How do you feel about people who kill animals for the sheer fun of it?

i guess i am a 'pansy' because i cant kill an animal. even fish, when they come out of the water i want to kiss them.

Bleah! you should scale, head and gut them before you kiss them. Also its really a good idea in populated areas, which is everywhere, to cook them first to avoid parasites.
There is no pansy gene, and there's really not a human hunter instinct.

Thaat's nice for your theory, but it totally fails to track with my direct experience.

People who hunt for fun only pretend to have an instinct to do so, in order to rationalize why they do it.

I don't hunt for fun so I can't speak to that.

But hunting for real definately kicked in some instincts, though I didn't get that from gun hunting, I suppose some might. I can tell you that running down your prey and killing it with your hands is not "pretend" nor is it based on "rationalization." Its definately very intense and creates a lot of social bonding. Its also quickly obvious there are hunters and there are gatherers.

For them, the desire is forced and ingenuine -- and that includes yourself. They feign a liking to hunt in the wild because it helps make them feel macho, forceful, and cool.

As I said earlier, I'm not really into hunting. Haven't done it in 20 odd years. But just because you can't imagine hunting, that doesn't mean there is the least thing forced or ingenuine in those who do. Hunting is definately a trait in many humans, especially males. Its no different in us than how it plays out in chimps. Usually there is a small group of hunters and just one or two that will make a kill.

There's really no need to be jealous though. I'm sure roots are tasty too. :D
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For me, personally, hunting just isn't my thing.

That's fine.

In fact, I was a vegetarian for years and I have always struggled with meat 'issues'

Why struggle with them? Veggies are fun and tasty. I'm partial to Indian and Chinese, but mediterranian is good to.

I just think hunting and killing for sport is cruel and wasteful.

How do you propose to keep the deer herds in check?

I also think that the amount of meat consumed on average is far too high and the beef/pork/poultry industry plays a huge part in destroying our environment and animal cruelty as well.

No doubt, but a seperate issue.
Mod Hat — State of the Thread

Mod Hat — State of the thread

So, I just spent a little over an hour and half cleaning up. The toll:

Post Edits: 10
Post Deletions: 9​

Nobody's getting sent, but I'll be sending a few of private messages around.

I would ask members to please work and play well with one another. If you can't, I'll just start pulling entire threads.

Thank you.
well i guess a mod logged me off again. is tiaSSa around?:scratchin:

back to the subject:

Because it's psychotic. Psychotic is bad.

I know, it's hard.

so when you kill a bug are you psychotic? if a bug crawled up your arm and you smash it with your hand?
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Here's the thing, have you ever killed an animal for the sheer pleasure of it?
How did it make you feel? It felt like shit to me and I thought I was going to a burning hell for eternity, after my cousin and I crept up to a blue jay sitting on a post, and bam, he shot it with his pellet gun. I was about 9 and a real tom boy at the time.
Any way, after that bird dropped, we both looked at each other and wanted to puke.
Up until the point that he killed it, was all about sneaking quietly and stalking the bird. That was the fun part. But after he actually killed it, it was such an obviously CLEAR MISTAKE.
Do ants count?

Actually , when I was a kid I remember laying on my bedroom floor and finding an ant trail. I started systematically squashing them, finding pleasure in killing them. I started looking closely at them and noticed some were squirming. After that I felt bad and stopped. :shrug:
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lol @ that. Those who have to kill other things to feel better about themselves have got WAY bigger problems than just their ego. The ones who do that prolly have *no* ego. That's why they need to hurt others. It helps them feel better about their position in life.

Talk about sad. :cool:
I was huntin by myself an shot a fox squrrell... i picked up the dead squrrell an looked at it... an i thout... why am i doin this... i dont have to do this... i was 12 year old an i never went squrrell or rabbit huntin agan.!!!
Killing fulfills a need for ego

I've never understood this claim. It's only foundation is that people who are abused by their parents tend to be bullies themselves. And by bully, I mean like this:

Which really only touches on the surface of ways to make other people feel like shit.
The animals die quickly so it is actually more humane than if they died due to a protracted illness or old age.
I see the difference, but so what? Do whatever suits you.

I agree with this.

If an action's good consequences out-weigh the bad then it's perfectly fine to do it.


Good consequences:

You have fun

Bad consequences:

You are punished (if it is illegal to kill said animal)
You are looked down upon by people who see it as "wrong"


If it is legal to kill an animal you can avoid the first negative consequence. If you do it privately you can avoid the second. If you don't care about people looking down upon you then you wouldn't even view that as a bad consequence in the first place.

"An animal dies" isn't neccessarily a good or bad consequence.