How do I Find God?

Arete said:
PS: And get out of this forum and seek a good Christian forum, they are hard to find but even the bad ones you probably will find a true Christian lurking around in the background :D

I would never want to be in a religious forum. The great thing about sciforums is that there is a mixture. While I disagree with atheist, I still respect their opinion. There are many intelligent people on this sight who you can learn a lot from. But next time read my thing more carefully atheist. I specificly asked for people who have found God to reply.

The empty feeling you mention is the part of man that has a spiritual need. Every human is born with it and many try to fill it with other things -- money, power, fame, sex, substance abuse, and even with another person -- they fulfill for a while but these eventually fade and all that is left is yourself and the empty feeling again.

I believe that God made humanity to need fellowship with other people and with God himself. If this fellowship is not met then the empty feeling remains. It's loneliness. With the Lord, you are never alone.

Atheists will say it's all a fantasy -- well good then -- the fantasy meets the real need. The cool thing about it is that life can really get crappy and you can turn it around with faith. It turns the world model upside down.

As Paul said: 2 Cor 12:2

Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Your average nonbeliever has no concept about how this works -- but it does.
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what created nature?

Nature is uncreated.

'What created god?'

Nature? LOL..

ok, but in order to know what created your body you have to ask what created your parents.

My grandparents, add finitum!. To the begining of the human race. Nothing created it, but nature. That is why I'm god. Cause I understand that!. Understanding the self, is being a god in itself. Not a mythological god, but non-the-less a god of my own enviorenment, decisions, and ultimate my own destiny.

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Your average nonbeliever has no concept about how this works -- but it does.

I have every idea how it works. Don't forget most people get taught this at school when at an age they believe it and don't question it. But it's your implication that such emotional benefits are exclusive to religion. This is what annoys me with you idiots: To get emotional benefits you must first believe in the irrational and false.
Godless said:
Nature is uncreated.

So there is no answer to the question: why something instead of nothing? A universe without a cause is a universe without an explanation.

Understanding the self, is being a god in itself. Not a mythological god, but non-the-less a god of my own enviorenment, decisions, and ultimate my own destiny.

the belief in a god is a subconscious belief in oneself.
all religions say that god is the self, but it's hidden.

'What created god?'

"i am", the existence, the self, was never created. 'nothingness' needs no cause because it's not an effect.

god is nothing where everything comes from. in god, nothing and everything is an indistinguishable oneness.
why something instead of nothing? A universe without a cause is a universe without an explanation.

Bingo kido ;)

the belief in a god is a subconscious belief in oneself.

There you go!

all religions say that god is the self, but it's hidden

OOOPS! you screwed this one up.

All religions don't say the same thing, we wouldn't have conflict of religious differences if they did. now would we?

"i am", the existence, the self, was never created. 'nothingness' needs no cause because it's not an effect.

Lost this one too!.

"I am" an existent, in a place called the universe that exists, my self is the comprehesion of my ego, and my enviorenment. I comprehend my existence, in an existing universe, in a planet called earth. Nothingness is just that, there's no effect in nada!. There's no cause to the universe, however there is a cause for your existence, and that is plainly to live it!.

god is nothing where everything comes from.

This is non-sequirtus.

You claim that "G"od is an entity. that's got to be something! And supposedly this entity with supernatural powers created everything. Riiiiight?

No! "g"od your own ego, is an entity with an identity, that perceives existence and the self, thus you are god, amongs animals of other forms, your god, because you own destiny can be created by your own self.

in god, nothing and everything is an indistinguishable oneness.

More non-seguirtus!

Nothing and everything can't combined in the same senteces, to be indistiquishable oneness. Nothing is just that! nada! silch, nilch, whatever..Nothing is nothing. Everything is all that you perceive that exists. Your Oneness comes from self realization, and one's own knowledge of self.


Maybe, You never had it at the beginning. If it was in your heart, all devils in hell never root it out of there.
This is the part of the argument that reveals Christianity as arrogant and condescending, that one group is special and selected by a God while the others are doomed. And can never hear him. It is an attempt to rationalize a nonsense.

How can you ever be anything but a Christian if you're borned a Christian?
??? No one is born a Christian. Christianity is post birth indoctrination.

But to reject the truth, then the devil seals the ear.
No truth is being rejected because nothing verifiable is being presented that can be rationally accepted.

Faith cometh by what?
Again, faith is not something mystical but simply an irrational thought process, it has no value. You have no choice but to resort to irrationality because you cannot demonstrate any factual basis for your claims.

And if your ear is sealed, you don't hear it anymore.
My mind is entirely open to rational arguments. Christianity hasn’t presented one yet.

"Aw, nonsense. I don't believe in that stuff."
You imply my conclusion is arbitrary and off-hand, it is not; instead it is the result of decades of thought and research looking at many potential concepts. Given the big picture of religious belief, the 20,000+ different Christian cults, the commonality of death as a root of religious belief, and the fiction of souls revealed via neuroscience, then Christianity and religions have zero credibility.

Your life is reflecting something.
Yes, careful analysis.

You don't want to be influencing people the wrong way, or reflecting the wrong thing.
They say...."the way a tree leans, is the way it falls."
Through a lifetime of experience I have little problem seeing that religious belief is harmful to the survival of the human race and as such I believe it is my responsibility as a member of that race to primarily assist in my own survival and that largely depends on the survival of others. To that end it is important that people be reflected away from religious indoctrination and related nonsense.

Atheists will say it's all a fantasy -- well good then -- the fantasy meets the real need. The cool thing about it is that life can really get crappy and you can turn it around with faith. It turns the world model upside down.
Otherwise known as the placebo effect. The power of positive thinking. Fortunately many successful people manage this quite nciely without any recourse to religions.
Why would you want to find god when you can go and find gold instead. Material possessions are much more valuable than, as Han Solo put it, 'hokey religions and mystical forces'.
Quote Visitor:
“Faith is a kind of revelation thats an individual thing, thats how God keeps his real treasure from falling into the wrong hands.”

* Oh … so he doesn’t love us all? He’s picky? You must be special. What exactly are the “wrong hands”?
KennyJC said:
I have every idea how it works. Don't forget most people get taught this at school when at an age they believe it and don't question it. But it's your implication that such emotional benefits are exclusive to religion. This is what annoys me with you idiots: To get emotional benefits you must first believe in the irrational and false.

A nonbeliever telling a beliver that he understands faith is like a blind person from birth telling me that he understands what it's like to see. Faith isn't taught in school, it comes from within.
Hapsburg said:
Why would you want to find god when you can go and find gold instead. Material possessions are much more valuable than, as Han Solo put it, 'hokey religions and mystical forces'.
shit you'll be singin 'Diamonds Are Forever' already....go an listen to te Kanye West version!
Cris said:

Otherwise known as the placebo effect. The power of positive thinking. Fortunately many successful people manage this quite nciely without any recourse to religions.

Yeah, every atheist has his own version of it. And are people willing to die for a placebo effect? Are you willing to die for your atheism?
Woody said:
A nonbeliever telling a beliver that he understands faith is like a blind person from birth telling me that he understands what it's like to see. Faith isn't taught in school, it comes from within.

The point I made was I understand what it is like to believe as I once did. If faith and belonging to a particular religion isn't taught, then why is a childs tendency to be part of the same religion as that of their parents?

With 9 out of 10 theists, I'm sure the likelihood and nature of a persons religion is inextricably linked with their parents and school. IE. it is taught/brainwashed from an early age in most cases.

Unless you are suggesting that true faith is that which is not taught, in which case most religious folk are bogus anyway.

Yeah, every atheist has his own version of it. And are people willing to die for a placebo effect?

How is willing to die for your religion a good thing? I thought we had a major problem with idiots like those in the world today.
Crunchy Cat said:
I would say its so close its scary. I think a brushup on the results of transcranial magnetic stimulation need to viewed. The intense euphoria of loosing one's sense of self can be replicated in a lab bud.

Preaching is not evidence.

Nobody has ever nor will ever see that happen because the subject of the whole thing, 'God', doesn't exist.

I've seen and heard it a hundred times, too late to say it isn't real.
Bury your head in the sand all you want but that won't make it go away.
Arete said:
How do I Find God?
Straight down the road for a couple of blocks. Hang a left. At the next junction (about a block) turn left again. Two more blocks and then a turn to the left. God will be waiting for you at the next junction.
TheVisitor said:
I've seen and heard it a hundred times, too late to say it isn't real.
Bury your head in the sand all you want but that won't make it go away.

You've seen what you've seen or think you've seen. It's the conclusion that is incorrect. Oh look a tree? It's so beautiful, so complex, it must have been designed; therefore, "God exists". Ooh look a hemmroid! Therefore "God exists". Oooh 1+1 = 2; therefore, "God exists". Looky here paint on my cornflakes; therefore, "God exists". Joe bob is having a euphoric experience; therefore, "God exists".
Theoryofrelativity said:
well its like this isn't it: No proof either way, so each to his/her own, live and let live, never say never.

The end

the problem is, the religious dont adhere to the live an let live strategy. more often than not with them its "live and let live as long as you live my way". you know its true.
Theoryofrelativity said:
well its like this isn't it: No proof either way, so each to his/her own, live and let live, never say never.

The end
So I'm through playing your little game - believe that Jesus has his fucking cock up your ass, for all I care, just don't try to get me to believe absurdities because you, or some ancient bedouins, said to.
TheVisitor said:
I've seen and heard it a hundred times, too late to say it isn't real.
Bury your head in the sand all you want but that won't make it go away.

apparently though, believing in it wont make it show up either.