How did God come to be?


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
A good question, no? Yet it is often one that is neglected by theists; how did God come to be? It's very difficult wrapping my brain around the "eternal" simply is impossible. How can something be eternal? It would seem that the alternative, that there was a beginning, is still equally ridiculous; how can something come from nothing?

Yet God, how did He come to be? If God is real, what theories do you have as to the explanation behind his existence?

Here's a thought, based on predictions I make for Human progress:

First, the idea that there are parallel universes must be accepted. Going from this, here's an idea on God:

[Please realize that this is nothing more than idle speculation and I, in no way, propose this as anything more]

In a different universe, there was a civilization that grew and progressed similar to ours. As the civilization made greater strides in technology, they were better able to harness energy and thus had greater control and greater understanding over their physics. Eventually they reached a point where they had complete control over the physics of their universe; God is an individual that, because of technological sophistication, also has similar abilities. He then proceeds, perhaps for experimentation or some other reason altogether, to create another universe, one wherein He has control.

God, then, is explained by technological sophistication.

Although still, for the theists, what is your explanation for how God came to be?

I've proposed that to theists. They ask where that other "universe" came from then insist it all must have come from the 1 genuine god.
i'm answering that in one way in the cow and chicken thread..

but look at it this way..

can a child who just learned 1+1= 2 and 3-2=1 , notice i said "just"..

can he comprehend 1-2=-1??

how much did it take you to truly understand the meaning of limits? infinite series? these might have been easy for you..but i'm sure that in some have stuggled and clutched your fists for not being able to understand it..

you do derstand it after some time of course..but the confusion phase..that's what i'm talking about here..

in the confusion stage something exists yet your logic can't grasp (in that time-phase)..other students DO understand it, and so do teachers..

but for you it soesn't make sense..

what stops something for not making sense for all humans? at all times? to be out of their grasps for eternity?

can you explain color to a blind man?

once he regains his sight, yes.. what if he doesn't regain it ever? what if all humans were blind..does that mean colors don't exist?
can't there be something that exists that requires a level of perception all humans don't have? does that mean that it doesn't exist ?

can a colorful world filled with blind people thrive being treated as if it wasn't colorful? maybe yes maybe no..but i think no, colors aren't that important in a blind world, it is simply irrelative..

is god's inexsistance irrelative?

isn't it the most relative thing in our lives?

purpose, morals, eternal life..that is all tied to god's in/existance..

another face..:

can you distinguish the faces of passengers from the windows of a flying plane, norsfire?
can you see UV, or IR?

can you run at 100km/h for days?

can you hear the footsteps of an ant? a dog whistle?

can you lift a car with your bare hands, crush it, and throw it till it reaches out of town?

in the same way you can't do all these things, because their out of your body's systems capabilities..the same way a brain is flawed, both in capacitance and proccesing..

you can't take a PhD in all sciences taught everywhere in the world, learn all languages, master all arts and memorize all poems..theyre too much..

same way there are some calculations in the world you can't compute..if they are man made (as in a person is who put them) then they might take for eternity..that's why we have computers..

but some calculations are absolutly impossible, like for example (one which matches the simplicity of the OP) you can't compute which side a coin thrown by my hand will fall need to study my arms muscles to the fiber level, measure all waves that go in my body, caused by heartbeats and breathing and other much smaller causes, know exactly how much friction there will be between my joints' bones, the friction between my flesh and the coin, the air currents that will affect the coin while it's airborn, the exact spot the coin will contact the ground and the shape of the surface there, the coin's physical make up, how it will absorb the contact and bounce, the static forces it will sustain...

look at it this way, the more you'll try to group it and put your hands around it the more you relize it is bigger and expands more..

your brain can't do that on paper, i'm sure not even computer, and definitely not your brain..although your brain is the closest..grab an infant and throw a coin in front of his eyes 1000 times a day everyday, and by age 7, you'll be amazed..

the question how did god come to be is the, it is not, it is way much more impossible to reach than my example..

it is just out of the realm of the brain, it is the tip-toeing ant for the ears..the square root of minus two for an 11 year old..

can you define love?

but it doesn't bother you that you can't explain or define those things... you just live with them..

lol, third face..

norsfire, when you KNOW how did god come to be, what are you gonna do? lol then what? what difference does it make? how is anything going to change?

it is useless, meaningless, and down right a waste of's like those old rich guys who got bored of life so sat down and discussed whether adding milk then sugar is better or the opposite..well at least i guess they reached an answer..and they tasted better coffee from that day on..some result..i think they also discussed whether at any second do all four legs of a horse are above the any given time in his running does he actually become "airborne"..they found out using a photography method which is the core of how chemists record reactions that happen in a gzillionth of a second..

4 geezers..

for how long have people been asking that question..what have they come up with?

some thoughts are like reading a book,
some thoughts are like an adventure,
some thoughts are like sitting in front of the tv..

my shoulders hurt me enough not to bother writing a conclusion, and i have to go now..i hope all that writing will yield something..otherwise i might as well just kill myself:D
my shoulders hurt me enough not to bother writing a conclusion, and i have to go now..i hope all that writing will yield something..otherwise i might as well just kill myself:D

Based on the tired arguments you've paraded here, you have no choice but to kill yourself. Please reconsider.
God came from no where. He has always been and always will be. It is something that we as just humans, can't understand. Because we can only define things by our experience. And in our experience all things have a beginning and an end, but God is outside our experience. So don't compare God to human standards. Is what I was taught.

However that story alone, is enough to make one suspect that someone made it up and this was how they covered their tracks, when followers started asking questions.
So don't compare God to human standards. Is what I was taught.

So, you are making claims that god is everywhere, always has been, but we can't see him nor understand him, and we do not question him or his existence.

No one sees gods, no one understands gods, yet we have theists galore who claim he most certainly exists.

That doesn't seem rather odd to you?
So, you are making claims that god is everywhere, always has been, but we can't see him nor understand him, and we do not question him or his existence.

No one sees gods, no one understands gods, yet we have theists galore who claim he most certainly exists.

That doesn't seem rather odd to you?

You forgot how God whimsically answers prayers. It's like being in an abusive relationship.
If you stop asking questions and just accept it as truth, then your life will be grand.
How did God come to be? To me this is the same question as asking; how did the universe come to be? You have to understand that the term "God" is a metaphor for all the things we do not understand (lile the northern lights which are now demystified). To ask this question is to ask; What don't we know?
A good question, no? Yet it is often one that is neglected by theists; how did God come to be? It's very difficult wrapping my brain around the "eternal" simply is impossible. How can something be eternal? It would seem that the alternative, that there was a beginning, is still equally ridiculous; how can something come from nothing?

Assuming that God exists, the best answer I have found for this question is from Aquinas; that God is a necessary truth. Something that cannot not be. That God necessarily exists in the same way that the Mandelbrot set necessarily exists.
However that story alone, is enough to make one suspect that someone made it up and this was how they covered their tracks, when followers started asking questions.

yes it indeed does..

so, what did you do about it?

you figured out that they might be covering their tracks, hence a possibility (a fat one too), they're what did you do?

you sat in your place..

you closed your eyes and slept.

you might as well just follow blindly than see and produce no actions concerning what you saw.


You can't answer the question so stop trying act like you know the answer.

You don't, you just believe.
The best answer since we have no evidence of god and since the question has no answer that can be verified is there is no god.

We can't prove something doesn't exist.

We have to prove something does exist.

All the dancing and hand waving won't change that.
God came as the end of a long evolutionary process in another universe. That's the only one that makes sense. Of course, He couldn't have created that other universe, but hey...
yes it indeed does..

so, what did you do about it?

you figured out that they might be covering their tracks, hence a possibility (a fat one too), they're what did you do?

you sat in your place..

you closed your eyes and slept.

you might as well just follow blindly than see and produce no actions concerning what you saw.


What? What are you saying?

You can't answer the question so stop trying act like you know the answer.

You don't, you just believe.
why are you saying that i don't KNOW?
ok, let's do this another way,

if god exists, suggest a proof for his that isn't very obvious..
The best answer since we have no evidence of god and since the question has no answer that can be verified is there is no god.
how is that the best answer?

that's another funny thing..

if god didn't exist then even believing in him falsly is better for humans..
purpose, morals, fairness.. life would simply suck otherwise..and if it didn't suck, it'll collapse.

so isn't that actually the worst answer?
We can't prove something doesn't exist.
fair enough..i've raved through my brains looking for something, i'll let you know once i find it..if it exists.

but hey, forget proving god doesn't exist..
PROVE the the evidence available for his existance wrong, even then..even you prove all religions wrong, you can't prove god didn't exist..

*hey where did all the atheists go? skinwalker are you reading this?

"absence of evidence is evidence of absense", huh?*

We have to prove something does exist.

All the dancing and hand waving won't change that.

if we can't prove it doesn't exist then you can't prove it exists either..

the fact is, it is provable..
God came as the end of a long evolutionary process in another universe. That's the only one that makes sense. Of course, He couldn't have created that other universe, but hey...
how did you norrow it down to that?

what other possibilities have you considered?

it's the first time i come across such a hypothesis..