How do you define atheism?

What is the proper definition for the term "atheism"?

  • Only those who hold that there are no gods. Those that dont abide by this dont fall under atheism.

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • All who dont hold that any god exists. This includes those who dont hold that gods dont exist.

    Votes: 11 57.9%

  • Total voters
True. How then could I prove to you the existence of an incorporeal invisible undetectable purple unicorn?

(heh, if it's invisible, how do I know it's purple :p)
True. How then could I prove to you the existence of an incorporeal invisible undetectable purple unicorn?

(heh, if it's invisible, how do I know it's purple :p)

You can't because it doesn't exist.
The most convincing argument in this case is, indeed, that something can't be purple when it's invisible lol ;)
You can't because it doesn't exist.
The most convincing argument in this case is, indeed, that something can't be purple when it's invisible lol ;)

Sure but if it did exist, neither you nor I would be able to verify either it's existence or it's non existence. That's the whole gist behind agnosticism. Even if you believed in it and I didn't, we'd both be agnostics towards it.
But since you said that you don't believe in invisible incorporeal purple unicorns, howcome you can't say the same thing about God ?
Is it because you feel some kind of pressure from the people around you ? Are you afraid of the reaction when you say that you are an atheist ?
What're you talking about? I DO say I don't believe in god. I am definitely 100% an atheist. However, that doesn't change my agnosticism. Whether or not god exists or doesn't exist is wholly unknowable.
What're you talking about? I DO say I don't believe in god. I am definitely 100% an atheist. However, that doesn't change my agnosticism. Whether or not god exists or doesn't exist is wholly unknowable.

But... ? So you are an atheist ?
...yes. What are you confused about? Someone can be both an agnostic and an atheist, no problem. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
So I don't see why you don't agree with my definition ?

Weak atheist: does not believe in any God.
Strong atheist: actively denies the existence of any God.

You definition is closer to 'strong atheist' while mine encompasses both.

Also, my definition includes agnostics. As they cannot take any stance they also do not believe in God.
It's just the last line I have an issue with. An agnostic isn't necessarily an atheist, there are agnostic theists.
Ashura is correct -Really the definition of atheist is 'one who lacks a belief in god'. It's the common usage of the word and most dictionaries do carry this definition as number 2.
As far as agnosticism goes someone else on the boards explains this far better than me but it's like a line, atheism at one end and theism at the other, most people wrongly believe agnosticism to be the middle point but it isn't actually on the line at all, most people are agnostic theists or agnostic atheists. It's a position on the basis of knowledge not logic or belief.

To quote someone else "I'm what you might call a militant agnostic; Rule 1: I don't know if there's a God; Rule 2: Neither do you."
Simple. You can have a theist who doesn't believe the existence of god can be proven to someone, that someone just needs to have faith. That's an agnostic theist.
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Ashura is correct -Really the definition of atheist is 'one who lacks a belief in god'. It's the common usage of the word and most dictionaries do carry this definition as number 2.
As far as agnosticism goes someone else on the boards explains this far better than me but it's like a line, atheism at one end and theism at the other, most people wrongly believe agnosticism to be the middle point but it isn't actually on the line at all, most people are agnostic theists or agnostic atheists. It's a position on the basis of knowledge not logic or belief.

To quote someone else "I'm what you might call a militant agnostic; Rule 1: I don't know if there's a God; Rule 2: Neither do you."

Then all agnostics are atheists, because they ALL lack believe in God :shrug:
As far as agnosticism goes someone else on the boards explains this far better than me but it's like a line, atheism at one end and theism at the other, most people wrongly believe agnosticism to be the middle point but it isn't actually on the line at all, most people are agnostic theists or agnostic atheists. It's a position on the basis of knowledge not logic or belief.

Great explanation. :)
How does that even make sense ??

You've never met a theist like that before? They tell you that God can't be proven by any conventional way, you just have to have faith and you'll believe. etc