How do you feel about people who kill animals for the sheer fun of it?

Like I said before, sport hunters should hunt each other. At least the "prey" will have a chance. Then, whoever is left can go down to the local bar and get drunk, another favorite pastime of the mighty hunters. Bunch of low lifes, basically.
Like I said before, sport hunters should hunt each other. At least the "prey" will have a chance. Then, whoever is left can go down to the local bar and get drunk, another favorite pastime of the mighty hunters. Bunch of low lifes, basically.

People from whom you will beg for food when everything collapses.
People from whom you will beg for food when everything collapses.
So, you're a survivalist. Looking forward with glee to the end of civilization, are we? Got you a bunker made and stuffed with food and ammo? Great! Do that instead of trying to make the world a better place. Talk about selfish. Not to mention an incredible waste of time, money, and energy.
People from whom you will beg for food when everything collapses.

And the hunters will beg the metallurgists for bullets and arrowheads, and the metallurgists will beg the miners for ore etc etc. Plenty of people to feel superior to once the world ends.
And the hunters will beg the metallurgists for bullets and arrowheads, and the metallurgists will beg the miners for ore etc etc. Plenty of people to feel superior to once the world ends.

Good moral people should unite.
Good moral people should unite.
Not sure you can find enough to matter once the few are united. I'm not sure I would even claim to be a good moral person myself.

To quote an author that I like: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.
Not sure you can find enough to matter once the few are united. I'm not sure I would even claim to be a good moral person myself.

To quote an author that I like: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.

Good man rules this world. If you want to be evil then go and don't look back, a word from the wise.
If you kill it you should eat it, simple as that with only a couple of exemptions. I have no problem with people hunting to eat, I don't have a problem with people fishing and catch and release and I don't have a problem with pest control without eating them if you can't like the cane toad

People who kill for the sake of it are only one step below sociopaths who torture animals and people for sport
If you kill it you should eat it, simple as that with only a couple of exemptions. I have no problem with people hunting to eat, I don't have a problem with people fishing and catch and release and I don't have a problem with pest control without eating them if you can't like the cane toad

People who kill for the sake of it are only one step below sociopaths who torture animals and people for sport

We can easily relocate spiders out of the city populations once we wise up and build box city.
So, you're a survivalist. Looking forward with glee to the end of civilization, are we? Got you a bunker made and stuffed with food and ammo? Great! Do that instead of trying to make the world a better place. Talk about selfish. Not to mention an incredible waste of time, money, and energy.

Not quite. I like civilization and enjoy all the benefits of it. The impending collapse precipitated by peak oil will not be the end of civilization, just a shift in organization and priorities, like the collapse of the USSR. It makes sense to prepare for this, not by hoarding food, which is silly (for the most part), but by learning how to grow or hunt food. We will not be living in bunkers hiding with our guns, we will have to build more closely knit communities.
Not quite. I like civilization and enjoy all the benefits of it. The impending collapse precipitated by peak oil will not be the end of civilization, just a shift in organization and priorities, like the collapse of the USSR. It makes sense to prepare for this, not by hoarding food, which is silly (for the most part), but by learning how to grow or hunt food. We will not be living in bunkers hiding with our guns, we will have to build more closely knit communities.

I think this is a perfectly worded statement.
Everyone who I've met who hunted in their formative years grew to be confident, assertive individuals who know what they want in life and make the decisions that they need to to get those things.
This is quite simply the psychology of the Bully.
Animals are weaker... there is no sport there other than in picking on the weak kid. The only real hunter is one who goes out there with nothing more than a knife... and I have yet to meet one.
This is quite simply the psychology of the Bully.
Animals are weaker... there is no sport there other than in picking on the weak kid. The only real hunter is one who goes out there with nothing more than a knife... and I have yet to meet one.

Can I use a spear?
The idea behind hunting, in my opinion is that it is like sex or running - its deeply rooted in our primitive brains and has a long past to it. I think that is why its fun to play first person shooters and the rush one feels getting a one shot kill across the map with a sniper rifle is, IMO, the brains using positive feedback to ensure that the person continues the ardeous task of hunting so that they can eat much more protein than in a regular ape diet. I am, of course, not actually doing that - I am sitting on my ass in from of a computer but my mind percieves it to be that way. THAT is why we hunt. Just my 2 cents.