How come theists take offense so readily, and how to avoid offending them?

There can only be flaws compared to an ideal. I suggest there is no such thing as an ideal human.

you're talking to an idealist. lol. i think there is an ideal human. it is one who is entirely free.
Can you imagine being in a society with people like Sandy? That's scary. Real scary.

Yeah, all that happiness, peace, joy, prosperity, worshipping, and living for Jesus in beautiful guarded/gated, perfect, pure, crime-free communities. Yeah, it's rough. And scary.:D
I am not a theist but an on-fire-for-Jesus Born-Again Christian. Nothing offends me. Getting offended is against God's Word.
God gets offended right and left in the Bible

It does irritate me when ignorant people pretend to know anything about God/Jesus Christ. It's like nails on a chalkboard when I hear someone say something stupid about them.

I thought you just said you never got offended? :bugeye:
M*W: It concerns me, because christians are a part of society. This is dangerous. Can you imagine being in a society with people like Sandy? That's scary. Real scary.

some of us don't have to imagine we live in the deep south. there have been times where I would normally speak my mind but didn't for fear for my safety because people like her were around.
you're talking to an idealist. lol. i think there is an ideal human. it is one who is entirely free.

I'm an idealist too, but my ideal social organization accounts for human nature, which I don't expect to change anytime soon.
why do you need a scientific study for everything? do you have no perception?

If you're asking me if I can observe the world around me, the essence of a scientific study, yes.

life is a scientific study; take a look around.

Yes, and it is interesting to note that very little if nothing at all of what you claim of the world around us is simply not there when observation is applied.

Funny that.
you're being a troll Q.

I'm terribly sorry, please don't hit me. Jesus doesn't like it when you hit dumb animals.

Btw, I just wanted to let you know that I made it through another day of not stealing anything, raping or murdering anyone and most importantly... I made it through another day without your god.

Life is good. :D
Yeah? Why would I ever want to stop offending the most offensive and divisive group on the planet? I'd personally love to offend them right off the planet.
Originally Posted by sandy
Yeah, all that happiness, peace, joy, prosperity, worshipping, and living for Jesus in beautiful guarded/gated, perfect, pure, crime-free communities. Yeah, it's rough. And scary.
And don't forget the BJs. Eternal BJs. Mmmmmmm...
that's what you think. but you don't make it through any day without god, you just don't know it.

Didn't you know, Lori, that it is Allah who controls every aspect of your life? Islam has taken the place of Christianity as it came afterward and does not recognize Christ as the son of god, because Allah cannot have a son.

You just don't know it.
Like I said in the OP: because of the grave consequences an offender is threatened with.

Is that the only reason? You're okay with being offensive if you can get away with it then? No tendencies toward martyrdom?
Is that the only reason? You're okay with being offensive if you can get away with it then? No tendencies toward martyrdom?

Hm. No, I don't like being offensive and I don't want to be offensive.

But it is hard to know what is offensive to whom and how to avoid it, given that people take offense at all kinds of things.

Asking what someone finds offensive or if they took offense at something one did seems to be especially offensive to some. Apparently, one is supposed to read minds, not ask any questions, and act as the other person wishes (without being allowed to ask what that actually is).

Which makes for an insane situation where no matter what I would do would be wrong.

The insanity is compounded infinitely with theists, given that they have an omnipotent deity on their side and one is facing the threat of being damned for all eternity.
Hm. No, I don't like being offensive and I don't want to be offensive.

If it is not your intention to be offensive, then its simply a case of trial and error. Being offended is such a subjective phenomenon that you could not possibly have a set of rules that would make you inoffensive under any circumstances. Most people appreciate good intentions and civility and good manners can take you far in most situations. Even a soft suggestion that it is not your intention to offend will work out with most people.

If nothing else works, do what I do, keep your opinion to yourself when in the company of strangers.:D