How did Jesus save us?

I don't understand why somone had to be brutally murdered for people to be saved. If god wanted to forgive your sins couldn't he just forgive them. It seems like a setup to me, like good-cop bad-cop. God is all unreasonable and shit and then jesus comes in and says "hey, don't worry i'm on your side, just sign the confession and I'll make sure you don't do any time."
Edit: Snakelord, I really enjoyed your post prior to this one. It is such an entertaining thing to do: phrasing simply the bizarre beliefs of the insane

Cool.. :) Here's the quick version just for fun:

god being has lived forever and ever. He gets bored "halfway through eternity", (an impossibility but nevermind), and makes a couple of humans, lots of trees, animals and the only talking snake in the known universe. Snake teaches mankind morals, god being gets pissed off, curses the humans and the only talking snake in the known universe. People work together, (babel), god being gets pissed off and confuses them. Hitler dislikes jews and kills a few million, god hates them more and kills them all.

god being frees jews from slavery, jews would rather be back in slavery than with god. god hands down laws, people don't like this god very much so decide to worship a cow instead. god kills some more people. And some more..

god fucks a human, has mini-god. god gets man to kill mini-god which somehow means man is now forgiven for sin. mini-god walks again only to tell people that his father plans to annihilate everyone and destroy the cosmos. Eventually the dead rise and an elite few get to live in a city of gold and rubies while fortune tellers and dogs are forced to remain outside.

A truly awesome story if ever there was one.
I don't understand why somone had to be brutally murdered for people to be saved. If god wanted to forgive your sins couldn't he just forgive them. It seems like a setup to me, like good-cop bad-cop. God is all unreasonable and shit and then jesus comes in and says "hey, don't worry i'm on your side, just sign the confession and I'll make sure you don't do any time."

Jesus dieing for our sins was just a bit of spin. It's emotive, so it works.
What's the big deal with jesus dying for our sins? How was that so-called sacrifice anything more or less than any parent giving their life to save a child or even a stranger? In fact, jesus knew he was going to heaven right? He was just going home. The rest of us don't have that certainty. Our sacrifices are much more genuine than his.

Note: I don't even believe this jesus person existed. Makes for an interesting myth though.
In fact, jesus knew he was going to heaven right? He was just going home. The rest of us don't have that certainty.

Good and interesting point. Also, if it was impossible for Jesus to sin, then this further takes away from the signifigance of his life and death.
First of all, you have to show proof that jesus even existed in the first place, since there is no evidence that this character existed, and he is not the only demi-g0d to have supposedly existed, how the hell we know wether he knew he was going to "heaven?" or was satan or scoundrel?
First of all, you have to show proof that jesus even existed in the first place, since there is no evidence that this character existed, and he is not the only demi-g0d to have supposedly existed, how the hell we know wether he knew he was going to "heaven?" or was satan or scoundrel?

My guess would be that Paul was similar to Joseph Smith. A charismatic, half-crazy con-man.
He didn't, it was a plan of God for you to believe in something you have no idea.
M*W: Oh, please! You people make me sick! There is no "god," and there is no "savior." Get a life, all of you!
People, people...
Don't derail Jesus and God in this thread because you can do it in another. The question specifically deals with Jesus' sacrifice with a few Biblical assumptions.

Since you're an active member Medicine Woman, I hate to say anything, but seriously! What's the point in saying "Get a life" when someone sincerely asks a question?
People, people... Don't derail Jesus and God in this thread because you can do it in another. The question specifically deals with Jesus' sacrifice with a few Biblical assumptions.

Since you're an active member Medicine Woman, I hate to say anything, but seriously! What's the point in saying "Get a life" when someone sincerely asks a question?

M*W: Prove to me that Jesus existed, then we can discuss whether Jesus was sacrificed for humanity.

BTW, basing one's perceived existence or sacrifice on "assumptions" is incredibly stupid.

No one here could "derail Jesus" anymore than we could "derail" Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn. The story (i.e. the assumptions) is what derails Jesus.
Greetings lixluke,

There is no historical evidence for Jesus.
Only anonymous legends from long afterwards.

All you have done is quote from your Christian LEGENDS as "proof" of the very same legends.

Completely circular.
Completely useless argument.


Of course it does.
It means "Jesus died for YOU". Duh.

What did his death do to save me exactly?

That's the point - it makes NO SENSE.

And, when asked to explain what "died for you" means - all you can do is bleat "he died for you" AGAIN.

You can't explain it.
Because it can't be explained.
Because it's nonsense.


there was a man, and this was a proven fact. He died for three days then was ressurected back to life. this happened this century ''does that mean he was without sin'' and for the record there may have bin others

If it was proven, everyone would agree.
But they DON'T.

Only faithful Christians agree with all that.
Clear evidence that it's a merely a faithful belief of Christians.


Because the majority of stories have a base of reality.


Such as Krishna ?
James Bond?
Bilbo Baggins?
Harry Potter?

Do you think they are based in treality?


If You take a test sample of authors of fiction you will find that a high degree of them were inspired by real events. If You take a test sample of authors of fiction you will find that a high degree of them were extrapolating supernatural additions to real events.


And when we check the NT stories - we find they have the characteristics of fiction and myth.

The Gospels are religious mythology.


Alexander the Great, was great, but not great enough to influence calendar systems to revolve around his birth/death. He proceeded Jesus by 300 yrs and his stomping ground was much more extensive than palestine.

Ah, the old DATE argument - how silly.

our months are named after old Roman Gods - e.g. the month of June is named after Juno.

Therefore, according to YOUR argument - Juno is real.

Our days are named after old Gods too - e.g. Thursday is named after Thor.

Therefore, according to YOUR argument - Thor is real.

It should be clear that your argument is nonsense.

Jesus as an actual person, existing, isn't hard to accept unless you have some super-natural disposition to hate jesus, and the very idea thereof.(exceeding that which is natural i.e. posting about how jesus is fake some 100 times over, never fainting, anti-jesus links ready to Ctrl + paste to everythread, etc.)

So you faithful keep saying.
you can't provide any historical evidence.
Just preaching from your holy book.

Go visit bethlehem, go to the galilee, and nazareth. Even Jerusalem. It's not hard to see the effect Jesus had on the communities, people, culture, and idea itself.

Go visit India.
See the effect that Krishna had.
Therefore Krishna is real.

Go visit Greece.
See the effect that Odysseus had.
Therefore Odysseus is real.

Go visit Egypt.
See the effect that Osiris had.
Therefore Osiris is real.

Your argument is total nonsense.

It amounts to claiming that :
"if people believe it, then it must be true"
(except OTHER beliefs, which are not true.)

Do you believe in Krishna?

Do you believe in Osiris?

Do you believe in Odysseus?

But you believe in Jesus...

They are just the same type of legendary religious stories which the same amount of historical evidence.



If you had a way to prove that it was all a myth...

If you had a way to prove Krishna was a myth...

You don't.

Therefore, according to YOUR argument, Krishna and his miracles were real.

If you had a way to prove Osiris was a myth...

You don't.

Therefore, according to YOUR argument, Osiris and his miracles were real.

Your argument is backwards.

If YOU claim Jesus existed, then YOU must provide the evidence.

But all we get from the faithful is more PREACHING.

Over and over,
on and on and on,
ad nauseum...

Because there is NONE.

Jesus is a myth.


Krishna is reputed to have died at the time that the original Dwarka was submerged by sea level rise (when the Ice Age ended). There are six citadels on each side of the now submerged lower portion of the Gomati River, just off shore from present day Dwarka,

According to legends ...

so Krishna apparently died circa 1500 B.C.

So the estimated, speculated date of Krishna varies by over a 1000 years. Some sources say he was born 3228 BCE.

Our sources are from 1000s of years later.

Do you really believe Krishna existed?
