Mythical or not, Christianity should be able to provide a logical reason as to why the life and death of Jesus saved us. In one response, I read that because of Jesus's life and death, mankind has been "redeemed," and not automatically "saved." So this means that the only way God was going to forgive mankind (for supposedly Adam and Eve's Sin) is if Jesus lived a sinless life? First off, according to the bible it's not any of our faults that we are sinners to begin with. It's Adam and Eve's fault. So God is essentially forgiving us and "redeeming" us for something we didn't even do through Jesus?
Secondly, many Christians state that Jesus is in the holy trinity, and is basically God himself. So no kidding he wasn't going to sin as a man because God/Jesus is obviously far more skilled than we are at not sinning, and I guarentee you no normal man will ever even come close to Jesus on the sin scale. So really the idea that God came down as man and showed off his superior ability to "not sin" doesn't show how he saved or "redeemed" anyone. I can't see how God was impressed with what Jesus did in liveing a sinless life, because Jesus was basically God. Now if a normal human lived a sinless life, that would a cause for redeeming mankind.
Also, in one response it is noted that because of Jesus, now heaven is opened back up to us. So does this mean classic biblical figures such as Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, etc. could not enter heaven because Jesus hadn't yet died for their sins? Also, it seems unfair that all the "old testament" crew had to do was believe in a God, which is sometimes a difficult task in itself. But now Christians not only have to believe in a God, but they also must believe in another far-fetched 2 century old story of Jesus as well? And if they don't they go to hell. That doesnt seem fair to me.