How do you know that it was Jesus who died on the cross?

Do you believe Abraham existed ,
Do you believe Jehuda the son Jacob existed.
Do you believe King David existed ?
Do you believe Herod the great existed ?
Do you believe Akiba existed ?

Abraham is most likely a mythological figure. If there really was an Abraham then it's certain that his life didn't go down as depicted in the bible, humans just don't live that long. Jacob is another in this category.

While there was a Hebrew kingdom in the area, albeit a rather small one, the King David depicted in the bible is another myth. No record of him outside of the bible and those records aren't exactly sterling.

Herod actually existed, we have records of him and his rule. Interestingly enough though, there's no record of any infanticide under his reign, that's only found in one of the gospels. So we can be fairly certain that it never happened.
@MOM --

2. If you cannot give any reason to believe it or not to believe it you are not entitled to decide whether it is true or not - if you are reasonable.

Excellent! Care to practice what you preach? I mean, it's not like you can give a valid reason to believe what you do. No, faith is not a valid reason.
Roman wanted loyalty to the emperor , and christian were not loyal, but were loyal to their faith in Christ .
The lac of loyalty created a weakness to the empire
Which doesn't, in any way, explain fear. :rolleyes:
@MOM --

Excellent! Care to practice what you preach? I mean, it's not like you can give a valid reason to believe what you do. No, faith is not a valid reason.
Actuall you are very wrong.

Biblical scholarship depends very much on science. History, Archeology, Anthropology, are used extensively to verify biblical accounts. Scientists use a range of tools that can allow them to pinpoint quite accurately who wrote what and when. Philosophical treatises from ancient civilisations are used to cross reference and check biblical accounts. As all science depends upon inductive thinking, then the process of accurately determining the veracity of scripture is an ongoing scientific persuit. So far, all the evidence gathered by these various disciplines supports biblical accounts. There is a plethora of sources available on the Internet. Here's just one sample - The relevance of Archeology to the study of scripture.. One probably needs less 'faith' now than one did a thousand years ago!
People also believe Caesar existed because they have faith in human testimony...
Still not understanding?
We have more than back-dated claims to verify Caesar's existence. We have more than simple "testimony".
We have NO evidence that Jesus existed.
Do you have any evidence Manco Copac existed ?
Do we have evidence Athahualpa existed ?
How about Americo Vespucio , Caboto. were they around ?
Irrelevant. How do any of these support the existence of Jesus?

Actuall you are very wrong.

So far, all the evidence gathered by these various disciplines supports biblical accounts.
Cherry-picking. The evidence supports some portions of the Bible.
Not, by any means, all of it. And none for the existence of Jesus.
Still not understanding?
We have more than back-dated claims to verify Caesar's existence. We have more than simple "testimony".
We have NO evidence that Jesus existed.
Most Western historians agree that there was such a person as Jesus, and he is mentioned in Roman documents of the period, least of all by the Jewish historian Josephus.

Still not understanding?
Which doesn't, in any way, explain fear. :rolleyes:

If you would be in power would you not require loyalty or support . If a society will be loyal . would you trust such segment of the society .
So what would you cal that, beside mistrust ?

Josephus, being born four years after Jesus supposedly died would have been working from second-hand accounts, no?

Oh dear.
If you want to end the discussion for now and "agree to disagree", that is fine. But I am unclear on why you think some things. For instance, why do you think there is more evidence for Caesar than Jesus? You haven't given me any books you've actually read considering evidence for Christianity. If none, then you are not really justified in saying there is not evidence for it. If you would like to consider some evidence, you can look into stuff by NT Wright The Resurrection of the Son of God, and at the popular level The Case for Christ, or Craig's The Son Rises or Wright's Surprised by Hope (chapters 3 and 4). I am not worried about you discrediting faith (though your concern is very polite), because I don't think you can. I have considered the evidence pro and con and think the evidence for the Jesus to be remarkably good. History does not allow certainty, but Jesus seems to be one of the best documented people of antiquity.
If you want to end the discussion for now and "agree to disagree", that is fine.

For instance, why do you think there is more evidence for Caesar than Jesus?
Because there is contemporary evidence for Caesar, hard evidence, not just accounts written later based on believer's stories. Any "evidence" for Jesus was written afterwards.

If none, then you are not really justified in saying there is not evidence for it.
Then present the evidence. All you keep doing is making claims.

I have considered the evidence pro and con and think the evidence for the Jesus to be remarkably good.
Because you believe.

History does not allow certainty, but Jesus seems to be one of the best documented people of antiquity.
Wrong. As has been shown MANY times.
If you would be in power would you not require loyalty or support . If a society will be loyal . would you trust such segment of the society .
So what would you cal that, beside mistrust ?
Another failure.
Who mentioned "mistrust"?

O dear
Why would the Russian people believe ." Napoleon invade Russia and Moscow was burned down
You just pick and chose what you want to believe to reinforce your position
Still not getting it, are you?
Napoleon was documented AT the time. Jesus wasn't.
Biblical scholarship depends very much on science. History, Archeology, Anthropology, are used extensively to verify biblical accounts. Scientists use a range of tools that can allow them to pinpoint quite accurately who wrote what and when. Philosophical treatises from ancient civilisations are used to cross reference and check biblical accounts.

Historiography, archaeology, anthropology, philosophy are all soft sciences.

As all science depends upon inductive thinking, then the process of accurately determining the veracity of scripture is an ongoing scientific persuit. So far, all the evidence gathered by these various disciplines supports biblical accounts.


History does not allow certainty, but Jesus seems to be one of the best documented people of antiquity.

No amount of historiography, archaeology, anthropology or philosophy can prove the divinity of Jesus, nor the exclusivity of the Catholic Church.

Even if there would be reasonable historiographical proof that Jesus existed, this still does doesn't mean that he was divine or that the Catholic Church is the one and only right one.