How do you feel about guns?


  • Have no place in this world. Should be abolished like slavery.

    Votes: 33 36.7%
  • Are every human's right.

    Votes: 57 63.3%

  • Total voters
I thought it was their duty 'To Protect And Serve'? If they're not there for the protection of the public, what are they there for?
Interesting that you should single out my comments about our major cities, John. Do you know something I don't?
Nickelodeon said:
And Europe?,,2087-2372277,00.html

Europe has crime too, they just don't use guns, so what? You expect me to think crime only exists in America?

Yes you can vote governments in office but the people you get choose from are usually selected for you in advanced. Otherwise, SamCd would be able to run for office herself. Politics in itself is a dirty business, if you get involved in politics you'll have to do business with all sorts of people, criminals and citizens, but in general you'll be dealing with powerful people, and the more powerful people are, the more likely they are to have the gun.

In America, gun's are mostly symbolic power, because most of the time we don't use guns. Guns are to allow you to defend yourself against the stupid criminal who tries to break into your home or rob you, but it's not the only type of power that people have. Money is more powerful than the gun. Money is just paper, but that paper has more power over people than guns do. If offer up enough money, you can basically do anything, even go to the moon.
redarmy11 said:
Interesting that you should single out my comments about our major cities, John. Do you know something I don't?

The only thing i was showing is that you made my point, the violence by and large is confined to the big cities (which U.S has more of) and you said yourself that is the case in U.K too. :)
redarmy11 said:
I thought it was their duty 'To Protect And Serve'? If they're not there for the protection of the public, what are they there for?

Do you actually think that a policeman follows each and every citizen around like a bodyguard??? Or even more ridiculous, that they follow the possible muggers and murderers around in order to protect you??

No, of course not ....not even in the UK is it like that!! The police come in AFTER you've been mugged or murderer. But does it make any differecne to you after that??

A person who thinks that he is not worth defending himself surely can't figure that others think that he's worth defending, can he?

Baron Max
samcdkey said:

I think there is a need to focus on community building and family relationships in America.

There is too much fear. It's not a healthy way to live.

Haven't you read my posts? I'm focused on building that. But at the same time there are people just as intensely focused on dividing people, by race, by gender, by class, by appearance, by weight, by culture, by education, there is so much artificial division in this country that only the enlightened few actually see beyond it.

If you think this is what American needs, why don't you be a part of the solution? You know how to unite people, in reality you and I are not divided just because I'm self defensive, or American.
John99 said:
The only thing i was showing is that you made my point, the violence by and large is confined to the big cities...

Yeah, and by "large cities" means that there are just more people, which usually means less cops per capita, which means an even greater chance of you being mugged or murdered, which means that it's even more imparative to protect oneself!

So as I see it, almost no matter how one views it, self-defense is almost an essential part of life in today's world. ...and yet there are so many people that refuse to want to protect themselves??? Why??

Baron Max
It's always a bonus when I can answer 2 posts with a single statement.
John99 said:
The only thing i was showing is that you made my point, the violence by and large is confined to the big cities (which U.S has more of) and you said yourself that is the case in U.K too. :)
Yes, but we don't feel any need for guns to defend ourselves.
Baron Max said:
Do you actually think that a policeman follows each and every citizen around like a bodyguard??? Or even more ridiculous, that they follow the possible muggers and murderers around in order to protect you??

No, of course not ....not even in the UK is it like that!! The police come in AFTER you've been mugged or murderer. But does it make any differecne to you after that??

A person who thinks that he is not worth defending himself surely can't figure that others think that he's worth defending, can he?

Baron Max
See above.
John99 said:
The only thing i was showing is that you made my point, the violence by and large is confined to the big cities (which U.S has more of) and you said yourself that is the case in U.K too. :)

That's not true. Gun violence is confined to big cities, but most serial killers and most violence is not in big cities. The violence outside of big cities are a lot more complicated because people think "It can't happen here!". Cities cause violence a lot of the time because of how they are designed, humans just arent designed to live so close to each other in apartments like sardines, some of these "ghettos" are designed like prisons. Also there are drugs in big cities, even if people have common sense, if they are a drug abuser they might do anything to get high. Where does crack come from? Where is meth coming from? Neither of these drugs come from big cities but they all manage to get into the big cities because thats where the money and demand is. The guns get sucked into the big city because the criminals demand them, but also because the police won't do a good job catching the criminals, so you even have scared citizens who might buy guns off the black market, and thats the problem. When people buy guns with a permit, then you have less demand for guns, and you can trace where the guns are going by serial number, chips, etc.
redarmy11 said:
It's always a bonus when I can answer 2 posts with a single statement.

Yes, but we don't feel any need for guns to defend ourselves.

See above.

Okay, so how do you defend yourself, how do you keep yourself from being made into a complete prison bitch?

If you were in prison, would you be saying this crap, about how you don't need a weapon because none of the prisoners will bother you, they just want to do their thing, no one will rape you, no one will bully you, yeah right! What if you look at someone wrong and they decide to make your their bitch because they have a weapon and you don't? Are you going to just let it happen?

How far are you willing to let someone piss on you and treat you like a child? Don't you have a limit where you'll say "ENOUGH", and be willing to defend yourself?
Baron Max said:
Yeah, and by "large cities" means that there are just more people, which usually means less cops per capita, which means an even greater chance of you being mugged or murdered, which means that it's even more imparative to protect oneself!

So as I see it, almost no matter how one views it, self-defense is almost an essential part of life in today's world. ...and yet there are so many people that refuse to want to protect themselves??? Why??

Baron Max

I was in N.Y.C last night and felt just as safe as walking the strrets of London, even the outer borough's are not that bad at all. And it is very hard to get a carry permit in New York....N.Y.P.D is 30,000+, best in the world too.

Yes, but we don't feel any need for guns to defend ourselves.

We dont either, it is exaggerated for European entertainment.
redarmy11 said:
It's always a bonus when I can answer 2 posts with a single statement.

Yes, but we don't feel any need for guns to defend ourselves.

See above.
dude, i dont even have a gun. shit i havent seen one in like ten years.

well not counting that trip past the gun shop :p
John99 said:
I was in N.Y.C last night and felt just as safe as walking the strrets of London, even the outer borough's are not that bad at all.

Well, I think that's just great, John, but what about others who might not feel as safe and confident as you? Would you deny them the right to feel as good as you by carrying a concealed weapon if they wanted to?

I have nothing against people who don't want to carry a weapon, but why should you or anyone keep me and others from wanting to protect ourselves ....even if there is never, ever any attack? If it makes us feel good and feel safe, why keep that from us?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Yeah, and by "large cities" means that there are just more people, which usually means less cops per capita, which means an even greater chance of you being mugged or murdered, which means that it's even more imparative to protect oneself!

So as I see it, almost no matter how one views it, self-defense is almost an essential part of life in today's world. ...and yet there are so many people that refuse to want to protect themselves??? Why??

Baron Max

Well, I can understand the female, SamCD, it's traditional for women to want to be defended, and I can accept the responsibility of defending females, but guys need to defend themselves. I'd say it's SamCDs bf's responsibility to defend her, or whichever guy she is with at the time, it's not right that a female should be walking down dark alleys alone, does this seem sane to you? The world is just not that safe, even for a male to be doing this stuff unless he has a gun or weapon. I think her intentions are based on the way she wants the world to be and not the way it is, but if she want's the world to be better all she really has to do is stay in it, and this requires that she defend herself.

The others, I don't know, I think some of them somehow trust their government or their authority figures so much that they are willing to give up ALL their power, but this is just bass ackwards. How can you give power to someone else and be like "please, protect me!" while on your knees begging them?

Yes the police should have guns, but why should only the police be able to have bullet proof vests? Why should the police be able to have guns? I don't think these guns controls help fight crime, they just empower both the police and the criminals. All this will do is make the insecure either become cops or criminals, and you don't have to go to the academy to become a criminal, just buy a gun and pull it out on someone and you are instantly a criminal.
redarmy11 said:
Yes, but we don't feel any need for guns to defend ourselves.

But I and many others DO feel the need. So are you going to try to prevent us the thing that makes us feel good and safe?

Baron Max
John99 said:
We dont either, it is exaggerated for European entertainment.
This is what I suspected: that most Americans don't feel a need to have a gun at all. They just like them because they're heavy and feel nice to hold and make loud bangs.

Grow up. The Wild West is over.
TimeTraveler said:
Well, I can understand the female, SamCD, it's traditional for women to want to be defended, and I can accept the responsibility of defending females, but guys need to defend themselves. I'd say it's SamCDs bf's responsibility to defend her, or whichever guy she is with at the time, it's not right that a female should be walking down dark alleys alone, does this seem sane to you? The world is just not that safe, even for a male to be doing this stuff unless he has a gun or weapon. I think her intentions are based on the way she wants the world to be and not the way it is, but if she want's the world to be better all she really has to do is stay in it, and this requires that she defend herself.

Dude you have weird ideas about women. :p

Indian women are not known for submissiveness and Muslim women even less so.

I'm not stupid to put myself in danger but I don't look for anyone else to defend me either.

I'm 36 years old and I've been travelling alone since my early 20s. My views are based on my real practical experience of people, and I've travelled deep into some deserts.

There are a lot of good people in the world, but if you meet them with a gun in hand they are not going to hold out their arms to you.