How do you feel about people who kill animals for the sheer fun of it?

What color are black holes?
We don't know.

They're really not black; they're not really any color.
You don't know that. We can't access information inside black holes.

This is like asking "what color is farming?" Farming being the idea of an activity makes it not defineable by color. Farming still exists, however. How do we know? Because people do it.

You are conflating two different meanings of "exist." Farming and morals are just arbitrary designations for some of what people do. It is the people which exist as things in and of themselves.

Morals as something people do is not a problem. Morals as independent things in and of themselves is an issue.
We don't know.

You don't know that. We can't access information inside black holes.

We do know. Black holes are a force of the universe. Such things are not viewable. Only the effect they have on space around them is viewable. Having no physically viewable matter itself, it has no color. Not related, but that's something that has to be corrected.

I am confused as to the two different meanings of "exist."

That's more what you mean, even if you don't know it.

This thread is about such activities being wrong, in the eyes of those who are true to themselves and don't try to deny the instinctive moral guide that they feel deep down inside -- something which many of us believe to be instrinsic to ALL human beings through a biological mandate that applies to intelligent creatures.

If you believe that such a thing is missing inside of you, or if you have actively taken it upon yourself to suppress that guide due to your own self-loathing... then this thread topic does not apply to you, and you are going off-topic.
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He hasn't been able to actually demonstrate that morals objectively exist, and does nothing but ignore the question.

He doesn't realize the burden of proof is on HIM. That's the problem.

There is no evidence to suggest that morals objectively exist...that's because, they don't.
We do know.

No we don't.

Black holes are a force of the universe.

Actually they are collapsed super massive objects such as galactic cores and burned out giant stars.

Such things are not viewable.

From this side of the event horizon, but just because we can't see it from here that doesn't mean it has no color.

That's more what you mean, even if you don't know it.

I say what I mean and my aren't you a loathsome passive agressive type. Well be that as it may, you are still conflating two different meanings of "exist."

Farming exists as a concelptualization of a human activity.
Humans exist as objects inand of themselves.

Don't feel bad though, most theists can't distinguish between a concept and an object.
There is no other side of an event horizon besides the one that we can't see, swarm. The only viewable sign of a black hole is its effect on space around it, and maybe radiation from a particle jet coming out of it -- which to you is "the other side." Those are not parts of black holes, however.

Adopt posture, sneer, obfucate obfuscate obfuscate, deny, take umbrage, mock outrage, mock hostility, obfuscate obfuscate obfuscate, spiel, twist, dance, side-step side-step side-step, spiel some more, obfuscate obfuscate obfuscate, mock one last time, snappy closing one-liner

I don't believe in a god here, swarm... but I'm beginning to think that you do. You aren't making sense. That's one of the undying hallmarks of a godbot.
There is no other side of an event horizon besides the one that we can't see, swarm. The only viewable sign of a black hole is its effect on space around it, and maybe radiation from a particle jet coming out of it -- which to you is "the other side." Those are not parts of black holes, however.

Yes, we've already established you don't even have a passing understanding of the topic.

I don't believe in a god here, swarm...

Good for you. Its a shame you also don't belive in reason.
I have a low opinion of people who kill animals for fun. I wouldn't kill an animal unless it was self defense or I wanted to eat it.
The only reason one can believe in objective morals is to believe in a god

Even if one does not actually believe in a god, the concept of objective morals is a religious one
Its not a sick or an abnormal thing. Most kings in ancient times enjoyed hunting as one of their main hobbies. They killed for the sheer pleasure of it and of course I don't think they felt any guilt or remorse for their actions. I have seen people claim that they are proud of themselves for the hunt they killed. Deriving pleasure at the expense of others seems to be far more normal than you think it is. If you are appalled at the idea then its your opinion but people continue to do so even as we speak. You seem to not get this but human is also an animal and his animalistic instincts can cause him to enjoy the hunt.
Btw I am a vegetarian who has never killed/eaten one single animal his whole life and I only kill mosquitoes when they attack me. But even I can understand the feeling that one derives by obtaining pleasure at the expense of others. You were wrong when you said morality is universal. I don't see how attacking animals for food is different from attacking plants for food. After all plants are alive as well. They just don't have the mouth to scream with pain as animals when we attack them. I don't eat meat for one simple reason. I don't want those extra calories. I can do fine with a vegetarian diet. I also think that vegetarians are more healthier than non vegetarians. So I should probably stick with veg diet and thats what I'll be doing.
Everyone kills animals for the sheer fun of it - except pure vegetarians.
I agree. Virtually everyone who personally kills any animal, does so for the fun of providing misery and death to the victim animal.

Do you have any leather, fur, or silk items in your house or car? Do you eat meat products?

None of those things are 'necessary'. They are mere accouterments to one's lifestyle chosen for reasons of pleasure or convenience - ie, fun. Like a candy bar or porn.
Do you have any leather, fur, or silk items in your house or car? Do you eat meat products?

None of those things are 'necessary'. They are mere accouterments to one's lifestyle chosen for reasons of pleasure or convenience - ie, fun. Like a candy bar or porn.

No leather, no fur, no silk (are animals even killed for that???), I do eat meat but very little.
In any case, me eating meat does not mean that I kill animals for fun!
No leather, no fur, no silk (are animals even killed for that???), I do eat meat but very little.
In any case, me eating meat does not mean that I kill animals for fun!

Sure it does. You don't need meat, but eat it anyway. Meat doesn't grow on trees you know.
So in what way does me eating meat equal me killing an animal for fun?

Your recreational meat meals are made possible only because animals are slaughtered. This slaughter is unnecessary but is mandated only because of your own frivolous dietary and decorative preferences. It's for fun. Just like killing a cat and letting ants eat the body.

Would it make much difference in the fun factor if your family was killed in a random drive-by, as opposed to being killed methodically in order to make lampshades and jerky?
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Read the revised and expanded 2nd edition.

lol I eat very little meat. I'm not a meat-eater as I don't like the taste of it very much. But I believe I have to eat a bit of meat every once in a while. I am not eating meat for fun. The last time I ate meat was last Sunday and that was a tiny piece.
So your accusations concerning my "frivolous dietary and decorative preferences" is completely ridiculous.

But all the above is irrelevant really. Even if I was eating meat for fun, it does not mean I am killing animals for fun. They are two completely different things.