How do I Find God?


Welcome to sciforums,

I try harder everyday but when I try to find God in my heart I see nothing.
Religions are emotionally oriented not factual. If you tend towards reason rather making decisions based on emotions then religious ideas will always seem unreal to you.

I told myself by forgeting it I would be free, but all I feel is a thirst for answers.
Then try science since that is a proven method for providing answers, but don’t expect to find answers to everything, we are still seeking and learning. Also expect to do some hard work understanding the answers. Religion does not provide answers only speculative baseless imaginary fantasies. Try testing any religious assertion and you will be unable to show it has any truth, or basis in truth.

Im in confusing point in my life being only 16.
I remember it well, it was when I committed myself to Christianity, but that was nearly 40 years ago. But no matter how hard I tried my tendency towards logical thought prevented me from accepting the baseless emotionally charged assertions of Christianity. From my early twenties onwards I steadily moved towards atheism and have been there ever since.

Finding real meaningful answers to ultimate questions is hard work and you will unlikely achieve many insights until you have lived some life, I’m afraid that at 16 you have yet to have experienced very much. Give it some time.

It is what I do and believe in now that will shape the man I will become.
Nope, that is highly unlikely. Most of us go through many changes to our outlook and beliefs before we settle on something.

So I ask myself what would I rather be, agnostic(remain passive the rest of my life doging the questions of life) or remain a christian ( living a life according to the laws of God).
I don’t think you understand the meaning of being agnostic, which is primarily a logical position regarding the question of whether a god is possible. To admit we simply don’t know is fully rational and there is never any need to commit to a certain belief for or against. An absence of evidence for a god or against is the current position and to accept we don’t know should be acceptable to any rational thinker.

I would appreciate any guidence from religious members of this site. And tell me, when you found God, was it more like a point of relization, or something else. I thank you all in advance for your help.
Those who claim to have found their god do so without any ability to demonstrate their emotional condition is any different from simple self delusion. They must all disregard any claim to rational behaviour when they assert their beliefs.

You will need to ascertain what criteria is important to you personally for deciding if something is true or not or even whether the question has been answered. When considering religionist assertions look to see if their claims are born out of desire for a god to be true or whether there is anything of real substance.

Have fun in your search.

Cris said:

Welcome to sciforums,

Religions are emotionally oriented not factual.
Then try science. - Religion does not provide answers only speculative baseless imaginary fantasies. Try testing any religious assertion and you will be unable to show it has any truth, or basis in truth.

I remember it well, it was when I committed myself to Christianity, but that was nearly 40 years ago. But no matter how hard I tried my tendency towards logical thought prevented me from accepting the baseless emotionally charged assertions of Christianity.

Heres the Main thing you missed Chris.........

As far as we have record in history or the Bible, none of it ever gives one day that Jesus ever attended school. Never did it says anything about His diploma, says nothing about His education. Now, but His wisdom at the age of twelve just confused the teachers of theology. They couldn't understand that how this Boy, twelve years old, why, would just unroll the Scriptures there in such a way and prove to them things that they didn't know nothing about. See, they were teaching it from a intellectual standpoint, and Jesus knew it by direct revelation.
Now, look at Cain in the garden of Eden. Cain, when he come back to Eden, he was just as religious as he could be. He brought flowers and so forth, and put them on the altar. He brought the fruits of the field and laid them down. He believed in God; he worshipped God; he sacrificed to God; he built a church to God, just as religious as he could be.
But when Abel come, he, by faith... Faith isn't something that's imaginary thing. I want you to get it. Faith is a direct revelation.
See, if you only accept Christ as your Saviour by a intellectual, you haven't got it yet.
You cannot say that Jesus is the Christ, until the Holy Spirit has revealed it to you.
Now, how would Abel ever know to bring a lamb? And he was taught by the same father and mother, and Cain was. The only way, the Bible said it was by faith that he offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, showing that he was just. In other words, he was justified in the sight of God, and God gave him a revelation what the plan of salvation was. That was through the shedding of blood, not the offering of building churches, and coming with great intellectual faith, and saying, "Certainly..."
Cain said, "God, I believe in You. Certainly, I will bow down here." No man facing eternity could ever come falsely, when he knowed that his eternal destination rested upon him finding favor with God. So the man come up with a true heart before God and said, "Lord, I believe in You. And I offer unto Thee this beautiful altar, this beautiful church. And I bring of my substance, and I tithe, and I kneel on my knees, and raise my hands to worship You, Jehovah. Will you receive me?" Just as religious as he could be. But he failed to have the direct revelation.
But Abel, being in favor with God, brought a lamb, not beautiful, pulling the little old fellow with a grapevine around his neck up to be killed. It was bleating and carrying on. Throwed it up on the rock, and took a sharp rock, and chopped its little neck until it bled to death. But by faith he did it, having a spiritual revelation of what God required. You get it?
Now, when they come off of Mount Transfiguration, Jesus of Nazareth asked His disciples, said, "Who does man say that I, the Son of man, am?"
And some said, "Well, You're Elias, and some say You're the prophet."
He said, "But Who do you say I am?"
And Peter, speaking right out, said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Listen, He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (by Jona, rather, his father)," said, "for flesh and blood has not revealed this to thee, but My Father which is in heaven. And I say unto thee, 'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.'"
Now, the Catholic church wants to say it was built upon Peter, the little stone. The protestant church says it's upon Christ the Cornerstone. But look at the Scripture; it wasn't upon either. It was upon the spiritual revelation that God gave Peter. The same thing he gave Abel at the rock, the altar. He gave Abel spiritual revelation of what the plan of God was. And He gave Peter, not by flesh and blood, not by saying prayers, or going to church, but by spiritual revelation, "Blessed art thou, Simon, for flesh and blood has not revealed it to thee, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed it to you. Upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Now, you see why we have so many different denominations? You see why we have so much confusion, one believing this and the other one believing that? Because the spiritual revealed Truth has to come through God alone. The Word's hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent. God said so. And He reveals it to babes such as will learn. So be a baby, humble yourself, and say, "Oh, God, here I am. Just make Yourself known to me. I love You." God will reveal Hisself to you; He will make Hisself known. You see it?

Now, but His wisdom at the age of twelve just confused the teachers of theology. They couldn't understand that how this Boy, twelve years old, why, would just unroll the Scriptures there in such a way and prove to them things that they didn't know nothing about. See, they were teaching it from a intellectual standpoint, and Jesus knew it by direct revelation.
Interesting myth. I believe it was plagiarised from an earlier myth.

Now, look at Cain in the garden of Eden. Cain, when he come back to Eden, he was just as religious as he could be. He brought flowers and so forth, and put them on the altar. He brought the fruits of the field and laid them down. He believed in God; he worshipped God; he sacrificed to God; he built a church to God, just as religious as he could be.
But when Abel come, he, by faith...
Uhhh that’s just more fiction.

Faith isn't something that's imaginary thing.
For sure. Faith is very real. It is simply an entirely unsupportable and irrational position. It is the subject of the faith that is imaginary.

I want you to get it. Faith is a direct revelation.
No, it is simply a conviction that something is true in the total absence of any supporting evidence.

See, if you only accept Christ as your Saviour by a intellectual, you haven't got it yet.
It would be nice if the claim is both intellectually appealing as well as emotionally. All you can offer is the emotional angle and we know very well that emotionalism is the worst way to determine truth of anything. To be Christian one must abandon intellect and logic, a reason that most of the best educated and intelligent tend not to be religious.

You cannot say that Jesus is the Christ, until the Holy Spirit has revealed it to you.
Riiiight! Basic propaganda.

Now, when they come off of Mount Transfiguration, Jesus of Nazareth asked His disciples, said, "Who does man say that I, the Son of man, am?"
And some said, "Well, You're Elias, and some say You're the prophet."
He said, "But Who do you say I am?"
And Peter, speaking right out, said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Listen, He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (by Jona, rather, his father)," said, "for flesh and blood has not revealed this to thee, but My Father which is in heaven. And I say unto thee, 'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.'"
I hope you realize no one can confirm Jesus actually existed and certainly no one can confirm any of the scriptures refer to an actual events. You appear to be simply quoting popular fictional mythology as if somehow it is truth.

humble yourself, and say, "Oh, God, here I am. Just make Yourself known to me. I love You." God will reveal Hisself to you; He will make Hisself known. You see it?
Yup. Tried it. It didn’t work.
You began disecting before you even let what I said have a chance to digest.
You haven't "proved" or "disproved" a thing...except you've revealed your own confusion. have honestly raised some good points I must admit.
Faith is a kind of revelation thats an individual thing, thats how God keeps his real treasure from falling into the wrong hands.
If you witnessed a crime and were the only witness, you alone could identify the criminal.
That doesn't mean because you can't convince everyone of what you saw it didn't happen...
A revelation from God to you is the same don't have to "prove" it to anyone , as a mater of fact you aren't supposed was for you from God, to increase your faith...and not meant for others at that time, see?

40 years is a long time, and like you said.... we keep learning.
Try again with your life experience now....only try getting your "self" out of the way.
TheVisitor said:
You began disecting before you even let what I said have a chance to digest.
wrong, duh!
when you break down a statement to it's componant parts you edit it and read it more thoroughly, so you tend to digest it the more.

You began disecting before you even let what I said have a chance to digest.
It wasn’t knew. I’ve seen the same argument made many times before.

You haven't "proved" or "disproved" a thing...except you've revealed your own confusion.
I have no confusion. I left that behind when I was able to dismiss Christianity for the sham that it is.

Faith is a kind of revelation thats an individual thing, thats how God keeps his real treasure from falling into the wrong hands.
And indistinguishable from wishful thinking. Which is more credible?

If you witnessed a crime and were the only witness, you alone could identify the criminal.
But unless there is some other evidence of the crime it will not be possible to show the crime occurred. So how would we know the alleged witnes actually witnessed anything or just imagined it.

That doesn't mean because you can't convince everyone of what you saw it didn't happen…
But more importantly you can’t demonstrate it did happen.

A revelation from God to you is the same don't have to "prove" it to anyone , as a mater of fact you aren't supposed was for you from God, to increase your faith...and not meant for others at that time, see?
Yes I understand that well. It is basic propaganda used to convince the proponents that their faith has meaning. Examined objectively it remains indistinguishable to self delusion.

40 years is a long time, and like you said.... we keep learning.
Try again with your life experience now....only try getting your "self" out of the way.
Oh, I’ve long since dismissed Christianity as a worthless idea. In my research over these past few decades Christianity has clearly become just a silly notion.
geeser said:
wrong, duh!
when you break down a statement to it's componant parts you edit it and read it more thoroughly, so you tend to digest it the more.

When it's a statement meant to be read as a whole, you may loose the meaning breaking it down, mister geeser...
But I'll give you that if it were done for the right intentions, ...not just to argue or "prove" something wrong, it might help someones' understanding to do so, yes.

because YOU are the witness
Same question then. How do you know the event is not just your imagination? Without any objective indepenent evidence you won't know.
Cris said:

Same question then. How do you know the event is not just your imagination? Without any objective indepenent evidence you won't know.
Maybe, You never had it at the beginning.
If it was in your heart, all devils in hell never root it out of there.
How can you be anything but a human being when you was borned a human being?
How can you ever be anything but a Christian if you're borned a Christian?
But to reject the truth, then the devil seals the ear. Faith cometh by what?
And if your ear is sealed, you don't hear it anymore.
"Aw, nonsense. I don't believe in that stuff."

I'm not saying this is your situation, just carefully evaluate what could be happening....
Your life is reflecting something.
You don't want to be influencing people the wrong way, or reflecting the wrong thing.
They say...."the way a tree leans, is the way it falls."
Here's what happens when you hear the word of God....

It's a type of the "jubilee year"
In the end time the wheat are seperated from the tares....He does this with His word.

Now, at the going forth of this jubilee year, it was to be sounded throughout all the land. A trumpet was to sound. And this trumpet would make the distinction... For the trumpet was the fiftieth year sound that led every slave that had been bought, or become poor--poor and could not care for his own...
He had fell beneath the load. And his master for his debt had bought him and had placed him into the field as a slave. And he had to serve him, for he was too poor to redeem himself. But God said, "Remember, you were one time slaves yourself and down in Egypt. And I have freed you.
Therefore, at the sounding of the trumpet, every slave, no matter how long he's been in or how short a time, he's at liberty to return to his family, to return to his people and be free of every debt, for it is a time of jubilee.
You shouldn't trim your vineyard or anything. The poor of the land was to eat of it: a very beautiful type of the millennium.

Notice, every slave, when he heard that trumpet sound, he could throw down his hoe, whatever he's working with and say, "I am a free man. I couldn't redeem myself. But God, through His grace has declared a year of jubilee. Therefore, I believe God. And I don't have to work anymore." And the laws of the land claimed him free. What a beautiful type of today.

If a man said, "I want to stay the way I am. I don't want to go.
I just want to stay right here," that man was taken to the temple with his slave master. He must put his ear against a post, and an awl was bored in his ear. And it was a sign that he could never be free. He had to serve his master as long as he lived, because he rejected the news of the good news.

If that isn't a perfect type of the marking of the beast...
The good news is the Gospel. To reject to hear the Gospel, your ears are sealed up that you'll always call it fanaticism, and there's nothing to it. And you'll be serving sin in forms of godliness as long as you live. No matter how religious you are, you're sealed off from the Presence of God.

Yes, the churches are wrong...don't blame God for that.
He said it would be that way.
Revelations the 17th chapter said that the Catholic church was a whore and the Protestant churches was prostitutes.
But God's people was the called out of that, of the whole thing.
"Come out of Babylon." said the last warning angel's message. "Be not partakers of her sins. Come out." Separate yourself and be different, not from just a logical standpoint, not because you think it's right to do, but pray until that thing's in your heart.
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godless said:
Prove it!

i mean that is the definition of god. creator.

Mom and dad did!

ok, but in order to know what created your body you have to ask what created your parents.

it's like saying that gravity 'causes' things to fall on the ground, it's not the whole truth cuz it doesn't say what causes gravity.

Nature did

what created nature?
Arete, this part of what Adstar said is very important.

Adstar said:
...The deep emptiness you feel is the knowledge that God is and you are missing out on something central to your life. I went down a similar into a relationship with God though the Messiah Jesus. And that thing that was missing is with me now.

This is a commonality between all 'believers' who find 'God'. They seek a relationship to fill some void. The relationship they discover is beyond fulfilling and they attribute it to a fantasy charcter without realizing the relationship is with their own ego. A few of these folks can have really intense relationships with their ego's and can alter the blood flow and thusly the electrical activity in their brain. The area that gets affected more often than not is their sense of self (i.e. the ability to distinguish between self and other). Hallucination tends to also result at this point and these folks effectively have an intense relationship with everything for small periods of time with some euphoric hallucination. Its a real physical cycle of positive reinforcement which is utterly misunderstood and mis-attributed to a fantasy life form.
Crunchy Cat said:
.these folks effectively have an intense relationship with everything for small periods of time with some euphoric hallucination

Not even close crunchy.....

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

God knows not only what your thinking, but eveything you've done,, what's in your heart and what you plan to do...and he can reveal it to those servants of His with the gift of discernment.
Ever see that happen...? it ain't some euphoric hallucination.
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TheVisitor said:
Not even close crunchy.....

I would say its so close its scary. I think a brushup on the results of transcranial magnetic stimulation need to viewed. The intense euphoria of loosing one's sense of self can be replicated in a lab bud.

TheVisitor said:
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Preaching is not evidence.

TheVisitor said:
God knows not only what your thinking, but eveything you've done,, what's in your heart and what you plan to do...and he can reveal it to those servants of His with the gift of discernment.
Ever see that happen...? it ain't some euphoric hallucination.

Nobody has ever nor will ever see that happen because the subject of the whole thing, 'God', doesn't exist.