How do you define atheism?

What is the proper definition for the term "atheism"?

  • Only those who hold that there are no gods. Those that dont abide by this dont fall under atheism.

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • All who dont hold that any god exists. This includes those who dont hold that gods dont exist.

    Votes: 11 57.9%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
I'm taking this argument over from a different thread to see how people here interpret the definition of the term atheism.

My argument is that the definition of the term "atheism" as presented by the infedel website is a misconception.

My argument is that the proper definition of the term "atheism" describes those who accept as true the proposition, "gods do not exist".

Theism: Those who accept as true the proposition, "gods exist".
Atheism: Those who accept as true the proposition, "gods do not exist".

My argument is that these are the proper standards that people in all areas of academics and otherwise use for the the term "atheism".

However, I noticed that many people online believe that the definition for the term "atheism" as presented by the infedel website is the proper standard use for the term.

They argue that all who do not believe that gods exist (including those that do not accept the proposition that "gods do not exist") fall under atheism. I argue that this is a misconception for the use of the term "atheism".

I argue that the proper definition for the term "atheism" describes only those that hold true the proposition that gods do not exist. None of the others fall under atheism. Not agnostics. Not anybody. Atheism is and only is meant to desceibe those who accept that there are no gods.

What about those that do not believe there are are gods, but don't necessarily believe there are no gods?
According to the proper definition of atheism, they are not atheists.
The infedels website defines them as atheists. My argument is that the infedels website incorrectly presents the definition of the term "atheism".
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This is a misconception of the term atheism.
Only those who believe there is no God is an atheist.

Not so.

Weak atheist: does not believe in any God.
Strong atheist: actively denies the existence of any God.

You definition is closer to 'strong atheist' while mine encompasses both.

Also, my definition includes agnostics. As they cannot take any stance they also do not believe in God.
Because you're using the incorrect definition for agnosticism, it doesn't mean you don't take a stance when it comes to belief or disbelief in gods. Agnosticism simply means that one believes that the existence of gods is unknowable/unverifiable.
Because you're using the incorrect definition for agnosticism, it doesn't mean you don't take a stance when it comes to belief or disbelief in gods. Agnosticism simply means that one believes that the existence of gods is unknowable/unverifiable.

Don't all theist hold that position ? I think the bible says that God is unknowable ?
lol ok..
I think agnosticism is a questionable position.

I think agnosticism is the only rational position. I'm an agnostic atheist.

From, bolded emphasis is mine:

ag·nos·ti·cism (āg-nŏs'tĭ-sĭz'əm) Pronunciation Key

1. The doctrine that certainty about first principles or absolute truth is unattainable and that only perceptual phenomena are objects of exact knowledge.
2. The belief that there can be no proof either that God exists or that God does not exist.
2. The belief that there can be no proof either that God exists or that God does not exist.

Yeah, but come on.. that holds true for anything that doesn't exist.

So you are also agnostic about purple unicorns ?
Heh, I'm only agnostic about invisible incorporeal purple unicorns. Regular old purple unicorns, not so much. ;)
I don't believe they exist, but how in the world would I verify the non-existence of an incorporeal invisible being?