How do we KNOW that it was JESUS???

Of course humans couldn't build such a ship TODAY, but for Noah it was easy.

Ships larger than the ark have been built for more than a hundred years.
(Q) said:
Of course humans couldn't build such a ship TODAY, but for Noah it was easy.

Ships larger than the ark have been built for more than a hundred years.

Sure, they may have been larger, but that wasn't the point. The point is that people couldn't build a ship which could survive a global flood.
The psuedo-Scientists select the data they wish to use and omit anything else. Then they style themselves as objective.
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The psuedo-Scientists select the data they wish to use and omit anything else. Then they style themselves as objective.

Yes. Such as creationists and ID'ists. Actual scientists weigh all data to the best of their ability.
So you really think that IDists are not selective?

Please give your reasons and any proof you have for this opinion.
Yorda said:
There are reasons why it survived. Of course humans couldn't build such a ship TODAY, but for Noah it was easy.
Oh, so a shitty wooden boat is stronger and more durable than a steel-armoured aircraft carrier?
Lawdog: The psuedo-Scientists select the data they wish to use and omit anything else. Then they style themselves as objective.
M*W: You've used the term "pseudo-Scientists" again as well as repeated yourself on another thread. You also failed to provide the names of your so-called "pseudo-Scientists" as requested. If these "pseudo-Scientists" are degreed professionals, they would be published as well. In the science business, it's "publish or perish." Been there, done that, and believed in God at the same time. I also have had the pleasure of working with some brilliant internationally renowned scientists who have brought stem cell research to the forefront.

You stated in one of your posts that you hold a higher degree in ancient languages. If this were true, you would have more respect for the work scientists do. If this were true, you wouldn't come across as being so ignorant -- which you are. If this were true, you wouldn't have misspelled "pseudo."
pseudo-scientists=degreed men and women engaged in or supporting the following Nazistic fields:

stem cell research, cloning, in vitro, evolutionary theory, abortifacient "medicine', physics in as much as it supports development of nuclear and other WMD weaponry,
and possibly I may have neglected to list one or two...but you get the idea: Nihilistic Death Science, wish is really not even science but is sorcery disguised as science, and so deserves the title "pseudo-science". Sorry for mispelling pseudo, but every time I try and spell it correctly I think its wrong. I need to brush up on my greek. By the way, eventhough someone holds a degree in his field, that doesnt mean that his work is perfect or beyond error, take for example my mispelling of the word pseudo, right now I am too lazy to look it up and I really dont care. the eu sound as in the word eugenics (which Im sure you are familiar with) has the same sound as when one pronounces psuedo, hence the mistake. It just goes to show, a degree means very little, but its something. Nevertheless a mere technical mistake should not be cause for chastizement. Other, more grave acts, deserve censure.

In the case of pseudo-scientists, since they are active in forbidden research and knowledge, they deserve to be taken off their duties and given religious and moral training, in order to divest them of their hyper-liberal facisto-communist feministica nihilist free-sex 1968 revolutionist diabolic extremism, which is both suicidal and culturacidal, and if that doesnt help, these sorcerers should have their positions taken away. They are lucky not to be burned at the stake, and were I king it is doubtful I would stand in the way of the ancient law concerning their punishment, just as no one stood in our way when we bombed the Nazis back to the StoneAge, and we didnt even know how bad the concentration camps really were. If we knew first hand how evil and satanic their Death Science is, there would be folk marching in the streets with torches trying to hunt down those witches. But today its all covered over in a false veneer of rationalism and other sweetiees, just like the house that Hansel and Gretel found, tastes good, looks good, lets go!

Same goes with other feilds, such as supreme court judges. Hence there are psuedo-judges and lawyers, psuedo-scholars, psuedo-journalists, psuedo-psychologists. Psuedo means false, so it makes sense to use this, since they are committed to falsehood.

If you dont believe me, then send me something in Latin and I will translate it.

To call someone ignorant is a sign of ignorance. I do not have a problem with valid science.

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pseudo-scientists=degreed men and women engaged in or supporting the following Nazistic fields:

stem cell research, cloning, in vitro, evolutionary theory, abortifacient "medicine', physics in as much as it supports development of nuclear and other WMD weaponry,


Honestly, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you spout this kind of stuff?

stem cell research - Because why? It kills an "ensouled" ball of cells? BS. This research is the future of tissue replacement therapy.

cloning - Why? What's wrong with cloning a new heart for yourself?

in vitro - And just what the hell is wrong with this?

evolutionary theory - A scientific fact.

abortifacient "medicine', - Huh?

physics in as much as it supports development of nuclear and other WMD weaponry - All of of physics has lead to these developments. If it weren't for politicians and religio-nationalistic idiocy, we may hve never developed them in the first place.

You can't blame the physicist who discovers that atoms exist for nukes. Blamr idiotic humans in general.
Lawdog pseudo-scientists=degreed men and women engaged in or supporting the following Nazistic fields:

stem cell research, cloning, in vitro, evolutionary theory, abortifacient "medicine', physics in as much as it supports development of nuclear and other WMD weaponry,
and possibly I may have neglected to list one or two...but you get the idea: Nihilistic Death Science, wish is really not even science but is sorcery disguised as science, and so deserves the title "pseudo-science". Sorry for mispelling pseudo, but every time I try and spell it correctly I think its wrong. I need to brush up on my greek. By the way, eventhough someone holds a degree in his field, that doesnt mean that his work is perfect or beyond error, take for example my mispelling of the word pseudo, right now I am too lazy to look it up and I really dont care. the eu sound as in the word eugenics (which Im sure you are familiar with) has the same sound as when one pronounces psuedo, hence the mistake. It just goes to show, a degree means very little, but its something. Nevertheless a mere technical mistake should not be cause for chastizement. Other, more grave acts, deserve censure. In the case of pseudo-scientists, since they are active in forbidden research and knowledge, they deserve to be taken off their duties and given religious and moral training, in order to divest them of their hyper-liberal facisto-communist feministica nihilist free-sex 1968 revolutionist diabolic extremism, which is both suicidal and culturacidal, and if that doesnt help, these sorcerers should have their positions taken away. They are lucky not to be burned at the stake, and were I king it is doubtful I would stand in the way of the ancient law concerning their punishment, just as no one stood in our way when we bombed the Nazis back to the StoneAge, and didnt even know how bad the concentration camps really were.

Same goes with other feilds, such as supreme court judges. Hence there are psuedo-judges and lawyers, psuedo-scholars, psuedo-journalists, psuedo-psychologists. Psuedo means false, so it makes sense to use this, since they are committed to falsehood.


They are lucky not to be burned at the stake, and were I king it is doubtful I would stand in the way of the ancient law concerning their punishment, just as no one stood in our way when were bombed the Nazis back to the StoneAge.


This, and the entirety of your last post, makes you a fundamentalist nutjob, no matter what you may think.

You complain about nukes and other WMD technology on one hand, and then praise the bombing of the nazis. What do you think we used to bomb the nazis? Grass clippings? Fire bombs, huge yield chemical bombs, etc. Is not a B52 loaded with dozen of 2000lb bombs a WMD?

If I were King I would stop even you from being burned at the stake. I would never let you have children, but I wouldn't kill you.
superluminal said:

Honestly, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you spout this kind of stuff?

stem cell research - Because why? It kills an "ensouled" ball of cells? BS. This research is the future of tissue replacement therapy.
Perhaps...You must be suffering from some sort of hangover.
EMBYONIC stem cell research:
Thats all you are, a ball of cells right? Would you like it if someone tore you apart in the womb?
superluminal said:
cloning - Why? What's wrong with cloning a new heart for yourself?
I dont care, have your abomination, just dont clone humans.
superluminal said:
in vitro - And just what the hell is wrong with this?.
Totally unnatural, diabolic. Now the ACLU wants to sue a doctor because he will not inseminate a lesbian. They say that if he has religious conviction it is discriminatory against the lesbo. NATURE IS DISCRIMINATORY AGAINST THE LESBO!!!!

THats why she doesnt have kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

superluminal said:
evolutionary theory - A scientific fact.?.
since when did a theory become a fact?


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Cris said:

Putting things in perspective.

The net result is that if Jesus had existed and was indeed the most important event in the history of mankind then wouldn't there be something more permanent and verifiable than these paltry vague indirect questionable artifacts?

There is.....the Catholic Church.
Lawdog: pseudo-scientists=degreed men and women engaged in or supporting the following Nazistic fields:

stem cell research, cloning, in vitro, evolutionary theory, abortifacient "medicine', physics in as much as it supports development of nuclear and other WMD weaponry,
and possibly I may have neglected to list one or two...but you get the idea: Nihilistic Death Science, wish is really not even science but is sorcery disguised as science, and so deserves the title "pseudo-science". Sorry for mispelling pseudo, but every time I try and spell it correctly I think its wrong. I need to brush up on my greek. By the way, eventhough someone holds a degree in his field, that doesnt mean that his word is truth or beyond error, take for example my mispelling of the word pseudo, right now I am too lazy to look it up and I really dont care. the eu sound as in the word eugenics (which Im sure you are familiar with) has the same sound as when one pronounces psuedo, hence the mistake. It just goes to show, a degree means very little, but its something. Nevertheless a mere technical mistake should not be cause for chastizement. Other, more grave acts, deserve censure. In the case of pseudo-scientists, since they are active in forbidden research and knowledge, they deserve to be taken off their duties and given religious and moral training, in order to divest them of their hyper-liberal facisto-communist feministica nihilist free-sex 1968 revolutionist diabolic extremism, which is both suicidal and culturacidal, and if that doesnt help, they should have their positions taken away. Same goes with other feilds, such as supreme court judges. Hence there are psuedo-judges and lawyers, psuedo-scholars, psuedo-journalists, psuedo-psychologists. Psuedo means false, so it makes sense to use this, since they are committed to falsehood.

To call someone ignorant is a sign of ignorance. I do not have a problem with valid science.
M*W: You're right, and I'm sorry for calling you "ignorant." I should have been more considerate and said you were pseudo-intelligent.

You have absolutely no idea about cloning and stem cell research. People like you (Christians) would keep medical science in the Dark Ages.

Stem cells are not babies. No babies are killed for scientific development. Stem cells can be created and cloned in vitro. To be transplanted from in vitro to in vivo, the optimal time for stem cell transplantation takes place ONLY from the 4th to the 6th day of life. After that time, they will not work in transplantation because they become too differentiated. The whole point in using stem cells between the 4th to the 6th day of life is because they are undifferentiated at that point. When they are transplanted into the diseased organ, the undifferentiated stem cells will divide and then differentiate into the same kind of cells in the diseased organ. The stem cells replace the diseased tissue.

Stem cell research is NOT against the law in this country as many people would believe. It's just not currently being funded by government entities like the NIH, NSF, etc.. Private foundations are already doing stem cell transplantations as no Federal funding is involved.

Imagine a 50-year-old man with a history of MI x4 in end-stage heart failure with heart tissue damaged beyond surgical repair. Transplanting stem cells into the heart wall via arterial catheter would have allowed his heart muscle to repair itself, and my Dad would still be alive to play with his great grandchildren. And, that's right, I did say "via arterial catheter." This is a closed-heart procedure. No scalpels needed.

Instead of using those precious and few embryonic cell lines, stem cells are found naturally occuring in bone marrow tissue. Cancer institutions have been doing bone marrow transplants for a long time, so I just don't think you have acquired enough information to make credible statements about stem cells and cloning. Further, there is such a thing called autologous harvesting. That's where they take your bone marrow, usually from the femur at the hip joint, and retransplant it back into the damaged organ.

I realize this is beyond your grasp, but imagine people with diabetes being cured of their disease or people with Parkinson's disease growing new brain cells replacing the damaged ones! Stem cells are being studied in vitro for just about everything imaginable, including non-surgical face lifts. Just imagine what stem cells could do for a burn victim growing new skin or the AIDS victim growing healthy blood! BTW, I know what you're thinking right now, about how the AIDS victim deserves what he gets, right? Wrong! There are a lot of innocent victims of AIDS who have never had homosexual sex or used IV drugs.

Bottom line, the use of stem cells will make us a healthier people living longer and requiring much less medication. Ultimately, it will reduce the cost of healthcare, and maybe the drug companies will go out of business.

So, what exactly DO you consider "valid science" to be?

Your post exposes your small mind. It's obvious that you are a person who doesn't like other people, and they probably don't like you either, and rightly so. You really must be lonely here in the 21st with a Dark Ages mindset. I can also imagine that you think the Inquisition was a good thing. You know, it is people like you who make me glad to be an atheist, because if you're going to heaven, then I definitely don't want to be there!
1) I do generally adhere to a re-introduction of the noble Catholic Inquisition, with, of course, humane modifications.

What does it matter if the law sanctions it? the law sanctioned slavery too.

2) EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH: You have to KILL the embryo! Thats what I am told.
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Lapdog: 1) I do generally adhere to a re-introduction of the noble Catholic Inquisition, with, of course, humane modifications.

What does it matter if the law sanctions it? the law sanctioned slavery too.
M*W: Times change, laws change. However, I did not use the word "sanctions," I said it was not "illegal." There's a difference, oh wise one in ancient languages.
Lapdog: 2) EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH: You have to KILL the embryo! Thats what I am told.
M*W: You've been told wrong. Why does this not surprise me? The embryo DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT die, it transforms into the same tissue as the living host (organ) where it is planted, unless of course, it is planted in a uterus where it would still transform into living tissue called a fetus. An embryo cannot live on its own. An embryo is technically a parasite and needs a host in order to thrive, wherever that may be. The current embryonic stem cell lines were created for IVF (in vitro fertilization). These embryos were no longer wanted or needed by the couples who had them fertilized in vitro, because they already had all the children they desired. They are stored for a period of time in case a couple desires to have another child. After that period of time passes, the embryos are automatically destroyed by the laboratories where they're stored. No one seems to give a flying fuck about that!

Be careful where you get your information from. It appears that a lot of people have lied to you.
THOU ART LIED TO: You just said that an embryo transforms into a host organ. Also:
Embryos cannot transform into something living IF THEY ARE ALREADY ALIVE!!!
An embryo is a parasite, technically yes. So are alot of humans. That gives no one the right to kill them.

What you are talking about is Genetico-fascism, that life should only be dignified with preservation and growth if it is deemed useful. Thats the same stuff from Naziland. Of course it doesnt surprize me, after all, Margret Sanger was in professione publico a Nazi.
Lawdog said:
You are supporting Neo-nazism.
And, what, you aren't? You have said that you think non-christians should be killed or forced into believing christianity. That's nothing less than genocidal neo-nazism.
I didnt say that, I said that I support a modified Inquisition.
We dont have to kill the evil ones,
just punish them as we punish all other murderous criminals today.
Scientists should not be held to be above the law.

In fact, I would even let them have their crazy ideas, provided that they cease from their CRIMES.

I think i may run for political office some day.