How do I Find God?

How about people who at one time in their lives (18 years' worth for me) thought they had found God, but have subsequently come to believe that they were wrong, misguided and/or deluded? Shouldn't you like to hear from them as well?
But next time read my thing more carefully atheist. I specificly asked for people who have found God to reply.

Well if everyone were to take that literally, you would never get any reply since nobody has found the creator of the universe. Although many claim to have done so.

If you had worded it differently and said "...if anyone has created an imaginary friend which they have called 'God'..."

By 'finding God' you have created a God... That is all you have done. :rolleyes:
Arete said:
I would never want to be in a religious forum. The great thing about sciforums is that there is a mixture. While I disagree with atheist, I still respect their opinion. There are many intelligent people on this sight who you can learn a lot from. But next time read my thing more carefully atheist. I specificly asked for people who have found God to reply.
when I found god it looked like an old grey haired man sitting on a cloud,
this was in xian bible and I was about 5 years old.
right then I knew that church is feeding us one BIG LIE,and I wasnt going to fall for it.
and when they pass around the hat for people to put money in I saw what religion is for,,,;
to scam the gullible morrons out of their money,its that simple.

eventualy I listened to all these philosophical arguments for and against gods and realized that gods just arent needed because universe most likely always existed in some form or shape,as you cant destroy or create matter/energy which everything is made of,it can only be changed.

coming here youre on a right track imo.
Arete said:
My whole life I've grown up in a catholic environment. My parents sent me to private schools and I went to church occasionaly. Yet I still feel this emptyness. I try harder everyday but when I try to find God in my heart I see nothing. So I called myself an agnostic for some time. I was tired of searching and recieving no response or sign. I was plagued by questions such as why God does this or that. I would look for guidence in those around me such as theology teachers but they all gave me some half baked answer. I felt alone with no one to bring sense to my questions. However no matter how much I reject my religion I still felt emptyness. I told myself by forgeting it I would be free, but all I feel is a thirst for answers. Im in confusing point in my life being only 16. It is what I do and believe in now that will shape the man I will become. So I ask myself what would I rather be, agnostic(remain passive the rest of my life doging the questions of life) or remain a christian ( living a life according to the laws of God). I would appreciate any guidence from religious members of this site. And tell me, when you found God, was it more like a point of relization, or something else. I thank you all in advance for your help.

I have a bachelor's degree in physics and almost had a minor in philosophy. Philosophical arguments for the existence of God did not prove anything. I used the scientific method of experimentation to determine the truth of wheather or not there is a God. My experiment to test for God yielded results. Jesus appeared to me and paraphrased King James version scripture to me as it applied to me. There were also other evidences given to me. I have been a born again fundamentalist Christian ever since.
I know this: God does exist, He is the God of the bible and Christianity from the New Testament is the only true religion on the planet. [King James bible is the real bible. The market is full of fake bible versions with the words changed.]
I believe and know that because of my experiment to test for the existence of God. - Done in 1974-75.
You may find God in the Words of the King James New Testament; it is the Word of God because God showed those authors, that were yielded to His will, what He wanted them to write.
You can listen to the New Testament being read by someone else, online at this website: You can read along with it. Start with Matthew and go all the way through to Revelation.
It is good to ask God to teach you what the New Testament really means before you read it or listen to it.

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
This website describes it fairly well; allow the page to load.
When you meet Jesus Christ on the judgement day, He will be sitting on a white throne; you will be judged according to the words of the New Testament. Eternal happiness in heaven, will be your reward; or eternal suffering in hell, and the lake of fire, will be your punishment. Choose where you will spend eternity, in one place or the other.

True Christianity is based on the New Testament. Roman Catholicism does not teach true Christianity. Roman Catholicism has pagan religious ideas and rituals mixed in it, that originally came from the old pagan religion of ancient Rome.
Try baptist, or lutheran or methodist, or church of God in Christ (black) or Assemblies of God -- find a church that has the bible as the final authority.
That website shows some of the many ways roman catholicism does not come from the bible.
Trying to find god is like trying to find a duck made out of plutonium that eats nothing but rabbits and lays cubes of ham. In other words, it's im-fucking-possible as neither exist.
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I used the scientific method of experimentation to determine the truth of wheather or not there is a God. My experiment to test for God yielded results. Jesus appeared to me and paraphrased King James version scripture to me as it applied to me. There were also other evidences given to me. I have been a born again fundamentalist Christian ever since.

I am still waiting for that scientific evidence you claim to have... :rolleyes:

All evidence points towards you being a complete dunce.
King James bible is the real bible. The market is full of fake bible versions with the words changed.]

LMFAO do you think the King James version is any different? I can't read Hebrew, but apparently the ORIGINAL version of the bible doesn't say anything about Jesus being born to a virgin...
Don't you just love it when people completely miss the point of something?:
"so. let me get this example of a worm eating a child's eyeball is being used to turn the kid onto science and nuthin BUt science?? "
TheAlphaWolf said:
Don't you just love it when people completely miss the point of something?:
"so. let me get this example of a worm eating a child's eyeball is being used to turn the kid onto science and nuthin BUt science?? "
maybe i HAVE got the point. is it saying that the world has bad things happen so that must mean only science is the truth?what about MEANING? from what i am learning about materialistic science, it devalues meaning. its emphasis is measurement.
no, it means god isn't nice/that he created all organisms in the earth as they are right now.
the point that science is the only way to truth was separate than from the point of the parasite.
And I disn't say science can lead to ALL the answers, but it's the only way we humans have to the real answers. The others aren't answers... or at least not the correct answers. If they somehow happen to be right, it's because of mere coincidence and nothing else.
Arete said:
I would never want to be in a religious forum. The great thing about sciforums is that there is a mixture. While I disagree with atheist, I still respect their opinion. There are many intelligent people on this sight who you can learn a lot from. But next time read my thing more carefully atheist. I specificly asked for people who have found God to reply.

And you do not think Christian forums have a "mixture" of thought?? :) I can tell you they do. As for intellegance it never beats The Wisdom of God. You would be better seeking God by yourself then come and seek Him among the anti-christs here.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Personally, I'm still finding God. About two years ago (and before that i just followed God blindly without knowing ANYTHING about religion) I went into a deep depression, staying away from anyone and everyone most of the time. A few months after, it just hit me what i was doing and I wnated to oick myself up and make my life better. At first I didnt turn to God, but when I did, i started researching religion, dogma, teachings, the bible, scholars, ect. I began to go to Mass voluntarily instead of being forced, and I began to acctually listen in Mass. I began to acctually see what we were praying, instead of just repeating words blankly as if they had no meaning. I examined most of the prayers and saw their message, and I asked myself if I agreed with them. Those that I agreed with i said, those I didnt, I didnt. Then I started listening to religious arguments, news, events, started joining a few religious clubs, started paying attention in Christianity class. I began to google several arguments, looking at all the answers given. I began to pray every night and every morning. Now I consider myself very close to God, but i know i can always get closer and Im still trying!
provita: so what your saying is, you hav'nt come to terms with your own mind yet.
it sounds strange that your own imagination is'nt allowing you to be more imaginative.
anybody else could/would stick like glue to their god, as it is their own personal delusion, but you say your not close enough yet, WOW! strange.
TheAlphaWolf said:
no, it means god isn't nice/that he created all organisms in the earth as they are right now.

me))so are you presuming a 'creator God', and/or rejecting your IDEA of a 'creator God'?

the point that science is the only way to truth was separate than from the point of the parasite.
And I disn't say science can lead to ALL the answers, but it's the only way we humans have to the real answers.

me))that sounds like a bit of a contradiction. what are not-right answers then. what are answers got not verified by materialistic science which you consider wrong?

The others aren't answers... or at least not the correct answers. If they somehow happen to be right, it's because of mere coincidence and nothing else.
but how do you KNOWif science can't answer them??
Godless said:
Look in the mirror!. :)

god is the creator.

did you create your body?
did you create the earth?

you did.
when you know your true self.
you are god.
there is only one self, in many forms.

but never have i seen myself in the mirror.
i only see two eyes from which i look at the world.

something interesting to read?

quoted from above link


It is easy to make an argument for God’s existence from a cosmological standpoint. As the years have gone by, a growing amount of scientific data has accumulated which negates atheistic assumptions about how matter and the cosmos came into existence and how it has arrived at its present condition. As a science teacher and public lecturer on the compatibility of belief in God and science, I have, been impressed with an increasing awareness on the part of many scientists and theologians that [B]science and religion are symbiotic disciplines.[/B]One question which inevitably comes up in a discussion of this nature is what is the origin of God? If God created matter/energy, and designed the systems that have propelled matter into its present arrangement, who or what accomplished that for God? Why is it any more reasonable to believe that God has always “been” than it is to say that matter has always “been”? As Carl Sagan has said, “If we say that God has always been, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always been?” (Cosmos, p. 257).

From a purely scientific standpoint, it is easy to demonstrate that matter cannot be eternal in nature. The universe is expanding from what appears to be a beginning point in space/time, which appears to be a one time event. Hydrogen is the basic fuel of the cosmos, powering all stars and other energy sources in space. If the fuel of the universe has been used eternally, that fuel will eventually be depleted, but the evidence is that the cosmological gas gauge, while moving toward “empty,” is yet a long way from being there—a condition incompatible with an eternal universe. The second law of thermodynamics insists that the cosmos is moving toward a condition of disorder, sometimes referred to as “heat death.” Even in an oscillating universe, things ultimately run out of energy and “die.” All of these evidences, and several others we have not made reference to, show that matter cannot be eternal, as Dr. Sagan and his associates would like to believe. However, this does not mean that we automatically accept the hypothesis that God is the Creator. Why is it not equally invalid to suggest that God has always been?

The problem here is that many people have a mistaken concept of God. If we conceive of God as physical, anthropomorphic (like man) being, the question of God’s origin is valid. However, such a concept of God is alien to the Bible and to common sense. Consider the following descriptions of God from the Bible:

John 4: 24
God is a Spirit:...
Matthew 16:17
...for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my father which is in heaven.

Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that He should...;

Obviously, the descriptions and concepts of God given in these passages are that God is a spiritual entity. He exists outside of the three-dimensional, physical world in which we live.
The Bible further supports this concept of God in the following passages:

Jeremiah 23:23-24
Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? ...Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.
2 Chronicles 2:6
But who is able to build a house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain Him?...

Acts 17:28
For in Him we live, and move, and have our being;...

Not only is God described as being outside space, but He is also described as being outside of time. Consider the following:

2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Psalm 90:4
For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

Psalm 102:27
But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.

Acts 1:7
...It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His power.

If God is a being that is unlimited in time, and if He has access to every piece of time as if it were now, the question of who created God is an invalid question. The problem is like asking a student to draw a four-sided triangle. The terminology is self-contradictory.
When asked “Who or what created God?,” we are making the assumption that God was created. If God exists outside of time and space, and if He is the Creator of time and space, He obviously was not created! God began the beginning! This is why He says, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

God created time. The statement of Genesis, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,” is making reference to the creation of time. The reason that things like heat death, the expansion of the universe, and the depletion of hydrogen do not apply to God is because He is outside of time. God has always been. He not only began time; He will also end it. When time ends, all matter and all mankind will enter eternity—a timeless condition free of the negative things that time brings upon us now.

2 Peter 3:10-11
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,...
Revelation 21:4
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.