How did Noah fit all those animals on the ark?

Do you think there is or was life on Mars? There's a canyon there 4x the size of the Grand Canyon. Or do you think Earth is the only planetoid in the solar system that has had its topography changed by God personally?
But lots of cultures around the world have flood myths...that indicates that there probably was some huge flood a long time ago.....
It indicates that lots of cultures around the world experienced floods.
It doesn't indicate that they all experienced the same flood.

There's almost nothing similar in the Epic of Gilgamesh and Noah's Ark besides there being a flood....

A flood sent by God to destroy all humans.
And a man on a mission from God... save his family
...and his cattle
...and every living thing building a boat according to specific instructions
... ...including a roof
... ...and a single window
... ...and sealed with pitch
... ...including the door
And running aground on a mountain.
And a dove that returned.
And a raven that didn't.
And a sacrifice to God...
... who smelled the sweet aroma
... and blessed the boatman
... and swore to remember, and not send such a flood again
... and preached about punishment in kind ("Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed")

But other than that, the stories aren't that similar :rolleyes:
What is the supposed evidence that fish can turn into humans?

There is none, because fish DID NOT turn into humans. If you knew more than a fourth grader about evolution you might have avoided asking a stupid question.

Fish ------> Amphibians -------> Reptiles --------> Mammals and Birds

Hopefully this basic illustration will help you.
Does the tooth fairy offer eternal life with the Creator? Didn't think so.

Ah, so you only believe for personal gain? Basically you would believe in the tooth fairy if she offered eternal life? Weak.

Correct, and if, being quizzed on whether he did or not, you answered "no", you would be incorrect...

Clearly you missed the point.
IAC, you still haven't responded to my earlier post about how sedimentary rock actually was formed.

Is this because it makes your odd theory look foolish, or is it because you just haven't read it?

Here it is again:

"The sediments that covered the roots of these ancient mountains were deposited by a series of advancing and retreating ocean coast lines. As the climate of our planet warms and cools the median sea level of the planet rises and falls due to the melting and freezing of the polar caps. When the sea level rises, land areas which are close to the coast and relatively low in altitude are sometimes submerged. This was the case with the land area of the Grand Canyon and is why so many different sedimentary rock layers exist. Each of these was formed by a different period in which the ocean moved in and covered the land, stayed for a while, and then retreated again. Limestone deposits are created when the ocean moves in and slates, shales and mudstone deposits are created when the ocean moves out and the area is covered by silts washing into the retreating ocean."

I know you don't know much about geology IAC, but please respond to this.
The mountains rose at the close of the Deluge, according to the geology.

According to the geology which you invented in your mind to rationalize the myth of Noah's ark.

See IAC, the Old Testament was compiled after hundreds of years of editing, reediting, shifting, changing, altering, and translating. Which is why of course there are three or more separate versions of the OT (The Jewish, The Muslim, The Christian). Most of Genesis through Deuteronomy is oral tradition written down by later writers. If Moses did actually write anything, it is unlikely that what he actually wrote didn't get skewed or altered far beyond what it was originally.
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You have the benefit of the NT to help give you a panoramic overview of Redemptive history, why not use what God has given you--instead of looking ridiculous...


Out of the 8,000 plus verses of Genesis through Dueteronomy, you have pulled out FOUR weak, vague, supposed "prophesies" of Jesus.

When in fact, the four weak verses you have provided do nothing to support your case as I have clearly pointed out in the previous post.

The "Prophet" mentioned in Deuteronomy was much more likely referring to Joshua than to Jesus, and many Christians will tell you this who understand the OT, and not simply claim to.

You are telling me that out of 8,000 plus verses allegedly written by Moses, you cannot give me ONE verse which prophesizes a "Son of God," a "Redeemer," or a "Saviour"?

That is pretty ridiculous my friend.
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Joshua was never seen as Messianic by the Jews.

Which is exactly why Moses never made any mention of a "messiah" in his "prophesy" of Joshua. Thank you furthering my point.

Let me update you on the scripture Ice:

Deut 18:15-19
15 "The LORD your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your brethren. Him you shall hear, 16 according to all you desired of the LORD your God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, 'Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, nor let me see this great fire anymore, lest I die.' 17 "And the LORD said to me: 'What they have spoken is good. 18 I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him.

Prophet = Joshua