually living at the time of Herod Antipas."

St. Paul was the main contributor to Christianity as a system apart from Jesus. Are you claiming he too was a "pagan who took astrology"?

"Original greek yes that proves my point. There was NO HEBREW. The original was greek, a gentile pagan story incorporating Jews."

Or the language of the educated in the Roman Empire and for the new gentile audience...

Matthew 28:20
didaskonteV autouV threin panta osa eneteilamhn umin
kai idou egw meq umwn eimi pasaV taV hmeraV ewV thV sunteleiaV tou aiwnoV"

"The term “age” defines the meaning of the Greek word “aion” more closely than the word “world” when speaking about a period of time. The term “system of things” is also a good way to express “aion” and covers more than just a reference to a time period. The New Simplified Bible uses the words age and world because they are familiar to most Bible readers. In some Scripture verses a few words of clarification are added in (parentheses). For example at Hebrews 1:2 “age (Greek: aion: ages of time, perpetuity, worlds, generations, human entities) "

"System of things" does not correspond to "astrological age".
The sphinx has the head of a woman, virgo and the body of a lion Leo representing that the transition from the age of virgo to leo took place.

I'm well read in Egyptology and no of no serious scholars that make such a connection. The sphinx has the apparent face of Khafre as compared to other figures in the round of this pharoh that exist. It sits at the end of causeway from Khafre's pyramid facing the Nile and can be assumed to be the guardian of Khafre's pyramid. The Sphinx sits at the site of a quarry used to obtain stones for building the pyramid and temples for Khafre.

It was the age of Leo 10500 years ago. Thats why it makes sense that the geologists are convinced that the sphinx dates to over 10000 years old.

Only one or two crackpot geologists (Robert Shoch comes to mind) think this. Egyptian cutlure at the end of the Pleistocene wasn't complex enough to have engaged in public architecture on this scale. Neolithic (both pre- and post-pottery) were still figuring out how to shape microlithics, domesticate crops and animals like ovicaprids and bovids, and were only just beginning to reach population levels were large public works could be acheived.

Now the egyptians and other cultures across the planet several thousand years ago built monument sites in patterns that matched certain constelations, but the orientations only match at about 10500 years ago, so not only did they understand procession, but they knew how constilations were aligned in regard to the earth several thousand years before.

This is another serious logical fallacy that is only propagated by a few crackpots and not serious scholars. Basically what the crackpots are doing is taking a near infinite number of points in the sky and correlating them to a few points on the ground. The 10,500 year age of these monuments has been demonstrated to be poppycock in so many ways, not the least of which is the records of the Egyptians themselves along with the dating of various materials associated with pyramid construction.

That age was significant to them for some reason and we don't know why so there is a lot of very far out speculation regarding that matter.

Very far out indeed. The speculations include exaggerated antiquity of man (unsupported by any paleoarchaeological record) and ancient astronauts. It would be easier to claim that the Egyptian pharohs were, indeed, gods on earth.
I already proved the both of you wrong. Feel free to post again after you've actually done some reading regarding the information I gave you as you will have to eat your words.
Medicine Woman, how about you take over the mythic conception of Jesus? You are generally far more lucid in your arguments and well read on the matter.