How do you teach someone honesty?

How do you teach someone honesty?

This is a good question.
I don't think I was ever specifically taught honesty. But this is how I am teaching it to myself - my basic insight is to refrain (as much as possible, at least) from creating situations in which lying would seem necessary or feasible:

1. Be frugal with your finances.
Do not get into debt. If in debt, make efforts to get out of debt. When shopping, before buying something, ask yourself, Do I really need this? - if the answer is No, don't buy it.

2. Do not spend your free time with people you don't really appreciate, or in activities you don't really appreciate.

3. Eat to satisfy the body's nutritional needs, not to stifle emotional hunger.

4. Do things on time and don't procrastinate.
Pay bills on time, file in reports on time, send birthday cards on time etc.

5. Every day, in the morning, set for yourself three goals to accomplish. Throughout the day, strive to accomplish them. In the evening, check how well you've done. Acknowledge your successes, see what lead to them, and be determined to strenghten those good behaviors. Acknowledge your failures, see what lead to them, and be determined not to repeat them.

6. Do not take on more work and obligations than you think you can manage to do.

Probably more simpler than you think, but lets hear some suggestions .....

What do you think?
Probably more simpler than you think, but lets hear some suggestions .....

I'd say by your own actions and behavior towards others would be the best place to start. If you treat others honestly and respectfully then it should be enough for others to view you as an honest person. Actions speak louder than words as they say.;)
This is a good question.
I don't think I was ever specifically taught honesty. But this is how I am teaching it to myself - my basic insight is to refrain (as much as possible, at least) from creating situations in which lying would seem necessary or feasible:

1. Be frugal with your finances.
Do not get into debt. If in debt, make efforts to get out of debt. When shopping, before buying something, ask yourself, Do I really need this? - if the answer is No, don't buy it.

2. Do not spend your free time with people you don't really appreciate, or in activities you don't really appreciate.

3. Eat to satisfy the body's nutritional needs, not to stifle emotional hunger.

4. Do things on time and don't procrastinate.
Pay bills on time, file in reports on time, send birthday cards on time etc.

5. Every day, in the morning, set for yourself three goals to accomplish. Throughout the day, strive to accomplish them. In the evening, check how well you've done. Acknowledge your successes, see what lead to them, and be determined to strenghten those good behaviors. Acknowledge your failures, see what lead to them, and be determined not to repeat them.

6. Do not take on more work and obligations than you think you can manage to do.

What do you think?

Yup - thats about it - basically you can only learn honesty from a person who is
Yup - thats about it - basically you can only learn honesty from a person who is

Have I overstated the obvious?
Many people say that it is important to lead by example - but that struck me as rather abstract. What is exemplatory behavior of honesty? Telling the truth - obviously. But how can one know whether someone is telling the truth or not? One would have to be privy to the other person's goals, values, plans and then compare those with the person's words and actions. This means that in order to know whether somoene is honest or not, there needs to be established quite an intimacy and trust between the two parties; otherwise, the necessary information to gauge honesty is absent or a matter of speculation.
- And what then of people who do not have such intimate relationships? Are they doomed to never be able to become honest?

I don't agree that basically you can only learn honesty from a person who is honest. Surely, having admirable friends can be of great help.
But with the proper outlook -like the six points I listed above- one can develop honesty - most of all, that way, one will learn to see when one is being honest and when not.
If its a boy, tell him that every time he lies his penis gets a little smaller.
Girl, every time she lies, the more like Oprah she will look