How life on earth started?

"I don't think you can be up here and look out the window as I did the first day and see the Earth from this vantage point, to look out at this kind of creation and not believe in God. To me, it's impossible--it just strengthens my faith. I wish there were words to describe what it's like." -- John Glenn, astronaut, November 1998

I wonder what he would have said if some space rock had collided with his capsule and sent him careening into the Sun.

James Irwin was an atheist until he walked on the moon in 1971. He then became an evangelical minister describing the lunar mission as a revelation. In his words, "I felt the power of God as I'd never felt it before."
Sounds like he was a believer prior to moonwalking. He just needed a little reassurance.

It's the theists who are discriminated against

I hope so, send a scientist to the moon, one with no religious attachments, that way we can learn something.
yeah... leopold99, you can think as far as me... "nothing that proves life came from non life". you are genius. but many still not understand it, so how to make them convince us?no wonder you can post so many message in here, almost 11220 messages, you are genius. they just follow blindly evolution theory.that is their matter, they will never found the correct answer forever. Leopold, you are genius, lets discover alien tech, that is space warping tech that alien got. they discover it, not invent it, that is wat God give us and wait to be discovered, same as fire,electricity,lighting system etc that discovered centuries ago, remember, that is not technology created by human, but it merely a discovery of GOD creation. that is God creation and we need to discover it to some extent. space warping is important as we can save energy travel from one place to another, it save fuel cost,transport, less pollution,and save time. it is efficient, just let others stay backward and search for evolution theory, we march forward to search GOD creation, that is space warping knowledge next. hooray..... i need space warping now... i can't afford to wait until i died.... REMEMBER all guys, space warping knowledge is possible, but don't be only fooled by evolution theory all days long, it is backward knowledge. We can see what GOD creation earlier by discovering what alien got. We must keep looking for any sign what alien got. alien discover those GOD creation much earlier than human because they have long civilisation built up millions years ago, human only start to advance in tech just less than 100 thousand years ago.
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Do u ever thinking how the life on earth exist? do u think it is so coincident it happened from big bang theory or volcanic activity found on earth?asteriod strike and lighting caused life to exist? the accidental combination of all element together to form DNA and human? millions lifes on earth born from single cell molecule?

the life on earth is too complicated to happen in chances. even nowadays scientist can't even create a single cell molecule given all the element and resource. Even single cell molecule has a very complicated function itself,needless to say other higher primates.. human anatomy has millions of individual function. there is no coincident.

there are 2 answer. one is GOD that create us. Or other options is from alien create us, but there must be some one that create alien in the first place. in other word there must a creator behind us that create human and life on earth. no need to argue, it is definite answer. no need to waste resource to search for answer.

even God has planned your entire life. He hold your lifetime diary, life, death, good or bad luck he had written down even before you are born! believe me or not? think about it.
Well, the scientists may not like your view on that :)

Of course, there is this evolutionary process taking place. Since God is the creator of all things, surely He must then also be the creator of the evolutionary process. An evolutionary process doesn't have to deal with life at all, really, it's simply when something has variables that adjust itself so that it fits the environment. A rock doesn't have as much to play with as we do, rocks can change shape, in order to fit better, so that it has less resistance to wind and water. This is of course nothing that the rock controls, but the wind and the water.

However, we could control evolution to a degree, our culture and our taste for our companions can change, and thus we change accordingly, if a culture has a taste for big noses, then there will be a selection where big-nosed people are most likely to get a mate, and that is bound to show in the future.

I also believe in God.

A guy named Hunter S Thompson was a journalist that combined facts with fiction because he understood that facts alone couldn't reveal the truth about what he had been through. So he mixed facts with fiction as he felt that he came closer to the truth that way.

Even Jesus talked in images remember? There are alot of stories in the Bible that has a message without facts. It's the message that is important, what good does it do to know that Noah escaped the flood? What have you learned if you were not trying to see the message behind?

Jesus said, that he talked in images so that "they will hear, but not understand". Want to be one of those that hear, but don't understand?

Didn't think so.
yes.... Cyperium. I love you... hehe... that is what i mean...
I'm glad you liked what I wrote. I have many principles that I follow that allow me to live according to the message that I received.

Sure we can read the Bible and find many messages, but what is important is that we actually live life, we don't have to be saints in order to live according to the message, we have to be human while we are in the world. There are many obstacles to learn from, if we fall we get up again, and avoid falling :)

That's the freedom of being human, that we can rise when we get down.

The Bible say that many who were last will be first, many sinners will rise to be like saints, because they had their suffering in the world, what we see isn't always what is actually there, people have secrets - and not all secrets are bad.

Like someone in the Bible said, "you tell me your belief, and I will through my actions show mine", living life, and shining the light. People will see, it's far better that they see that you live according to your belief, than just telling what you believe.

Being humble is a nice way of dealing with life. A person that is humble is appreciated both in this world and the next.

These things, amongst others are what makes me believe, and why I think that it is the correct path, not facts and science.
Hard to believe my sitting here is a result of natural happenstance. It would be much easier to believe a god is responsible.
i try to be scientific and not religious in my topic because i am not a good shepherd of GOD, i had already 3 years not going to church and not praying since then, and i think in scientific and logical approach. now we need to urge Pentagon to release all the experiment done on alien's body and craft or any alien debris. Pentagon sure got all top secret but hiding it from public. they have done the experiment on alien craft but don't reveal to public. if they can reveal all the informaton they have, sure our world will be more advance now because we all can have mindpooling together to solve all delicate function that US scientists can't solve. Pentagon just very selfish and keep it for their own use....
Hard to believe my sitting here is a result of natural happenstance. It would be much easier to believe a god is responsible.
lol, happenstance :)

I think it is hard to believe that everything exists for no reason.

One thing is almost impossible to understand, which is the concept of 'nothing' - before the world, before the emptiness, before reality. There must always have been something. I can't understand it in any other way.

If we die and become 'nothing' and the world - in our view - vanishes as if it had never been (I know that people on earth will not view it the same way), I don't want that ever to happen. I mean, I really like to exist and I really like something around me, familiar concepts, the sky, everything, it's just not right for there to be nothing, like loosing everything.
all existence is just a magic, GOD also a magic. only science trying to explain what is those existence is. but yet science still can't find all the answer in billions of human body function. they just can't explain what chemical reaction bring this kind of body reaction to certain circumstances like healing,changing behaviour or chemical substances in reaction to the disease and so on, there is still more to discover in DNA study, it just the beginner,even still can't find a complete cure for AIDS and Hepatatis B, then what else you have to proof your human superiority in science? every year over million died of AIDS, what the fuck human science. all existence in this universe just toy by GOD, even human life, animal and plant life will not enjoy 100% satisfaction on the earth, human suicide rate is very alarming and increasing every year. animal and plant struggle all their life to satisfy their need and hardly can stay happy all the time
I was referring not to your post but to this mod note from Skinwalker. Post #7.
No problem. I had made the observation that abiogenesis and evolution were quite different, and my post was all about refuting Albert's quaint ideas about evolution, so your response seemed relevant to what I'd written.
psychotic episode said:
Hard to believe my sitting here is a result of natural happenstance. It would be much easier to believe a god is responsible.
So, you are going to take the easy way out.

Albert, are you here to preach, or do wish to discuss things. I refuted several of your points, item by item, several posts back. I'd like a response please.
i already said many time. i not go to church for almost 3 to 4 years and never pray since then. how do i preach? i don't do preaching job as i don't like to preach, i only finding the truth out there.
i already said many time. i not go to church for almost 3 to 4 years and never pray since then. how do i preach? i don't do preaching job as i don't like to preach, i only finding the truth out there.
You are making statements of your beliefs without offering any evidence to support them and at the same time claiming they are the truth and that we are foolish if we do not believe in them also. That is preaching.

And you still haven't responded to my dismissal of your points in my earlier post.
In order to explain abiogenesis, we need to get to a simple set of molecules which are either self replicating or produced in sufficient quantities so as to be competing with each other for use of limited materials.
The molecules must also be capable of change.

I would say that the principles of evolution would have to come in very early.

Amino acids fit the bill as precursors in that they were available in early earth conditions.
They are also found in experiment to join together to form peptides.

As RNA and DNA, in much more complex molecules, their workings are understood.

It is the early middle stage that is missing.
In order to explain abiogenesis, we need to get to a simple set of molecules which are either self replicating or produced in sufficient quantities so as to be competing with each other for use of limited materials.
The molecules must also be capable of change.
my type of guy.
they must also be capable of passing that change to daughter molecules.

even if we do succeed in explaining the origins of life we are still faced with such things as the acquisition of consciousness among others.
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You don't mean Consciousness. You mean perception... to sense something else at a distance. Its required for hunting and eating, from the smallest to the largest organisms. For us humans, we need Perception to find our forks and dinner plates.

But Consciousness... Well, nobody can show that any such thing exists. Perceptive, yes. But Consciousness implies Self Awareness, and that we simply can not test for.

Then we have Empirical Evidence for lack of Consciousness. People NOT learning from Experience implies Perception but NOT Consciousness. If people were Conscious, then they would not repeat error. But they do.

What of Entities that DO lean from Experience. Well, such creators have only learned to use Perception up one more gradient of utility. The More Intelligent Manipulation of Perception does not necessarily imply Consciousness.

Really well designed Artificial Intelligence. Will we call that Consciousness. Will we really allow for Ghosts in the Machines?

we are still faced with such things as the acquisition of consciousness among others.
Unless you are a creationist, which I'm not, it's a difficult problem.
It's as big a problem for intelligent design people, unless they believe that God intervenes at key stages and jigs things up a bit.
That's just intermittent creationism really.

I certainly don't know the answer.
I would however be looking for a scientific answer to the question.
He means consciouness, not perception. This is a discussion on abiogenesis not other emergent properties. Let's keep it there.

I would say we are missing almost every stage in the process of abiogenesis. We have multiple plausible roots at nearly every stage, but nothing that one would bet one's house on.
Recall that it is only half a century since it became acceptable to even investigate abiogenesis. (Oparin and Haldane, not withstanding.)