How do you feel about people who kill animals for the sheer fun of it?

LOL... i suspect you'r dismay cam after you calmed down a bit an discovered that you actualy agree wit me mor than you want to admit to you'rself :)

-.- I'm sorry to be the one to bluntly say this...(well, actually i'm not really), but you're a dumbass. randwolf is referring to the statement s/he made about either you having issues reading (most likely) or his/her writing which btw there isn't because I understand perfectly.

You want to starve and eat roadkill? Fine, knock yourself out, but nobody, nobody is happy eating it. Sure some people might feel grateful that they have a meal. But they won't be happy about eating roadkill.
-.- I'm sorry to be the one to bluntly say this...(well, actually i'm not really), but you're a dumbass. randwolf is referring to the statement s/he made about either you having issues reading (most likely) or his/her writing which btw there isn't because I understand perfectly.

You want to starve and eat roadkill? Fine, knock yourself out, but nobody, nobody is happy eating it. Sure some people might feel grateful that they have a meal. But they won't be happy about eating roadkill.

My grandpa ate roadkill during the Depression. He learned to time it just right. He said it was amazingly easy to scare an animal into running in front of a car.

Here in MI, if you hit a deer and its salvageable, you can take it home and eat it. Sometimes if a cop or the DNR has to put one down after an accident, it goes to the homeless shelter.

How old is the roadkill you are talking about?
What did the car owners have to say about that?

Presumably the animals were all smaller and the car owners probably didnt feel much more than a slight bump. I'm just guessing here, but I doubt that the animals were moose or elephants or any other suc large animals.

But then, knew that, but you just posted that comment to stir things up a bit and have a little silly fun of your own, right?

Baron Max
Presumably the animals were all smaller and the car owners probably didnt feel much more than a slight bump. I'm just guessing here, but I doubt that the animals were moose or elephants or any other suc large animals.

But then, knew that, but you just posted that comment to stir things up a bit and have a little silly fun of your own, right?

Baron Max

People might get startled by an animal jumping in front of their car. Accidents may happen..
Not to mention, Orleander wrote "Here in MI, if you hit a deer and its salvageable, you can take it home and eat it" immediately after "He said it was amazingly easy to scare an animal into running in front of a car."
ok. if a deer hit a car made in the 30s or 40s it would be like hitting a brick wall. you are thinking of the paper thin steel used today.
Thank you for ripping his arguement to shreds. I sallute you
My pleasure, and welcome to SciForums...
'We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'
(The Eagles - Hotel California)

What did the car owners have to say about that?
Hi Enmos and Orly! Another trick I learned during a 2 year or so "bad economic period" way back when - I was not quite so "comfortable"... ;)

Anywho, we used to stand at a certain part of the roadside, on a corner near a chicken farm. We had the days and times down when the flatbed trucks would leave the farm, loaded. When the trucks made the corner, invariably some chickens would fall right off the truck, having escaped their crate. Sometimes even a whole crate full would fall from the truck.

My roommate and I were by no means the only people wise to this "trick", so the next challenge was to run fast enough to beat the others attempting to catch the same chickens. Naturally, this caused an altercation or two... :D

If we caught individual chickens (the "normal occurrence"), well... We would "seal their fate" on the spot - if you've ever seen people that actually kill chickens regularly, you know that no "hatchets or axes" are involved. You simply grab the chicken by the head or neck and "flip your wrist" in such a way that it wrings the chicken's neck - it takes about 5 seconds. Then stick the chicken in a burlap back and off after the next one.

Although this is somewhat graphic, it 's the way that it went down. On a good day we would get 6-8 chickens and we almost never went away empty handed.

That was the only time in my life when I was actually poor enough to have resort to such tactics, but if your entire diet consisted only of pancakes, sometimes hamburger helper, Raemen noodles (10 packs for a dollar now, probably ten packs for ten cents back then), veggies grown in our garden, and maybe an egg here and there - well, this was a great way of obtaining fresh meat, our only other means was hunting and fishing.

Man, I would like to have a mess of fresh squirrels, but I don't know of anywhere to buy them and I live in the city now. Plus, the climate where I now live is semi-tropical, and you only want to hunt squirrels in cold weather - they harbor some kind of worm or other parasite during the warmer seasons..

It's amazing what people will do to obtain food when they are hungry. Of course ol' Clueluss will probably try to assert that I did all this for the "pleasure" of killing the chicken - kind of a wacky idea to me, 'cause it was rather hard work, and dangerous, what with running between traffic and fighting off the other people after the chickens. In any event, it was what it was...

What do you think they were driving in the 30s?
John, what are you trying to talk about here with Enmos? I can't seem to follow the point you're trying to make... :shrug:
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John, what are you trying to talk about here with Enmos? I can't seem to follow the point you're trying to make...

In the 30s, in the USA, cars were built like tanks! Do you think one lousy deer or even a freakin' moose would damage a tank?

Why can't you follow that from that above conversations?

Baron Max
In the 30s, in the USA, cars were built like tanks! Do you think one lousy deer or even a freakin' moose would damage a tank?

Why can't you follow that from that above conversations?

Baron Max
Well, maybe because I can't see how that relates to Enmos's concern about the drivers' reactions - whether they are driving a semi-truck or a golf cart.

Why can't you follow that from the above conversations?
For those of you who are defending killing Animals for fun.

I've been around for a while. I've met ALL kinds of people in my life, many of them are those people who enjoy killing animals, not for food, but because they enjoy it. Every last one of those people all have the same problem. They are narcissistic, egomaniacs who believe "outwardly" that they are better then other people, and definitely animals. Killing animals for those people helps underscore they are "Lords of the Land", and for them it helps prove that they are better then others. That they have the ability to kill, and can kill anything.

It's NOT about their inherent nature of hunting that have been programmed in them since the dawn of mankind. Humans DO NOT have instincts that are programmed in them, as other animals do. Instead humans learn, and react based on their lives. Many of those people just have issues, and whenever you read about those people who "snap" and go into their old work places, schools, etc and kill, are all people who would also kill and torture animals just for the fun of it.

ANY person who loves killing animals "just for fun", you should be VERY afraid of. They are narcissistic, egomaniacs who have other deep seated issues that could easily impact you as well. Many of those same people will feel the need to join Militia groups, and collect guns, all in an attempt to feed that desire to prove to themselves they have control of others around them, to again, prove they are "better" then others. Instead of education, and actually doing better in life, they pick what they think is the easy path. To show people they are bigger and better then them, by wearing guns as they walk around, telling others how they killed this animal, or telling others about their time in the Militia. It's all about feeding that desire to show others how much better they are, and by satisfying that need by proving it, by killing animals. All while telling themselves "I can do this to people, if I need to".
Hunting for sport is despicable. Hunting for subsistence is (maybe) OK. Those who do it for sport just like to kill things, no matter what reasoning they give for it. And just because you eat what you kill doesn't make it subsistence hunting.
Hunting for sport is despicable. Hunting for subsistence is (maybe) OK. Those who do it for sport just like to kill things, no matter what reasoning they give for it. And just because you eat what you kill doesn't make it subsistence hunting.

Please prove to me every single person who kill for sports just like to kill things no matter what the reason.
I've been around for a while. I've met ALL kinds of people in my life, many of them are those people who enjoy killing animals, not for food, but because they enjoy it. Every last one of those people all have the same problem. They are narcissistic, egomaniacs who believe "outwardly" that they are better then other people, and definitely animals. Killing animals for those people helps underscore they are "Lords of the Land", and for them it helps prove that they are better then others. That they have the ability to kill, and can kill anything.

It's NOT about their inherent nature of hunting that have been programmed in them since the dawn of mankind. Humans DO NOT have instincts that are programmed in them, as other animals do. Instead humans learn, and react based on their lives. Many of those people just have issues, and whenever you read about those people who "snap" and go into their old work places, schools, etc and kill, are all people who would also kill and torture animals just for the fun of it.

ANY person who loves killing animals "just for fun", you should be VERY afraid of. They are narcissistic, egomaniacs who have other deep seated issues that could easily impact you as well. Many of those same people will feel the need to join Militia groups, and collect guns, all in an attempt to feed that desire to prove to themselves they have control of others around them, to again, prove they are "better" then others. Instead of education, and actually doing better in life, they pick what they think is the easy path. To show people they are bigger and better then them, by wearing guns as they walk around, telling others how they killed this animal, or telling others about their time in the Militia. It's all about feeding that desire to show others how much better they are, and by satisfying that need by proving it, by killing animals. All while telling themselves "I can do this to people, if I need to".

Your entire post is rubbish, please go back to PETA.