How much of whatsupyall/musclemans's posts do u comprehend?

How much of whatsupyall/musclemans's posts do u comprehend?

  • 0% (I quickly scroll to skip those posts!)

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • 1-25% (A grain here and there)

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • 26-50% (A considerable bit)

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 51-99% (Good deal)

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • 100% (They are eye-openers!)

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters
Bed wasn't such a good idea :)

Cris, great reply. Even though WhatsupmuscleAC will probably just disregard it and start preaching about God soon, it was worth the read and was what I wanted to say, but didn't have the tolerance to

Theists accept the possibility that 'God did it'. However he did it. Big bang and whichever theory which an atheist be he typical or not will accept. The atheist does one thing. He excludes God.

An agnositic accepts the possibility of God's existence. But he just says you cannot know if He does or does not. The only thing the agnostic lacks is faith in God.

Atheists - no - that's not proof - no God - just math - just us and our inventions.

And then it all depends on what* is convincing to you. What evidence are you willing to see? You are looking for God to come down like a meteor. That will happen in due time - that's my belief - so don't address it please. If that's what you are looking for I hope you find it. I cannot say it won't happen.

Narrowminded is the best way I can bring my opinion of you across. Too bad if it appears to be childish sarcasm. I don't mind being childish. And I am quite sarcastic. You'll just have to live with that. I will not refer to anyone with any Xpletive. A true scientist is a child at heart. He just want's to discover. I don't want to grow up too fast. Old age is depressing for me.

You cannot understand the way muscleman or whatsupyall argues/argue because you have no faith in God. We do. When you put your faith in God and take it away from ever changing mathematics and science then you'll see evidence. Otherwise you never will.
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Chris - you have my respect - even if I don't have yours.

You seems smart - unlike the rest - and I mean it. They seem to live off other peoples posts. They post something childish like mine - but moreso. And then say 'Duuuuuuuuhh yeah, dats what I meant'.

Speak for yourselves people.
Re: Views

Theists accept the possibility that 'God did it'. However he did it.

Stupid. You're saying he did it, but that you're open minded? hahaha!

Big bang and whichever theory which an atheist be he typical or not will accept.

Because there is either proof or evidence or other good reason to accept the theory/theorum.

The atheist does one thing. He excludes God.

Wrong. He excludes anything without proof or evidence or other good reason not to exclude it. (don't give me that "a good reason is the fact that it's true" crap, we've all heard that enough)

An agnositic accepts the possibility of God's existence. But he just says you cannot know if He does or does not.

Uhm... that's a strong Agnostic ("agnositic" sic). A weak Agnostic accepts the possibility of God's existance (as do weak Atheists), but says that they don't know. Not that they can't. But that they don't.

The only thing the agnostic lacks is faith in God.

What about the lack of faith in Thor, and Dievs, and Aten, and Vishnu, or Zeus, Jupiter...? (note I have just named "kings of gods", not random gods) Christians lack that.

Although the Christian and Jewish faiths are in fact compatible with beliefs in other gods.

Atheists - no - that's not proof - no God - just math - just us and our inventions.

What is proof? Hmm? Proof? Where? I don't see any proof! No god without proof. Just math, logic, natural selection. What inventions? Hmm? Where? I don't see "inventions", just ideas and theories. And theorums.

And then it all depends on what* is convincing to you. What evidence are you willing to see? You are looking for God to come down like a meteor. That will happen in due time - that's my belief - so don't address it please. If that's what you are looking for I hope you find it. I cannot say it won't happen.

Stupid, not all Atheists want this sort of proof of god. If god talked to me in a non-drug-induced seance, I would believe in him. If there was scientific proof of the existance of a single god, I would believe it to be true.

Narrowminded is the best way I can bring my opinion of you across. Too bad if it appears to be childish sarcasm. I don't mind being childish. And I am quite sarcastic. You'll just have to live with that. I will not refer to anyone with any Xpletive. A true scientist is a child at heart. He just want's to discover. I don't want to grow up too fast. Old age is depressing for me.

Yes, scientists discover some wonderful things. Fire, electricity, the theory of relativity, evolution, the big bang...

You cannot understand the way muscleman or whatsupyall argues/argue because you have no faith in God. We do. When you put your faith in God and take it away from ever changing mathematics and science then you'll see evidence. Otherwise you never will.

Do you seriously think his posts have any substance whatsoever? He never responds to points made in others' posts, he justs posts crap completely unrelated. To him, "proof" is his ranting about why "chance" can't be true. Is that proof? Of course not.

If I ranted about the illogic of belief in a god, would that be proving it false? Of course not.
Theists accept the possibility that 'God did it'. However he did it
*ahem* Narrowminded statement that. You have no proof to state that god did yet you blatantly put down that he did!!! What gives?

Narrowminded is the best way I can bring my opinion of you across.
Right back at ya ;)

You cannot understand the way muscleman or whatsupyall argues/argue because you have no faith in God
Actually, its because he drones on and on about the same thing over and over again and when you peice it together with what the debate is about, it makes no sense!!!

When you put your faith in God and take it away from ever changing mathematics and science then you'll see evidence. Otherwise you never will
Thats because said evidence does not exsist. How can we see something that's not even there??

Chris - you have my respect - even if I don't have yours
Cris deserves respect. He deserves kudo's indeed

You seems smart - unlike the rest - and I mean it
You saying I'm not smart???

They post something childish like mine - but moreso.
Yeah, stupid comments recieve stupid replies :rolleyes:

Speak for yourselves people.
You just seem to be repeating yourself over and over again...reminds me of another poster I don't really want to mention....
First the facts:
1) I am not an athiest.
2) This post is not about theism and atheism but about debating styles.
3) I have seen reasonable & intelligent posts from you elsewhere.

Why this poll:
1) Rather to spell out inappropriate ways of debating
2) I requested whatsupyall at least 10 times not to post in caps (apart from a dozen other people doing it) when replying to my posts, the result: IT NEVER HAPPENS
3) In several posts, I requested him for the list of religious texts he has studied in making statements on other faiths. The result was that he asked me to hold on, and I have been holding on for several days now. But the crap continues.
Originally posted by whatsupyall
ultitruth, ill get back with u, yur asking a deep question which requires a deep answer, ill get the answer, just hold on

It is days that I have been waiting for the list of Religious Texts and scriptures you have researched upon (of religions that you know of).
...without too many pages and the CAPS please
4) I respected RCC always though I am not a christian, but whatupyall makes me rethink by thrusting nonsense.
Originally posted by whatsupyall
... but the COMPLETE TRUTH, the fullness of truth is in the Roman catholic church, unwavering "ROCK".
5) Some of the science-religion bridges he builds amaze me.
I believe that the space is another life form. The moving asteroids are like blood cells...
6) I fully respect that it is inappropriate to call names on a forum: but I have tried enough to explain to the deaf!

You mean he is open-minded and logical? I am afraid you have begun speaking like muscleman himself- did you read one of his posts fully and also try to comprehend that? It shows ;)

Chris - you have my respect - even if I don't have yours.
No problem. I detect an element of courage and integrity for you to have stated that. I try to always respect the person, but their views are another matter.

Theists accept the possibility that 'God did it'.
No – theists say he did it – it is a belief based on the conviction that a god exists

However he did it.
Such a claim, I hope you realize, is technically irrational (outside of logical reasoning), unless you can furnish a proof. And that pretty much describes the conflict between theism and atheism.

Big bang and whichever theory which an atheist be he typical or not will accept.
There is of course the argument for an infinite universe where there is no need of a creation event and hence no requirement for gods. The big bang need not be the first big bang but just one of an infinite number of them.

The atheist does one thing. He excludes God.
Not quite. To exclude something is to admit to the existence of the subject. One cannot exclude something that hasn’t been shown to exist. Atheists simply express a disbelief of the theist claims.

And then it all depends on what* is convincing to you. What evidence are you willing to see? You are looking for God to come down like a meteor.
No not really. An atheist is not someone looking for a god and who wants someone to convince him. The atheist position is one of skeptical neutrality. Gods represent just one of a myriad potential possibilities worth considering. The atheist simply doesn’t find the theist claims convincing.

You cannot understand the way muscleman or whatsupyall argues/argue because you have no faith in God. We do.
I was a devout Christian once and I have spent a great deal of time with Christians since then. I believe I have a very good idea of faith based thinking.

When you put your faith in God and take it away from ever changing mathematics and science then you'll see evidence. Otherwise you never will.
Science is a search for knowledge using significant discipline and intelligence. Faith depends on emotional hopes and desires. There is no comparison. Science has been shown as a proven method for discovery and often displaces antiquated and ignorant beliefs sponsored by religion. I have every confidence that science will continue to erode the remaining vestiges of religious authority.

People - please open your minds - and read carefully before you comment.

Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Theists accept the possibility that 'God did it'. However he did it.

Stupid. You're saying he did it, but that you're open minded? hahaha!

Big bang and whichever theory which an atheist be he typical or not will accept.

Because there is either proof or evidence or other good reason to accept the theory/theorum.
Those two statements go together. You should read carefully before you call people stupid.

The atheist does one thing. He excludes God.

Wrong. He excludes anything without proof or evidence or other good reason not to exclude it. (don't give me that "a good reason is the fact that it's true" crap, we've all heard that enough)
The atheist assumes that there is no God because there is no proof. Was there proof that galaxies existed say back in the 14th century? And my statement is not wrong. It is smarter to say incomplete. But the point is he still excludes God.

An agnositic accepts the possibility of God's existence. But he just says you cannot know if He does or does not.

Uhm... that's a strong Agnostic ("agnositic" sic). A weak Agnostic accepts the possibility of God's existance (as do weak Atheists), but says that they don't know. Not that they can't. But that they don't.
Fine he does not know. Thank you for what I presume is a correction. I'll investigate. But how does that impact my point?

The only thing the agnostic lacks is faith in God.

What about the lack of faith in Thor, and Dievs, and Aten, and Vishnu, or Zeus, Jupiter...? (note I have just named "kings of gods", not random gods) Christians lack that.

Although the Christian and Jewish faiths are in fact compatible with beliefs in other gods.
I didn't get this part. What do christians lack? Faith in Thor? Well Thank God for that. I don't think anyone at have much faith in him/her/it.:D . O.k. my childish self showing again. Sorry. Why would christians put there faith in those gods? I would like you tell me of someone who currently believes in Zeus or the huge gas planet Jupiter as gods. And please don't tell me Kevin Sorbo or Lucy Lawless.;)

Atheists - no - that's not proof - no God - just math - just us and our inventions.

What is proof? Hmm? Proof? Where? I don't see any proof! No god without proof. Just math, logic, natural selection. What inventions? Hmm? Where? I don't see "inventions", just ideas and theories. And theorums.

And then it all depends on what* is convincing to you. What evidence are you willing to see? You are looking for God to come down like a meteor. That will happen in due time - that's my belief - so don't address it please. If that's what you are looking for I hope you find it. I cannot say it won't happen.

Stupid, not all Atheists want this sort of proof of god. If god talked to me in a non-drug-induced seance, I would believe in him. If there was scientific proof of the existance of a single god, I would believe it to be true.
Ideas and theories and... theorums... are inventions of man to Xplain what he sees around him. Man invented numbers. Man invented language. Man invented science. He sees the stuff happening around him and he wasnts to explain it. I have faith in the one true triune God, Yahweh if you wish. So I see the whole universe that man seeks to explain as proof. When man explains every single aspect of my being then... maybe my faith would waver - naugh - never. We may meet an alien species who Xplains things totally different from us. Man's whole system of explaining things is an invention. I might get trapped here. But I'll leave it anyway. Physicists are now getting religious trying to explain what was before the big bang.:p


There is a huge difference between having faith and having knowledge of faith based thinking. If you were once a devout Christian you should know that. Or have you forgotten?

Did you say I am not smart because I complimented someone on a post? Eh, who is not smart?

Why would christians put there faith in those gods?
Why would anyone put their faith in any gods? You do realize that these gods were once dominate religions much like the major religions of today. I can look at my core belief system and it would work regardless of time period or geography. What would you believe if you were born in China 5000 years ago? How do you rationalize your belief system knowing it is dependent upon where and when you were born?


When man explains every single aspect of my being then... maybe my faith would waver - naugh - never.

That is certainly your prerogative to cling to blind faith. Not everyone wishes to know how the universe works. However, not everyone wishes to live in a blissful haze of fantasy. The illusion of religion is quickly being reduced to the nonsensical. As people become more educated, they cast off this illusion and embrace that which is based solely on reality, the tangible.

Religious quackery cannot resist the advent of science. The futility of religion to overcome science is well known amongst theists, and it has them running for cover. They are shaking in their baptismal robes as they understand all to well theirs is a world which inevitably will come to an end. Unfortunately, it may not happen in our lifetimes, but it will happen nonetheless.

Originally posted by UltiTruth
First the facts:
1) I am not an athiest.
2) This post is not about theism and atheism but about debating styles.
3) I have seen reasonable & intelligent posts from you elsewhere.

Why this poll:
1) Rather to spell out inappropriate ways of debating
2) I requested whatsupyall at least 10 times not to post in caps (apart from a dozen other people doing it) when replying to my posts, the result: IT NEVER HAPPENS
3) In several posts, I requested him for the list of religious texts he has studied in making statements on other faiths. The result was that he asked me to hold on, and I have been holding on for several days now. But the crap continues.

4) I respected RCC always though I am not a christian, but whatupyall makes me rethink by thrusting nonsense.

5) Some of the science-religion bridges he builds amaze me.

6) I fully respect that it is inappropriate to call names on a forum: but I have tried enough to explain to the deaf!

You mean he is open-minded and logical? I am afraid you have begun speaking like muscleman himself- did you read one of his posts fully and also try to comprehend that? It shows ;)

I stated and again state in a paraphrase. I understand most of what whatsupyall types. About space being another life form. That is interesting. But it is better you take an 'agnostic' stance there. What is the problem with caps? And you should address ALL the people who have been name calling. I haven't seen an Xpletive in any of his posts yet. Correct me if I am wrong. I still don't take the poll seriously. Especially the first votes - I guess those who voted up there are psychic.

And for the captain - trust me - you and thor are like a twin. [Don't take it as an insult]

You should ask yourself that question on belief systems. Then try to answer it. Everyone is affected by the time period they were born in. If you were born when man first walked upright what would you believe then?
Originally posted by (Q)

When man explains every single aspect of my being then... maybe my faith would waver - naugh - never.

That is certainly your prerogative to cling to blind faith. Not everyone wishes to know how the universe works. However, not everyone wishes to live in a blissful haze of fantasy. The illusion of religion is quickly being reduced to the nonsensical. As people become more educated, they cast off this illusion and embrace that which is based solely on reality, the tangible.

Religious quackery cannot resist the advent of science. The futility of religion to overcome science is well known amongst theists, and it has them running for cover. They are shaking in their baptismal robes as they understand all to well theirs is a world which inevitably will come to an end. Unfortunately, it may not happen in our lifetimes, but it will happen nonetheless.

In my opinion Science and Christianity work in tandem. Where there are conflicts, there is either misapplication by the religionist [christian] or error on the part of the scientist. And I don't mean all religions. The futility of religion to overcome science? Who wants that to happen? I am a christian - I totally dislike the term religion. Look out into the world bro. Many religions are coming to terms with science.
Religious quackery cannot resist the advent of science. The futility of religion to overcome science is well known amongst theists, and it has them running for cover. They are shaking in their baptismal robes as they understand all to well theirs is a world which inevitably will come to an end. Unfortunately, it may not happen in our lifetimes, but it will happen nonetheless.
Where did all the wonderous things come from for scientists to discover in the first place, and all the things that are just laying there waiting to be discovered?

What about all the subjects that mankind might never discover at all?

How come all these "accidents" of evolution occured so perfectly, and why?

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, all laws of Science existed before man appeared, so who made these laws? Not man was it?

No one is shaking in any type of robe, and religion is not futile.

In my opinion Science and Christianity work in tandem... Look out into the world bro. Many religions are coming to terms with science.

Yes, I've heard this argument before. This is one of the many bastions in which theists turn to when no other rational argument is available.

It is so unlikely that Science and Christianity will ever conform to each other on any level simply because the two are so diametrically opposed to one another. It's not possible to collaborate fact with fiction.

Religion has done everything in its power to stifle scientific advances. This is still occurring today. How can you possibly see them working in tandem ?

Science is strong, it has the fortitude to stand on its own by its own merits simply because it explains the reality in which we live. Science makes no attempt to stifle religion... it doesn't need to... it will overcome religion as people overcome their fears and their ignorance.
Woah woah woah woah!!!

We seem to have lost the true meaning to the thread!!! Its not about evolution and this and the other, its about WhatsupmuscleAC!!!

I have no idea what you're trying to say. Please try to formulate an argument as opposed to random thoughts followed by baseless statements:

No one is shaking in any type of robe, and religion is not futile.

So what is your argument ?
Why would anyone put their faith in any gods? You do realize that these gods were once dominate religions much like the major religions of today? I can look at my core belief system and it would work regardless of time period or geography. What would you believe if you were born in China 5000 years ago? How do you rationalize your belief system knowing it is dependent upon where and when you were born?

those questions still stand, you never answered them because you're too dumb to answer!
Ha ha Q, you are funny. Your comments are transparent, I can see where your coming from.

If you can't answer the questions I asked you, then just come right out and say it.