How do you feel about people who kill animals for the sheer fun of it?

lol I eat very little meat. I'm not a meat-eater as I don't like the taste of it very much. But I believe I have to eat a bit of meat every once in a while. I am not eating meat for fun. The last time I ate meat was last Sunday and that was a tiny piece.
So your accusations concerning my "frivolous dietary and decorative preferences" is completely ridiculous.

If you're asserting that you need animal flesh to survive, you still have all of your work ahead of you.

But all the above is irrelevant really. Even if I was eating meat for fun, it does not mean I am killing animals for fun. They are two completely different things.

What about ethical chain of custody? If you hire a hitman to kill someone and bring back the flesh of the deceased for your consumption, you are guilty of a contract killing and are regarded as a principal in the offence, and are subject to the same conviction and penalties as the actual killer. There is no legal or ethical distinction made between them, nor any exception.

Cognitive dissonance, however, enables convenient, but invalid, exceptions in the case of war and meat-eating.
If you're asserting that you need animal flesh to survive, you still have all of your work ahead of you.
Probably I don't need it. But I believe it's healthier to eat real meat once in a while instead of pills. The point is, I don;t eat meat for fun and I certainly do not kill any animals.. let alone for fun.

What about ethical chain of custody? If you hire a hitman to kill someone and bring back the flesh of the deceased for your consumption, you are guilty of a contract killing and are regarded as a principal in the offence, and are subject to the same conviction and penalties as the actual killer. There is no legal or ethical distinction made between them, nor any exception.

Cognitive dissonance enables spurious exceptions however in the case of war and meat-eating.
It doesn't say that I do it for fun, now does it?

Do you eat cheese? What about marshmallows?
Probably I don't need it. But I believe it's healthier to eat real meat once in a while instead of pills. The point is, I don;t eat meat for fun and I certainly do not kill any animals.. let alone for fun.

What makes you ethically different than the neighbourhood kitty-cat cutter?

Do you eat cheese? What about marshmallows?

I eat all kinds of meat. The difference between us is that I don't claim that killing a cow for a hamburger is morally different than killing a cow to test the sharpness of a knife.
What makes you ethically different than the neighbourhood kitty-cat cutter?

I eat all kinds of meat. The difference between us is that I don't claim that killing a cow for a hamburger is morally different than killing a cow to test the sharpness of a knife.

Ah I see, you're just the average hypocrite asshole. Run along now..
Perhaps you should spend some time thinking stuff over. Especially about why eating meat is different from killing animals for pleasure or to gratify your sadistic urges.
Killing for meat defense or for pest control is OK by me killing for the fun of kill no other reason then to see another living creature die well that to me and I am sure many Psychiatrist would like show a border line psychotic personalty. All serial killers and I mean ALL have either mutilated and or killed for the fun of the kill and when that "FUN" ran thin they turned to people for various reasons. I have no problem with a hunter hunting I have an issue with a killer killing.
Ah I see, you're just the average hypocrite asshole. Run along now..
Perhaps you should spend some time thinking stuff over. Especially about why eating meat is different from killing animals for pleasure or to gratify your sadistic urges.

Why am I a hypocrite if what I preach and what I believe/do is the same thing? I was pointing out your own hypocrisy, since it's fun.

If you think there's an ethical difference between killing animals in order to enjoy a few minutes of tasty burger and killing animals in order to enjoy a few minutes of lulz, I'm all ears.
Killing for meat defense or for pest control is OK by me killing for the fun of kill no other reason then to see another living creature die well that to me and I am sure many Psychiatrist would like show a border line psychotic personalty. All serial killers and I mean ALL have either mutilated and or killed for the fun of the kill and when that "FUN" ran thin they turned to people for various reasons. I have no problem with a hunter hunting I have an issue with a killer killing.

Where did you get the idea that all serial killers abused animals? There is simply no basis for saying 'all'. What you obliquely refer to is the MacDonald Triad - but that relates to sociopathy, not serial killing per se.

What's the ethical difference between a pot-bellied, well-fed redneck shooting wild animals for 'sport' and the neighbourhood nasty kid killing wild rabbits and stray dogs for 'sport'?
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Where did you get the idea that all serial killers abused animals? There is simply no basis for saying 'all'. What you obliquely refer to is the MacDonald Triad - but that relates to sociopath, not serial killing per SE.

What's the ethical difference between a pot-bellied, well-fed redneck shooting wild animals for 'sport' and the neighborhood nasty kid killing wild rabbits and stray dogs for 'sport'?

There are many sources of informant ion on the link of killing and mutilating animals and not only serial killers but all so spree killers. They are people that kill for the thrill no other reason then it makes them feel good. And for the most part it is a control issue with sometime a sexual component to it as well. All you need to do for further info is do a search on the search engine of your choice and you will find that there has indeed been proven a link between killing animals for the LOLz of it as you say and killing in general.
There are many sources of informant ion on the link of killing and mutilating animals and not only serial killers but all so spree killers. They are people that kill for the thrill no other reason then it makes them feel good. And for the most part it is a control issue with sometime a sexual component to it as well. All you need to do for further info is do a search on the search engine of your choice and you will find that there has indeed been proven a link between killing animals for the LOLz of it as you say and killing in general.

You said 'all' which, as I stated in my previous post, is an assertion completely unsupported by the literature. I want to see your specific source(s).
You said 'all' which, as I stated in my previous post, is an assertion completely unsupported by the literature. I want to see your specific source(s).

The folowing is a article from the website the article all so refrences a study performed by Northeastern University and the Massachusetts SPCA

Violent acts toward animals have long been recognized as indicators of a dangerous psychopathy that does not confine itself to animals. “Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives,” wrote humanitarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer. “Murderers … very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids,” according to Robert K. Ressler, who developed profiles of serial killers for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Studies have now convinced sociologists, lawmakers, and the courts that acts of cruelty toward animals deserve our attention. They can be the first sign of a violent pathology that includes human victims.

Animal abuse is not just the result of a minor personality flaw in the abuser but rather a symptom of a deep mental disturbance. Research in psychology and criminology shows that people who commit acts of cruelty toward animals don’t stop there; many of them move on to their fellow humans.

The FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appear in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers, and the standard diagnostic and treatment manual for psychiatric and emotional disorders lists cruelty to animals as a diagnostic criterion for conduct disorders.

A study conducted by Northeastern University and the Massachusetts SPCA found that people who abuse animals are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against humans. The majority of inmates scheduled to be executed for murder at
California’s San Quentin penitentiary “practiced” their crimes on animals, according to the warden.
That's a biased article and yet even it will not venture father than to say 'very often' animal abuse is correlated with serial killing. That's a far cry from 'all', which you have not only foolishly stated one time but persist in defending.
That's a biased article and yet even it will not venture father than to say 'very often' animal abuse is correlated with serial killing. That's a far cry from 'all', which you have not only foolishly stated one time but persist in defending.

Don't bring God into this and if you ventured to study and or read about serial killers you would find that ALL of them that I know about thus fer have tortured and or killed small animals period and don't call someone foolish unless you your self can produce proof the contrary of some one view point.
Out of interest do vegetarians kill plants for fun?

No. They kill them to survive.

Also, many plants are not killed when parts of them are eaten. Consider, for example, apple trees.

We could also discuss the morality of eating plants, but that's a different thread.
If you think there's an ethical difference between killing animals in order to enjoy a few minutes of tasty burger and killing animals in order to enjoy a few minutes of lulz, I'm all ears.

First off I do not have to kill any animals to 'enjoy' a burger.
If you cannot see that killing for food and killing for fun are completely different things from an ethical standpoint, well.. then there is something horribly wrong with you.
You aren't worth anymore of my time, figure it out.
Don't bring God into this and if you ventured to study and or read about serial killers you would find that ALL of them that I know about thus fer have tortured and or killed small animals period and don't call someone foolish unless you your self can produce proof the contrary of some one view point.

Point out precisely where I invoked diety.

Your photo in the SF member's album is very inspirational, btw:

First off I do not have to kill any animals to 'enjoy' a burger.
If you cannot see that killing for food and killing for fun are completely different things from an ethical standpoint, well.. then there is something horribly wrong with you.
You aren't worth anymore of my time, figure it out.

I accept your concession with humility and grace.

First off I do not have to kill any animals to 'enjoy' a burger.

You only have vegie burgers then, do you?

If you cannot see that killing for food and killing for fun are completely different things from an ethical standpoint, well.. then there is something horribly wrong with you.

There's obviously something horribly wrong with me. Please explain it for me. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to your survival that you kill animals for food.

Oh, how so? They could just live on meat and take supplements.. :rolleyes:

:facepalm: It is obviously more ethical to eat plants than to eat meat, and to survive you must eat something.

Besides, the production of fruit and vegetables results in a lot of animals deaths.

Not nearly as many as the production of animals for meat.