How convincing for a proof of UFOs does this sound, AS A WHOLE?

Captain Planet

Registered Member
I found this recently on the net:

I read it online and was amazed by it. I'm not normally a person
who is easily led to 'believe this or that', and at the start I didn't even want to read this. But then I read it once or twice and realised this 'tale', when I thought about it carefully, could not have been just 'invented' as a story - there is too much coherence in it. Ofcourse, people are free to judge what they want - but odds are enormous that the guy actually DID go and DO what he described. To put it into perspective, say we compare ALL stories of UFO abductions - and I've read many - this one wins by miles and something about it is SPECIAL. I cannot say it any other way, and, for example, there could be mind-boggling implications for science if the stuff in that book is verified or perhaps even used to advance science.

I'm seeking some opinions on this tale of UFo abduction, as I found it the best ever - with a high chance of it being true.
Quote from that site:

If for any reason you feel uneasy to reveal your email address - you are not yet ready to read this book.

Exactly that clause made me uneasy to reveal my email to them.:rolleyes:

I'm seeking some opinions on this tale of UFo abduction, as I found it the best ever - with a high chance of it being true.

How do you infer that it has a high chance of being true? It could be pure fiction, for all you know.

Many of the abduction stories are unexplainable, particularly when the "missing time" aspects are thought of. Sometimes people are missing for several days before they are found. This is perhaps one of the most tangible things the UFO cases have going for it in fact. You can say "Oh they faked it" and the like but that's not going to change the verdict of the psycologist community, which as far as I know, thinks that either some kind of bizzar subconcious phenomenon is happening, or UFO abductions are real.

In either case, it's not something that's simply explainable as "Oh, they lied."

This statement:

I'm not normally a person who is easily led to 'believe this or that

...contradicts this statement:

odds are enormous that the guy actually DID go and DO what he described.

...and this statement:

I found it the best ever - with a high chance of it being true.

For someone who is not easily led to 'believe this or that,' you've certainly chosen to believe 'this' nonsense (alien abduction) and 'that' load of crap (Thiaoouba). Unfortunately, I've heard better 'pitches' from used car salesmen. Quit your day job. ;)
I had a quick flick through some of the pages.

A nice work of fiction, definitely worth a visit but you wouldn't want to live there.

The point I pulled upon was the entire "Living out of time", the point was that I have theories previously how to create a time bubble out of our timeline, it's one that could be punched between parallel "Stepped" layers, but anything that exists within that bubble would age but in relativity to taking a timepiece into it.

That pretty much provided me with a thought along the lines of bogus.

Although I've said many sketchy things, my reason is that it's a logical progression from looking at something without knowing how it works to reverse engineering it to prove how something else can utilise it.

Just don't skip town and start chasing comets okay?
I'm reading through it but can't say there's anything here that doesn't belong in a scifi book. What 'proof' is here that I can't find on another thousand paranormal websites?
If this book was so important that everyone should read it, why do I need to provide my email address? Why is it not make free for all?

It couldn't be that the author is trying to make money out of this, could it?
To James R.

you need to provide an email address so that you can 'ACTUALLY RECEIVE THE PASSWORD'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without providing ANY email address, you cannot get a free password and as such cannot read the book!!!!!!! If you cannot understand this, I'm sorry, but there's nothing else I can do.
To Pollux V (Pollux B):

the proof is the whole story in ALL. Read it and then think about how it all clicks together. I suppose that when people NORMALLY consider accounts of abduction as 'sci-fi books', then when suddenly someone really goes somewhere, then it is, I admit, difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. But as I said - the book speaks for itself and it is the COHERENCE of info that is the proof. Although there was no physical proof (for the reasons that the author describes in the book) - all the intellectual proof is there. Just read it all ONCE FROM START TO FINISH, non-judgementally. Approach it as if your own mother wrote a book and told you "this is what happened to me last week".
What gets me with the Thiaoouba prophecy book is, among a few things, the question of where the blue eyed Caucasians came from. It talks about the "yellows" and "blacks" (and how they got together and made the Jewish race), but the writer/s of this book sidestep the question of the Caucasians. Where did they come from?

Overall, I found the book to be merely preachy and depressing. All these races of people (distant relatives of us) nearly destroyed each other with nukes. The Thiaooubians stepped in to help when the people (in what is now called Africa) were sacrificing their people in rituals, and that is a little thing compared to worldwide annihilation via nukes. Why didn't they step in when they nuked each other?
James R,
You should know that your e-mail address is cross referenced with the large database to work out who the conspirers that keep everything secret ... blah blah!

I think this book was "advertised" previously here on the board, there are alot of books out there on similar subjects but you have to look it at it like this:

Everybody on this planet wants to make a living out of something, if they are no good with their hands, they don't want to wash dishes or do heavy manual labour, perhaps they might be using certain medical loopholes to get around the social system for support, this only leaves one way for a person to make money without undermining there current scam, and thats telling stories, since interesting ones people buy.
Many of the abduction stories are unexplainable, particularly when the "missing time" aspects are thought of. Sometimes people are missing for several days before they are found.

It could be possible that those guys are really being abducted or they have some psychiatric problems like:
  • schizophrenia
  • Dream Disturbances
  • Sleep Walking
  • Extreme cases of Paranoid

Abduction might be true,other explainations might be too.But what really bothers me is that when Abductees see these things,they would straight away go to Budd Hopkins and people like that...I dont understand this.In long run people like those might be lured to live in Hallucinating world even if they are not the real abductees(if there is one such group)...


There are only 2 abduction stories that hold any credibility with me. The Travis Walton story, and Betty & Barney Hill. Now, I'm not saying all the others are a bunch of hogwash, or that these 2 are absolute proof of abductions, but these 2 are the only one's that have intrieged me.

I'll take a look at the web site when I get home tonight. I don't want to use my work e-mail.
Stryderunknown said:
and thats telling stories, since interesting ones people buy.

People have been telling and perhaps selling stories since there were two. And will continue to do so until there is one. :D