How life on earth started?

It's all a haze, brought on by multiple abductions by aliens.
I can't even remember my own... you know the thingy that you use to identify yourself with. Is it a mirror?
LoL you asked how I defined it, and thats how I define it.

And I knew this in advance, which is why I asked you to voice it. You are attempting to discuss something about which you know less than nothing. It is a dangerous combination for a public forum.

God is not in a "system."

LoL what is a system?

That's because God doesn't exist. If he did, though, it would be within a system. A "System" is any collection of more than one particle and/or force. A single particle interacting with a single force could be a system. Two particles moving relative to one another could be a system. Any setup where we have time transpiring is a system. What time measures is the changes within a system, so the definition for both is very similar.

If god did exist (which we have already established not to be true), he/she would have to exist in a system. Even if the entire system is him/her and his/her changing nature. Because if god is thinking, there is change, which is the interaction of forces or particles. Which means we have transpiring time (one moment is distinguishable from the next). Which means an infinite set of these can not be completed prior to creation--a paradox.

Your god can not exist. We have to look for other causes for life's beginning on this planet.
Do u ever thinking how the life on earth exist? do u think it is so coincident it happened from big bang theory or volcanic activity found on earth?asteriod strike and lighting caused life to exist? the accidental combination of all element together to form DNA and human? millions lifes on earth born from single cell molecule?

the life on earth is too complicated to happen in chances. even nowadays scientist can't even create a single cell molecule given all the element and resource. Even single cell molecule has a very complicated function itself,needless to say other higher primates.. human anatomy has millions of individual function. there is no coincident.

there are 2 answer. one is GOD that create us. Or other options is from alien create us, but there must be some one that create alien in the first place. in other word there must a creator behind us that create human and life on earth. no need to argue, it is definite answer. no need to waste resource to search for answer.

even God has planned your entire life. He hold your lifetime diary, life, death, good or bad luck he had written down even before you are born! believe me or not? think about it.

If life is too complex to happen unless there is a creator, then the creator must be even more complex. So who created the creator? Who created God?

If God has planned your life, he has already decided who eventually goes to heaven and who to hell. If a person doesn't believe in God and ends up in hell, it is because God wanted him that way. Evangelism or advocating God in an online forum in order to turn people to God becomes a useless and lame activity.
It has meaning. I can see how it alludes to not being apart of time, but the claim is that God is not bound by time, which I equate with the word eternal.

That would assert that time actually has an effect on things, which it does not. Time has no effect on anything, hence something cannot be "bound" by time. "Eternal" does not mean a lack of time.

My evidence would be that there has to be something constant, or that has always been and always will be.

That is not evidence, that is simply something YOU personally want and desire, without basis in fact.

Take for instance the Commissioner of a sports league. He is not bound by the time within contests, only his actions that are to take place within the preset time is bound. Thus the Commissioner of the NFL is outside of the time. God is outside of time. No birth/beginning and no end.

Silly in the extreme. Clocks still go on ticking, even though contests begin and end.

So now you bring up the problem of evil. How bout we argue God's relation to time and then we can debate His actions.

You should first get a grasp of the concepts you attempt to construct.
the life on earth is too complicated to happen in chances. even nowadays scientist can't even create a single cell molecule given all the element and resource. Even single cell molecule has a very complicated function itself,needless to say other higher primates.. human anatomy has millions of individual function. there is no coincident.

doesn't this cheapen your beliefs because you are essentially weighing two probablities and finding out which one is bigger?

so what if we can't create life. if you are saying only god can create life then how in the hell do you propose we do it ourselves, especially where we are with science today?

i know you don't want people disputing with you but you are, to me anyway, clearly wrong.