How convincing for a proof of UFOs does this sound, AS A WHOLE?

i will read the e-book when i get home adn receive my password.

but scoping out the site and its siter sites, i like what they have to offer.
it could really help us lift the materialism of the world and advance as a WHOLE race.

and guys- please excuse him if he double posts the stuff, hes just trying to open your all's minds. he's just a messenger in other words and got a bit over excited, it happens.
(sometimes i want to double post but i know it will stop potential people from taking my ideas into consideration)

i for one have noticed what these guys call "auras" on people, and i never knew what it was all about- thanks for the info, i can use it now for the better.

from the posts, my current knowledge, and just guessing, i think the book is about alien visitations in the past to interbreed with humans to advance our races, and the different things around that ?
i really want to read it but like VRob said - i dont want to do it from work.
have a nice day everyone
Well there are a few points, admittedly to everyone that reads something along this lines they should look at it from a scientific perspective, this means not to take anything at face value and allow room for facts to emerge.

My personal standpoint I've already admitted, I feel that such books and stories aren't real, and if you were to look at the facts you would probably see the same thing I did too.

Simply put I had a look through the information that was released as apart of the "Freedom of Information Act".

From the information there was one piece on Roswell, and loads of evidence on UFO's after that point in time. The reality for a very high percentage of the UFO's were they were manmade balloons with alsorted objects attached as apart of individuals generating elaborate hoaxes to give their dull lives meaning.

I previously also mentioned that I believe that Roswell was the crash site of a Radiation probe that had been released to fly over Trinity, the site of a nuclear test approx. 3 years earlier, which was carried by the wind across to Roswell.

Since all of the suppose alien abductions, and alien siteings are all based upon the Roswell incident and if it could be proven conclusively that Roswell was a test probe, it would undermine everyone that has ever stated that they have been abducted by aliens.

However I'm not suggesting that people couldn't be abducted, I would state they could be abducted, but such an abduction wouldn't be by aliens and would then start entire other conspiracy theories. (Imagine a spy ring, abducting people so they can implant spy devices into those people without the knowledge of those people)
Stryderunknown said:
Since all of the suppose alien abductions, and alien siteings are all based upon the Roswell incident and if it could be proven conclusively that Roswell was a test probe, it would undermine everyone that has ever stated that they have been abducted by aliens.


This is where you are gravely mistaken. Roswell was esentually dead and buried within weeks of its occurence. Only to be brought back into the headlines in the early 80's. When I say you are mistaken, I'm assuming, that you're assuming the Roswell incident brought the ET idea into everyones mind. Well, nothing could be furthur from the truth. In fact, Kenneth Arnold's sighting had much more to do with its widespread acceptance(at the time) than Roswell ever did.

In addition, it was the Military/Intelligence community who took this subject more seriously than anyone else. Groups after groups were set up to uncover the truth behind the sightings. When the conclusions came forth that there is indeed something very real being witnessed, they began to bury the evidence, and condemn the messanger. This was in the early 50's and it was then that the lid was screwed on tight. It was when Project Sign was changed to Project Grudge, later to be called Project Blue Book. However, ANY incident that was deemed a possible National Security issue(Craft hovering over Nuclear weapons), NEVER made it to Blue Book. Along with hundreds of the more credible incidents.

I find the idea that someone would actually believe the Military's multiple explanations for the Roswell incident to be almost insulting. If you've followed the Roswell incident, along with the Govmt's involvment in the ET subject itself, you'd know that something did crash in Roswell; And it wasn't a balloon of any kind.

Why do you think the military would lie? If they had a captured UFO in 1947, why has conventional warfare been used since that point, admittedly we are getting more advanced now, but why weren't they zapping people in the 50's, 60's and 70's with high powered lazer weapons or something?

Let me put it like this, it's know during the initial stages of nuclear testing that live subjects were tested in regards to the radiation output WITHOUT BEING TOLD. This would cause a whole methodology od secrecy from the numbers of people that would have been outraged at being used as Guinea pigs without their knowledge.

This is why I suggest that Roswell was a Radiation Probe, potentially with monkeys in a balloon to work out how radioactive the surrounding area was to Trinity, and kept secret to stop the unknowing guinea pigs of the tests and public from finding out how dangers the area still was.

If you took the time to look through the reports, you would have noticed that policeman found things like Saw blades that had detached from balloons in the late 1940's, because once the public had heard about Roswell in 1947 they generated 1000's of hoaxes. The reason for the FBI's investigation is simple, How would you like to find that one of your friends or family was decapitated by a falling saw blade from a hoax UFO? Objects that were floated high up could potentially be dangerous to those on the ground.

As for suggesting that no one was seeing UFO's or hoaxing until the 1980's, that's untrue, if you look through the evidence on such things as Project Blue Book you'll notice the numbers of siteings increased over time, and increases in appearances seemed to occur every 5 years (A bit like an anniversary or "Quinversary")

You also seem to miss out something else, take for instance H. G. Wells Radio version of "War of the Worlds" in 1938. How many citizens believed the world was being attacked and actually killed themselves for terror at what the invaders might do.

I'm not suggesting that Aliens don't exist, but I will suggest that alot of fantasy and theory has concocted something that people have turned into something else.

I'm also not suggesting that the Military in any country never lies, but I will suggest they don't lie about things that they don't have reason to lie about.
If you want to disprove my thoughts, just get the weather conditions on the day in question of Roswell, and then apply that information to a map and note contours of rockfaces etc, you will note that a balloon that was let off in Trinity would climb to a high altitude before coming back down to earth.

Also note that if the balloon was negatively polarised from radiation, and it had a cable below it, when the cable eventually touched the ground, it could cause the balloon to explode considering the gases it would contain.
Stryderunknown said:

Why do you think the military would lie? If they had a captured UFO in 1947, why has conventional warfare been used since that point, admittedly we are getting more advanced now, but why weren't they zapping people in the 50's, 60's and 70's with high powered lazer weapons or something?

The Military has been lieing consistently since well before 1947. A better question, why would you trust what the Military tells you?

Who said anything about zapping anyone with lazer weapons??

Also, Why are you assuming we've been able to completely duplicate all the technology we may have found? There have been many technological advances that could be attributed to recovered vehicles. In fact, there have been reports that many of our Stealth planes, in addition to evading radar, can also escape orbit. Now, I'm not 100% convinced of this, but if it was true, why do you think they'd tell us?

Let me put it like this, it's know during the initial stages of nuclear testing that live subjects were tested in regards to the radiation output WITHOUT BEING TOLD. This would cause a whole methodology od secrecy from the numbers of people that would have been outraged at being used as Guinea pigs without their knowledge.

This is why I suggest that Roswell was a Radiation Probe, potentially with monkeys in a balloon to work out how radioactive the surrounding area was to Trinity, and kept secret to stop the unknowing guinea pigs of the tests and public from finding out how dangers the area still was.

This is more of a leap than a recovered off-world vehicle IMO. I'll agree with you that it is certainly within our Leaders capabilities to do these types of tests, but just because they've done this in the past, doesn't make this the explanation for Roswell.

If you took the time to look through the reports, you would have noticed that policeman found things like Saw blades that had detached from balloons in the late 1940's, because once the public had heard about Roswell in 1947 they generated 1000's of hoaxes. The reason for the FBI's investigation is simple, How would you like to find that one of your friends or family was decapitated by a falling saw blade from a hoax UFO? Objects that were floated high up could potentially be dangerous to those on the ground.

I have not heard of 'Sawblades attached to balloons'. But, I find it difficult to believe this was the sole reason the FBI was investigating UFO reports.

As for suggesting that no one was seeing UFO's or hoaxing until the 1980's, that's untrue,

That's not what I said. I said that the Roswell incident was, for the most part, dead and buried following General Roger Ramey's public press conference, explaining to the world that what was found in Roswell was mearly a weather balloon.

if you look through the evidence on such things as Project Blue Book you'll notice the numbers of siteings increased over time, and increases in appearances seemed to occur every 5 years (A bit like an anniversary or "Quinversary")

Project Blue Book was nothing more than a Public debunker organization. Their sole motive was to explain away all reported incidents. Incidently, every incident that had any credibility never made it to Project Blue Book.

You also seem to miss out something else, take for instance H. G. Wells Radio version of "War of the Worlds" in 1938. How many citizens believed the world was being attacked and actually killed themselves for terror at what the invaders might do.

I'm not suggesting that Aliens don't exist, but I will suggest that alot of fantasy and theory has concocted something that people have turned into something else.

I think what you're doing here is using the logic that; Because there are so many kooks associated with this subject, that none of it has any credibility with you. Unfortunately, this is exactly what the Intelligence community set out to do. Disinform, and ridicule any incident that shows any credibility. That, along with having their own agents create outlandish stories, and individuals. This was all done, to remove any trace of credibility the subject may have. Or shall I say, had at one time.

I'm also not suggesting that the Military in any country never lies, but I will suggest they don't lie about things that they don't have reason to lie about.

You don't see a reason why the military would lie about this??? :eek:

How about military superiority throughout the world: Accomplished!
How about economic superiority throughout the world. Accomplished!

We had neither of these 2 things in 1947.

A final note: I find it nearly impossible to believe that leaders of the only military base in the entire world with Atomic weapons, would mistake a weather balloon, or any balloon for that matter, from an unknown vehicle from outer space. It was Col. Blanchard who authorized the initial press release. It was not concocted by the media or anyone else.
I can understand your response being apprehendsive, but to class myself as a "Disinformation agent" would be wrong, wouldn't a disinformation agent be someone that trys to make the common perception of the public to be manipulated for what ever reason they develop? Such as people prenouncing they have been Abducted or have seen aliens?

I haven't attempted to ridicule what people believe, just point out that they should search for answers themselves rather than just "believe", otherwise your just taking stance that goes with the whole superstitious nature of religion etc.

You mention, "Why would someone mistake a weather balloon to be something else?", well my point here is this, the Likelihood is that Scientists from Los Alamos developed a Balloon that could take a mixture of instrumentation and Live guinea pigs over the Trinity test area, and such equipment would potentially have types of Shielding created to try and keep things in one piece during the measurement. Apparently though it wouldn't have been enough shielding because of the crash.

You will then point out, "how comes they didn't know about the tests?", simply it would have been a secret, only those scientists involved originally with the Trinity Testing and those that were allowed to the site would have known about it and they wouldn't have informed other Military sites about what they were up to because of secrecy.

This is also the main reason that secrecy remains, you have to note that the Freedom of Information Act had the results of the FBI investigations, but no information from the Military archives because of their secrecy in nature.
Betty & Barney Hill's story has been brought into serious question by a number of people. The only reason they are still well-known is because they were one of the first abduction stories, and have been greatly publicised.
Stryderunknown said:
I can understand your response being apprehendsive, but to class myself as a "Disinformation agent" would be wrong,

I'm not saying you are a Disinformation agent. What I was saying was that they were used extensively during the 50's in an attempt to remove any credibility the subject had. It was a very successful endeavor. l

You mention, "Why would someone mistake a weather balloon to be something else?", well my point here is this, the Likelihood is that Scientists from Los Alamos developed a Balloon that could take a mixture of instrumentation and Live guinea pigs over the Trinity test area, and such equipment would potentially have types of Shielding created to try and keep things in one piece during the measurement. Apparently though it wouldn't have been enough shielding because of the crash.

I'm not talking about just someone being unable to detect a weather balloon. I'm talking about top military officials at the top military base in the world. In fact, I'm not even specifing 'Weather Balloon' here. What I'm saying is that how could they mistake a balloon of any sort, from a vehicle not of this world? This just doesn't fly with me, and is probably the main reason I can't accept the military's explanation. That, and the fact that they've changed their explanation now 3 times.

You will then point out, "how comes they didn't know about the tests?", simply it would have been a secret, only those scientists involved originally with the Trinity Testing and those that were allowed to the site would have known about it and they wouldn't have informed other Military sites about what they were up to because of secrecy.

I never asked why they didn't know about the tests, I said that I had not heard of 'Sawblades attached to weather balloons'. I'm very much aware of secrecy and the 'Need to know' system the military uses. I'm also very much aware that military records are as meaningless as they come. If it's secret, it's likely to not be recorded. At least not for public consumption.

Once again, the facts as I see them are this: I don't believe the top military leaders at the top military base in the world could mistake a balloon for an off-world vehicle.
James R said:
Betty & Barney Hill's story has been brought into serious question by a number of people. The only reason they are still well-known is because they were one of the first abduction stories, and have been greatly publicised.


What intrieges me about the Betty & Barney Hill story was the fact that Betty was able to indentify and diagram a star system that was unknown to our world at the time. Only about 15 years after their reported abduction was the connection made. In fact, the new found star system, was nearly identical to the one Betty had diagramed for investigators years later.

That's just one the details the debunkers like to keep out of the news.
VRob, I do wonder why you think that Area 51 is the Top Military base, a simple conclusion would be that it isn't for the amount of public interest in the facility. (Like the amount of Satellite photos)

As for Top Military leaders mistaking a balloon, Those leaders are subject to chain of command, where those below them fill them in on the details, therefore if their details were inaccurate to begin with the overall picture becomes warped and those leaders make a decision based upon that warped picture.

How many of those actual leaders actually went to the location at the time?
Those leaders would have made their decision based upon what evidence was collected and brought back to their base of operation at the time, wouldn't that suggest that once they realised it wasn't an Alien spacecraft they would press release such so as to lower public interest?

As for connection you mention to James R between a drawing and a star system, It's not that difficult to find things in the universe around us that match. For instance its very likely for the human mind to manifest faces in shapes because the brain has a particular are that is developed for distinguishing different faces where a kind of "Meta pattern" fits a shape.

Other such areas of coincidence could be the realisation of PI which is used in advanced mathematics and trigonometry.

Another point would be you mention "1 star system was found that matched her diagram", now how many star systems do you think that haven't been discovered yet which also contain the same number. You should note that the number of planetoids within its system isn't exactly a ludicrous number, like 1000's of planets, and there is no detailing on size relationships of planets.

It makes it a coincidence and very similar to the genericism used by "Mystics and Palm Readers".
I think CPT Planet is Desmarquet... The only time he comes around is to sell something.... like that pseudojournal for global warming a while back. What was that about... the Earth exploding?

Wasn't Desmarquet the same kook that wrote "Abduction to the 9th Planet?" Kooks are always trying to sell something.... :)

I don't know where you came up with Area 51, but I'm talking about the Roswell Air Base here. The reason I consider it the top Military base in the world in 1947, was simply because it with the ONLY Military Base in the World that had Atomic weapons stored there. IMO, in 1947, in the infancy of the Atomic age, I really don't think they'd store their Atomic weapons at just any old base, under just any old commander. I agree that the location of the base was a reason, but they're also going to select their top Officers to run such a base.

If you think that only a few of the top Brass handled, or saw the wreckage, then you are very mistaken. I mean no disrespect, but judging by your other comments here, I don't think you're aware of too many of the facts in the Roswell case. The wreckage wasn't handled by just a few. Marcel, the base's intelligence officer and another, were the first to find the debri. They brought back a few boxes back to the base to show to Base commander Col. Blanchard. He then ordered a larger contingent out to the base to investigate, and to keep the local out of the area. There have been dozens upon dozens of Military men who have come forward proclaiming that what they saw, handled, was NOTHING they had ever seen before. It was certainly no balloon. OF ANY KIND.

Now, if it was a balloon, why was it ordered to be transported to both Texas(Gen. Roger Ramey), and Washington immediately? Under heavy guard all the time? Why did 100's of top military/intelligence/political officials suddenly converge onto Roswell during this time? Why were all civilian workers suddenly removed from the base? These are just some of the details that are never addressed. Why? Because they are inconsistent with the recover of a mear Balloon. I don't care how secret this balloon is supposed to be.

Regarding the Star system diagramed by Betty Hill; Well, to be blunt, I think you're making some very rediculous claims, and once again, I don't think you have a clue as to the details of the story. She diagramed a Star system, in detail, that she said the visitors showed her. At the time, it was unknown to us. Years later, another investigator linked the two together. Now, I'm not using this as any type of proof, mearly evidence that's hard to discount.

I think you're taking coincedences a little too far here. Actually, in both of these issues.

The Roswell Incident was a farce, and any coverups would only be made to try and hide up the humiliation of the Army at that time.

As I mentioned Secrecy would be on a "Need to know basis", this means only those involved in a project need to know and those in other bases and even the same base would not be privy to that information.

You state that military men said it was "nothing they had seen before", it was 1947, the war had ended a few years previous and the national draft would still be current even after the war. This means alot of people that weren't old enough to fight during the war became soldiers and would be "base" bound for their duration of service.

There is also the aspect that if the project was something secret they would be told not to talk about what they saw there, now if you have a bunch of press reporters asking what they were doing or what they saw, how do you respond, since they know full well it wasn't nothing. So the answer would be something like "Something I can't describe" or "I've never seen anything like that before".

Most of such people enlisted weren't exctly rocket scientists, they would come from sleepy hamlets where you'd be lucky to have an inside toilet.

As for "Why was it moved at armed guard", your talking about something in a project that was secret from a "need to know basis", those that didn't know would emmidately assume that they were under attack or had found some spy vehicle, so their reaction would be a hastey attempt to defend.

You mention "Why did 100's of top men converge", you seem to neglect that in one instance a number of men would be used as a "cleanup crew", another instance there would have been a large number of civilian spectators trying to get into the site and therefore guards would have been needed.

Lastly, a balloon that had been shifted over a nuclear test area would be suffering from Radiation, therefore it would be dangerous to civilians and military personnel. This would mean that overall containment over the radioactive pieces would require secrecy from not to panic the public.

Again Betty Hill was a coincidence, as I mentioned before it wouldn't take a genius to realise that there would only be a certain number of planetary bodies surrounding a star because of the gravity implications and overal impact upon a stars mass (like solar flares)

For instance I could say an alien told me there is a system out there with seven planets, and then one day someone will find a system that meets the description, does that me I was telling the truth? Did I really hear about that system? Or was it just plain coincidence?
"There have been dozens upon dozens of Military men who have come forward proclaiming that what they saw, handled, was NOTHING they had ever seen before. It was certainly no balloon. OF ANY KIND."

Again, "I've never seen this before, and it's certainly not a balloon! It MUST BE an alien spacecraft." Major stretch in logic.

"I don't care how secret this balloon is supposed to be. "

As you stated, this was at the infancy of the nuclear weapons era. It was also at the beginning of the Cold War. It's a mighty big presumption that any military secret at all would have been allowed to get out, no matter how miniscule.
Well, I'm not going to try and convince those, who have already made up their mind because of what the Military has told them. :bugeye:

Col. Blanchard, who was later promoted to General, stated on his death bed there were recovered bodies(Non-human), and that the Roswell incident was NO Balloon of any kind. I've seen the video, I've researched the evidence. You can go along with the Military's 3rd explanation if you'd like, but IMO you're just continueing the ignorance.
So, you're saying people are foolish for listening to what the military has told them, so we should listen to what a general in the military has to say?
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IMO, testimony from individuals within the military who have the credentials, and when there are others stating the same, along with collaborating evidence, is more credible than the OFFICIAL Military word. I really don't see how anyone can see this differently. Unless of course, you're not familiar with the Military's history of contradictions, lies & deciet.

Is this clear enough for you, or have you read something else into my post?
This, from Kal Korff: " ...excerpts from the military file of Jesse Marcel, excerpts which prove that although Marcel served his country honorably, he was not a credible witness and should not be considered as such. (Despite this fact, Stanton Friedman and other pro-UFO Roswell authors consider his every word to be gospel truth.) The file is extremely incriminating, for it it clearly demonstrates that Marcel had a penchant for exaggerating things while repeatedly trying to "write himself" into the history books. Ironically, Marcel's tendency to exaggerate was specifically noted in his military file by none other than the commander of the base at Roswell at that time, in a review of his performance that was signed just after the incident occurred.

Marcel claimed that he personally flew the UFO wreckage to Carswell AFB. He could not have done so, for he was never a pilot. Despite this, Marcel claimed in numerous interviews with Friedman and former National Enquirer reporter Bob Pratt that he was not only a pilot but had managed to shoot down five enemy aircraft! If so, this would have made Marcel an "ace," a distinction that certainly would have been noted in his military file. Instead, there's no record of this or even anything close, and in fact it was General Ramey who specifically noted in Marcel's file that because he was not a pilot, he would be severely limited in his career opportunities in the Air Force. It's no wonder, then, that Marcel would later "blame" Ramey for the "UFO coverup" at Roswell.

Marcel claimed he had a bachelor's degree in physics and even named the universities he attended. However, when I checked with those institutions, I discovered that one of them he never attended, and he never finished his education at the other. Curiously, while Marcel blatantly lied to UFO researchers such as Friedman about his mythical educational background, he never dared make such false claims to the military. Indeed, in signed statements contained in Marcel's military file, he replies "none" when asked under oath if he had a college degree. "