How much of whatsupyall/musclemans's posts do u comprehend?

How much of whatsupyall/musclemans's posts do u comprehend?

  • 0% (I quickly scroll to skip those posts!)

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • 1-25% (A grain here and there)

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • 26-50% (A considerable bit)

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 51-99% (Good deal)

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • 100% (They are eye-openers!)

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters
And for the captain - trust me - you and thor are like a twin. [Don't take it as an insult]
Hey Thor seems pretty cool to me..thanks! ;)

You should ask yourself that question on belief systems. Then try to answer it. Everyone is affected by the time period they were born in. If you were born when man first walked upright what would you believe then?
I have asked myself that question...that is why I offered it to you. Of course we are affected by the time period we are born in, but some of us can transcend that.
By using a belief system based on logic and rationality, I can posit myself anywhere and anytime...the belief system still fits. Get it?
If I was born when man first walked, I would believe in hunting for food and procreation...there wouldn't be much time to ponder anything else...

those questions still stand, you never answered them because you're too dumb to answer!
You can always tell when someone is avoiding when they say "Why don't YOU answer the question!"


Ha ha Q, you are funny. Your comments are transparent, I can see where your coming from.

If you can't answer the questions I asked you, then just come right out and say it.

Ok, the questions are far too vague and incomprehensible to make any intelligent response, therefore I cannot answer them.
Ok Q, you said "Science makes no attempt to stifle religion... it doesn't need to... it will overcome religion as people overcome their fears and their ignorance."

How do you think science will overcome religion?

What are these fears and ignorance that you say people will overcome?
How do you think science will overcome religion?

Simple edification. We will eventually understand much of how our universe works which in turn will give us a better understanding of ourselves. When we understand our universe and ourselves, we conclude that religion is pure fantasy and holds as much validity as the tooth fairy.

What are these fears and ignorance that you say people will overcome?

Overcome the ignorance in embracing fantasy and refusing to accept reality.

Overcome the fear of God:

"'Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD. Leviticus 19:14

Do not rule over them ruthlessly, but fear your God. Leviticus 25:43

And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, Deuteronomy 10:12

Fear the LORD and the king, my son, and do not join with the rebellious, Proverbs 24:21

Should you not fear me?" declares the LORD. "Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it. Jeremiah 5:22

But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Luke 12:5

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, Philippians 2:12

Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. 1 Peter 1:17

Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king. 1 Peter 2:17

He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water." Revelation 14:7

Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed." Revelation 15:4

Then a voice came from the throne, saying: "Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both small and great!" Revelation 19:5
Q, very nice. Use a few Bible statements here and there and wallah! you think you've answered the question. Aha, sorry, wrong answer!!! :) Try again

As a point of interest, the above statements make sense once you understand the Bible properly, but you need to have a certain talent to understand the Bible.

Right, now as was saying....wrong answer. You tried to apply your "reasons" to the Christian faith only. If you remember in your original statement you said science will overcome religion. You are actually using the word that decribes all faiths in the world. So, if you can, explain how science will overcome religion (Islam, Bhuddists, etc) and can you quote the Koran as you have the Bible for examples of fears and ignorance.

Now that we have met again in debate, and you been a science buff. Will you also answer these questions I asked you earlier, you never did answer them, did you??

Where did all the wonderous things come from for scientists to discover in the first place, and all the things that are just laying there waiting to be discovered?

How come all these "accidents" of evolution occured so perfectly, and why? Was it all just luck, just by chance?

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, all laws of Science existed before man appeared, so who made these laws? Not man was it? Or was that a case of luck as well?

Hows this for a theory:

In the beginning there was void, nothing, just like mathematics.

Then accidentally, a cell appeared! Wow!!!

I don’t know how, but I think the hurricane, lightning, & earthquake just made it all by chance or “physics”.

Then the single cell survived like a barbarian and accidentally or luckily got bigger. But this didn’t happen in one single step, but through random luck or chance.

Luckily, Mr Nucleus was made first, he was very strong and he was waiting until Mr. Cytoplasm appeared. Then later on Mr. Mitochondria accidentally appeared, he said to Mr. Cytoplasm and Mr. Nucleus "Sorry that it took me millions of years to appear, its just that Mr. Earthquake didn’t shake me right at first but it doesn’t matter, I have accidentally appeared now, thanks for waiting”

Then Mr. Ribosome accidentally appeared, then thousands and thousands of other parts just accidentally appeared to join the rest of the crew until it became a fully develop cell.

You wouldn’t believe it but for some weird reason the first parts were mysteriously strong and survived on their own for millions of years without any help until the rest of the parts appeared to become a fully developed cell.

This cell was very strong, strong enough to survive alone and to replicate itself trillions and trillions of times and it just by chance, became fish!!

This fish then became land mammals, then dinosaurs, then here we are today zillions of zillions of years later, and it was all just by accident!

So according to this theory, you can put a raisin outside, and millions of years from now that sun dried grape will turn into dinosaurs, fishes, birds, etc., thanks to the simple laws of physics.

We have only the one intelligent designer. Accept this, or share this pathetic theory.
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As a point of interest, the above statements make sense once you understand the Bible properly, but you need to have a certain talent to understand the Bible.
So are you saying that people don't and shouldn't fear God?

Since it seems you do claim to have a special understanding of the bible then why does the bible say "fear god" but it means something else, according to you?

So what does the bible mean when it says to fear God?
Hi Chris

Fear=Respect, Love, Adore.

It doesn't mean your scared or frightened by Him. Just respect him for who He is, a Father. Thats what it means to me.

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Q, very nice. Use a few Bible statements here and there and wallah! you think you've answered the question.

That's funny, I thought quoting from the bible was all the rage. :D

Aha, sorry, wrong answer!!!

Why is it the wrong answer ? Because you say so ?

but you need to have a certain talent to understand the Bible

A talent for accepting fantasy for reality ?

Will you also answer these questions I asked you earlier, you never did answer them, did you

I repeat: the questions are far too vague and incomprehensible to make any intelligent response, therefore I cannot answer them.
Hi Chris,

It isn't exactly explained in the Bible. here is a brief explanation of what I am trying to say:

A man who fears God is a man who takes God seriously; who takes his words and commandments seriously; who listens to what he has to say with seriousness and respect.

He is a man who believes God's commandments are supposed to be kept and that breaking them is dangerous. He is a man who is afraid to go against God, afraid to disobey him, afraid to disregard any of his commandments or take them lightly.

He is a man who is afraid of God in this sense. It is all like a young boy who has a righteous, good father for whom he has the greatest respect.

The father demands obedience and the boy is afraid to disobey. The boy knows that his father expects to be taken seriously. And he is afraid not to do so. So he fears his father in this sense.

However, although he fears his father, he also loves him. He knows that his father is righteous, just, and good and that what his father says is true and for his own benefit.

He knows that although his father requires respect and obedience his father loves him; and, indeed, it is just because his father does love him so much that he requires this respect and obedience.

Notice how the theist uses fear to raise their children. How very sad.
I wish I could have the faith to be a slave to an idea (after all, aren't humans the ones who invented religion? Or do other animals have faith, too?)...
Originally posted by (Q)
Notice how the theist uses fear to raise their children. How very sad.

And I bet you were brought up with no respect for anyone, and it shows
And I bet you were brought up with no respect for anyone

And no fear. :D
Oh dear the pathetic idiots have found out there's a Christian trying to have a debate.

Phrenetic says "Doh, lets go and say fings he wont like"

Q says "Dammit, he gone and asked me questions I can't answer, I fink I'll insult him now"

Q and Phenetic in unison "Dohhhhhhhh".

End of debate! Goodnight Chaps and Chapessess! :D :D
Originally posted by Vienna
Oh dear the pathetic idiots have found out there's a Christian trying to have a debate.

... great way to have a debate, muscleman. Call the other side "pathetic idiots".

Phrenetic says "Doh, lets go and say fings he wont like"

Oh, I'm sorry, did I say something you don't like? Hell, let's just throw this debate out, shall we?

Q says "Dammit, he gone and asked me questions I can't answer, I fink I'll insult him now"

Oh dear the pathetic idiots have found out there's a Christian trying to have a debate.

You just insulted him - what does this show about you?

Q and Phenetic in unison "Dohhhhhhhh".

End of debate! Goodnight Chaps and Chapessess! :D :D

That post of yours ends the debate? I think not. I fail to see the point of your last post, other than to flame me and (Q). Flaming us does not prove your point. Far from it, really.