How near is the Second Coming of Christ?...Poll Vote

How near is the Second Coming of Christ?...

  • Never heard of this

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't believe this

    Votes: 23 56.1%
  • Not Yet

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • This would be 20+ years later matter

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Very Soon

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Who Cares?

    Votes: 7 17.1%

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Registered Member
The biggest biblical event if true which is set to happen to a certain generation. Know 1 knows the time or day, not even the angels in Heaven, but Jesus gave us predictions which seem to be coming to pass such as increase earthquakes, floods, famines etc

But the day will come like a thief in the night!.... a load of religious mumbo jumbo or any truth to the second coming foretold in the bible?

U decide
Is there really an increase in natural disasters, or are they simply being more widely reported?

If so, I have an alternate theory, one with evidence, global warming.
you missed it, it was yesterday.
or was it last week, then again it could have been last year, but thinking about it, it was the year you were born.
I think!
it's so confusing, oh I dont know, stupid question, does anybody.
does'nt it depend on how horny the girl is.
Before the secong coming...there is the rapture!!
According to the bible, the good people of the earth will be taken away suddenly ....people like president bush, P.diddy, bill gates etc.

It's noted in the bible as a spontaneous event sort off like a "beam me up scotty" senario!

Christian Evangelist's having been saying the same thing for decades..the end is near prepare for the rapture!!

I guess things in the world would have to get so bad first..sort of like a genocidal holocaust event before jesus returns!
There's the rapture, then the little beast, then the larger beast, then the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, then there's the thing that causes desolation which is placed in the temple and then there's the 2 prophets that are killed and lay in the street for a few days until they're ressurected and THEN the christ will appear in the sky to slay the dragon. Something like that anyway but not necessarily in that order. Don't hold your breath.
I'd say we are living in the final generation before the Return of the Messiah Jesus. But i have a feeling it will not be for at least another 20 years I feel it will be some time around 2028 to 2036.

I don't believe in the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. Rapture happens at the second coming, not before it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Seems like another fly-by-night carpetbagging preacher selling snake oil. They can dish it out alright, but fear to confront a rational response.
read the elft behind seris if you want to learn about what is gonna happen i would say :)
The second coming is an essential part of the barbaric Christian fairy tale. This is the point when the terror factor is executed. Without the threat of a second coming and the associated judgement day then the critical fear aspect so vital to Christianity would have no effect.

If one is gullible enough to have bought into the whole soul/salvation hogwash then the second coming is simply a key fantasy component of the same nonsense.
The biggest biblical event if true which is set to happen to a certain generation. Know 1 knows the time or day, not even the angels in Heaven, but Jesus gave us predictions which seem to be coming to pass such as increase earthquakes, floods, famines etc

But the day will come like a thief in the night!.... a load of religious mumbo jumbo or any truth to the second coming foretold in the bible?

U decide
theres a NEVER option missing in your poll,

according to your buybull book Jesus promised to return in within one generation that was couple thousands years back and b/c he didnt yet it means HE LIED.
he was just a mortal man it seems,get used to it click on Jesus second coming
Is there really an increase in natural disasters, or are they simply being more widely reported?
If so, I have an alternate theory, one with evidence, global warming.
Most likely, though, Global Warming is just part of an endless cycle of global-scale warming and cooling periods. Sure, we've sped up the process, but probably not by a huge amount.
As for natural disasters being seen as part of the whole BoR...bah. Like you said, they're just being more widely reported. Hell, disasters from earlier in earth's history have been worse and bigger...Krakatoa, anyone? Little Ice Age? The K-T meteor impact(s)? Compared to then, we're just getting dust specks on our shoes.

he was just a mortal man it seems,get used to it
And, a criminal mortal man at that. His execution was deserved for one who broke Roman law and committed damn near Treason against Rome.
Yep. Isn't God great? To create a world out of love and only to plan on destroying the fuck out of it with so-called love and then judging most of his beloved creatures to the enternal fires of hell.

Because of this ridiculous aspect of Armageddon, I choose not to believe it. And even if it should come true, I choose hell because I wouldn't want to live beside a being who decided to send some of my fellow human beings to hell for eternity for some sins done on hell. It's just not right. NO human being deserves hell, not for eternity.
Most likely, though, Global Warming is just part of an endless cycle of global-scale warming and cooling periods. Sure, we've sped up the process, but probably not by a huge amount.

Not by a huge amount?!!! Are you fucking kidding me? The temperature change has been 4 degrees. Ice age happened due to ONLY 15 degrees of difference. only 15! 4/15=26% and that's just over the last 20 or so years!!!

NOt to mention, humans may be contributing billion ton to damage the ozone, but the sun annually contributes 8 billion ton. (My stats on this one isn't too true; but what's true is that the sun does emit a lot of COs which damage our ozone layer).

If all the dinosaurs were wiped out before us, it'll only be a matter of time before it happens to us.
Perhaps the dinosaurs were lifted into heaven after the second coming of Josusaur?
And even if it should come true, I choose hell because I wouldn't want to live beside a being who decided to send some of my fellow human beings to hell for eternity for some sins done on hell..

Sounds to me like you've misunderstood the gospel. God doesn't want to send anyone to Hell, people make that choice.
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It would be interesting to list all the things that put people in hell according to the Bible...
Didn't he already come? How else could he have fathered two children in the South of France?