How do you teach someone honesty?

Lying can be common courtesy. "I'm sure your pet/grandmother/son in Iraq didn't suffer when they died..."
Lying can be common courtesy. "I'm sure your pet/grandmother/son in Iraq didn't suffer when they died..."

I would just say the truth: I am sure they suffered real bad, but think of this...they brought democracy and freedom to the world, they served our national goals.
no...tell them the truth.

You have leukemia. You got 6 hours to live, not more. Call this number before it is too late, call your relatives. Take care.

NOOOOOOo I mean the person is terminally ill in the hospital.
You go to visit them, you say "You are looking better today"
or something like that. (meanwhile they look like hell)
Thats lying right?
If you can't lie, you can't conceal your true intentions from people, which is often necessary.
It's not often necessary.
I have no desire to conceal my intentions.

I guess you never bought a used car?
I have.
I said, "I hate haggling games. I like this car, and this is what I am willing to pay for it."
If it is less than what they were asking, they had to make a decision.
If thery were unwilling to take what I was offering, I didn't buy it.
It was pretty much as simple as that.
I see no reason to lie.

Never negotiated a lower price at a yard sale, or for a house?
See above.

Never told your wife those jeans don't make her butt look big?
I would say, "The other ones looked better," and she appreciates that.

I also don't lie for common courtesy. Regardless, it is not necessary for survival.
My sister is in the hospital right now, actually - she got hit by a car two weeks ago and it messed her up pretty bad.
When I see her, I don't lie. I will make a point of acknowledging the positive, "Wow, that wound is healing quickly", but I don't lie. I honestly and earnestly show my compassion and love for her. I try to make her smile and I listen to her when she is upset about it. I think that does a world more good than placating her with obvious platitudes.
NOOOOOOo I mean the person is terminally ill in the hospital.
You go to visit them, you say "You are looking better today"
or something like that. (meanwhile they look like hell)
Thats lying right?

yes it is lying.

Tell them: you look like hell, hope you getter better tomorrow.
NOOOOOOo I mean the person is terminally ill in the hospital.
You go to visit them, you say "You are looking better today"
or something like that. (meanwhile they look like hell)
Thats lying right?

Actualy, I am more likely to say, "Jesus, you look like shit!", and try to make them laugh. People expect that from me.
But, no, I would not placate with lies.

"Do you think this scar will ever go away?"
"No. I think it will lighten up, but I dont think it will ever go away. I'm jealous, actually, I think it's a cool scar."

I told my sister I was jealous of how badly the car fucked her up, because it makes for a great story to tell.
I will joke around like that with ppl close to me, because they expect that of me.
Other ppl I won't so much because sometimes they don't get my sense of humour and think I am serious.
Sometimes my sense of humour is too warped for them.
I will joke around like that with ppl close to me, because they expect that of me.
Other ppl I won't so much because sometimes they don't get my sense of humour and think I am serious.
Sometimes my sense of humour is too warped for them.

If I don't know them well, and for some odd reason I am visiting them in the hospital, I would simply be cordial and express my compassion for them (if I say anything at all).
"Hi. How are you feeling? I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"
Basically we need to design a microchip that is inserted inside a young child mind and send nerve impulses through the brain that do not hurt it but are the same as though the microchip was just one hypothalamus region of the brain...fully integrated messaging. Well every time the child decides to lie...or not be honest the microchip sends a painful signal through the brain and the child feel the pain all throughout the body, if the child lies...he will receive and electroshock. So at the end the child will learn that lying...and not being honest is bad...because the result is electroshock.
...coming from the WOMAN who admits she lies and says you can't succeed in business without lying.

This is true I did say that, and I stand by it. I still think why harm
small children, try it on MEN first lol

Yeah I know I am such a bad person because I admitted on occassion I do lie.

Should I have said I NEVER LIE , NOT EVER..... Then that would be a lie!